
Unions Big and Small Support Legal Line

Government and Agency Partner Testimonials

I found legal line while walking through U of T law school. I do LGBT advocacy and community building and am very involved in my union, OPSEU.

Morgen Veres
Ontario Public Services Employees Union (OPSEU)

Greetings. My name is Henry and I am recording secretary for the Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville chapter of the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada. We were wondering if there would be someone from your organization who would be able to come and speak at one of our meetings in the new year …?

Henry Evans-Tenbrinke Recording Secretary HBO
Congress of Union Retirees of Canada

U.T.E. is broken down into 10 regions and 56 Locals. I am a local president, representing more than 27,000 employees of Canada Revenue Agency. We exist to maintain and advance the workplace rights of our members – a big task in today’s federal public service. Legal Line was promoted in our last year’s Summer newsletter, and a special ‘Thank You’ went to member Ruby Mitchell for providing information regarding your company and the services it provides. I would be grateful if you have any new bulletins regarding your services, which the Local can distribute to our members.

Anna Gill, Local President
Union of Taxation Employees (U.T.E.)
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)

We are an independent agency of the Ontario Ministry of Labour and very interested in being part of your Legal Line referral list. We provide free and confidential advice, assistance and representation to non-unionized workers and their survivors, with their workplace insurance claims (formerly called workers’ compensation). We also provide free and confidential advice and assistance to non-unionized workers who have experienced occupational health and safety reprisals.

Mary Tzaferis, Manager, Toronto and Eastern Region
Office of the Worker Adviser, Ministry of Labour

I am the service coordinator of Student Community Support Network under the McMaster University’s Students Union. I am contacting your office to inquire about having a representative/staff member from LegalLine to join us for our Student Housing Awareness Week. This November 24th, we will be holding a Student Housing Fair where various services, government offices and organizations will be providing information to students regarding their tenant rights and, more importantly, the services that are available to them.
The expectation is to speak to students about LegalLine specifically.

Emmanuel Appiah
Service Coordinator
Student Community Support Network

CLAC and its affiliated Local Unions to provide labour advice and representation to 25,000 members in virtually every sector of the workforce. This includes health care, construction service, manufacturing, transportation and education. Legal Line is a valuable resource for our union steward, members and staff.

Andrew Regnerus
Ontario Representative
Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC)

I am a Union Representative with the Power Workers’ Union and would like to receive 2,000 additional copies of your guide.

Charlie Gill
Union Representative
Ontario Power Generation

We are holding a conference at the Delta Chelsea Hotel in Toronto for our Union Chief Stewards. I would like to obtain 140 copies of your Legal Line Guide to hand out.

Marianne Vinton
Communications Department
Power Workers’ Union

Our Union is the largest union in several key sectors of Canada’s economy, including forestry, energy, telecommunications and media. The union’s 110,000 members work at a wide variety of jobs in hundreds of different workplaces across the country. CEP’s main activities include negotiating better wages, benefits and working conditions, protecting jobs, achieving equality, grievance representation, union education, organizing new members, political action, strengthening national and international ties.
We have 25 Stewards who represent the workers in their respective areas / departments. Because your legal pamphlet contains information that benefits these workers, it seems like a good idea to make them available to the Stewards.

Doreen McKay, Executive Director
Local 1701
Communication, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada

As you know, some of our staff reviewed the materials you sent us on Legal Line. We also reviewed the pre-recorded information, website, and the printed materials on Workers’ Compensation. We feel that the service is useful for our staff to refer clients. It has been decided to list your service on our website as a useful link for ‘workers’. The Office of the Worker Adviser is an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Labour.
Our office provides free and confidential services concerning Ontario workplace insurance, or worker’s compensation claims to injured workers and survivors who do not have a union to help them. We have 15 local offices in Ontario. Our office handles approximately 20,000 requests for service each year.

Diana Clark, Legislative Interpretation and Training Officer
Office of the Worker Adviser, Ministry of Labour

I am an elected representative for the Power Workers Union in the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station of Ontario. We have over 15,000 members in Ontario and 2,000 in Pickering. Due to Sept. 11… security requirements have been tightened in our nuclear facilities. In dealing with this situation, we were introduced to your website. Our Stewards found that the guides are very useful. Kindly send us 4,000 copies.

Albert Sham
Unit Secretary, Power Workers Union
Pickering Nuclear Generating Station of Ontario

A brochure was included in a Police Association of Ontario (PAO) meeting agenda package for our Union. We will distribute them directly to each and every member at our next general meeting.

John Sottosanti, Secretary
Sarnia Police Association
Police Association of Ontario (PAO)

I discovered this resource on a stroll through U of Toronto law school. I attend many community events as an LGBT organizer for OPSEU (Ontario Public Service Employees Union).
The law is not accessible for many in marginalized communities. This resource will help to de-mystify the law and hopefully provide help.

Morgen Veres
OPSEU Community Events Organizer
rainbow alliance arc en ciel

Our Union was founded in 1974 to provide a forum where injured workers could come together and address their problems. UIW also assists injured workers and their families with their individual cases. Worker representatives provide information, counseling, referrals and advocacy. We make referrals to both government and non-government agencies appropriate for each individual case.
Therefore, we strongly believe that the Legal Line Guide will be very much helpful to the organization, our members and injured workers.

Sokhom Srey
Workers Advisor
Union of Injured Workers of Ontario (UIW)

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