
Financial Advisors and Investment Specialists use Legal Line

Government and Agency Partner Testimonials

I work as a licensed Financial Advisor for Primerica Financial Services. I am licensed to sell both Securities and Life Insurance. Would it be possible for you to send me about 600 flyers for the representatives in our office? We could carry Legal Line with us in our briefcases and refer our clients to your website when we make home visits.

Lisa Carr
Financial Advisor
Primerica Financial Services

I found Legal Line on the internet and I would like to know more. MHC creates solutions for over 16,000 individuals and 3,000 businesses—earning a place in the top 5% of independently owned and operated insurance brokerages in Ontario.

Lucia Pereira
Insurance Broker
MHC Insurance

As an arm of the Ontario government, SBEC’s provide entrepreneurs with all the tools they need to start and grow their businesses. Presently, there are 60 locations across the province. Our location assists on average 600-700 inquiries a month regarding small business programs and services. Your brochures would certainly act as a catalyst in ensuring that the small business legal inquiries are being answered to correctly and efficiently. Based on the volume of inquiries received at the SBC, I would like to ask that you forward as many brochures as you are capable of. If you have enough, perhaps I can make arrangements to receive 60 boxes, one for each location.

Candice Meredith, Business Advisor
Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC)

CIBC Wood Gundy is a division of CIBC World Markets Inc., a subsidiary of CIBC and a Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. I’m well versed on virtually all the topics under ‘Investments and Securities’ and I am happy to have my office participate by helping Legal Line users.

Lorne Cohn, LL.B., MBA
Vice-President, Investment Advisor
CIBC / Wood Gundy

I first heard of Legal Line as a member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario.

Sam Seidman, CA
Chartered Accountant

Service Canada provides Canadians with one-stop, personalized access to Government of Canada services and benefits. We would like 500 flyers for our office. A lot of citizens will make good use of them. Do you have them in French also ?

Barb Donovan, Citizen Service Agent
Service Canada

Found you by Google Search . Will mail with Client Tax Package. (Legal Line) provides resources for quick references.

Tracey Chaves
DFA Tax Service Specialist
Chaves Income Tax

Our centre offers our clients a resource library; business name registration; small business consultation; seminars / workshops; and networking events. We would like to add Legal Line flyers to our Resource Library.

Linda DeBartolo
Office Manager / Business Advisor
Vaughan Business Enterprise Centre

I am writing to express my support for the Legal Line initiative. I am certain that the summaries provided by Legal Line are invaluable to the public.

Peter Rizakos, LL.B.
General Counsel
Altamira Investment Services Inc.

Congratulations on your Legal Line Initiative. Since we have the common goal of assisting the public to become more knowledgeable about the law, we are happy to contribute to this worthwhile project.

The Inquiries Unit at the OSC is committed to providing service excellence to the investing public and market participants.

We are developing new ways for the public to reach us, and better ways to respond to their needs. We have increased staff at our Contact Centre where knowledgeable Inquiries Officers will be available by phone or can be contacted by e-mail, in writing or in person. We will benefit from the Legal Line initiative by increasing public awareness of our role as a regulator of the capital markets in the province and of our availability to assist them with their inquiries.

In the Commission’s last fiscal year over 8,000 inquiries and complaints were handled by Commission staff. We expect that number to be greater in the next year with our expanded public profile. We would therefore like to request that we be provided with 1,000 copies of your guide so they may be distributed where appropriate with our responses to inquiries.

The experiences of the Inquiries Unit have led to our submission of new topics based on the more common inquiries received. To enhance the Legal Line services, Our comments and suggestions for the topic headings in “Investments and Securities” are attached. Our next step will be to provide draft scripts for the new topics, which will be adapted from our “frequently asked questions” database. The Communications Branch of the Commission has approved the link of our website (www.osc.gov.on.ca) direct to Legal Line.

Donna J. Martin Sidey, Legal Counsel, Inquiries
Investment Dealers Association of Canada
Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)

The Provision Centre is a full service Business and Networking Support Centre. Please send us 100 flyers.

Yvette Murray, Director
The Provision Centre

I have just discovered your site from a link on the Ministry of the Attorney General website. I work in a GIC, which is under the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services. We provide free information services to the general public and small businesses through walk-in and telephone access, as well a fairly extensive array of free publications, on all levels of government services. I think your guides would be a beneficial addition to our resources. There are presently over 50 Government Information Centres open across the province, and we regularly share our resources.

Colleen MacDonald
Client Services Advisor
Brockville Government Information Centre

We are a Toronto-based, federally-licensed Trustee and Chartered Accountant firm in business since 1977. Please mail us 100 Legal Line Guides.

Cathy Clark, Administrator
Cooper & Company Ltd. Chartered Accountants

I own an insolvency and financial restructuring practice for individuals and companies in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis. I like your debt and bankruptcy section, and I would like to support your agency.

Ira Smith
Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.

I was introduced to legal Line by Mr. Adrian Younger, I have found it to be very colourful and interesting, laden with a wealth of information that could be of very high value to my young business. Please send me my guides.

Trevor Powell
Insurance Agent

I discovered your pamphlet in our local Chamber and was very impressed. Please send free guides to me so that I many distribute them to: Boards of Trade; Chambers of Commerce; Business Associations; and Real Estate Associations.

Ann Rowley
Chamber of Commerce, Whitby

We have been in receipt of this information through our Keswick office for some time now. We are presently offering resources and support to small business operators. We would like to continue to receive this information.

Anne Hart
Business Associate
Job Skills Business Resource Centre

I think it is a helpful site for small business owners seeking general legal information.

Susan Mladenovich
Home and Small Business Association of Durham

I think that this is a great resource guide for members of the public and businesses who utilize our centre.

Mary Ellen Cote
Client Services Advisor
Government of Ontario, Service Centre

Legal Line exists solely to help people make informed decisions. By knowing the law, you have the tools to help you work-through life’s real issues. With 400 volunteer lawyers, and the support of 6,300 government offices, their website and 24-hour telephone information line give you the legal answers you need.

The Redbook of Hamilton
Directory of Community Services

We are a one-stop source of business information for entrepreneurs. This month we are celebrating our Grand Opening and would appreciate Legal Line brochures to include in our “Start a Small Business” package. I have seen the poster while visiting the Windsor Self-Help Office and it is indeed impressive. If possible, I would like 2 boxes of the brochures as we have many partners that would also be interested in having these on location.

Vicki White
Business Consultant
Huron Business Self-Help Office, County of Huron

We came across one of your brochures. We have a lot of small business owners that use our office to get help for business information. We think that your brochure will be a great resource…

Cindy James
Client Services Officer
Lanark-North Leeds Enterprise Centre

This is a valuable Internet link. We will use your maps to assist people carrying on Business in Ontario.

Bjorn Rutten, LL.B.
Legal Counsel
Canadian German Chamber of Commerce, Toronto

CIVICYork eCommerce partners with Legal Line to provide a database that is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive.

CIVICYork – Community Information and Volunteer York Region

I learned about Legal Line just now as I read through your website but the Region of Peel has been using your documents way before I was around. Legal Line flyers and guides assist the clients we interact with on a daily bases. I am looking forward to receiving your materials (as the demand is so high we are running low).

The Region of Peel serves 1.3 million residents and approximately 88,000 businesses in Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga. With your assistance we continue to further assist those residents and businesses.

Kevin Alexander
Operational Service Rep.
Region of Peel

We are down to our last box of Legal Line guides. We use the guides for referrals, distribute the guides to clients looking for information from our Business Resource Centre, and give them to clients from the community.

Lindsey Weening
Bradford & District Chamber of Commerce

We are constantly on the lookout for great business resources, and our staff recently selected Legalline.ca to be added to our online resource database. CanadaOne is a free just-in-time business resource for small businesses in Canada, with over 900 articles on how to start-up and grow a Canadian business. Your link has been added.

Julie King
Publisher & Managing Editior

I wish to mail out Legal Line maps to all of my clients and prospects. I intend to staple my business card to it, and use it as a valuable marketing piece.

Craig Sangster CFP, CIM, FCSI
Certified Financial Planner
CS Investment Counsel Corporation

We refer our users to Legal Line with confidence. 211 is the information and referral service that provides the people of Ontario with reliable information on community and social services. When you dial the 211 hotline, you are connected with a Certified Information and Referral Specialist who has been trained to assess your needs, answer your questions accurately, and advise you about the services and programs that are best for you and your loved ones.

211Ontario.ca is your connection to information about community and social services in the province of Ontario and we offer a direct link to Legalline.ca. It is your first stop for information about child care, language classes, job searches,housing, emergency shelters, services for persons with disabilities, home support, legal assistance, financial assistance, and much more.

Julie Demers, Bilingual Data Editor / Éditrice de données bilingue
211 Ottawa (Community Information Centre of Ottawa)

Please send 1,000 copies… we hand these out to our clients in our Employment Resource Centre.

Paul Chronowich, Ontario Works Liaison
Social Service Division, City of Toronto

The Integrated Service Delivery Division of the Ontario MCBS has a mandate to provide the public with customer-focused, single window, accessible services. Under this mandate, MCBS has developed a web site that organizes information around events that occur in a person’s life, which is hosted on the government of Ontario’s central site. We would appreciate your assistance in keeping the link to your site relevant.

Melanie Goldhar, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister
Integrated Service Delivery Division
Ministry of Consumer and Business Services

I first became aware of your Legal Line Guide when I was a delegate to the AMES conference. I immediately understood the value of this resource tool for my clients. I took as many copies of the guide as I could carry to leave with my fellow employment workers and case managers. Our supply is now exhausted. Please send us a box of 500. In Hamilton we have 3 co-located Resource Centre locations, with a total staff of approximately 100 case managers and 45 employment workers.

Pat Haughton
Employment Consulant, Social & Public Health Services Division
City of Hamilton

I picked up brochure in the Newmarket Employment Resource Centre… this would be an added service for our clients that are in need of legal assistance.

Denise Clarida
Case Manager & Employment Facilitator
United Way Member Agency

Our office is located in the Tannery Mall in Newmarket and right beside our office is Human Resources Development Canada. I noticed your brochures and picked one up. I opened it right away and noticed a wealth of information so I called in and listened to some of your pre-recorded answers. Then I noticed the website and printed off some information. We have a resource centre and this will be a great resource to our clients and to the staff as well. You are providing a great amount of information and it is very easily accessible.

Cori Araujo, Administrative Assistant
Community Business Access Centre

I would like to request 3,000-5,000 access Guides for distribution within our seven (7) Human Resource Canada Centre management areas of the Greater Toronto Area.

Elaine Stina, Programs & Services Officer
Toronto Programs Group
Human Resources Development Canada

The QUEST was developed in partnership with Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and the Thames Valley District School Board. Opened in November 1999, the Centre has become a vital part of the community by providing resources and services which meet the varying needs of the more than 10,000 residents in the communities of Glencoe, Appin, Alvinston, Bothwell, Newbury, West Lorne and Rodney as well as the surrounding rural areas. We would appreciate having 500 flyers mailed to us, as a start.

Michelle Fletcher, Resource Assistant
The Quest Centre Community Initiatives

I have a very old copy of a fold up Legal Line brochure and it is worn out from good use. We have two (2) offices and we help people who are in the process of becoming an entrepreneur. Please mail us a box of your newest version.

Kim Fraser
Program Officer
Enterprise Renfrew County

As an arm of the Ontario government, SBEC’s provide entrepreneurs with all the tools they need to start and grow their businesses. Presently, there are 60 locations across the province. Our location assists on average 600-700 inquiries a month regarding small business programs and services. Your brochures would certainly act as a catalyst in ensuring that the small business legal inquiries are being answered to correctly and efficiently. Based on the volume of inquiries received at the SBC, I would like to ask that you forward as many brochures as you are capable of. If you have enough, perhaps I can make arrangements to receive 60 boxes, one for each location.

Candice Meredith, Business Advisor
Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC)

The Integrated Service Delivery Division of the Ontario MCBS has a mandate to provide the public with customer-focused, single window, accessible services. Under this mandate, MCBS has developed a web site that organizes information around events that occur in a person’s life, which is hosted on the government of Ontario’s central site. We would appreciate your assistance in keeping the link to your site relevant.

Melanie Goldhar, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister
Integrated Service Delivery Division
Ministry of Consumer and Business Services

We are co-located with Ontario Works. Our staff and our clients at HRDC find Legal Line to be an excellent service.

Sharon Charlebois
Employment & Insurance Officer
Human Resources Development Canada

We came across one of your brochures. We have a lot of small business owners that use our office to get help for business information. We think that your brochure will be a great resource…

Cindy James
Client Services Officer
Lanark-North Leeds Enterprise Centre

I am an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) referral agent with Customs Client Services. I would appreciate receiving 30 copies of your Legal Line brochure.

Carol Convery, EAP and Client Services Officer
Revenue Canada Customs, Excise and Taxation
Revenue Canada

I am a Referral Agent for CRA’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Mr. Ian Levine left us with 10 copies of your brochure. It’s very popular and we all wanted copies. We will distribute them amongst four (4) tax services offices. We would like 1,000 copies.

Jane Murray, EAP Peer Referral Agent
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Canada Revenue Agency

Legal Line is extremely well done. Please forward 500 flyers so that I may mail them out with my client newsletter.

Craig Sangster CFP, CIM, FCSI
Certified Financial Planner
Investment Counsel Corporation

I am a Financial Advisor and I have an office with over 15 agents… Legal Line posters are very useful for me, my agents and to all our clients who are always very grateful to receive them, and always seem to ask for more which is why we keep needing more.

Ursula Dixon
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisors Group

I am writing on behalf of the Ottawa Estate and Trust Department at TD Canada Trust. Because of the nature of our work, we feel that the Legal Line Guides are most beneficial in assisting us in the various estate administration duties we perform, as well as ensure that our Trust Officers and Trust Administrators have access to basic legal information which may impact the administration of an estate – such as – landlord and tenant law, family law etc.

In addition, the guide provides a convenient reference for access to many Government and Agency telephone numbers which are also most useful during the course of an estate administration.

Heather Richardson
Senior Trust Officer
TD Canada Trust

It is a pleasure to be one of your ‘Reviewing Lawyers’. I was most intrigued by your high quality Legal Line Guide and the vast number of topics it covers. In particular, I was impressed to see a section on Investments and Securities. This is my area of work. I am a lawyer and annual leader at the Ontario Bar Admission Course in the area of Estate Planning and Administration. I am also a frequent speaker for Federal Government employees through Training and Development Canada. Unlike most lawyers, I am also educated, trained and licensed in the Securities and Insurance fields.

Marshall Garnick, LL.B.
Investments and Securities Lawyer
Investment Planning Counsel of Canada

U.T.E. is broken down into 10 regions and 56 Locals. I am a local president, representing more than 27,000 employees of Canada Revenue Agency. We exist to maintain and advance the workplace rights of our members – a big task in today’s federal public service. Legal Line was promoted in our last year’s Summer newsletter, and a special ‘Thank You’ went to member Ruby Mitchell for providing information regarding your company and the services it provides. I would be grateful if you have any new bulletins regarding your services, which the Local can distribute to our members.

Anna Gill, Local President
Union of Taxation Employees (U.T.E.)
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)

It has been a pleasure to watch your site continue to grow in topics. Your site always looks sharp and is fast to browse. That’s great. For christmas, I have mailed a copy of Legal Line out to each of my clients and I stapled my business car right to the Tax Law section. I wrote a note to “Call me if you have ant questions”. They loved it !

Kirpal S. Bhogal, C.A.
Tax Specialist & Chartered Accountant

I am an Investment Advisor with Credential Securities and would like to get 500 Legal Line posters to give to existing and prospective clients.

Gary Bielert, M.B.A., CFP
Investment Advisor
Credential Securities – Investment Dealers

We are a tax lawyer firm in Québec and we wish to participate with Legal Line.

Patrick Thiffault, LL.B.
Director of Marketing
Fiscalistes.com | Avocat Fiscaliste a Montréal

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