
Trademark infringement

Region: Ontario Answer # 313

Trademark infringement occurs when someone uses a trademark without the permission of the owner. The Office of the Registrar of Trademarks, run by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office, will not prevent other people from infringing on your trademark. It is up to the owner of the trademark to ensure that no one else uses it. You should also watch out for trademarks that could be confused with yours.

What to do if someone infringes your trademark

If someone infringes your trademark, you should consider contacting a trademark lawyer to take legal action against them. If the infringement is proven, the court can order them to stop using your trademark and to pay you compensation.

For more information, refer to the Canadian Intellectual Property Office.

For information about intellectual property investigations, click here.

To conduct an investigation regarding intellectual property infringement, and for other investigation services, contact our preferred Investigators, MADPI GLOBAL .

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