Department of Justice Testimonials
The Government of Canada Department of Justice links to Legal Line…
Legal Line is extremely well done and easy to understand. I am writing you as a consultant on behalf of the Department of Justice Canada to request your participation in a Youth Justice initiative because we like your information on Children and the law. The goals of this initiative are to catalogue what PLE youth justice material is available in Canada, to create a central inventory that will promote public access.
Riannon Kindrachuk as per Joelle Martin, B.A., LL.B.
Public Legal Education Association of Canada (PLEAC)
Youth Justice Policy Section, Department of Justice
I picked up a copy of your Legal Line Guide at the Canadian Criminal Justice Association Congress recently. Please add us to your mailing list and send us 1,000 flyers.
Claudia Mann, Regional Supervisor
Victim Services, Halifax Regional Municipality
Nova Scotia Department of Justice