Government and Agency Partner Testimonials
Please send us more flyers. Our people like them.
Patricia Mosely
Honorary Consul
Consulate of Barbados in Vancouver
We learned about Legal Line from local diplomats who cooperated with your organization. Flyers will be available at our (6) offices across Canada. Please send flyers in Polish and English. Our clients are struggling with various problems in the field of immigration and family law – often a legal consultation with a local specialist is required.
Sandra Jędrzejczyk
Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in British Columbia
The U.S. Consulate General in Toronto provides a variety of services for American citizens. Legal Line is a useful resource to the American public we service in Canada.
Casey Fleming, Special Consular Services Assistant
American Citizen Services
Consulate General of the United States of America (U.S.A.)
Hello, the Embassy of Zimbabwe in Ottawa has recently updated its website and moved it to a new domain. To avoid misleading your visitors we’re kindly asking that you update the Zimbabwe link on this page ( so it points to our new domain If you have any questions or concerns you can contact the embassy at +1-613-421-2824 or use the foreign affairs email Thank you for your assistance.
Tapfuma Sam
Embassy IT Aide
Embassy of Zimbabwe in Ottawa
I was referred to Legal Line by a Constituent whose lawyer had referred her to it. The brochures will be displayed in our resource rack for Constituent use.
Lindsay Furlong
Executive Assistant to Anthony Rota, M.P.
Member of Parliament
I saw this guide at the Social Services Department. Your Legal Line guides will be most beneficial to the citizens of the City of Brockville.
C.M. Laroque
Director of Finance
Corporation of the City of Brockville, which provides information on social, community, health and government services in Northern Ontario, links to Legal Line.
Lakehead Social Planning Council
Service Canada provides Canadians with one-stop, personalized access to Government of Canada services and benefits. We would like 500 flyers for our office. A lot of citizens will make good use of them. Do you have them in French also ?
Barb Donovan, Citizen Service Agent
Service Canada
Dial 311 ‘Access Toronto’ receives 30,000 calls every week from people looking for legal advice and assistance. We provide information for the City of Toronto and have always had your number in our database to give to people. We constantly refer people to your website so they can get the straight answers they need.
Chris Chandler
Information Liaison Officer
The City of Toronto
I just received your information package and was wondering if you could send 4 boxes of Legal Line posters to the City of Vaughan municipal offices.
Marianne Pacifico, Citizen Service Representative
Access Vaughan
City of Vaughan
Legal Line pamphlets have been sent to our office for years. We have run out. We here at City Hall in the Clerk’s Office find them very helpful since we deal with a lot of people on a daily basis. If we do not know the answer to their questions, we hand them the Legal Line pamphlet. We would appreciate 800 more.
Lydia Picca
Licencing Clerk
The City of Niagara Falls, Canada
I am representing the Correctional and Justice Service Department. I am presently serving in the Old City Hall Courthouse as the Court Chaplain. I request a box of 400 Legal Line brochures.
Henri Regamey / Major, Court Chaplain
The Salvation Army
Correctional and Justice Services
I have just discovered your site from a link on the Ministry of the Attorney General website. I work in a GIC, which is under the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services. We provide free information services to the general public and small businesses through walk-in and telephone access, as well a fairly extensive array of free publications, on all levels of government services. I think your guides would be a beneficial addition to our resources. There are presently over 50 Government Information Centres open across the province, and we regularly share our reources.
Colleen MacDonald
Client Services Advisor
Brockville Government Information Centre
We are funded by the Ministry of Colleges, Training and Universities. We offer individuals access to information on careers and occupations, the local job market, training opportunities, and job search strategies… to help them successfully find and maintain employment. Please send 300.
Jennifer Hiddleston, Information and Referral Services Coordinator
Employment Connection / Job Connect
Ministry of Colleges, Training and Universities
As you know, some of our staff reviewed the materials you sent us on Legal Line. We also reviewed the pre-recorded information, website, and the printed materials on Workers’ Compensation. We feel that the service is useful for our staff to refer clients. It has been decided to list your service on our website as a useful link for ‘workers’. The Office of the Worker Adviser is an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Labour. Our office provides free and confidential services concerning Ontario workplace insurance, or worker’s compensation claims to injured workers and survivors who do not have a union to help them. We have 15 local offices in Ontario. Our office handles approximately 20,000 requests for service each year.
Diana Clark, Legislative Interpretation and Training Officer
Office of the Worker Adviser
Ministry of Labour
I came across a pamphlet in office space. Pamphlets and guides will be used by staff members and handed out to clients as needed. Legal Line will be very useful in working with victims of crime as well as disadvantaged populations, and will be beneficial for both staff members and clients.
Sharon Helpard
RCMP Victim Service Worker
Family Resource Association, Parksville BC
We operate under the Ministry of Health and we are located in EVERY provincial psychiatric hospital in Ontario. We provide information, options, advocacy and rights to in-patients, out-patients and ex-patients of the facility. We also provide information, education, and referrals to individuals and groups in the community. Another hospital recommended your website and suggested we review it. We assist clients with a number of issues relating to the MHA, HCCA, SDA legislation, criminal and civil law issues as well as any other concerns they raise. We are proud to display Legal Line in our office for our clients, and their family members, to pick up.
Gwen Davidson, Patient Advocate
Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office (PPAO)
Ministry of Health
Legal Line came to my attention while attending our Provincial ‘Bell Cairn’ office for Basic Training. I would like to supply each of my clients with your flyer, so they have the option to gain legal knowledge through this service.
Sarah Hope, Probation and Parole Officer
Bell Cairn Provincial Training Facility
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Canadian Heritage is a federal government office, responsible for national policies and programs that promote Canadian content, foster cultural participation, active citizenship and participation in Canada’s civic life, and strengthen connections among Canadians. Please send 12 copies of the Legal Line Guide so that we may review it.
Wanda O’Quinn
Canadian Identity, Ontario Region
Government of Canada
The Integrated Service Delivery Division of the Ontario MCBS has a mandate to provide the public with customer-focused, single window, accessible services. Under this mandate, MCBS has developed a web site that organizes information around events that occur in a person’s life, which is hosted on the government of Ontario’s central site. We would appreciate your assistance in keeping the link to your site relevant.
Melanie Goldhar, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister
Integrated Service Delivery Division
Ministry of Consumer and Business Services
Over the next couple of weeks, if you come across any individuals who you think may need our services or have any staff/volunteers who would like to learn more about us, we have two opportunities of potential interest… Ombudsperson officers will be hosting a series of mobile clinics…
and Jay Chalke, BC Ombudsperson, will be in the Fraser Valley…
If one/both are of interest to you, your staff/volunteers and clients, I would greatly appreciate your help promoting these opportunities within the Fraser Valley.
Peggy Kulmala
BC Office of the Ombudsperson
Legal Line flyers are on display at the Registry of the Supreme Court of Canada and made available to members of the public. Your service is a great initiative for the community.
Nadia Loreti
Acting Director, Registry Branch
The Supreme Court of Canada
I manage an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) with the Canada Border Services Agency, American Government. We recently had a speaker visit our work site and speak about Legal Line. We would like to post your guides at various locations for our employees use. We have several work locations in the GTA and Niagara regions.
David Richer, EAP Program
Manager, Human Resources Dept.
Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
We have Legal Line pamphlets, but never enough. It is very handy for our client population. It’s a comprehensive source of information, and also helps because of the long list of government and agency numbers listed on the backside. Thank you, and continue your good work.
Rachel Sabourin
Client Service Advisor
Government Information Centre, an online Ontario community information database, lists Legal Line as valuable legal resource.
As a small town, with a progressive farming community and active oil and gas companies, it would benefit our local residents if we can provide them with your legal guides, as we are at least 50 miles from a bigger centre that provides this information.
Gail Treavor, Administrator
Village of Standard, Alberta
Local Municipal Government
We have full-time Chaplains in six (6) correctional facilities in the Metro area, as well as in all the Provincial Courts. We also operate two half-way houses for Federal offenders (70 beds) and a (14 bed) Open Custody residence for Young Offenders. We operate a work release program for women in the West Detention Centre. We have a Community Service Order Program serving clients mandated to perform CSO hours by the courts. There are approximately 800 clients in this program on a given day. The availability of the Legal Line Guide at these work sites would be of great benefit. Please forward 6,000 flyers, which I will divide up and share amongst our many programs.
Hugh Osler, Executive Director
The Salvation Army
Ontario Central Division, Correctional and Justice Services
I received flyer in mail… Would like to provide a flyer to all of our offices across province so staff can advise clients of the resource. This will be helpful resource for clients who are looking for legal information. They will be able to access information online at a time convenient for them.
Renee Byrne
Program Supervisor
Newfoundland and Labrador Victim Services, Department of Justice and Public Safety
We distribute information regarding all levels of government to the public in the Quinte area. Legal Line is by far one of our most popular brochures.
Benjamin Deschamps
Belleville Government Information Centre
We are a local government office providing services to the community on various issues. Please send us 200 flyers.
Peter Martin
Policy Analyst
Six Nations Council
I learned about Legal Line through our internal government newsletter, where each GIC shares information with one another to better serve our community needs. Because legal information encompasses everything we do in life, even the thought of searching for help can be overwhelming. Your site gives people a direction to go in. We display many brochures and this is by far the best !
Diane Racher
Customer Service Representative
Stratford Government Information Centre
I consider myself an expert in Small Claims ( 40% of my practice), and also the Provincial Offences Act / Highway Traffic Act (POA, HTA) ( 60% of my practice). I do like the answers on your site. It is very informative and I am directing my own clients to legal line rather than having to repeatedly explain the whole process. I am also an employee representative at W.S.I.B. hearings and appeals. I wish to join your volunteer lawyers committee if it is open to paralegals.
Ronald Rybowski
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
I just looked over a copy of your Legal Line Guide and it is very, very good. Am I eligible to request multiple copies for free due to my employment status as a government employee ? If so, please ship us 200.
Donna Pfug, Case Manager
Social Services, Employment & Income Support
The Regional Municipality of Waterloo
I received Legal Line info when I purchased copies of the Government ‘Blue Book’. Please send me 200 copies.
Marilyn C. Latzel, Program Manager
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
We offer free publications, information and government forms, answers to frequently asked questions about government services, and access to general information on-line about the government programs, services and staff through government websites. The Government Information Centre in Brockville advised me of this service. We will display the forms in the GIC. We will also advise the 2 local courthouses of this information for their use as well. Thank You.
Laurie Fraser, Customer Service Advisor
Ontario Government Information Centre
I am from the Abbotsford Probation Office in BC and we would like some flyers for our office.
Mandy Warren
Abbotsford Community Corrections
Government of Canada / British Columbia
A large portion of our client population have legal issues and limited financial resources. I will post up Legal Line posters in our clinic rooms and have them available to everyone that pass through our doors. Our clients families will also benefit from your website. We would also like to provide this to ALL PROGRAM STAFF for the Government and Professional resource areas. Awesome resource !
Kimberly Lee, Clerical Support
Community Alcohol / Drug Assessment Program
Algoma City Public Health
Please rush me 200 copies of Legal Line. Our service provides information to Guelph and Wellington County on a wide variety of topics from mental health, government offices, recreation, leisure, social service groups… the list goes on. We provide this information through a walk-in service as well as a phone-in line. Your information guides will be very helpful in directing individuals to the appropriate service.
Joanne Becker
Guelph Information Centre
We would like to order more Legal Line Guides. We are a Government of Ontario office in Iroquois Falls, Ontario. Our job includes advocating on behalf of clients and we find your guide very informative and helpful. We distribute and hand out many of these guides and we would like to receive another 400.
Jackie Longlad
Customer Service Assistant
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
Two years ago, I received your book entitled “Your Guide to Canadian Law”. This book has been very useful to my program as it covers all the topics that my program deals with. I facilitate a program called the Community Integration Program. This program is a knowledge based program targeting offenders that are six months to a year from release into the community. The topics covered in this program are Law and the Criminal Justice System, Law and the Family, Law and Parole, Finding Accommodations, Renting Legislation, Consumer Education, Employment laws, and Financial issues. Your Legal Line resources cover virtually ALL aspects of our training. Thank you for providing a one-stop resource.
Carolyn Anderson, Social Program Officer
Frontenac Institution / Pittsburgh Institution
Correctional Service Canada
We offer government services, income support, day care services and employment services. Please send us 2,000 flyers for distribution.
Wendy Light
Child Care Clerk
Corporation of the County of Wellington
The U.S. Consulate General in Toronto provides a variety of services for American citizens. Legal Line is a useful resource to the American public we service in Canada.
Casey Fleming, Special Consular Services Assistant
American Citizen Services
Consulate General of the United States of America (U.S.A.)
I would like to request 3,000-5,000 access Guides for distribution within our seven (7) Human Resource Canada Centre management areas of the Greater Toronto Area.
Toronto Programs Group
Elaine Stina, Programs & Services Officer
Human Resources Development Canada
U.T.E. is broken down into 10 regions and 56 Locals. I am a local president, representing more than 27,000 employees of Canada Revenue Agency. We exist to maintain and advance the workplace rights of our members – a big task in today’s federal public service. Legal Line was promoted in our last year’s Summer newsletter, and a special ‘Thank You’ went to member Ruby Mitchell for providing information regarding your company and the services it provides. I would be grateful if you have any new bulletins regarding your services, which the Local can distribute to our members.
Anna Gill, Local President
Union of Taxation Employees (U.T.E.)
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
Can you send me 50 posters and 1,000 flyers ? I know this is a lot but we have multiple units in this institution, a 333-bed medium and maximum security facility for both remanded and sentenced female offenders. Also, I will forward half over to the Maplehurst side which is a medium to maximum security correctional facility for adult males 18 years of age and over, sentenced to less than two years incarceration and for those remanded in custody pending appearance in court. A variety programs and services help inmates develop positive skills and attitudes for successful adjustment in the community after release. Volunteers help to deliver many programs including: literacy * life skills * addictions * anger management * human relations * religious services, spiritual care * Alcoholics Anonymous * Narcotics Anonymous * Aboriginal services * individual counselling
Penny J. MacLean
Volunteer & Program Coordinator
Vanier Centre for Women / Maplehurst Correctional Complex
Thank you for sending our centre information on Legal Line for us to distribute. Please provide us with 250 more at your convenience.
Linda Robitaille, Customer Service Agent
Minden, ON
This is a 220 bed treatment centre for men who are sentenced to ‘two years less a day’ in jail. We have about 130 professional staff. I would like to give this information to the residents, as well as other institutes in our community.
Jeanette Fletcher
Ontario Correctional Institute
Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services
We are a Community Information Centre dedicated to providing quality information that will enhance community life. We listen to our clients and provide services which are prompt and reliable. Therefore, we’re hoping you’ll assist us by replenishing our supply of Legal Line brochures. We’re located at the Markham Civic Centre, which is the Town of Markham municipal offices, so we get a lot of traffic browsing through our brochure racks.
Marilyn Bastien
Information Markam
Ian Levine has been to our site and given us a few presentations over the last 8 or 9 years. I am writing to request an additional box (200 copies) of Legal Line for use by our clients, who are federal parolees participating in our employment / job search services and programs.
Mel De Lisa, Coordinator, Community Employment Programs
CORCAN Work-SITE Toronto
Correctional Service Canada (CSC)
I had attended an Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA) conference where a representative made a presentation. Please send us 1000.
Julie Grant, Case Manager
Municipal Government Office
Region of Niagara, Community Services Dept.
Legal Line came to my attention while attending our Provincial ‘Bell Cairn’ office for Basic Training. I would like to supply each of my clients with your flyer, so they have the option to gain legal knowledge through this service.
Sarah Hope, Probation and Parole Officer
Bell Cairn Provincial Training Facility
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
I am writing to advise that we are currently revising part of the MAG Website, namely the ‘Family Justice Matters’ home page. As part of our revisions, we have decided to create a link direct to Legal Line.
James Truman, Project Coordinator
Court Services Division
Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)
I learned of Legal Line off a web-link from Baylis Medical Canada. Yours is an informative service that enables one to gage if the process or service they are receiving is appropriate. Due to the issue of court matters for some of our community members, this information will be useful for us as workers, and for those we contact in our community. They may not be our clients but community members that we provide another resource and information to.
Juanita Parent
Child Protection Worker
The Children’s Aid Society of Brant
As a Public Health Nurse with the City of Toronto, we are in contact with many clients who are in need of legal information and guidance. We would appreciate as many pamphlets as possible, perhaps 200 to start with.
Theresa Santos, Public Health Nurse
Community & Neighbourhood Services
City of Toronto
At the VWAP program, we provide the clients with the pamphlets to help them in their situation. Providing these pamphlets will provide additional free support to ones in need of legal aid. We learned about Legal Line by coming across it in our brochures.
Emily Hurst
Student Assistant
Victim Witness Assistance Program, Ministry of the Attorney General
We are an independent agency of the Ontario Ministry of Labour and very interested in being part of your Legal Line referral list. We provide free and confidential advice, assistance and representation to non-unionized workers and their survivors, with their workplace insurance claims (formerly called workers’ compensation).
Mary Tzaferis, Manager, Toronto and Eastern Region
Office of the Worker Adviser
Ministry of Labour
To All NL Victim Services Regional Coordinators: “Next week you will receive in the mail some information on Legal Line which provides information on a variety of legal matters. Hope you find the information helpful both for yourself and your clients. If you require additional brochures you can contact legal line directly.”
Renee Byrne
Program Supervisor
Newfoundland and Labrador Victim Services, Department of Justice and Public Safety
We learned about Legal Line from local diplomats who cooperated with your organization. Flyers will be available at our office to the public (for free). Our clients are struggling with various problems in the field of immigration and family law – often a legal consultation with a local specialist is required.
Sandra Jędrzejczyk
Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Vancouver
I picked up a copy of your pamphlet at the local public library. As Brian Coburn, M.P.P. is responsible for responding to the need and requests of his constituents, we are often asked to help people who are in immediate need of financial, social and legal assistance… the more information we can provide them, the better they are able to initiate the steps needed to help themselves in the long-term. Your pamphlets assist us in this task.
Ariane Cloutier, Constituent Asst. for Brian Coburn, M.P.P.
Constituency Office
Legislative Assembly, Member of Provincial Parliament
I received the Legal Line brochure in the mail with LPIC practice pro material. To say that your brochure contained a plethora of useful material would be an understatement. I have been practicing litigation for 12 years, and I sit twice a month as a Supreme Court of Canada judge. Congratulations on providing a much needed service, and for doing it so well.
Judge Jonathan Pitblado, LL.B.
Supreme Court of Canada