Area of Law: Employment Law
Answer # 613
Requirements to continue receiving EI benefits
Region: Ontario Answer # 613Employment Insurance (EI) benefits are paid to people who are looking for work and who are not earning an income. You are not entitled to receive benefits without meeting these two requirements. To make sure that you do meet these requirements and are eligible to receive regular EI benefits, you must complete an online application with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).
Whether you have been fired or are away from work for an extended period, for reasons such as maternity leave or illness, it is important to know your rights and responsibilities. To get help, ask a lawyer now.
EI reports
Once you apply for EI benefits and are approved, you are required to complete and submit EI reports to ESDC in order to continue to prove you are eligible and to receive benefits.
During the period your EI claim is active, you must submit reports every two weeks. You can submit these reports online using the EI Internet Reporting Service, or by phone, using the EI Telephone Reporting Service. On your EI reports, you must indicate whether you:
- were outside Canada during the period of the report,
- worked or received earnings, including self-employment earnings,
- started a full-time job,
- attended school or a training course,
- were ready, willing, and capable of working each day, and
- received or will receive money other than that already reported.
All of these factors will help determine how much and for how long you will receive benefits.
Whether you file your reports online or by telephone, you will need an Access Code and your Social Insurance Number. Once you have applied for benefits, you will be mailed an EI benefit statement that will provide you with this Access Code and will tell you the date you have to submit your first EI report.
Making false statements
If you make a false statement at any time while applying for benefits or reporting your situation, there may be penalties that include losing your benefits, having to pay back money you collected, or being prosecuted for a criminal offence. If you forget to report something or make a mistake in reporting, you should inform Employment and Social Development Canada immediately. As long as you come forward on your own, and they have not started to investigate you, they may decide not to penalize you or prosecute you.
Get help.
A criminal record will appear on an employment police check and will affect your ability to get or keep a job. To erase your criminal record, learn more at Pardon Partners. It’s easier than you think.
Whether you have been fired or are away from work for an extended period, for reasons such as maternity leave or illness, it is important to know your rights and responsibilities. To get help, ask a lawyer now.
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