Our Visitors want us to refer professional services, so we now offer advertising (Terms + Conditions)
The majority of people searching the Internet are looking for fast answers. Most of them will never hire you, and much of your Google Adwords budget is wasted on people who click away (like maniacs) just looking for information which we provide for FREE.
We answer 36,000 enquiries every day (10 million annually) ~ and our 3% best, self-vetted leads instantly forward to you.
‘Self-vetted’ Leads
We provide free quality legal answers. No gimmicks. Our information satisfies the needs of most Users, and holds their attention until they decide their next course of action. We filter out the ‘information hunters’ so that only those who still consider, or intend to hire a professional will then ‘phone or click’ to connect with you.
Our Users bypass Google
The majority (68%) of our 3.5 million annual Users are referred to us directly from one of our 8,000 partners who proudly distribute our flyers and hot-link to us. Our Users are not on Google when they make the decision to hire you, so your competition is extremely limited.
Don’t compete with everyone on Google
We make it easy for you because we keep our website clutter free and we limit competition — maximum 3 competitors per area of law per province. Reduced competition means more business for you.
Gain instant recognition as our Expert
Our Users get the answers they need, and we earn their trust. This trust is then passed on to our advertisers, giving you instant credibility… making it faster and easier to turn our referrals into clients.
FREE Google clicks
Legal Line has a high Google Authority top ranking of 50 because we had over 10 million ‘organic’ page views last year. Google attributes the same credibility to our advertisers who have a backlink from within our answers. As a result, our advertisers have jumped from as far back as page 8 on a Google search to page ONE. By coming up higher on Google searches organically, you will: (i) get free Google clicks, (ii) be seen as more credible by Google users (as opposed to paid advertisers), and (iii) reduce your Adwords spending.
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