
Law Society of Ontario (LSO) and Legal Line …


The Law Society of Ontario (LSO) links to the Founder of Legal Line, Dr. Antree C. Demakos as she is awarded a ‘TOP 10 Outstanding Lawyer’ in Ontario.

The Law Society awards Legal Line Founder the 2018 John Shirley Denison Award for providing Canadians with a valuable Access to Justice website and Telephone Help-Line.

The Law Society Award Celebration pictures and details.




Dissolution of the Law Society’s Dial-a-law service

With only 45 answers and an antiquated telecommunications system, the Law Society decided to cancel its failing Dial-a-law system. To fill the gap left by the cancellation of Dial-a-law, Gemma Zecchini of the Law Society worked closely with Antree Demakos of Legal Line. The Law Society provided Legal Line with information about its users experience and its telephone service statistics to allow Legal Line to better address the questions most frequently asked by the public.

“As a former practicing lawyer and retired Executive Director of The Manitoba Law Foundation, I have watched the development of public legal information systems across Canada for the past 13 years. After completing an in-depth analysis, I report that the telephone and internet systems designed and implemented by Legal Line is the most sophisticated electronic retrieval method I have ever encountered. The Directors of Legal Line have spent all of the time necessary to develop systems of the best possible quality, and they have obtained the cooperation of hundreds of lawyers with the finest of reputations.”
William K. Greenaway, Ph.D., LL.B.
Doctorate in Law / Consultant to the LFO
Law Foundation of Ontario (LFO)

Legal Line provides flyers and guides to the Volunteer Lawyers Service at the request of Kathryn Noxon.

Working with Marisha Roman, Aboriginal Initiatives and Policy Counsel, the Law Society approved Legal Line flyers and guides to be distributed with the Law Society’s Brochure. The Legal Line postcard design with the Law Society logo was also approved.

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The Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) / LSO linked its users to Legal Line from 1999 – 2022.



Including Legal Line with a group initiative with Legal Aid Ontario, Pro Bono Law Ontario, and The Law Foundation of Ontario in a publication for mass distribution through The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, Toronto Life magazine, and to over 2,000 legal help office across Ontario, The Law Society Treasurer Thomas Conway says…
“At The Law Society, we are committed to improving access to justice for all Ontarians. The right information can help you make good choices if you are dealing with a legal problem.”
Thomas G. Conway
Treasurer (2012-2014)
The Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC)

Great Library of the Law Society requested and received Legal Line flyers and several copies of our book, Your Guide to Canadian Law.

“Legal Line is an important resource for the members of Ontario. We have created a special link direct to Legal Line.”
James Truman
Project Coordinator
Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

“Legal Line has taken all the necessary steps to present easily accessible legal information to the public. I am proud to have been contributing to Legal Line for over 20 years as a volunteer by reviewing areas of law for which I am experienced.”
The Honourable Mr. Justice Marvin A. Zuker
Family Court Judge (22 yrs.), Small Claims Court Judge (12 yrs.), Criminal Court Judge (current)
Ontario Court of Justice

“Congratulations Legal Line for winning by unanimous vote, the City of Toronto’s most prestigious Award for Access, Equity and Human Rights. Antree deserves to be celebrated for helping to build a stronger, more equitable society for all Torontonians.”
John Tory, Mayor of Toronto
City of Toronto
Government of Ontario

“I would like to order an additional 1,000 Legal Line Guides. Your guides are available at the Registry of the Supreme Court of Canada to members of the public who need legal help. Your service is a great initiative for the community.”
Nadia Loreti
Acting Director, Registry Branch
The Supreme Court of Canada

It is my honor to share the stage with you this evening. Congratulations to you (Antree Demakos) for creating Legal Line and winning the 2017 LEXPERT Award.
Supreme Court Judge
The Honourable Rosalie Silberman Abella
The Supreme Court Of Canada

Special Thanks to:

Grant Wedge, Executive Director of The Law Society, Policy, Equity & Public Affairs who worked with Legal Line in 2012 when we undertook the mammoth task to distribute 90,000 copies of The Law Society pamphlet entitled “Handling everyday legal problems – Information to help you make good choices” to our 8,000 Legal Line Community Partners (representing 250,000 individuals).

This Law Society pamphlet promotes and endorses Legal Line as a valuable information resource, along with the services of Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) and Your Legal Rights.

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