Legal Line’s Antree Demakos, and The Law Society of Upper Canada’s Treasurer, Janet Minor team-up to discuss new Access to Justice initiatives for 2016. Treasurer Minor, acclaimed for a second term in June 2015, has led many initiatives including her Access to Justice strategies for the Ontario public, and invites Legal Line to join TAG, The Action Group for Access to Justice.
For over 20 years, Legal Line has been working in cooperation with The Law Society of Upper Canada to help connect the Ontario public to quality legal information and legal services.
In the past, there were few places to obtain understandable basic legal information without expense. The first major initiative to fill this need in Ontario was provided by the Law Society of Upper Canada, with its Dial-a-law service. Even with technological limitations of the day, limited telephone lines, no website, and only 45 answers, Dial-a-law still received over 300,000 calls per year. Dial-a-law was clearly embraced by the public and was a great leap forward in public access to the law. In 1994 Legal Line replaced the Dial-a-law service. Legal Line currently receives 750,000 telephone calls per year, and this website receives 800,000 page views per month.
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