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Region: Ontario Answer # 522

The offence of speeding is committed when a driver drives at a speed above the legal limit. It is also an offence to drive so slowly that you block traffic. Speeding tickets are usually the result of a police radar check. It is difficult to fight a speeding ticket if the police have radar evidence against you.

If you have been charged with a criminal offence, it is important to hire an experienced criminal defence lawyer as soon as possible.

The only possible defence to a speeding ticket is that you were not speeding. This means that you must argue that the evidence against you is wrong. You could try arguing that the radar measurement is somehow flawed or mistaken. It is difficult to defend yourself using this argument. Alternatively, you can plea bargain with the prosecutor. A plea bargain is where you make a deal with the prosecutor that they reduce the charge against you, and in exchange you agree to plead guilty. For example, they might reduce your speeding ticket to a lower speed. If you would like to plea bargain, you should talk to the prosecutor.


If convicted of speeding, the penalty is usually a fine.  You may also receive between three and six demerit points. The demerit points and fine you could receive are determined by the speed you were traveling over the posted speed limit:

  • 3 points for going over the speed limit by 16 to 29 kilometres per hour
  • 4 points for going over the speed limit by 30 to 49 kilometres per hour
  • 6 points for going over the speed limit by 50 kilometres per hour or more

If you are repeatedly convicted of speeding offences, your licence could be suspended. For more information on the penalties for speeding, visit ontario.ca

For more information regarding the rules of the road and driver safety, contact the Ministry of Transportation.

Get help

If you have a criminal record because of a criminal driving offence (or any other criminal charge), and wish to erase your record, call toll-free 1-888-808-3628 or learn more at Pardon Partners. It’s easier than you think.

For help with a traffic ticket, contact our preferred Highway Traffic paralegals, Nicola (Nick) Giannantonio Legal Services.

A small traffic ticket can have big consequences.  Don’t take the risk.  Let our preferred traffic defence experts fight for you. Contact Calvin Barry Lawyers for a free consultation at 416-938-5858 .

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