
Police Services Across Canada Distribute Legal Line Flyers

Government and Agency Partner Testimonials

Legal Line answers all of our most frequently asked questions. I’d like to order 600 flyers for distribution to our First Nations communities.

Police Constable Allan Giba, Community Initiatives Coordinator
Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service Headquarters
Thunder Bay, Ontario

A Local Justice of the Peace showed me a copy of his Legal Line Guide and I realized it was a great resource. We are constantly receiving inquiries from the public concerning Acts we don’t deal with on a day to day basis… send 4,000.

P.C. Hal Lewis, Police Constable
Court Officer
Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.) / Ontario Courthouse

I would like to request 500 Legal Line guides for our division.

Police Constable D’Amico (#2404)
21 Division, Peel Regional Police

An envelope containing the resource guide, information about the book and a couple of pamphlets were sent to the Calgary Police Service Victim Assistance Unit. We had not heard of this organization previously. Our Unit provides information and support to over 30,000 victims of crime and tragedy annually. Many times our advocates are asked about information on legal matters that are outside the scope of our mandate. Legalline will provide a resource that can be mailed or the information given over the phone.

Penny Ferguson, Crisis Coordinator
Calgary Police Victim Assistance Unit

1,000 voice recordings available 24 hrs. a day over the telephone… What a wonderful service for our seniors or immigrant clients who prefer to ‘listen’, rather than ‘read’ on the website. There are numerous people attending our Headquarters and Districts on a daily basis seeking information and guidance with regards to their everyday lives. Legal Line is definitely a wealth of information for them.

Alice Windsor, Police Constable #5153
Records & Inquiry Bureau
York Regional Police

Ian, please send me 500 more Legal Line posters. They don’t last long once we put them on the counter.

Police Constable Chrystal Jones
Forest Detachment
Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

Norfolk County O.P.P. request as many guides as would be allowed for availability to the public and to our officers. We have 120 people working in the building and approximately 200 people through the office daily.

Police Constable M.A. Burns (PC 4368)
Norfolk Detachment
Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

I wish to order at least 500 of your flyers. I thought it would be a good idea to have them available in our front counter area. The Victoria Police Department was established in 1858 and is the oldest Police department west of the Great Lakes. Our 243 police officers, 106 civilian staff and 78 volunteers proudly serve the City of Victoria, BC.

Meredith Robertson, Court Administrator
Crime Prevention Services of British Columbia
Victoria Police Department

A local ‘Justice of the Peace’ showed me a copy of his Legal Line Guide and I understood immediately that it was a great resource. We are constantly receiving inquiries from the public concerning acts we don’t deal with on a day to day basis, and we would like to become a distribution point for your pamphlets.

Police Constable Hal Lewis
Court Officer
Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

I recently obtained one of your Legal Line Guides and have found it invaluable. I would like to obtain more so that I can hand them out to members of the public. What would be the maximum amount that I would be allowed to get ?

Laurel Barnett, Police Constable
Community Support Officer
Halton Regional Police Service

I passed your pamphlet around to the members of 55 Division Community Response Unit at our office meeting. The feedback was excellent. We feel that Legal Line is a valuable resource and will assist us as a method of referral to members of the community. We feel this is a very worthwhile venture and would like to obtain as many flyers as we are permitted.

P.C. Steve Kelly, Police Constable #5826
55 Division – Community Response Unit
Toronto Police Service

We would like to avail ourselves of your generous offer and, therefore, ask if you could provide 1,000 posters for our busy police station ?

Alan Drennan
Hamilton Police Service

Legal Line has information for everything. This has been an excellent resource and we would very much like to provide one to all our our crisis responders. We currently employ 85 volunteer Crisis Responders who provide immediate crisis intervention to all victims of crime and tragic circumstances in our region. We work primarily with Waterloo Police Service and other emergency service providers. Please ship us the maximum amount and we will share them with all of our Community Partners.

Rose Kronschnable
Program Manager
Victim Services of Waterloo Region (RCMP)

We would like to have 2 more boxes – one for public display and one for our police officer’s use while they are on duty. What a great resource.

Sheila Coulthard, Adminstrative Clerk
St. Marys Office / Perth County
Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

There are numerous people attending our Headquarters and Districts on a daily basis seeking information and guidance with regard to their everyday lives. Legal Line is definitely a wealth of information for them. York Regional Police is devised of five (5) separate divisions throughout York Region, and we would appreciate it if you could forward to us an ample supply of Legal Line to be distributed throughout our entire organization.

Alice Windsor (#5153)
Records & Inquiry Bureau
York Regional Police

The Peel Regional Police recognize that the information contained within your pamphlets is of significant benefit to persons seeking legal advice. The Peel Regional Police Service would be pleased to display the Legal Line brochures in our facilities and would appreciate you forwarding an appropriate supply to us for distribution. We consist of five (5) Divisions and seven (7) Community Stations that would be participating. In addition, pamphlets would also be distributed to Headquarters Reception, Operations Support Services and Professional Standards.

Sergeant Dennis M. Falconi, Officer in Charge (OIC)
Crime Prevention Services
Peel Regional Police

What an incredibly valuable resource. This pamphlet has been distributed throughout the entire Toronto Police Service and has become a vital tool for our community officers. I continue to get the most impressive comments from officers and community representatives. They all go on and on-and-on about the value of this pamphlet and they cannot believe how much information is available to them. I will continue to showcase this resource pamphlet at ALL of our community displays and I will encourage our divisions to do likewise. I must say I have never seen such a complete and informative pamphlet in my 25 years of policing. Congratulations on such a successful program.

P.C. Ed Heinrichs, Community Outreach
Police Constable, Crime Prevention
Toronto Police Service

Communications Operators play a vital role in ensuring that the right response is dispatched to whatever emergency situation arises. This challenging job is one of many performed by the more than 2,800 civilian members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). The OPP’s five (5) Provincial Communications Centres (PCC) provide telecommunications services including dispatch, 9-1-1 and administrative call taking to communities throughout Ontario. These centres operate on a 24/7 basis. Please forward as many copies of your Guide as we may have.

Sgt. Doug Bernardi #4538
Aurora Telecommunications Unit
Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

I was surfing on the net and found your great web page. I was so impressed with the contents that I linked your page to the U of T Police website. Then, while at 40 College Street, Toronto Police Headquarters I picked up one of your pamphlets. It looks great. As a result, I would like to order 10,000, because we currently have over 70,000 students.

Sam D’Angelo
Acting Manager of Police Services
University of Toronto Police

I work with the Risk Management Unit and our purpose is to contribute to the achievement of the Toronto Police Service’s priorities and core values.
We have found that your guides are very informative and helpful.

Lorie Santos, Legal Clerk
Professional Standards – Legal Services
Toronto Police Service

… send copies of your Guide so we may post them around our police station. Also, send us a box of flyers and we will pile them up in our entrance area.

Mike Taroni
North Bay Police Association

On behalf of our Chief of Police for the City of Rothesay, please ship us 500.

Stephen N. McIntyre
Chief of Police
New Brunswick Regional Police Force

I work at a Community Station within 12 Division, Peel Regional Police. The Legal Line pamphlet is a resource that we use a great deal, handing it out to members of the public with questions or problems in many legal areas that require more assistance than we can provide. I would appreciate as many copies as you can send, as I am down to my last few.

Kimberly Malcovich
Square One Mall – Community Police Station
Peel Regional Police

I received your poster in the mail today and we want a lot more. What is the maximum amount that a police station can get ?

Janice Tomlinson
Administrative Assistant
Smiths Falls Police Service

Please forward 40 posters to Lacombe Police Service so that I may share them with my fellow officers. How many are we allowed to have for our station foyer ?

Robert B. (Rocky) Rauckman
Lacombe Police Service (Alberta)

How exciting to read about Legal Line in our local newspaper ! Temiskaming & District VCARS is a community based program that provides immediate crisis assistance to victims of crime through specially trained community volunteers who are on-call to area police and emergency services, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is imperative that we keep our volunteers educated. Please send us 4 boxes of the guides. Do you have a prearranged teaching tool (such as PowerPoint) that I could use to educate our community ?

Judie Martin
Executive Director
Temiskaming & District VCARS (RCMP)

As a lawyer, and a Detective Sergeant, I have reviewed Legal Line, and specifically, the criminal law topics that involve policing issues. I have found the information provided to be accurate and comprehensive. I have met with Police Constable Ed Heinrichs of our Community Policing Support Unit, and we have arranged for the distribution of the Legal Line pamphlets to ALL 53 locations within our Service. They will be accessible to both Service employees and members of the public. Constable Heinrichs has also undertaken to ensure the Units stay supplied with Legal Line guides. Please forward 10,000 copies, or allow me to arrange to have them picked up.

George H. Cowley, LL.B.
Detective Sergeant, Legal Services
Toronto Police Service

We can’t seem to keep your flyers in stock. There are numerous people attending our Headquarters and Districts on a daily basis seeking information and guidance with regards to their everyday lives. Legal Line is definitely a wealth of information for them.
York Regional Police is devised of five (5) separate divisions throughout York Region and we would appreciate it if you could forward to us an ample supply of Legal Line to be distributed throughout our organization.

Pre-recorded Legal Line information 24 hrs a day for all those who wish to listen, rather than read it off the internet… what a wonderful brochure. Thank you so very much for creating and sharing this information with us. There are numerous people attending our Headquarters and Districts on a daily basis seeking information and guidance with regards to their everyday lives. Legal Line is definitely a wealth of information for them. York Regional Police is devised of five (5) separate divisions throughout York Region and we would appreciate it if you could forward to us an ample supply of Legal Line to be distributed throughout our organization.

Alice Windsor, Badge #5153
Records & Inquiry Bureau
York Regional Police

Can we please get 2 boxes of Legal Line posters to share between our police station, and our community centre ?

Cory Bigplume
Tsuu T’ina Nation Police Service (Alberta)

This is a Police Community Station, and many of the people who access this station do so to discuss matters which turn out to be civil issues, rather than criminal. We have found that handing out your pamphlet has been an excellent resource. Please forward as many of the pamphlets as possible. We are down to our last box !

Kimberly Macovich, C.S.R.T.
Community Station
Peel Regional Police

I have held many positions during 30 years with the NB Police Service, and I am currently S. Sgt. of the platoon, as well as the President of the NBPA…. please send copies of your Guide so we can post them around our police station.

Staff Sergeant Mike Tarini
President NBPA
North Bay Police Association (NBPA)

A brochure was included in a Police Association of Ontario (PAO) meeting agenda package for our Union. We will distribute them directly to each and every member at our next general meeting.

John Sottosanti, Secretary
Sarnia Police Association
Police Association of Ontario (PAO)

There has been a police presence in the Belleville area for the past 220 years. The structure, responsibilities and functions of that presence have changed dramatically over that time, but one thing for certain is that people have the right to know the laws under which we are all governed. Please be so kind as to send 1,000 of your flyers.

Peggy Smyth
Partners with the Community
Belleville Police Service

I would like to express my interest in obtaining Legal Line pamphlets. I found a copy here at my police station and I found it to be very useful. Please send me as many copies as you could.

P.C. Susana Musso-Duarte
Police Constable (#89667), 31 Division
Toronto Police Service

We really need another 500 posters, or more if you can. They don’t last long around here !

Chris Dewsbury, Provincial Const. #6005
Media Relations / Community Services Northumberland Detachment
Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

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