
Libraries Across Canada Distribute Legal Line Flyers


Government and Agency Partner Testimonials

Thank you for providing the link to Legal Line. I have included the link on our Resources for the Public web page at http://www.brantlaw.ca/court-information/resources-public/.

Christiane (Chris) Wyskiel, B.A., L.I.T.
Brant Law Association

You can send materials to us here at the main branch and we can distribute them to our 14 community branches.

Joyce Kashman
Whitehorse Librarian
Community Services, Public Libraries Branch, Yukon Public Libraries

I received a package of your flyers. We’d like a copy of your book (Your Guide to Canadian Law) to keep on the centre desk of the Main Reading Room at the Great Library. Thank you.

Maria Daunt
Great Library, Law Society of Ontario

BC Libraries operate independently and chose which materials to share with their patrons. I am happy to share Legal Line information with the libraries so they may order these very important flyers.

Denise McGeachy
Library Consultant, Libraries Branch
International Education, Independent Schools and Partner Relations Division
Ministry of Education

First glance… website and references suggests this may be something that would be of use to our branches. It appears a lot of libraries do carry them.

Don Nettleton, CPA, CA
Chief Executive Officer
Okanagan Regional Library

Our central location for distribution is our HQ building in Weyburn. Please ship Legal Line flyers to the mailing info in my signature block below. We have 47 branches so please include one bundle per branch.

James Richards
Assistant Director & Regional Branch Manaager
Southeast Regional Library System, Saskatchewan Public Libraries

A library client of ours is looking to supplement their law collection with Your Canadian Guide to Law. As a wholesaler, when these copies arrive to us, we provide cataloguing and processing for the library, but will not charge a fee for the book. When the books leave our warehouse, the library advertises and shelves them.

Jamie Quinn
Manager of Customer Experience
Library Services Centre

My manager received some samples. We are so pleased to let our customers know about LegalLine as it’s such a valuable resource.

Megan Garza
Branch Manaager
Markham Public Library

We would be happy to distribute flyers to all of our 45 branches.

Kim Hegib
Wheatland Regional Library, Saskatchewan Public Libraries

Legal Line resources are terrific, and I expect that all of our member libraries will be interested in receiving them.

Tim Janewski
Chief Executive Officer
The Alberta Library

In Nova Scotia we have nine (9) public library regions. Send Legal Line materials directly to all 9 of them.

Rosalind Morrison
Research & Planning Librarian
Nova Scotia Provincial Library

The most impressive feature of the website is the Legal Answers resource… Each legal topic is well written and easy to understand.  A keyword search box and a browseable menu make this content highly accessible. Legal Line is careful to make the distinction between legal information and legal advice.  The website only provides information about law. By striving to educate and empower everyday Canadians about the law, Legal Line is promoting better access to justice.

Alan Kilpatrick, Librarian
Law Society of Saskatchewan Library

Please provide 1 bundle for each Library – for a total 18 bundles, and thank you for including the Library in your communication plans.

Ingrid Keuper Dalton
Community Development Specialist
City of Mississauga, Community Services, Mississauga Libraries

Please send Legal Line flyers directly to my attention at the Four Corners branch address. We would like 30 per branch – 6 branches total.

Julie Andrews-Jothan
Director Community Engagement & Partnerships
Brampton Public Library

My job is a Information Assistant for Next Steps Employment Centre. I visited my local library, found your flyer on information bulletin board.

I would distribute your resources to all your preexisting,potential new clients and walk-in The resources will be readily available in the centre for clients to talk.

This resources would help your organization and client tremendously. Help give the resources and tools to become involved in their personal leave matters. So they are more informed and take the lead on advocating for themselves.

Rochell Elliston
Information Assistant, Next Steps Employment Centre
Toronto District School Board (TDSB)

This looks like a great resource. Thanks for contacting me. We would be happy to carry your flyers in our (18) branches, and I will promote Legal Line to our staff.

Liz Coates
Manager, Branch Operations
Kingston Frontenac Public Library

Thank you for thinking of us. We have three (3) branches and distribution is done centrally. Please mail me 3 big bundles.

Donna Bright
Chief Librarian and Executive Officer
Ajax Public Library

We have 93 locations. Please ship your Legal Line materials to our Headquarters which is in Stephenville, NL. I like that you have them available in 24 languages.

Jewel Cousens
Newfoundland and Labrador Collections Library
NL Public Libraries

The Mississauga Library System is proud to be part of Legal Line’s successes, as a distribution point for your information. Last year, our Library System distributed about 125,000 pieces of Legal Line flyers through our 14 locations.

Ingrid Dalton, Manager
Marketing and Community Development
Mississauga Library System

Please send Legal Line flyers to our Regional Office. Wapiti has 45 branches.

Tony Murphy
Regional Director and CEO
Wapiti Regional Library System, Saskatchewan Public Libraries

Our system Headquarters (Northern Lights Library System) will put your book into our collection for anyone to sign out. Your flyers and guides are available on our info rack for the public to take, and we will keep a few at the desk to give people when they come and ask questions. Legal Line will help a lot because it is available in many languages.

Jodi Dahlgren
Library Manager
Wainwright Public Library (AB)

The WLA, first incorporated in 1894 with 38 lawyers, now strives to keep 540 members and articling students informed and involved in issues that affect the practice of law. I would like to request Legal Line pamphlets to give out ‘self-represented’ persons who finds their way into our library.

Wanda Haayen, Library Technician
Waterloo Law Association (WLA)

This is our fourth re-order. Legal Line brochures have been very popular here.

Angele Barnett, Library Technician
Adult Services Department
Newmarket Public Library

We would be happy to make these flyers available to the public at both of our library branches.

Sylvia Mueller
Information Barrie Coordinator
Barrie Public Library

The Thunder Bay Public Library strengthens our community by engaging people in the pursuit of local and global information and knowledge, and promoting literacy, lifelong learning and leisure. Please send us 500 Legal Line maps.

Helen Chorcorlan, Library Technician
Waverley Resource Library
Thunder Bay Public Library

One of our JAG legal officers would like 100 copies of your Guide.

Barbara McCue, JAG Library
Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG)
Main Law Library / Constitution Building

Peace Library System, which oversees the libraries in my area, sent us cards explaining your services. I have the cards/flyers displayed on our front check out counter. We are a small rural community and many people don’t know where to start when they require legal council and some find it very overwhelming. Word of mouth spreads quickly in a small town and when individuals know that they can pick up information on how to help them with legal matters, they will come into the library.

These stats help with our annual report and gives us one more service that we can offer to our patrons and our community.

Laurie Crowder
Library Manager
Berwyn Municipal Library (AB)

In the past we have had to consult numerous directories to find all the information that is so easily accessible in your brochures. Just a quick note to let you know how useful your Legal Line publication has been for our library patrons who need contact numbers for legal information. Your organization has done a superlative job.

Raya Azoulay, Business Librarian
Business and Urban Affairs Department
North York Central Library

Thank you for your email. I talked to our program development team tea, about potentially using these pamphlets as resources for our legally inclined programs and we thought it would be a good idea to order them as we need them. Please note that your material is approved (for distribution).

Alexandra Bassa
Communications Assistant
Ottawa Public Library

I learned about you through our Regional Library System (Parkland). They sent me a small supply of the flyers, however, we are organizing and participating in a large community event on August 28 (7th Annual Parenting Fair) and I would like to give a flyer to every family that attends our event (estimated 150 families) in a Trade Show bag received at the entry to our event.

We feel this information would answer many questions families might have and being able to guide them to your website would be a great benefit to them in accessing valuable information that they might require.

Joanne Merrick
Library Manager
Carstairs Public Library (AB)

Thank you for reaching out to us. We’d like to receive 500 copies of your flyers. We have 22 branches that we will distribute to.

Rosita Zukowski
Communications Department
Hamilton Public Library

Thank your for your email and for the offer of free Legal Line materials to the St. Catharines Public Library. Please prepare 4 bundles (one for each branch).

Nancy Bryans
Administrative Assistant to the CEO
St. Catharines Public Library

Thank you for your interest in the Guelph Public Library. If you send materials to the Main Library I will ensure they are distributed to each library branch (6).

Lisa Cunningham
Communications Coordinator
Guelph Public Library

The library system we are with sent an e-mail about the flyers. I will put them on my desk for my patrons to see them when they check books out. We are in a small village and people always come to the library for help, this would be another way I can help them.

Annette Chrystian
Library Manager
Holden Municipal Library (AB)

I heard about Legal Line through the Libraries Branch of the BC Ministry of Education. We will display the Legal Line flyers prominently in the library, near the entrance and public use computers, and add the book, “Your Guide to Canadian Law”, into our collection. Resources such as Legal Line are important to our patrons, many of whom cannot understand legal jargon or afford a legal professional.

Ken Sawdon
Head Librarian
Fort St. James Public Library (BC)

A link to this website was forwarded to our library director from our library consultant in the Libraries Branch of BC’s Ministry of Education. “Your Guide to Canadian Law” will be added to our circulating collection and made freely available to BC public library patrons.

We are particularly interested in vetted yet plain language information for our patrons. Access to services is always difficult in small northern communities such as our, and our patrons often access library information for various self-help issues including legal ones.

Ruth Cooper
Assistant Librarian
Hazelton District Public Library (BC)

We are a municipal public library servicing the residents of City of Dawson Creek and the surrounding Peace River Regional District. We try to have a current selection of legal materials for the public to view in our library or check out. Your pamphlets will provide a take home source of information for legal questions, so citizens can look up what they need without having to share information with library staff, which is more desirable to patrons.

Margaret Keith
Library Assistant
Dawson Creek Municipal Library (BC)

…Display in public library. We are in the information business and this looks like good information.

Kathy Spiro
Library Consultant, Libraries Branch, International Education, Independent Schools and Partner Relations Division, Ministry of Education BC
Smithers Public Library

I found Legal Line flyers at Morningside Public Library. We have a Bulletin Board and Information Table where we display Agency flyers and brochures. Legal Line is a ‘MUST have’ and we want as many as possible.

Munira Fatehi
Information & Referral Facilitator
Scarborough East Ontario Early Years Centre

We are refilling our community board at our library. This is a very useful resource for our community.

Elsa Wong
Toronto Public Library

I have a supervising lawyer who was gracious enough to give me a copy of your pamphlet free legal answers and referrals. I will be using them as a resource for clients, myself, and also for the tenants and tenant support worker in my low cost housing building. It will be a very hands on resource for clients dealing with their disabilities, housing, financial, and some of us even work part time so for employment, grandparents rights, parents and children’s rights and many other topics.

I know that this will be a great asset to my clients and also to my office library.

Alice Daniels
Executive Director/Legal Advocate
Columbia/Kootenay Advocacy and Education Resource Society

I learned about Legal Line from visiting the McGregor Park public library. I will distribute the guides to newcomers and all clients to our centre, display them in our centre and also to let every staff have one. This guide will be a valuable resource to everyone seeking any kind of legal help.

Myron De Franca
Resource Consultant
YMCA Employment Centre

Our centre offers our clients a resource library; business name registration; small business consultation; seminars / workshops; and networking events. We would like to add Legal Line flyers to our Resource Library.

Linda DeBartolo
Office Manager / Business Advisor
Vaughan Business Enterprise Centre

I picked up a copy of your pamphlet at the local public library. As Brian Coburn, M.P.P. is responsible for responding to the need and requests of his constituents, we are often asked to help people who are in immediate need of financial, social and legal assistance… the more information we can provide them, the better they are able to initiate the steps needed to help themselves in the long-term. Your pamphlets assist us in this task.

Ariane Cloutier, Constituent Asst. for Brian Coburn, M.P.P.
Constituency Office
Legislative Assembly, Member of Provincial Parliament

Please send us 500 Legal Line posters for distribution in our library.

Elizabeth Mitchell
Head of Information Services
Belleville Public Library

I was very happy to get the free Legal Line Guide when I bought your Canadian Law reference book. I showed it to our law teacher, and she would be very happy to have a few for her classroom. Also, I would be thrilled to have a few more to have available for our adult students in my library.

Anne Streit
ESL Instructor / Librarian
Adult Education Centre South Peel District School Board

We are a small public library servicing Hamilton, Burlington, Stoney Creek and area. I am requesting 200 flyers.

Jane Skeates
Branch Head
Salffleet Library

The Library Settlement Program is a three-way partnership between Citizenship & Immigration Canada, Toronto Library and CultureLink. Newcomers and members of the community find Legal Line very useful.

Stanley Teo
Library Settlement Worker
Lillian H. Smith Branch – Toronto Library

Please send us 200 copies. The library will display and distribute them and keep a few copies for reference in our Legal Aid vertical file.

Bernadette Preyde
Information Services
Aurora Public Library

Library clients who were using the service made me aware of it. I intend to leave the guides in a public area for public distribution. I also want to tell the other public service staff about it.

Nick Bludov
Branch Librarian
Markham Village Library

Please provide us with as many copies of your Legal Line brochures as you can reasonably spare. We make them available to members of the public who use our law library.

Ted Tjaden, Coordinator of Information Services
Bora Laskin Law Library
University of Toronto (U of T)

I picked up one at the local library and felt that this was a very useful service. Most or our clients deal with work, marriage and family problems which involves a lot of legal issues. The guides would be distributed to these clients and also to therapists-in-training.

Dr. T.Y. Wong
Marriage and Family Therapist
Grace Health Centre

Our library patrons have found your service extremely useful and I would like to continue this public service.

Lily M. Leung
Librarian, Main Street Branch
Toronto Public Library

The London Public Library received 600 copies of Legal Line in July. We want more.

Claudette Smith
Clerk, Community Outreach
London Public Library

We run a public library in shared facility with a high school and community centre. I keep myself aware of public legal information services as part of regular duties and I have included Legal Line in the training courses that I deliver. You provide an exceptional service and we will continue to distribute your guides to the public.

Jennifer Chaplin
Mississauga Library System

We are a free legal clinic… we offer information and referral services to professionals and social service organizations, workshops, support groups, a library and a resource centre. I have a very old, tattered brochure from Fall 2000..please send 200 more.

Barbara Kilbourn
Executive Director
New Directions Legal Clinic

I saw the guide in the Guelph Public Library. Many of our clients (infants – seniors) have legal issues and we believe your Guide would be extremely helpful to many of our youth, adults, seniors and/or families, as well as to our staff members. We serve all of Guelph, Wellington and Dufferin counties. We are funded by Ministries of Health/Long Term Care and MCSS.

David C. Phelps, MSW. RS.
Manager, Volunteer Services and Student Placements
Community Mental Health Clinic

We keep a legal resource library here with CLEO and similar documents. Please send 200.

Greg Dorter
Youth Support Worker
Change Now Youth Drop-In and Resource Centre

We received a free copy of your Legalline guide along with your book on the Canadian Criminal Code that we purchased for our collection. As a library, we often get asked legal questions, about everything from “how to I apply for visitation with my kids ?” to “How do I sue the contractor who fixed my bathroom ?”

We direct people to departments or Government agencies, and this guide does a wonderful job of putting all of that information in one place. Your guides would be a great help to our clients, instead of jotting down 4 or 5 phone numbers on a scrap of paper.

Kate Davis
Manager of Public Service
Cobourg Public Library

… useful for our library. I would like to receive 500 Legal Line Guides.

Geoffrey E. Moyer
Reference Technician
Brantford Public Library

I’m a high school law teacher. The brochure will be posted in the library and in my classroom.

Clarke Wodchis
Martingrove Collegiate Institute

I obtained a pamphlet from a Job Squad ( Human Resources & Development Canada) information booth at our school…an excellent resource / reference item for our library. It will be used in Law classes for reference purposes, and in library research presentations. It will also be made available for pick up by students.

Larry Maenpaa
Teacher – Librarian
Toronto District School Board (TDSB)

I learned of Legal Line through our school library. I will distribute some of these guides to my law students to assist them in their research, and I will also distribute them to our guidance clients as a take-home reference for their family.

Mary Lynn Prior
Teacher / Guidance Counsellor
Runnymede Collegiate Institute

Our supply has run out and I hope you can refill it ! We use these brochures as very useful handouts in the Law section, Main Reference Deppartment of the Toronto Reference Library.

Stephanie Ledger, Public Service Assistant
Main Reference Department
Toronto Reference Library

… would like to request 2000 copies. The staff at the Oshawa Public Library refer to Legal Line on a regular basis for many of our patrons. We have had these guides in previous years available free to our patrons, but in the last year we have gone through them all. Fortunately, we kept one last copy that stays at our Reference Desk and it has been copied so many times that it is now quite worn.

Tammy Robinson
Oshawa Public Library

Please ship to us about 600 copies of the latest edition of the Legal Line pamphlet for our library.

Ruth Greenwood, Business Department
Central Library
Mississauga Library System

The Library main branch is interested in replenishing it’s supply. They are very popular. The Library has on average 1,200 patrons a day and our brochure racks are very well used.

Loraine Fredin
Periodicals & Local History Department
Waterloo Public Library

We will use these pamphlets in our library and in our guidance office.

Linda Blake, Administrative Secretary
George Lucas, B.A. B.Ed., Principal
Eastdale Collegiate Institute

I picked up your guide at my local library and hung it in the library at the West. We are now being asked by many volunteer organizations for copies of it.

Philip Smith
Metro West Detention Centre

The library (main branch) is interested in replenishing its supply of Legal Line. The library has on average 1,200 patrons a day and our brochure racks are very well used. Please send us 2 boxes of 500 each.

Lorraine Fredin
Waterloo Public Library

I first saw your poster when I visited the Hamilton Public Library – Central Branch. The service you offer the public is a DIRECT route to finding real answers.

Zynara B. Gaerian
Reference Librarian, Simcoe Branch
Norfolk Public Library

We hand out so many, that I am sure the library patrons using the Law section find them very useful.

Main Reference Department
Toronto Reference Library

The guides were originally ordered by a previous staff member, but we all know about it. The guides go quickly. They are placed in the Community Information Section and in the Legal Information Section of the library for pickup by the public.

Angele Barnett
Library Technician
Newmarket Public Library

I obtained a copy of the guide from a local library. I am requesting further copies of the guide to provide to the clients of ADAPT, who struggle with problems related to alcohol, drugs and/or gambling… as well as to their family members, who become heavily involved in supporting their loved ones.

Jennifer Bumstead, BSW
Social Worker
Halton Alcohol & Drug Assessment Prevention & Treatment (ADAPT)

We are pleased with the layout of the guide and how comprehensive it is. I am not sure where our guide came from, but we need a lot more. We provide one on one support, group support when applicable, a lending library, public education, and accompaniment through the legal, or medical system. Your guide is a valuable resource to have on hand.

Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Centre

We are a legal information resource for Canadians incarcerated in American prisons. I picked up your brochure at the local library and formally request 200 more as I will use them while i am engaged in increasing the publics awareness of our mandate. Our Canadian inmates need resources and Canadian legal Information to help with their safe return… by transfer, or deport to Canada, from the United States of America (U.S.A.).

Rev. Alphonse B. Gucci
Alliance of Incarcerated Canadians / Foreigners in American Prisons (AICAP / AIFAP)

I set up and stock a resource library for our members. Please send 200 guides.

M. Camacho
Manager, Hearing Department
Alcohol and Gaming Commission

I first learned of the service by a brochure that a client brought into our office. We would like your flyers to be made available to all our clients in our resource library, and through our client and member events.

In fact, we would like to stock Legal Line from now on, as one of our primary resources.

John Fisher
Business Information Officer
Mississauga Business Enterprise Centre

Upon visiting my local library, I came across one of your guides. I showed it to my Manager of Court Services, Marie-Anne Kelly-Lalonde, who shared it with the staff. A decision was made that the guides would be most useful to the public who use the courthouse. The categories were very extensive with much valued information. Please send 2 boxes of flyers.

Rosemary, Receptionist
Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)
Superior Court of Justice

In my role as Coordinator of Public Internet Access in Haliburton County, the decision has been made to have Legal Line bookmarked on all our sites. I tried looking up information about a traffic offence problem that a friend has, and both he and I found it very helpful. As for copies of the published directory, I would like to start with 500, which I will distribute to the libraries, agencies, organizations and municipal offices. This is a very important public resource.

Eric Lilius
Coordinator of Public Internet Access
Haliburton County Community Internet Access Program

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