Government and Agency Partner Testimonials
I am a clerk at the Information Centre for Family Law in the Ontario Court of Justice, in Scarborough, Ontario. I discovered Legal Line and was thrilled that there was such a document in existence. You have done considerable research before printing this document, as every single bit of information is of great value.
Mrs. A. Hoyte, Court Clerk
Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)
Family Court Office
I learned about LegalLine through the M.M. deWeerdt Law Library. I have already shared this information with our Legal Aid and public outreach clinic and will display the flyers and guides in our court registry and resource centre. Registry staff may also refer to the materials or provide them when dealing with self-represented clients.
Jeff Round, Director
Court Services, NWT
Our mandate is to support clients who are contemplating, or who are in, the court system. The majority of our clients are in need of legal assistance. Your pamphlet has been an invaluable resource to these people. We would like 5 boxes as we are supporting five (5) courts in the area.
Michele Brett / Cindy Hillard
Information and Resource Coordinators
Superior Court of Justice
I would like six (6) boxes of Legal Line Posters for my courthouse office and sub-offices.
Major Fred Butler-Caughie
Court Chaplain
The Salvation Army, College Park Court
Judges can function much more effectively in the courtroom when all the parties to a case have a greater understanding of the law and process. Legal Line, in my opinion, has taken the initiative to prepare easily accessible legal information to the public and is providing valuable information to those in need. I am proud to have been contributing to Legal Line for 20 years as a volunteer by reviewing areas of law for which I am experienced.
The Honourable Mr. Justice Marvin A. Zuker
Family Court Judge (22 yrs.), Small Claims Court Judge (12 yrs.), Criminal Court Judge (current)
Ontario Court of Justice
I would like to order another 1,000 Legal Line brochures.
Julie Lachance, Court Administrative Assistant
Victim / Witness Assistance Program (VWAP)
Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)
We give these guides out to our ENTIRE client base as there are often a lot of issues that victims are facing. For example: landlord issues, human rights, work related, tax concerns, etc… many of our clients are domestic violence victims so it is their intimate partner that has just been arrested and removed from the home and many issues arise.
Bonnie Johnston, Court Worker
Courthouse Victim / Witness Assistance Program (VWAP)
Yes, we did receive the materials! They are displayed at all three courts for distribution – Ontario Court of Justice / North York, Ontario Court of Justice / Jarvis St. and Superior Court of Justice, Family Law Information Centre/ University Avenue. Thank you!
Frances Maychak
Information Referral Coordinator
I am representing the Correctional and Justice Service Department. I am presently serving in the Old City Hall Courthouse as the Court Chaplain. I request a box of 400 Legal Line brochures.
Henri Regamey / Major, Court Chaplain
The Salvation Army, Correctional and Justice Services
Old City Hall Courthouse
Legal Line Guides are most useful to the public who use our courthouse. The categories are very extensive with much valued information.
Marie-Anne Kelly-Lalonde, Manager of Court Services
Small Claims Court – Windsor
Superior Court of Justice
We are already on your mailing list. Please ship me another 2 boxes of Legal Line flyers because everyone who enters the courthouse takes one.
Glenys Walters, Court Officer
Placentia, Newfoundland Provincial Court
We operate programmes in 21 different Provincial Courts. I am sending you a list of the 21 Courtworker addresses and direct contacts. Send the flyers direct to each Courtworker, and if you can send a lot extra, they can keep some at their offices too.
Darren Doxtator, Native Family Courtworker Trainer
Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres (OFIFC)/Provincial Courthouse
I received the Legal Line brochure in the mail with LPIC practice pro material. To say that your brochure contained a plethora of useful material would be an understatement. I have been practicing litigation for 12 years, and I sit twice a month as a Supreme Court of Canada judge. Congratulations on providing a much needed service, and for doing it so well.
The Honourable Mr. Jonathan Pitblado, LL.B.
Supreme Court of Canada
I am requesting copies of your Legal Line poster. If you could send me 250 that would be great.
Lisa Showan, Courtworker
Sault Ste. Marie, Aboriginal Criminal Courthouse
Please send more legal guides. Our customers find them very helpful.
M. Wright, Court Clerk
Courts Administration Division, County of Simcoe
Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)
We work out of the Quinte Courthouse in the FLIC office where we offer resource material as well as house the MIP (mandatory information program) where we provide information through presentations and resource material. We receive other material through Legal Line.
Lorena Thompson
Information & Referral Coordinator
Vicky Visca & Associates Mediation Services
Family Law Information Centre (FLIC), Quinte Courthouse
My agency has given out many of your Legal Line brochures and we often need more ! Please ship us 300 every month.
Maureen Eandie, Court Support Worker
Manitoulin Family Resources
Manitoulin Courthouse
Victim Services obtained a guide from a neighbouring agency. We offer a Family Court Support Program for our clients, as well as assist victims of crime, tragic circumstance, fire etc.. We believe that this guide will be very beneficial for our clients. It will act as a great resource for contacting/obtaining information about agencies, and other programs. Many clients will appreciate having this guide on hand. Victim Services thanks you.
Amanda Fraser
Program Coordinator
Victim Services of Leeds & Grenville
Clients often ask the questions you provide the answer to. The information you provide is good additional information provided by the Morrisburg Courthouse.
Carole Dubuc
Customer Service Representative
Ministry of the Attorney General
Legal Line flyers are on display at the Registry of the Supreme Court of Canada and made available to members of the public. Your service is a great initiative for the community.
Nadia Loreti
Acting Director, Registry Branch
The Supreme Court of Canada
I would really appreciate some more posters. I would only need 5 boxes for all our base point and our circuit court offices.
Karen Wascherol
Vermilion, Alberta Provincial Court
We provide court support services for youths and families, case management, and brief counselling to youth and parents. While visiting the website of The Ministry of Attorney General (MAG), I found the information on Legal Line and considered it would be helpful for my job, especially when I am providing advocacy services to the public.
Miranda Cheung
Youth Justice and Mental Health Social Worker
Griffin Centre / Court Support
The Victim Witness Assistance Program (V/WAP) services are available in all 54 court jurisdictions in Ontario. V/WAP staff provide support and service to over 24,000 clients per year and have more than 100,000 direct contacts with victims and witnesses. Client satisfaction rates are higher than 90%. We only have one Legal Line box left in our office. Your services have been very beneficial to our clients and we would hate to ever run out !
Julie Lachance / Karen Mullin
Court Administrative Assistants
Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)
We are a non-profit organization that offers short term emotional support, practical assistance and community referrals to victims of crime, trauma and tragic circumstances. Our organization works in partnership with emergency and community services. In addition to this, I am also a Court Support Worker for Victim Services which provides legal referrals, resources, etc. to victims of crime. I found your Legal Line brochure while visiting our local Employment Centre. This is an amazing tool for referrals and information. Please send me as many as I am allowed, so that i may share them with clients and other community resources.
Michelle Field
Volunteer and Office Coordinator
Victim Services, Huron / Court Services
Very useful for our organization… We deal with the courts through our Eligibility Review Officers and Family Support Workers. We use Legal Line at all three (3) of our offices.
Sylvie Beauparlant
District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board
How many Legal Line posters can get for this busy court office ?
John Howard Society of Toronto / Adult Diversion Office
Metro West Provincial Court
Our program would LOVE some of your Legal Line Posters for my office in the courthouse. I saw one at our local probation office and thought it was an amazing resource.
Lynn McIsaac, Mental Health Counsellor
Simcoe County Addiction and Mental Health Services
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Orilia Courthouse
On a daily basis our office serves many clients that are in dire need of legal help and/or information to help them with difficult situations in their day-to-day life. The Courthouse in which we work, houses the offices of the Superior, Criminal, Civil, Family, Small Claims, and Provincial Offences and we have ALL found your poster to be very helpful to EACH of us. We are now down to our last few boxes and hope that you will be able to supply us with 4,000 more which will hopefully keep us going for the next little while.
Sabrina R. Ellis, Senior Secretary, District of Parry Sound
Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG), Crown Attorney’s Office
I heard about Legal Line from my trainer and she gave me your poster. If you ship me a box, they will be distributed from the Criminal Courtworker’s office in the Court House. We need them !
Charmaine Kewageshig
Aboriginal Criminal Courtworker
Barrie Native Friendship Centre
I received a copy of your information guide and would like to order 400 more to use as a resource in our courthouse.
Laura Pelster, Judicial Clerk
Fort McMurray Provincial Court
I work in the courthouse. I have been handing out packages of information to persons involved in domestic cases since 2001 and I have always included the Legal Line handout in this program.
Al Dionne, Detective Constable
311 Jarvis Street Courthouse
Court Services / Toronto Police Service
Our Courthouse would like to re-order your free Legal Line pamphlet for our Information Centre. Please send 5 boxes. Our kiosk is very busy and every visitor takes (at least one) of your Legal maps.
Terri Craig
Orillia Court of Justice
We have been handing out Legal Line flyers for years. It is our best resource. The service provides clear information for people who are seeking legal advice. They provide the first step to individuals who may not have any knowledge or access to legal advice. Legal Line guides are prominently placed in ALL of our courthouses in the Simcoe County area.
Michele Brett, Information & Resource Co-ordinator
Family Law Information Centre
Superior Court of Justice
These will be distributed in the Ontario Provincial Court of Justice, located in Cornwall, Ontario. I would like to request 500.
Rena Smoke, Coordinator
Akwesasne Justice Program, Ontario Provincial Court
On a daily basis our office serves many clients that are in dire need of legal help and/or information to help them with difficult situations in their day-to-day life. The Courthouse in which we work, houses the offices of the Superior, Criminal, Civil, Family, Small Claims, and Provincial Offences and we have ALL found your poster to be very helpful to EACH of us. We are now down to our last few boxes and hope that you will be able to supply us with 4,000 more which will hopefully keep us going for the next little while.
Sabrina R. Ellis, Senior Secretary
Crown Attorney’s Office, District of Parry Sound
We at Victim Services have found your Legal Line documents to be a most useful resource. A copy is at each desk as a resource for staff and volunteers. We had an occasion recently whereby we were able to access a lawyer through Legal Line for a victim involved in an extremely serious domestic violence situation. We were able to use Legal Line to connect her with an experienced, knowledgeable lawyer who was able to have the court order withdrawn. It is a pleasure to work with you. Your enthusiasm for and knowledge of your product is truly inspiring.
Lynda Vickers, Executive Director
Victim Services Program of Toronto, Inc.
Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)
I work with the Provincial Offences Act (POA) Courts. Please send me 4 boxes of posters for our busy location. They are a perfect all-in-one help guide.
Denise Thompson, Administrative Assistant
POA Courts / Niagara Falls
Provincial Offences Court
Attached is a request for 4,000 copies. We have full time Chaplains in six (6) correctional facilities in the Metro area as well as in ‘EVERY’ provincial court. We also operate two half-way houses for Federal offenders (70 beds) and a 14 bed Open Custody residence for Young Offenders. We operate a work release program for women in the West Detention Centre. At 77 River Street we have a Community Service Order (CSO) Program serving clients mandated to perform CSO hours by the courts. There are approximately 800 clients in this program on a given day. We feel that the availability of Legal Line Guides at these work sites will be of great benefit to our clients.
Hugh Osler
Executive Director
The Salvation Army / Court Services
Small Claims Court is where Pre-trials and Trials are done. We supply information on how to submit claims, and we also process claims and other legal documents. I think Legal Line is great and I would love to have your guides because I feel they are well done and they will help in educating the public.
Susan Walker Ing
Manager / Richmond Hill
Small Claims Court
The Executive Director of our agency brought us your Legal Line guide because it is a tremendously useful resource for clients I serve at the courthouse. I was amazed at the the number of topics covered in the guide. I went to your website right away and realized what a great resource it will be for self-represented clients that I assist in Criminal and Family Court. I plan to distribute copies to our other program managers (including our domestic violence treatment and criminal justice education programs).
I have spent many years working in the justice system, and Legal Line is by far the BEST resource I have ever come across.
Michele Basso
Court Support Coordinator
The John Howard Society of Grande Prairie
I am the FLIC Coordinator at the Newmarket Unified Family Court. Please send us as many Legal Line brochures as you can spare. It seems that everyone who passes by, takes at least 2 or 3 !
Greg Ambrozic, Coordinator
The Family Law Information Centre (FLIC)
York Region Family Court Mediation Services
… a tremendous public service.
I am requesting Guides for the Family Law Information Centre at the Family Court in Hamilton, Ontario.
Evelyn Vander Zaag
Information and Referral Coordinator
Superior Court of Justice, Family Court
We have received the issues of “Your Guide to Canadian Law”, which you thoughtfully sent to several members of our staff. Thank you very much. We will certainly put them to good use. The three Founding Directors of OJEN are: The Honourable R. Roy McMurtry, Chief Justice of Ontario; The Honourable Patrick J. LeSage, Former Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Ontario; and The Honourable Brian W. Lennox, Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice.
Nadine Demoe, Financial Administrator and Executive Assistant
Osgoode Hall
Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN)
I found the brochure at the Court office. The public has found the information very helpful. I will be distributing the guides to people going through separation and divorce.
Cindy Hillard, Family Law Information Kiosk
Court Services Division
Superior Court of Justice
We would like another 250 of the Legal Line posters for our Courthouse. They are extremely well done.
Karie-Anne Nichols, Judicial Clerk
Wetaskiwin, Alberta / Provincial Court
I would like to request 2500 pamphlets. I am a member of the Justice Team at the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres… representative to collective interests of 27 Centres throughout the province of Ontario. In addition, our Justice Team supports a number of community justice sites. I would like to supply the Courtworkers with 50 copies each (50×50=2500). Courtworkers are often seen as the first contact to any legal issue and receive a variety of requests on any legal related subject.
Bobbi-Jo Virtue
Criminal Courtwork Programme Trainer
Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres
I am the Family Law Information Centre’s (FLIC) Coordinator at the Newmarket Unified Family Court. Please send as many Legal Line brochure as you can.
Greg Ambrozic, FLIC Coordinator
The Family Law Information Centre
Family Court Mediation Services
I received this information at the courts. I found the poster very informative and it would be a good product for our members. What is the most amount of flyers that I can have for 2,000 officers in York Region ?
Staff Sargeant R. Veyt #451
Court Services, York Regional Police
We are in the same building as the County Court House. I would like to receive 15 of the free Legal Line posters and 800 flyers.
Lori Sutherland, FSW / ERO Clerk
Prince Edward-Lennox & Addington Social Services
County Court House
I first heard of your service through Court Hearings I attended while in Ottawa. As we work all over the province and country, could you please provide me with 100.
Corporal Sheldon Pinsent
Canadian Forces National Investigation Services
Upon visiting my local library, I came across one of your guides. I showed it to my Manager of Court Services, Marie-Anne Kelly-Lalonde, who shared it with the staff. A decision was made that the guides would be most useful to the public who use the courthouse. The categories were very extensive with much valued information. Please send 2 boxes of flyers.
Rosemary, Receptionist
Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)
Superior Court of Justice