
8,000 Partners


    The Toronto Star

    The National Post

    Globe & Mail
  • "700 lawyers and judges with the finest reputations write answers for Legal Line, and I am proud to have been one.

    Jim Middlemiss, LL.B., J.D., Editor
    The National Post Newspaper

  • "We provide links to websites that share relevant information. We have decided to create a new link direct to Legal Line.

    James Truman
    Project Coordinator

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "The U.S. Consulate General in Toronto provides a variety of services for American citizens. Legal Line is a useful resource to the American public we service in Canada.

    Casey Fleming, Special Consular Services Assistant
    American Citizen Services

    Consulate General of the United States of America (U.S.A.)

  • "I have been volunteering for 25 years, reviewing laws for which I am experienced.

    Family Court Judge (22 yrs)
    Small Claims Court (12 yrs)
    Criminal Court Judge (5 yrs)

    The Honourable Marvin A. Zuker, Judge

  • "Legal Line is definitely an invaluable service. We regularly refer people to your website.

    Mary McConkey
    Manager, Customer Service

    Government of Ontario

  • "I recently received a copy of Legal Line and I would be interested in receiving an additional 45 copies for our 'Appeals Unit' staff. They will find them very useful.

    Jan Gerrie
    Case Presenter

    City of Toronto

  • "Thank you for sending the most recent batch of brochures. This information is vital to our Community Agencies.

    Suzette Lewis, C.V.A.
    Executive Director

    Community Justice Alternatives of Durham Region

  • "VCARS offers support and referrals to victims of crime and tragedy. I found your guide in a local office - excellent services, all the info in one guide, great to access with a toll free 800 # and website. I will give your guides to my volunteers and also use in the office for referrals.

    Sally Fremer, Executive Assistant
    Victim Crisis Assistance & Referral Services (VCARS)

    Ministry of Attorney General (MAG)

  • "As a former practicing lawyer and retired Executive Director of the Manitoba Law Foundation, I have watched the development of public legal information systems across Canada for the past 13 years. After completing an in-depth analysis, I report that the telephone and internet system developed by Legal Line is the most sophisticated electronic retrieval method I have ever encountered. The Directors of Legal Line have spent all of the time necessary to develop a public legal information system of the best possible quality, and they have obtained the cooperation of hundreds of lawyers with the finest of reputations.

    William K. Greenaway, Ph.D., LL.B.
    Doctorate in Law / Consultant to the LFO

    Law Foundation of Ontario (LFO)

  • "I coordinate an Outreach Program for Centre Wellington County. This office services approximately 10,000 residents living in Beloit, Elora, Fergus, Salem and Alma. We are currently operating services in 5 different sites. CWRG is responsible for Information and Referral Support; Licensed Childcare; Parent / Preschool Play Group; and Volunteer Services. Our variety of services is poignant to the community, making an average of 3,000 adult contacts during the year, all of which will benefit for your publication.

    A. Irene Cole
    Outreach Coordinator

    Centre Wellington Resource Group (CWRG)

  • "We found the website by doing a google search. The site is well laid-out, logical and very informative. We are pleased with the 'layman's law', presented in simple language that everyone can understand.

    Heather Deveaux / Karen Eager
    Executive Assistant / Office Manager

    Haliburton Highlands Chamber of Commerce

  • "Very good internet site.

    Frederic Lorquet, Sophie Richard
    Coordinators of Intervention

    Military Family Resource Centre

  • "The CEP Union of Canada is the largest union in several key sectors of Canada’s economy, including forestry, energy, telecommunications and media. The union’s 110,000 members work at a wide variety of jobs in hundreds of different workplaces across the country. CEP’s main activities include negotiating better wages, benefits and working conditions, protecting jobs, achieving equality, grievance representation, union education, organizing new members, political action, strengthening national and international ties. We have 25 Stewards who represent workers in their respective areas and departments. Because your pamphlet contains information that benefit our workers, it seems like a good idea to make Legal Line available to the Stewards.

    Doreen McKay, Executive Assistant
    Communications, Energy and Paperworkers (CEP) Union of Canada

    CEP Local 1701

  • "Communications Operators play a vital role in ensuring that the right response is dispatched to whatever emergency situation arises. This challenging job is one of many performed by the more than 2,800 civilian members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). The OPP's five (5) Provincial Communications Centres (PCC) provide telecommunications services including dispatch, 9-1-1 and administrative call taking to communities throughout Ontario. These centres operate on a 24/7 basis. Please forward as many copies of your Guide as we may have.

    Sergeant Doug Bernardi #4538
    Aurora Telecommunications Unit

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "My agency has given out many of your Legal Line brochures and we often need more ! Please ship us 300 every month.

    Maureen Eandie, Court Support Worker
    Manitoulin Family Resources

    Manitoulin Courthouse

  • "Please send us 500 Legal Line maps every 3 months.

    Helen Chocorlan, Library Technician
    Waverley Resource Library

    Thunber Bay Public Library

  • "I would like to express my interest in obtaining Legal Line pamphlets. I found a copy here at my police station and I found it to be very useful. Please send me as many copies as you could.

    P.C. Susana Musso-Duarte
    Police Constable (#89667), 31 Division

    Toronto Police Service

  • "We requested the guides before and now we are running out... send 600.

    Susan Shi
    Program Coordinator

    Toronto Chinatown Safety Centre

  • "We would like to make a request for 250 Legal Line Guides. They are very beneficial for the people that we help.

    Francesca Facchini, Support Worker
    Victim / Witness Assistance Programme

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "Please send me 500 Legal Line posters. I am already on your mailing list.

    Dave Armstrong, Case Manager
    Haldimand-Norfolk Branch

    Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

  • "We received a copy of the Legal Line Guide. We would like to receive more.

    Amanda L. Windsor, Prevention and Intervention Coordinator
    Borden Family Resource Centre

    Canadian Forces Base

  • "Our Union was founded in 1974 to provide a forum where injured workers could come together and address their problems. UIW also assists injured workers and their families with their individual cases. Worker representatives provide information, counseling, referrals and advocacy. We make referrals to both government and non-government agencies appropriate for each individual case. Therefore, we strongly believe that the Legal Line Guide will be very much helpful to the organization, our members and injured workers.

    Sokhom Srey
    Workers Advisor

    Union of Injured Workers of Ontario (UIW)

  • "I am a Financial Advisor and I have an office with over 15 agents... Legal Line posters are very useful for me, my agents and to all our clients who are always very grateful to receive them, and always seem to ask for more which is why we keep needing more.

    Ursula Dixon
    Financial Advisor

    Financial Advisors Group

  • "I am an instructor with the Toronto District School Board teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to adult learners. I am requesting the Legal Line guides because I use them as a teaching tool in my class. I have also given out these guides to my Seneca College students. I think these guides are very educational and a great start for anyone who is looking for legal representation.

    Rose Caruso, Educator
    Kenton Learning Centre

    Toronto District School Board / Seneca College

  • "May I please have 60 sample Legal Line Guides ?

    Michelle Halket
    Population and Public Health Branch / Ontario Region

    Health Canada

  • "I am from the Abbotsford Probation Office in BC and we would like some flyers for our office.

    Mandy Warren
    Abbotsford Community Corrections

    Government of Canada / British Columbia

  • "We are a Toronto-based, federally-licensed Trustee and Chartered Accountant firm in business since 1977. Please mail us 100 Legal Line Guides.

    Cathy Clark, Administrator
    Cooper & Company Ltd.

    Chartered Accountants

  • "Upon visiting my local library, I came across one of your guides. I showed it to my Manager of Court Services, Marie-Anne Kelly-Lalonde, who shared it with the staff. A decision was made that the guides would be most useful to the public who use the courthouse. The categories were very extensive with much valued information. Please send 2 boxes of flyers.

    Rosemary, Receptionist
    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

    Superior Court of Justice

  • "We will distribute them directly to low income people living in London through our Resource Centre, and throughout the city through our Food Security Program. The Community Advocate will also make them available to her clients.

    Jacqueline Thompson
    Executive Director

    LIFE SPIN - Community Resource Library

  • "Please send more legal guides. Our customers find them very helpful.

    M. Wright, Court Clerk
    Courts Administration Division, County of Simcoe

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "One of our JAG legal officers would like 100 copies of your Guide.

    Barbara McCue, JAG Library
    Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG)

    Main Law Library / Constitution Building

  • "Send 500 posters to us please.

    Jennifer Carriere
    Employment Resource Worker

    District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board (DNSSAB)

  • "We have become the most successful Skip Tracing service in Canada. We are licensed, bonded and insured Private Investigators specializing in locating missing persons and property for Banks, Lawyers, Pension Administrators and Private Investigators locating their clients and debtors. Please send me 1 box of flyers.

    Cameron Klinck

    ACE Locator Services Inc.

  • "The OEA provides Ontario employers with expert, free and confidential advice. We need more Legal Line posters.

    Heather Mendela, Manager
    Office of the Employer Advisor (OEA)

    Ministry of Labour, Government Services

  • "I came across Legal Line on the internet. It would be helpful to my students and possibly other teachers to have this information available and distributed. There is a strong interest in legal information at my school.

    Jim Hoganson
    Law Teacher

    Brampton Centennial Secondary School


    Globe & Mail

  • "We have run out of guides. Please send me 200 more.

    Katie Tonetti, Assistant Coordinator
    Victim Witness Assistance Program, Orangeville

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "Please send another box of Legal Line pamphlets to our Satellite office.

    Pam Desbiens, Case Aide Clerk
    Ontario Works

    District of Cochrane Social Services Administration Board

  • "Please send me 250 Legal Line posters.

    Moira Brownlee, Coordinator
    Mennonite Central Committee Alberta

    Community Justice Ministries

  • "Amazing! I would like to speak with someone about inviting you to our Employment Resource Centre to speak with our clients and staff about Legal Line.

    Angela Colangelo

    Job Start

  • "Founded in 1910, University Settlement is a multi-service community and recreation centre which offers a wide range of quality, accessible programs and services at affordable rates. The centre has 6 departments, with a Program Director for each, as listed below on our letterhead. Please send 600 and I will share them throughout the centre.

    Penny Wong, Director
    English as a Second Language (ESL)

    University Settlement Recreation Centre

  • "A case manager attended a presentation and brought a Legal Line brochure back to our office. It is a good resource to have available for clients and staff who may need to access the services of a lawyer.

    Karen Delong
    Resources Worker

    York Support Services Network (YSSN)

  • "I saw a copy of your brochure through an Adult Support Worker. We share this information with families that are interested.

    Gary Whetung

    Developmental Services Access Centre - Waterloo Region

  • "Please send us 200 copies of the poster.

    Joanne Feil
    Volunteer Coordinator / Office Manager

    Helpmate Community Information and Volunteer Bureau

  • "We run a dynamic law firm offering legal services in Business, Intellectual Property, Internet, E-Commerce, Information Technology , and Computer Law. Legal Line is a valuable public service.

    Kashif Sher, LL.B.
    Business Lawyer

    Arya & Sher Law Firm

  • "Please send us 100 Legal Line. Our other location in Borden Ontario brags about your maps and told us we should get some.

    Wendy Johnson, Administrative Assistant
    Deputy Judge Advocate, Canadian Forces Base Petawawa

    Government of Canada

  • "I first learned of the service by a brochure that a client brought into our office. We would like your flyers to be made available to all our clients in our resource library, and through our client and member events. In fact, we would like to stock Legal Line from now on, as one of our primary resources.

    John Fisher
    Business Information Officer

    Mississauga Business Enterprise Centre

  • "We are a community-based agency whose purpose is to reduce and/or eliminate the misuse of alcohol and drugs, problem gambling and the related effects on the families and communities of York Region. A staff member had kept a personal copy of your flyer, which she received while working at a women's shelter. It is a useful service for our client population as they often deal with complex legal issues involving many different aspects of law. The service will also provide our staff with referral information. The information is comprehensive enough to get a basic understanding of a topic, yet provides it briefly which makes this service highly useable.

    Pam Stanton
    Clinical Director

    Addiction Services of York Region

  • "The Mississauga Library System is proud to be part of your group's successes, as a distribution point for your information. Over the years, requests for distribution continue to increase. Last year, the Library System distributed through its 14 locations about 125,000 pieces of Legal Line promotional materials.

    Ingrid Dalton
    Manager, Marketing and Community Development

    Mississauga Library System, Central Library

  • "I have been practicing Business Law for over 8 years and I have extensive experience in most commercial matters including: Corporate Finance and Securities, IT, Franchising, Commercial Real Estate as well as most other Corporate & Commercial Law matters. My goal is to provide 'added value' to my clients by taking the time to learn about their businesses and perhaps bring some new insight in addition to providing them with quality legal service. I support Legal Line as it is a valuable resource.

    Daniel Rothberg, LL.B.
    Business Lawyer

    Barrister & Solicitor

  • "I would like to order 200 copies of the brochure.

    Diane Roberts
    DayStar Native Outreach

  • "Our office is located in the Tannery Mall in Newmarket and right beside our office is Human Resources Development Canada. I noticed your brochures and picked one up. I opened it right away and noticed a wealth of information so I called in and listened to some of your pre-recorded answers. Then I noticed the website and printed off some information. We have a resource centre and this will be a great resource to our clients and to the staff as well. You are providing a great amount of information and it is very easily accessible.

    Cori Araujo
    Administrative Assistant

    Community Business Access Centre

  • "Many clients call with legal questions and our Co-ordinator will attempt to refer them to agencies who can assist them. Your organization is a wonderful resource for our clients.

    Colette Tanner

    Belleville Community Trust Fund

  • "A copy of your excellent Legal Line pamphlet was received by one of our workers at the Youth Mosaic at Emery Collegiate. What an excellent layout, easy to read / use format ! Your brochure would be a definite asset to our centre. Please send one box.

    Judy Pagliuca on behalf of the Employment Resource Centre Staff
    Social Services

    City of Toronto

  • "I just received your information package and was wondering if you could send 4 boxes of Legal Line posters to the City of Vaughan municipal offices.

    Marianne Pacifico, Citizen Service Representative
    Access Vaughan

    City of Vaughan

  • "I would like to request 100 copies of Legal Line. How soon can we receive these brochures?

    Kimberley Sialtsis
    Ontario March of Dimes


    The National Post

  • "I am teaching Personal Life Management which includes a large unit on Law. I believe that it is more important for the students to learn how to find answers to their own questions than for me to give them the answers. Your guide and access to the internet and/or telephone will make that possible. I heard about LegalLine.ca from my husband who is a cop in Toronto.

    Sue Palmer

    Uxbridge Secondary School

  • "Is it possible to send 5 boxes of your guide? We have 8 employment counsellors here and 20 different locations and we are continually handing out your guides to our clients.

    Debbie Bedford, Employment Counsellor
    Employment Assessment Centre

    Goodwill Industries

  • "I am requesting 500 free Legal Line Guides to be placed in our Resource Room. Your one-shop Guides are of great benefit to our clients who are on social assistance and have limited resources.

    Sandra Bragg for Heather MacVicar, General Manager
    Social Services

    City of Toronto

  • "I would value 3 boxes of Legal Line Posters.

    Denise D’Silva
    Mississauga Location

    Legal Aid Ontario

  • "Thanks for the material I received in the mail - much appreciated. I would love to have 250 more for students who come to our office seeking legal advice. We no longer have a duty counsel on campus and since we don't have a law school, students often appear at our door with a whole range of legal issues.

    Shelley Lancaster
    Assistant to the Ombudsman

    McMaster University

  • "We report news and information to the college community in St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Welland and area. I became aware of your service through a colleague in the media profession. I am a reporter at my college and feel the guides would provide a valuable base of knowledge to anyone in need. I will promote your website service ON AIR and in our Newspaper.

    I. Ricciuto

    Niagara News

  • "Established in 1997, and developed by 14 different agencies, we are led by the Metropolitan Toronto Task Force on Street Prostitution. We offer a drop-in program, counselling and referrals. I have one copy of the free guide left which I use so often that it is getting worn out.

    Courtney Evers
    Computers / Life Skill Co-ordinator

    Streetlight Support Services

  • "Our Family Services office if very interested in obtaining 3,000 information pamphlets for our office.

    Dana Kerr, Administrative Support
    Family Services Division

    Region of Durham Social Services

  • "Our agency would like to have 50 more posters. We have found them to be helpful to our clients and staff.

    Brenda Schippling
    Residential Coordinator / Legal Advocate

    Optimism Place

  • "I heard about the guide from another service provider in an information session. It will be used in the ESL classroom for information sharing to newcomers to Canada. It is a useful and helpful tool for the services we provide in the area.

    Leela Singh, Lead Teacher
    United Way Member Agency

    Riverdale Immigrant Women's Shelter

  • "We provide services to approximately 3,000 foreign students per year who come to Canada. We facilitate the arrival and orientation process and act as a resource and help centre for these students.

    Nami Aoki
    Coordinator, www.travelcuts.com

    Student Work Abroad Programme of CFS

  • "... 200 for our new office in Vaughan.

    Diane Prospero
    Program Associate

    Job Skills

  • "We have 11 offices in the GTA. I just read a copy of your Legal Line information pamphlet. It is an excellent source of information. We counsel people on budgeting and debt management. My manager would like to make this information available to all of our clients and visitors.

    Nancy Marsh

    Credit Counselling Service of Toronto

  • "I was fortunate to obtain your Legal Line brochure. Family Residence is a shelter that serves a population of over 650 people. I know that Legal Line will be an excellent resource for our clients and staff alike.

    Nicola Forde, Outreach Support Worker
    Family Residence

    City of Toronto

  • "We received one Legal Line poster from your organization in the mail, and would like to place an order for an additional 200.

    Nicole Truman
    Business Consultant

    Business Advisory Centre / Peterborough

  • "We provide legal advice and services to those who qualify. The service of these Legal Line Guides is great - we hand them out often. We give your flyers out so people can get the website and valuable information they need.

    Sylvia Brock, Officer Manager
    Sioux Lookout

    Legal Aid Ontario

  • "I am a Referral Agent for CRA's Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Mr. Ian Levine left us with 10 copies of your brochure. It's very popular and we all wanted copies. We will distribute them amongst four (4) tax services offices. We would like 1,000 copies.

    Jane Murray, EAP Peer Referral Agent
    Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

    Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)

  • "I was first introduced to your Guide by a Pre-Paid Legal Plan associate. I propose to hand deliver these guides together with other literature (debt management and mediation services) during presentations to small groups, 10-20 persons, in their homes or at their workplaces.

    John McCance
    Managing Director, Brighter Futures / Legal Service Plans


  • "We have been using Legal Line brochures since the year 1999, and would like to continue. We find this information helpful for clients with issues that Legal Aid does not cover. We would like 1,000 additional pamphlets.

    Julie Forsyth
    Acting Area Office Administrator

    Legal Aid Ontario

  • "Could we have 60 free guides delivered to our office for our review ?

    Chris Gilbert, Employment Case Manager
    Norfolk County

    Haldimand-Norfolk Ontario Works

  • "PIA is a non-profit, charitable, community-based organization which provides settlement programs and services to new immigrants and refugees. I would appreciate if you could mail to us 200 copies of this poster.

    Anna Wojciechowska
    Settlement / Resource Centre Worker

    Parkdale Intercultural Association (PIA)

  • "We only have one copy of your Legal Line map... with a tremendous amount of very useful information relating to our job needs. Please send me 20 copies since each of our 16 Inquiries Officers refer to it frequently.

    Nicole Menard
    Inquiries Officer

    Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

  • "We are constantly on the lookout for great business resources, and our staff recently selected Legalline.ca to be added to our online resource database. CanadaOne is a free just-in-time business resource for small businesses in Canada, with over 900 articles on how to start-up and grow a Canadian business. Your link has been added.

    Julie King
    Publisher & Managing Editior


  • "We inform and educate the community about the issue of wife assault, and women abuse, in order to decrease the incidence of physical, emotional and sexual abuse against women and the effect that abuse has on children. We provide education to disabled women and for those who are hard of hearing. We received Legal Line Guides in the mail. We think it is a very brilliant and innovative idea to come up with this guide.

    Erna Opena, Administration
    United Way Member Agency

    Education Wife Assault

  • "We received several free copies from the YMCA's Employment Services Information Warehouse. We find that this could be an important first step to giving people vital information concerning their legal situation, as well as action they can take immediately to avoid legal problems and enhance their standing.

    Jimmy & Cathy
    Information Officers

    Toronto District School Board / Chesswood ERC

  • "Would your group please send our Regina office 500 of your pamphlets. We would like to hand them out to persons inquiring about legal services that we do not handle. Your website is very well done.

    Regina City

    Legal Aid Saskatchewan

  • "Please send me 12 Legal Line Posters for our staff.

    Shelly Skipper
    Community Outreach Manager

    Chatham Kent Women's Centre

  • "As a Public Health Nurse with the City of Toronto, we are in contact with many clients who are in need of legal information and guidance. We would appreciate as many pamphlets as possible, perhaps 200 to start with.

    Theresa Santos, Public Health Nurse
    Community & Neighbourhood Services

    City of Toronto

  • "We run a Municipal Resource Centre. Please send us 400 of your useful guides.

    M. Virginillo

    Parkdale Social Services

  • "We are down to our last box of Legal Line guides. We use the guides for referrals, distribute the guides to clients looking for information from our Business Resource Centre, and give them to clients from the community.

    Lindsey Weening
    Bradford & District Chamber of Commerce

  • "We are running low on flyers. Please send us another box of your free Guides to the Kitchener West Probation Office.

    Donnette Vassell
    Probation and Parole Officer

    Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

  • "Love to get a box of those posters for our six (6) Law classes this year... approx. 200 students. They were a huge hit last year.

    L.M.S. Glass, BA, BE.d, LL.B Juris Doctor
    Law, History, English Teacher

    Middlefield Collegiate, YRDSB

  • "We received some very valuable information from your organization the other day. Please accept our request for 30 more.

    Tanoon Fraser
    Clinical Intake Coordinator

    The Etobicoke Children's Centre

  • "The OPGT is responsible for protecting the property and personal interests of mentally incapable adults who have no one else to help them, investigating allegations of abuse of mentally incapable adults, protecting the public's interest in charities, searching for heirs, investing perpetual care funds and also, dealing with dissolved corporations. Please provide our office with 32 copies of Legal Line for our staff.

    Jeanne Joy, Administrative Assistant
    Ottawa, ON

    Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT)

  • "Please send our medical clinic 100 free posters. The are very well done.

    Stella Dantonio
    Medical Secretary

    Grace Health Centre

  • "I set up and stock a resource library for our members. Please send 200 guides.

    M. Camacho
    Manager, Hearing Department

    Alcohol and Gaming Commission

  • "These guides benefit our clients.

    Ariane Griffiths
    Receptionist / Administrative Assistant

    Job Skills

  • "Please send me 20 posters and 250 flyers - they are great !

    Joanne L. Murray, Executive Director
    Moncton, NB

    John Howard Society of Greater Moncton

  • "Thanks so much for the great poster on Legal Line. We would love to have more.

    Barbara Rockwell, Project Administrator
    Career Opportunities Project

    Campbellford Community Resource Centre

  • "I first heard of your service through Court Hearings I attended while in Ottawa. As we work all over the province and country, could you please provide me with 100.

    Corporal Sheldon Pinsent

    Canadian Forces National Investigation Services

  • "I run a general practice law firm. Please send 200 to my attention.

    Robert Waddell, LL.B.
    Lawyer, Sole Practitioner

    Robert Waddell Law Office

  • "As I was working on preparation for teaching Grade 12 Law, I did an internet search and found your website. I read many of the FAQs and was impressed with the information. There are other law courses in the school which will be taught by other teachers. I can share copies of the guide with them as well.

    Omeela Latchman
    Business Studies Teacher

    Sir John A. Macdonald Collegiate Institute

  • "I am requesting 1,000 copies of the free Legal Line Guide.

    Ji-woong Kim
    Korea Exchange Bank of Canada

  • "St. Christopher House has been a neighbourhood centre in the downtown west end of Toronto for 100 years, since 1912. We work with diverse individuals, families and groups to promote personal and social change in order to achieve a safe, healthy and accepting society for all. We would like to order 250 of the Legal Information pamphlets.

    Maria Costa
    St. Christopher House

  • "Thank you very much for the latest version of the Legal Line pamphlet we received in the mail today. As we also run a part-time legal clinic here at POINT, we have made good use of the pamphlet when helping people.

    Janice Webster
    Community Information Service Co-ordinator

    People & Organizations in North Toronto (POINT)

  • "We have your poster with contact information, listing numbers, and websites from Legal Line and would like to get more.

    Arun Dhanota, Peer Helper
    Legal Resources Room

    University of Guelph

  • "Please send me 60 copies (30 students x 2 law classes).

    Gail Chiky
    Business Studies Department

    George Vanier Secondary School (TDSB)

  • "We are a legal information resource for Canadians incarcerated in American prisons. I picked up your brochure at the local library and formally request 200 more as I will use them while i am engaged in increasing the publics awareness of our mandate. Our Canadian inmates need resources and Canadian legal Information to help with their safe return... by transfer, or deport to Canada, from the United States of America (U.S.A.).

    Rev. Alphonse B. Gucci

    Alliance of Incarcerated Canadians / Foreigners in American Prisons (AICAP / AIFAP)

  • "Please send us 50 copies of the Legal Line guide for an important staff meeting that i am hosting.

    Lynne Collins

    Ontario March of Dimes, Stroke Recovery Network

  • "We would love some more flyers, as all of our clients have spoken well of your services.

    John Devenish, Assessment & Referrals Coordinator
    Male Applicants / Adult Protective Services Worker (APSW)

    Community Living Toronto

  • "We have four (4) locations and I would like to request two more boxes of posters per location for a total of 8. I like to post posters back to back in a window to be read from outside as well as inside.

    Dawn Vien, Resource Advisor


  • "I am requesting copies of your Legal Line poster. If you could send me 250 that would be great.

    Lisa Showan, Courtworker
    Sault Ste. Marie

    Aboriginal Criminal Courthouse

  • "Please forward this brochure to us ASAP as we have several inquiries.

    Rod Hall
    Chief Librarian, Albion Bolton Branch

    Caledon East Library

  • "These are used for patients, family and the public to use as resources.

    Shannon Armstrong
    Community Resource Worker

    Toronto Rehab - University Centre

  • "I was at an Ontario Works government workshop and heard Ian Levine talk about your service. I would like 600.

    Julie Degroot
    Addiction Counsellor

    Suntrac Addiction Treatment Centre

  • "I'd really like 25 of your posters and 500 flyers.

    Jessica Woods, Coordinator
    Employment Services

    John Howard Society of Peel Halton Dufferin

  • "We are run by Bruce County Social Services. We often have people inquiring about legal matters and it would be helpful to have Legal Line posters on hand for our staff.

    Jennifer Paquette
    Community Employment Resource Centre / Port Elgin

  • "Our Centre provides seminars and workshops to assist clients in starting up a small business. We heard about Legal Line through a co-worker and we feel that your services would be beneficial to clients.

    Lynn Evans
    Senior Small Business Consultant

    Vaughan Business Enterprise Centre

  • "I am very favourably impressed by this service. As a clinician in an EAP, I would find these useful to distribute to clients. Please send me 800 (2 boxes) to distribute.

    Leslie Langdon

    City of Toronto / Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

  • "We have 7,000 members in Toronto and 54,000 members across Canada. Please send me 500 copies of your free Legal Line Guide. I would like to distribute them in future courses I teach.

    Raylene Pileggi
    Regional Education & Organization Officer

    Canadian Union of Postal Worker's

  • "I heard of Legal Line from a lawyer, while I was in training.

    Shereeza Yasin

    YMCA / YWCA Connections

  • "Please send me 200 free Legal Line posters.

    Zarina Bhaghani
    Malton Neighbourhood Services

  • "Please mail me more posters. They are very popular.

    Virginia Leighton
    Regional Secretary

    Legal Aid Alberta

  • "The Government Information Centre in Brockville advised me of this service. We will display Legal Line Guides prominently. We will also advise the 2 local courthouses of this information for their use as well.

    Laurie Fraser
    Customer Service Advisor

    Ontario Government Information Centre

  • "Please provide several copies of your new Legal Guide for display at our public Information Kiosk.

    Pam Reardon
    Duty Counsel Office, Toronto

    Legal Aid Ontario

  • "Please send 500 copies...

    Kim Piper
    Sherbourne Employment Centre

  • "Legal Line is important for us to help our members. Please send us 2,000 flyers.

    Said Ahmed

    Association of Somali Service Agencies

  • "I was hoping to receive Legal Line posters and pass them out to my colleagues and clients.

    Terry Stevenson Ali, ACADC
    Relapse Prevention Therapy Counsellor

    Toronto Harbour LIght

  • "I just received the package you sent to our office regarding the Legal Line posters. Thank you. Our office would like to obtain more. What is the maximum amount that we can order ?

    Rita Mills
    Support Staff

    Dundurn Legal Services

  • "We are interested in receiving copies of your Legal Line Guides.

    Gisele Sparling, Secretary
    Algoma Health Unit

    Community Alchohol / Drug Assessment Program

  • "I am a law student who is a MCSA (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer). I have a wide range of skills in communication, technology (webmaster), legal, writing and teaching that would benefit Legal Line. I would like to volunteer for Legal Line because I think it is a great service. I have your pamphlet taped to my wall.

    Fizul Sima
    Law Student

    University of Toronto (U of T)

  • "We use these pamphlets in our library and in our guidance office.

    LInda Blake
    Administrative Secretary

    Eastdale Collegiate Institute

  • "I heard about Legal Line when I took my Law Qualification at teacher's college. The service will be made available to students enrolled in law classes which I teach.

    Debralee Lloyd-Graham
    Department Head, Business Studies

    Sir William Mulock Secondary School


    The Toronto Star

  • "I have 25 years experience, and I practice exclusively in the area of employment law, predominantly representing individuals in respect of wrongful dismissal, contracts, Human Rights and Employment Standards. I am also a contributor/speaker to the Law Society of Upper Canada and CBA specializing in issues relating to employment law and I have appeared as counsel in cases at every level of Court in Ontario as well as numerous tribunals including The Ontario Labour Relations Board and The Human Rights Tribunal. I have reviewed your Legal Line content and consider it to be of great value to those that read it.

    Marvin A. Gorodensky, LL.B.

    Law Firm

  • "The Maxwell Meighen Centre is a 260 bed men's shelter in Toronto, and your Legal Line flyers will be a great help for our frontline workers and counselors.

    Albert Quirante, Program Director
    The Salvation Army

    Maxwell Meighen Centre

  • "Could I please have a supply of Legal Line posters for distribution to our inmates. They need them !

    Nancy Munch
    Caps / Cops Facilitator

    Grand Valley Institution for Women

  • "I would like to order 500 or as many as you can spare. They are very well organized and your website is easy to use.

    Nancy Armstrong
    Problem Gambling Program

    Simcoe Outreach Services (S.O.S.)

  • "Each year 200 to 300 workers in Ontario are killed on the job and thousands more are injured. Many of these deaths and injuries could be prevented if workers knew that under the Ontario Health & Safety Act (OHSA) they have the right to refuse, without retaliation, work they believe is unsafe. Legal Line can assist in providing this information by adding a topic on OHSA. I congratulate you on producing a fine product.

    John Wilson
    Past President

    The Society of Energy Professionals

  • "We would like to include your Legal Line website for our referral system. Distress Centre Durham is a not-for-profit organization that operates a 24 hour telephone helpline. We value services such as yours.

    Karen Turchetto
    Executive Director

    Distress Centre Durham

  • "I heard of service through "Canada 211" service. This resource will be used as a referral guide to our callers.

    Leslie Wagner
    Volunteer Coordinator

    Distress Centre

  • "Please mail us additional Legal Line materials. They are in high demand.

    Andrea Marshall, Employment Counsellor
    Job Gym

    John Howard Society

  • "I would appreciate receiving 300 if you can spare them.

    Debbie Brooks, CPRP
    The Royal Ottawa Health Care Group

    St. Lawrence Valley Correctional and Treatment Centre

  • "Please send 50 posters to my attention ASAP.

    Douglas J. Sapsford
    Program Team Leader

    Burnhamthorpe Adult Learning Centre

  • "... send us 250 copies of the pamphlet Legal Line.

    Brenda McTague
    Resource Co-ordinator

    Children's Aid Society of Toronto

  • "We have been happy distributing your Legal Line flyers for years. Please send us 300 additional copies.

    Ella Neverson
    Employment Counsellor

    Learning Enrichment Foundation (LEF)

  • "Our patrons are always pleased when we give them this one stop shopping guide to legal information.

    Raya Azoulay

    North York Central Library

  • "Hi there! I’m checking out legalline.ca's resources page here legalline.ca/links/seniors_law.html. Do you welcome suggestions for additional resources to share with seniors and families? If so, will you please connect me with the person who makes these decisions so I may send more information for review? Thank you for your help on this! Erin


    A Place for Mom

  • "We operate programmes in 21 different Provincial Courts. I am sending you a list of the 21 Courtworker addresses and direct contacts. Send the flyers direct to each Courtworker, and if you can send a lot extra, they can keep some at their offices too.

    Darren Doxtator, Native Family Courtworker Trainer

    Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres (OFIFC) / Provincial Courthouse

  • "Thank you for the shipment of Legal Line information we have just received.

    Biba Milinkovich
    Oakville Office

    Service Canada

  • "We would like to request 3 boxes of your 24 hour pre-recorded information brochures entitled "Free Answers to 1,000 Legal Topics" for our resources.

    Judy Bunt
    Admin Support / Receptionist

    Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes

  • "Our Director of Legal Services, David Balderston, has asked that I order 200 flyers. We make a substantial amount of referrals to various agencies for advice in areas that we do not deal with, like Family Law.

    Jill Hewgill
    Support Staff

    Algoma Community Legal Clinic

  • "This centre distributes information regarding all levels of government to the public in the Quinte area. We like to keep a large quantity of your Legal Line publication in stock. It is in high demand and the more shelf space we allot, the faster it goes.

    Benjamin Deschamp
    Government Information Centre, Belleville

  • "I passed the pamphlet around to the members of 55 Division Community Response Unit at our office meeting. The feedback was excellent. We feel that it is a valuable resource which will assist us as a method of referral to members of the community.

    P.C. Steve Kelly
    Police Constable (5826), 55 Division

    Toronto Police Service

  • "I have had your flyer in my possession for many years, probably picked up at a home show in Toronto or Hamilton. I will distribute a copy to every condo owner in our community.

    Mary Huurman, Secretary
    Brantford Std Condo Corporation #80

    City of Brantford

  • "Please send 100 posters.

    Linda MacLeod, Campus Administrator
    Stratford, ON

    Conestoga College

  • "Ian, I got the boxes you mailed... your materials will continue to reach and help thousands, and ultimately everyone in our community.

    Sharon McRae
    Employment Consultant

    Glengarry Liaison

  • "We are pleased with the layout of the guide and how comprehensive it is. I am not sure where our guide came from, but we need a lot more. We provide one on one support, group support when applicable, a lending library, public education, and accompaniment through the legal, or medical system. Your guide is a valuable resource to have on hand.

    Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Centre

  • "Please send 150 copies of Legal Line.

    Liz Finlay
    History Teacher

    Jarvis Collegiate Institute

  • "We are an organization that provides information to the local community and surrounding areas. Legal Line is very helpful and often provides 'Peace of Mind'. As we know, knowledge is power !

    Sonya Hunter
    Career Opportunities Project

  • "We've just recently installed an information brochure rack. Police Constable Ed Heinrichs from Toronto Police was kind enough to give us about 100 of your brochures. They disappeared in about an hour. They are far more popular than any other we have on display. Because the rack is located in the Cardinal Carter main lobby, near the gift and coffee shops, so we get a lot of traffic. In addition, we have 6 other unit locations that would like to carry 1000 brochures each. The response from the entire hospital community has been tremendous. I would like to order 6,000 flyers.

    Walt Abrams
    Security Officer

    St. Michael's Hospital

  • "I have been using Legal Line for about 10 years. PASAN is a community-based prisoner health and harm reduction organization that provides support, education and advocacy to prisoners and ex-prisoners across Canada. I work with people who are in conflict with the law both in the correctional facilities and within the community. Your guides will be distributed throughout our drop in programs, displayed in our resource center, given to co-workers and will also be used at community tables and conferences.

    Cherisa Shivcharran
    Provincial Community Development Coordinator


  • "Boreal College campuses are located in the heart of francophone communities on Ontario, in Hearst, Kapuskasing, New Liskeard, Nipissing, Sudbury, Timmins and Toronto. If possible, we would like to have the posters in French and English.

    Darlene Carmichael, Employment Consultant
    Job Connect

    College Boreal

  • "The Legal Line Poster is excellent !

    Hilary Francis, Lab Facilitator / Resource Centre
    Transition Services

    Youth Opportunities Unlimited

  • "I provide women with basic legal information and support them through the Family and/or Criminal Court Systems as required. Legal Line Guides would certainly be useful for the clients that I serve as a large portion of what I provide includes referrals. Furthermore, the legal advocacy program is largely information based, as providing information and options is empowering and integral to our mission.

    Jennifer Benoit
    Legal Advocate

    Women's Place of South Niagara / Nova House

  • "I am a member of The Law Society of Upper Canada and I run a full service law office. I am very impressed with your promotion of Legal Aid. I would be glad to promote this excellent service.

    Subodh Bhardwaj, LL.B.

    Barrister & Solicitor

  • "We have run out of the 250 poster guides. They were a great success! We use them in (three) grade eleven, (one) grade twelve, and (two) OAC law classes, as well as in the Guidance Office.

    Jamie Glass, B.A., LL.B, B. Ed.
    Lawyer / Senior Law Teacher

    Middlefield Collegiate Institute

  • "One of your representatives provided an orientation of the services a few years ago at the AYCE Employment Centre. I think it is a valuable service for youth.

    Robert Bondoc
    Youth Outreach Worker

    Neighbourhood Link - Job Squad

  • "In 1997 I obtained my double Honours B.A. in psychology and criminology from York University. In 2002, I graduated with my LL.B. from Queen’s University School of Law. As a law student at Queen’s, I took part in the Correctional Law Program – representing Federal Inmates before the National Parole Board of Canada, Institutional Disciplinary Hearings and Inmate Appeals. I articled with Thomson Rogers, a civil litigation law firm in downtown Toronto and was called to the bar in 2003. Then I practiced law as a civil litigator with Rafael Partners LLP for a short while, until joining Edward Greenspan’s office as an associate criminal lawyer. At Greenspan’s office, I worked on several high profile trials and appeals to the Ontario Court of Appeal and to the Supreme Court of Canada. I have reviewed all of your Legal Line materials and I have listened to many various topic areas. I must say, the concept is brilliant. I focused on, and was particularly impressed with the depth of information provided in your criminal law section. I confirm that I would be willing to accept calls from your Criminal Law section with the willingness to assist Legal Line callers.

    Joseph Giuliana, LL.B.
    Barrister & Solicitor

    Grillo Barristers

  • "Please send 200 flyers to our Probation Office. Thank you.

    Christine Marion-Jolicoeur
    Probation and Parole Officer

    Windsor Probation and Parole Office

  • "We love Legal Line. Please send us another box.

    Leslie Nelson
    Social Worker

    Mount Sinai Hospital

  • "The NCRC provides social services to members living in the Nepean catchment area, such as: intake counseling, referral, crisis counseling, tenant / landlord mediation, community development, group counseling, legal advice, and parent support. I came across Legal Line while searching for legal aid services on the internet. I will use the information to better assist, refer and support the clients we serve.

    Kim Crocker
    Community Developer / Family Enrichment Counsellor

    Nepean Community Resource Centre (NCRC)

  • "Congratulations on an excellent service.

    Barbara Spry
    Business Information Centre

    American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)

  • "Please send us a box of 400 brochures. They are very popular.

    Lucy Perri
    Scarborough Area Office

    Legal Aid Ontario

  • "Please send 50 copies.

    Kathy Wong
    Program Educator

    St. Michael's Hospital

  • "Our program provides support, information and referrals to victims of crime and tragedy. We use Legal Line materials as referral information to the victims so they can have access to quality legal information. Our program jurisdiction covers (3) three RCMP detachment areas and Legal Line is prominently displayed in the lobbies of each, as well as in all our Victim Services locations. Everyone who sees your flyers grab a handful, so we need more, fast and often.

    Donna Murphy
    Program Coordinator

    Chinook Arch Victim's Services Society / RCMP

  • "Please forward 10 posters and 300 pamphlets.

    Roxane Lavergne, Customer Service Agent
    Espanola, ON


  • "Could we please order 750 Legal Line Posters ?

    Kelly Towsley
    Volunteer Services Coordinator

    Newmarket Connections Community Information & Volunteer Centre

  • "I work at Community Justice Initiatives in Kitchener. Thank you very much for the important information that you sent me. Please send me 500 more.

    Iliana Pressman, Service Coordinator
    Revive Program / www.cjiwr.com

    Community Justice Initiatives

  • "Our Family Health Team offers home visiting for the Healthy Baby/Health Child Program. Please send me 100.

    Terri Lazinski, RN, PHN
    Registered Nurse

    Sudbury and District Health Unit

  • "Please be good enough to forward 200 additional Legal Line flyers. We keep running out of them.

    Lenore Hennegan
    Resources Area

    Catholic Community Services of York Region (CCSYR)

  • "Part of my MP duties are to find resource material for members of our organization. One of my affiliates had a copy of your flyer. Once I observed the material content, I made an assessment that it would be quite useful. Thank you for your service to provide this valuable material.

    Marie-Anne Arial
    CPL Arial Security NCO, Federal Government Office

    Military Police, North Bay Detachment

  • "I found your guide at Ontario Works while I was supporting a client. Many of our clients have legal issues, whether it be criminal or family etc. and would certainly benefit from LEGAL LINE. Our organization provides a range of support and services to children, youth, adults and families in the city of Cornwall and the counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario. Most of the clients we support are low income and cannot afford a lawyer. Being able to have access to your service will assist them by getting the correct answers to their legal questions. We will distribute your flyers to our staff members and their clients. We will also have the guides accessible in our waiting room for all clients to read.

    Melanie Williams
    Case Manager

    Counselling and Support Services of S.D & G.

  • "We are in the same building as the County Court House. I would like to receive 15 of the free Legal Line posters and 800 flyers.

    Lori Sutherland, FSW / ERO Clerk
    Prince Edward-Lennox & Addington Social Services

    County Court House

  • "I would like to have more Legal Line pamphlets, so please send me 1,000 if possible.

    Terry-Dawn Craig
    Team Leader / Bookkeeper

    Orillia Court Services

  • "On behalf of Ally Roy, I request 500 copies of the Legal Line information brochure which contains a lawyers directory, professionals directory, and government and agency numbers for all Ontario residents and businesses.

    Marilyn Pomer
    Ally Roy, Manager of Client Services

    North York Harvest Food Bank

  • "The QUEST was developed in partnership with Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and the Thames Valley District School Board. Opened in November 1999, the Centre has become a vital part of the community by providing resources and services which meet the varying needs of the more than 10,000 residents in the communities of Glencoe, Appin, Alvinston, Bothwell, Newbury, West Lorne and Rodney as well as the surrounding rural areas. We would appreciate having 500 flyers mailed to us. I expect that they will be in high demand and that I will be needing more very shortly.

    M. Fletcher
    Resource Assistant

    The Quest Centre Community Initiatives

  • "Please send an additional 250 Legal Line brochures.

    Michele Raposo
    Resource Co-ordinator

    Dufferin Mall Employment Resource Centre

  • "Would like 600 guides. Heard of you from a lawyer.. very useful, helpful, time saver. I verified some topics specific about my areas of practice and they were well done.

    Shabbir Shaikh

    Shaikh Paralegal Services

  • "As one of London Ontario’s most experienced criminal lawyers, i have represented thousands of clients charged with criminal offences - from shoplifting to murder - and has successfully defended hundreds of wrongfully accused at trial. I have read the Aboriginal and Criminal sections of Legal Line and I would like to help by becoming a Volunteer Reviewing Lawyer.

    James Zegers

    Zegers Law Professional Corporation

  • "Please send our office 400 of your free Legal Line flyers.

    Manon Labrie Brann
    Office Administrator

    Elliot Lake Probation and Parole Services

  • "There has been a police presence in the Belleville area for the past 220 years. The structure, responsibilities and functions of that presence have changed dramatically over that time, but one thing for certain is that people have the right to know the laws under which we are all governed. Please be so kind as to send 1,000 of your flyers.

    Peggy Smyth
    Partners with the Community

    Belleville Police Service

  • "I wish to mail out Legal Line maps to all of my clients and prospects. I intend to staple my business card to it, and use it as a valuable marketing piece.

    Craig Sangster, CFP, CIM, FCSI
    Certified Financial Planner

    CS Investment Counsel Corporation

  • "I have found Legal Line very worthwhile in my practice as an EAP Counsellor. Please mail 300 copies to my sub-office.

    Greg Sass, Counsellor
    Employment Assistance Program

    Warren Shapell Consulants, The EAP Professionals

  • "Regardless of how many you keep shipping us, we always run out. Please ship us at least 500 copies of the latest edition, or even more if possible.

    Ruth Greenwood
    Business Department, Mississauga Library System

    Mississauga Central Library

  • "Legal Line was referred to us by Pardons Canada. Legal information is helpful for our participants so that they may deal with their daily issues. We would like 400 guides, which will be prominently displayed in our Resource Centre.

    Ryder Lam
    Employment Specialist

    Community Services & Housing, York Region

  • "We operate 'diversion' programs for youth and adults in conflict, or at risk of conflict, with the law. Our clients often have questions that we (as non-lawyers) cannot answer for them. We use and value Legal Line

    Rhonda Leduc
    Director of Community Justice Programs

    Elizabeth Fry Society

  • "I am interested in receiving more Legal Line posters.

    Robyn Hyland, Clinical Intake Worker
    Back on Track

    Peel Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre (PAARC)

  • "Fleming College has 6 college locations. Please send 6,000 so I can divide them up for our resource areas.

    Debi Godin, Training Consultant
    Job Connect

    Fleming College

  • "I picked up one of your pamphlets at the library. I think that it is an excellent service. As a Social Worker, I am asked all sorts of questions and your service allows me to access information on legal issues. I will distribute the guides to all of the Social Workers in the Mental Health Care Program as well as the Case Managers and Psychiatrists. I will also put some guides in the waiting room areas.

    Lori Hasssali, Social Worker
    PEPP Program

    London Health Sciences Centre

  • "I obtained a copy of the guide from a local library. I am requesting further copies of the guide to provide to the clients of ADAPT, who struggle with problems related to alcohol, drugs and/or gambling... as well as to their family members, who become heavily involved in supporting their loved ones.

    Jennifer Bumstead, BSW
    Social Worker

    Halton Alcohol & Drug Assessment Prevention & Treatment (ADAPT)

  • "We are a Community Information Centre dedicated to providing quality information that will enhance community life. We listen to our clients and provide services which are prompt and reliable. Therefore, we're hoping you'll assist us by replenishing our supply of Legal Line brochures. We're located at the Markham Civic Centre, which is the Town of Markham municipal offices, so we get a lot of traffic browsing through our brochure racks.

    Marilyn Bastien

    Information Markam

  • "Please send us 200 copies of free Legal Line Guides for our Constituents.

    Catherine Marr, Co-op Student
    Office of Lou Rinaldi, M.P. Northumberland

    Member of Parliament

  • "Congratulations on a job well done.

    Don Edmonds, CPA, CA, FEA
    Inheritance and Succession Counsel


  • "Fifty (50) posters would be great.

    Deborah Penny
    Edmonton, Alberta

    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

  • "I will ensure that all of our Case Managers get a pile.

    Chris Gilbert
    Employment Case Manager

    Ontario Works and Social Services / Norfolk County

  • "The guides were originally ordered by a previous staff member, but we all know about it. The guides go quickly. They are placed in the Community Information Section and in the Legal Information Section of the library for pickup by the public.

    Angele Barnett
    Library Technician

    Newmarket Public Library

  • "We are a community legal clinic and find the information contained on your Legal Line posters very useful. Not only do we represent individuals, but we also do public legal education and community development. Also, these pamphlets will be taken to the various agencies we deal with for when staff members go out to speak.

    Merle Abrahamse

    Scarborough Community Legal Services

  • "Thank you for the information brochures we received today. We underestimated how popular they would be, and as a consequence, we would appreciate receiving another 200 copies.

    R. Southing
    Catholic Family Services of Toronto

  • "I request 1,500 of your flyers for our clients throughout the province of Ontario. Our Program has a team comprised of Community Chaplains, Community Support Workers, and volunteers. With the use of your brochure, we could better equip our members with quality legal advice.

    Michael Skaljin
    Provincial Manager

    Ontario Multifaith Council on Spiritual and Religious Care

  • "I've been aware of and supporting Legal Line for about 15 years. I consider this to be an important public service of which I am proud to be a part of.

    Lorraine Street, B.A., LL.B.

    Risk Management Consulting

  • "We have viewed your free Legal Line information guide and would like to obtain copies for distribution.

    Erinn Nesbitt
    Accounts Payable

    Corporation Township of Schreiber

  • "I would like to order 150 posters.

    Christina Lee
    Administrative Assistant

    Flemingdon Neighbourhood Services (FNS)

  • "I would like 400 free Legal Line posters. They are our best resource.

    Jana Nageswaran
    Administrative Assistant

    Community Resource Connections of Toronto

  • "Please send us 50 Legal Line Guides.

    Assistant, United Way Member

    East Metro Youth Services

  • "I was referred to Legal Line by a Constituent whose lawyer had referred her to it. The brochures will be displayed in our resource rack for Constituent use.

    Lindsay Furlong
    Executive Assistant to Anthony Rota, M.P.

    Member of Parliament

  • "I've reviewed all of your Legal Line materials and I have given them to each of my 3 grandchildren, all practicing law in Toronto. NOOOBODY BEATS LEGAL LINE. NOOOBODY !

    Mel Lastman, Mayor, Emeritus
    Mayor of North York, Ontario, 1973-1997 / Toronto 1997-2003

    Mayor Mel Lastman

  • "I am requesting your educational materials and services.

    Meredith Hill
    Newcomer Support Worker

    Neighbourhood Link Support Services

  • "My case load includes persons who have a mental illness and are involved in the criminal justice system in some capacity. I recently received some information on Legal Line and it would be greatly appreciated if you could send me 300 extra copies to share with my colleagues.

    Shelley Passfield
    Criminal Justice Case Manager

    Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) / Durham Branch

  • "Legal Line is an excellent tool for our Resource Centre. Many people that come into the Resource Centre are in need of it.

    Many Ann Jangula
    Case Assistant

    City of London, Ontario Works

  • "We have received a few Legal Line Guides through a Board Member of our organization. I wish to order 2,000 additional copies. We are a not-for-profit arts service organization promoting craft and advocate for craftspeople, made up of approximately 2,800 members. In addition to day-to-day legal issues that affect our lives, Craft Council members should be particularly interested in information regarding Intellectual Property.

    Karen Zwart-Hielema
    Manager, Member Programs and Services

    Ontario Crafts Council

  • "Our clinic was founded in 1994 by a group of law students from the University of Toronto (U of T) . Our clients are local entrepreneurs, or small business owners. We view Legal Line as an excellent resource for our many clients. This said, we find ourselves referring people to the Legal Line service on a regular basis.

    Malcolm MacPherson
    Enterprise Legal Services

  • "I found Legal Line on google. I would like to use your guides in my law class ( workplace, college and university levels).

    S. Schuck

    Parkside Collegiate Institute

  • "Deputy Chief Peter Sloly is in his 25th year with the Toronto Police Service. He is in charge of Community Safety Command (CSC) with 4000 police officers, 200 civilian members and a budget of $451 million. Peter Sloly has been a member of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the FBI National Academy Associates, the TPS Military Veterans Association and the Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers. Peter Sloly is committed to continuous education. He has a Criminal Justice Certificate from the University of Virginia, Incident Command System Certification from the Justice Institute of BC, a B.A. in Sociology from McMaster University and a Masters in Business Administration from York University's Schulich School of Business. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the Major City Chief's Police Executive Development Program and the University of Toronto Rotman Police Executive Leadership Program. Our gathering in November was fantastic as we took TUB's credibility to the next level by hosting the Man who is most likely to become the next Chief of Police for Toronto, Deputy Police Chief Peter Sloly! In short, if you weren't present you definitely missed out because Deputy Chief Sloly was not only an exceptionally sincere & erudite speaker, but also a truly inspiring example of Strength, Wisdom, Integrity, Prosperity & Compassion. From the candid details of his trials & tribulations as the fastest rising police officer in Toronto police history, to the powerful insights he shared about human nature in general, Deputy Chief Sloly was a true gift to The Universal Brotherhood. For his part, here are the words that he sent me after attending our event: "Garth, your TUB meting was by far the best part of my day. I was inspired by the vision, the people and energy in the room...and by your leadership. Best regards and blessings. Peter" How cool it will be having Toronto's Chief of Police as a solid supporter of The Universal Brotherhood!

    Deputy Police Chief Peter Sloly
    Toronto Police Service

  • "I received your package. The staff in our office loved the Legal Line poster, and think it is a great resource. I was hoping to get at least 30 more so we could all have our own for a reference.

    Darsey Knapp
    Program Support, Integrated Program Delivery

    United Counties of Leeds and Grenville

  • "We just had a look at your poster and we think it is FANTASTIC ! It will be useful for our consumers.

    Marc Sintes, Administrative Assistant
    National and Provincial Programs

    March of Dimes Canada

  • "I run a full-service interior design decorating studio. I heard of Legal Line through the Vaughan Business Enterprise Centre when I asked our Seminar Instructor if he knew of any lawyers in the Maple area. We would like 50 extra copies that we can share with our prospective clients, which are homeowners in the local area.

    Fabiola Vettese
    Interior Design

    YorHaus Desing

  • "We are a shelter for women and their children. Thanks for the brochures. The rest of our staff was impressed, as was I, with all the legal information available. Please mail us 200 flyers.

    Rhonda Blank
    Residential Counsellor, Cambridge Ontario

    Women's Crisis Services

  • "I teach 'English as a Second Language' classes and my students and their families would benefit greatly by having their own copy of Legal line. I would like to receive 250 flyers.

    Rose Caruso
    ESL Instructor

    Toronto District School Board, Schomberg

  • "We support community members with resources and education with regard to past and present issues in dealing with sexual abuse and violence. I was researching on the internet and since I am training as Therapist, I looked up Shirley Tourcotte. Her website contains a link to Legal Line. I think this might be helpful since some legal questions are difficult to answer and your website gives direction.

    Donna M. Ashcroft, Coordinator
    Changing the Legacy

    Stanjikoming First Nation

  • "I oversee the Affiliate Program at LawDepot. It is great to see what a terrific job you have done with Legal Line.

    Narissa Ramji
    Brand Development

    Law Depot

  • "I received this information at the courts. I found the poster very informative and it would be a good product for our members. What is the most amount of flyers that I can have for 2,000 officers in York Region ?

    Staff Sargeant R. Veyt #451
    Court Services

    York Regional Police

  • "I wish to order at least 500 of your flyers. I thought it would be a good idea to have them available in our front counter area. The Victoria Police Department was established in 1858 and is the oldest Police department west of the Great Lakes. Our 243 police officers, 106 civilian staff and 78 volunteers proudly serve the City of Victoria, BC

    Meredith Robertson
    Court Administrator / Crime Prevention Services

    Victoria Police Department

  • "The Legal Line pamphlet was shown to our agency by another office we work closely with. The supervisor for that office was in the process of ordering guides for her department and encouraged our Employment Support Services to get some for ourselves.

    Jamesene King
    Employment Counsellor

    Regional Municipality of Sudbury

  • "Which is the fastest way to receive 500 copies of your Legal Line brochure ?

    Teresa Neves, Family Care Office
    Koffler Student Services Centre

    University of Toronto (U of T)

  • "I was made aware of your website by a professor here at Carleton. One of our functions is to introduce students to the campus, and provide them with all the information we can to help them in their futures, so we would like to distribute Legal Line flyers on mass.

    Karen Williams
    Director of Communications

    Carleton University

  • "I had attended an Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA) conference where a representative made a presentation. Please send us 1000.

    Julie Grant, Case Manager
    Municipal Government Office

    Region of Niagara, Community Services Dept.

  • "I heard about you through the "Your Guide to Canadian Law" publication, and through an Internet search. I have reviewed your well designed and informative materials and I am happy to support Legal Line.

    Gurpreet Badwal. LL.B.
    Barrister & Solicitor

    Badwal & Co. Lawyers

  • "Please send 15 of the Legal Line posters.

    Lynn Chenier, Coordinator
    Department of Social Services & Housing

    County of Oxford

  • "We hand out so many, that I am sure the library patrons using the Law section find them very useful.

    Main Reference Department

    Toronto Reference Library

  • "We were introduced to Legal Line at a recent conference. We would like to receive 400 copies for distribution to our clients.

    Colleen Johnston
    Resources Coordinator

    The Regional Municipality of Sudbury

  • "I am an elected representative for the Power Workers Union in the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station of Ontario Power Generation. We have over 15,000 members in Ontario and 2,000 in Pickering. Our Stewards found that the guides are very useful for our members. Could you kindly arrange to send us 17,000 copies so that we can distribute them to our Stewards for better serving our members.

    Albert Sham, Unit Secretary, Sector 1, Unit 10
    Power Worker Union, Pickering Nuclear

    Nuclear Generating Station of Ontario

  • "It is so important that people have information to make informed decisions, and we do all we can here to have that information available.

    Ruth Cole

    Tobias House Resource Centre

  • "Ian Levine gave a presentation at the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA) and introduced us to this valuable resource. All 400 people were from different agencies, but all in attendance unanimously agreed that Legal Line will better enable us to serve our clientele. Please forward 500 flyers to my location. They will be used by myself and my colleagues to assist clients.

    Tasmeen Shah
    Clerk, Municipal Government Office

    Regional Municipality of Waterloo

  • "I would like 250 of the flyers.

    Kerri McNulty, Customer Service Representative
    Ontario Works - Arnprior Site

    County of Renfrew

  • "We are a publicly funded Employment Resource Centre accessed by people from all walks of life. Please mail us 200 copies of your newest brochure that includes your toll free number since we are long distance from your office.

    Sandra Fischer
    Community Employment Resource Centre

  • "The pamphlet is an excellent reference tool and is quite a popular item with the public !

    Carol Larche
    Client Services Advisor

    Government of Ontario Information Centre

  • "We offer government services, income support, day care services and employment services. Please send us 2,000 flyers for distribution.

    Wendy Light
    Child Care Clerk

    Corporation of the County of Wellington

  • "Flyers will be distributed among the counsellors in our organization.

    Aref Agheli
    Settlement Counsello

    Catholic Cross-Cultural Services

  • "A brochure was included in a Police Association of Ontario (PAO) meeting agenda package for our Union. We will distribute them directly to each and every member at our next general meeting.

    John Sottosanti, Secretary
    Sarnia Police Association

    Police Association of Ontario (PAO)

  • "Legal Line is very well done.

    Warren Godfrey, LL.B.
    Lawyer, Business Development Manager

    Josephson Associates Barristers

  • "Send 150 to the Moosonee office.

    Monica Hunter, Support Staff
    Moosonee Probation and Parole

    Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

  • "Please send me 20 posters so our counselors can keep them in their offices.

    John Mancini

    St. Leonard's Comuntiy Services

  • "We have some Legal Line Guides but we need more. Our clients and staff find this service to facilitate the information and referral process. Information and Referral Coordinators provide information regarding alternative dispute measures and community services. Please send 4,000 copies to the attention of Michelle Brett or myself.

    Karen J. McLeod, Information and Referral Coordinator
    Ministry of the Attorney General, County of Simcoe

    Courthouse Administration

  • "Please forward us 100 Legal Line pamphlets for our constituents.

    Peter B., Assistant to David Tilson, LL.B., Q.C., M.P.P.

    Ontario Legislative Assembly

  • "I have an old brochure, and would like 200 new ones.

    Addiction Co-ordinator

    Withdrawal Management Centre

  • "I have been advised to order these for our six (6) field offices in Toronto. These pamphlets would be beneficial to our clients.

    Joseph de Melo
    Children's Services, Metro Hall

    CIty of Toronto, Neighbourhood and Community Services

  • "Shahnaz owns her own law firm with 2 locations in British Columbia, each distributing Legal Line materials after she received samples at an Arbitration conference in Montreal led by Anne Gottlieb, LL.B. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Biopsychology from the University of British Columbia in 1998 and her Bachelor of Laws degree in 2002 from the University of Calgary. After articling with a national law firm, she was called to the bar in Alberta in 2003 and in British Columbia in 2004. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: Member, Conciliation and Arbitration Board BC 2009 – Present / Board of Directors, BC Disability Games 2006-Present / Member, Law Society of British Columbia / Member, Law Society of Alberta / Member, Canadian Bar Association – BC Branch / Member, Fraser Valley Bar Association / Member, South Asian Bar Association

    Shahnaz B. Jamal, LL.B.

    Jamal Law Group

  • "I am interested in receiving additional posters for distribution to our satellite offices. We have a total of six (6) offices and I would appreciate at least six (6) boxes of posters.

    Rose Marie Hook, Supervisor
    Special and Investigative Services Unit

    County of Simcoe Ontario Works Department

  • "I would like to order 500 Legal Line posters.

    Maureen Eadie
    Court Support Worker

    Manitoulin Family Resources / Courthouse

  • "Legal Line was brought to our attention by a fax from Dye & Durham in Toronto. I would value receiving 400 copies of your Guide to distribute to our customers.

    Pamela Dowling
    Office Manager

    Peninsula Press Limited

  • "Dixon Hall is a multi-service non-profit agency. Career Steps is a 12-week computer training and career management program for women without government income. Your brochure will be useful to our clients and to all Dixon Hall clients in general. I will gladly distribute the brochures around our large facility.

    Sarah Milton-Lomax
    Dixon Hall / Neighbourhood Centre

  • "We first heard of Legal Line through internet research. it is very useful and clients appreciate the guides... it helps them to act independently.

    Christine Gillespie

    Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office

  • "We will post this information to share with women who may benefit from your program.

    Heather Brothers
    Employment Marketing and Outreach Consultant

    A.C.C.E.S. Accessible Community Counselling and Employment Services

  • "I run a 75 person law firm and my top lawyers have reviewed your LEGAL LINE content and all agree that your team of lawyers have done exceptional work. Over the past 30 years, I have established myself as a highly respected member of the legal profession and I have gained the confidence of my client’s as an aggressive litigator specializing in plaintiff personal injury law.

    Sal Grillo, B.A., LL.B.

    Grillo Barristers Law Firm

  • "The Red Lake Probation Office would be pleased to get 2 boxes of Legal Line flyers.

    Michael Durand, Probation and Parole Officer
    Red Lake Probation / Parole Services

    Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

  • "I would like to request 10 for our office so we can post them up with both sides showing, plus a extra box or 1,000 that we will hand out.

    Julie Grant, Casemanager
    Social Assistance and Employment Opportities Division

    Niagara Region Community Services

  • "I would like to distribute Legal Line Brochures to all of my colleagues in Renfrew County and Eastern Ontario.

    Ben Treidlinger
    EAP Specialist

    Ministry of Community and Social Services

  • "I request copies of the Legal Line pamphlet for our three (3) Resource Centres across Durham Region. Our Centres attract a wide range of clients with varying issues. I feel it would be an excellent source of material to have available.

    Diane McKeage
    Employment Counsellor

    John Howard Society, Durham Region

  • "I first saw your poster when I visited the Hamilton Public Library - Central Branch. The service you offer the public is a DIRECT route to finding real answers.

    Zynara B. Gaerian
    Reference Librarian, Simcoe Branch

    Norfolk Public Library

  • "I would like to reprint the information in topic 143. Our bulletin is distributed to approximately 260 CILT members, many of whom are parents living with a disability and/or chronic illness, and they would be particularly interested in this information on "Guardians for your minor children".

    Kimberly McKennitt
    Parenting with a Disability Network (PDN) Coordinator

    Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT)

  • "We would like to be added to the list of resources that can help with trasfers of structured settlements in Canada. I have read all of your materials and consider it to be of high quality.

    Rich Anderson
    Chief Technology Officer

    Greenspring Funding

  • "Thanks for supplying us your flyers for all these years. We could use more if you can spare them.

    Rosemary MacKenzie, Probation and Parole Officer
    Probation and Parole, Kitchener

    Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services

  • "I know they are 2 sided, so I would like to request 10 posters which will be displayed up on the walls in our Centre.

    Robert Francis
    Employment Specialist

    Ottawa Employment Resource Centre

  • "This is a formal request for 4,000 copies of the Legal Line Guides. Our agency sponsors numerous programs and this is a great resource for the people we support.

    Connie Cunningham
    Community Resources

    District of Parry Sound, Social Services Administration Board

  • "Legal Line provides a wealth of information which would be very helpful for our client population. Hundreds of people utilize our services each day. Legal Line would be a great resource for them.

    Fiona Clyne
    Employment Counsellor

    Regional Municipality of Peel

  • "Legal Line is useful for the people we provide with information. We would appreciate having a number of copies sent to us...

    Marilyn MacKellar
    Resource Technician

    Willow Breast Cancer Support & Resource Services

  • "I had previously heard of this service when I worked out of the Richmond Hill Employment Centre as it was a great help for my clients.

    Valerie Evans
    Specialist, Job Skills

    YMCA Employment Services

  • "Please send 2 additional boxes of Legal Line posters. They are very popular.

    Candice de Souza, Information & Referral Services
    Job Connect

    Centennial College

  • "Please send 500 flyers. They are very popular.

    Jennifer Chaplin, Senior Librarian
    Erin Meadows Branch Library

    Mississauga Library System

  • "We provide support and information for students on workplace issues, human rights issues, employment standards, occupational health and safety, workplace harassment, sexual harassment, accessibility, and equity. I heard about Legal Line through a friend. The service is very helpful. Our organization will use the guide in consultations with students.

    Carolyn Johnson, Co-ordinator
    Ryerson Working Students Centre

    Ryerson University

  • "I became aware of this wonderful resource at the Swansea Home Show. We are an outpatient assessment and treatment programme. Our patient visits are approximately 20,000 per year. Many of our patients experience legal problems, often related to their substance abuse. It would be advantageous therefore to be able to provide them with Legal Line flyers. Our programme is under the auspices of the Mental Health Program and the Social Work Department. I believe Legal Line would be a great addition to the information they we provide to patients, and their families, on a daily basis. I am also a therapist on a part-time basis with Warren Shepell, Employee Assistance Professionals (EAP). I am often asked for legal resources and could see your guide providing additional support to clients utilizing this service. I would like to order 5,000 flyers for the hospital and 500 for my clients at Warren Shepell.

    Gwenne Woodward, MSW, CSW, Alcohol and Drug Treatment Programme
    Warren Shepell, Employee Assistance Professionals (EAP)

    The Credit Valley Hospital

  • "I first found Legal Line when doing research for the implementation of the new Grade 11 law course. I have found the materials to be very useful in obtaining current information. Without current textbooks and limited financial resources, we are are dependent on using outside resources.

    Judith McCutcheon
    Head of Business Studies

    Markville Secondary School

  • "Please send copies of your large pamphlet.

    Michael Armstrong
    Information Officer

    R. Samuel McLaughlin Addiction and Mental Health Information Centre

  • "I would like to order ten (18) of your Legal Line posters.

    Angela Morley
    Intake Coordinator

    Catholic Family Services - Hamilton

  • "I would like 2 boxes of Legal Line posters.

    Jenna E. Coates, Administrative Assistant
    Ontario Victim Services Secretariat / Newmarket

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "My unit specifically works with clients that have family law and child protection issues. I would greatly appreciate 1,000 copies of the Legal Line poster for distribution at our Social Services and Housing sites.

    Terri Ann Witwicki, Program Manager
    Family Support Community and Health Services

    The Regional Municipality of York

  • "We give weekly seminars on educational topics. The idea is to make the public more self-reliant and more aware of the possible options they have when seeking help for their problems. Legal Line Guides provide another tool in this process.

    Alex Fraser, Constable
    Peel Regional Police

    Community Policing - Public Education

  • "I have found your Legal Line pamphlet to be most helpful.

    Gerald Levitz, Partner
    Ginsberg Gluzman Fage & Levitz, LLP

    Chartered Accountants

  • "Legal Line came to my attention while attending our Provincial 'Bell Cairn' office for Basic Training. I would like to supply each of my clients with your flyer, so they have the option to gain legal knowledge through this service.

    Sarah Hope, Probation and Parole Officer
    Bell Cairn Provincial Training Facility

    Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

  • "The Region of Peel has a resource center for our clients and we would like more LEGAL LINE pamphlets and cards for our center.

    Grace Ursini, OSR – Administrative Support Unit
    Integrated Business Support Division, Human Services Department

    Region of Peel

  • "We would like to have 25 free Legal Line posters for our executives.

    Linda Moore
    Executive Assistant to Executive Director

    Canadian Mental Health Association - Ottawa Branch

  • "I have held many positions during 30 years with the NB Police Service, and I am currently S. Sgt. of the platoon, as well as the President of the NBPA.... please send copies of your Guide so we can post them around our police station.

    Staff Sergeant Mike Tarini
    President NBPA

    North Bay Police Association (NBPA)

  • "I am the Family Law Information Centre's (FLIC) Coordinator at the Newmarket Unified Family Court. Please send as many Legal Line brochure as you can.

    Greg Ambrozic, FLIC Coordinator
    The Family Law Information Centre

    Family Court Mediation Services

  • "It is often difficult for law students to locate information about the range of legal and non-legal options available to them after law school. Next month is 'Career Alternatives in Law Day'... we invite, and hope, that a representative from Legal Line participates.

    Gillian Ready, Career Services
    Faculty of Law, Macdonald Hall

    Queen's University

  • "As a representative in Halton, and formally of Toronto, we use Legal Line information regularly.

    Lori Christopher
    Housing Division - Administration

    Halton Region Municipal Government Office

  • "We are an employment resource centre / social services office. Our clients often request information on legal resources. Please send us 250 guides.

    Jennifer Parques
    Social Services Department

    Ontario Works and Childcare, County of Bruce

  • "In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back (Charlie Brown)... but other than that, Legal Line seems to have everything else covered !

    Tracy Moroze, B.A., B.S.W., R.S.W., Community Support Worker
    Information and Referral Services / Windsor, ON

    Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

  • "Can you send me 50 brochures of the 24 hour Legal Line free legal information brochure ?

    Barbara Gray, Customer Service Agent


  • "We provide counselling for adults in abusive partnerships. Please mail us 10 copies of Legal Line. This will help our counsellors give accurate information to their clients.

    Design For A New Tomorrow

  • "Your service is a great benefit to our clients. Please mail us a maximum supply of guides as we would like to make referrals to your service.

    Michael Foster, Staff Lawyer
    Ontario Lawyers Assistance Program (OLAP)

    Community Legal Services of Niagara South

  • "Please send 200 ASAP !

    Anita Charran

    Call Centres Consulting Ltd.

  • "This is a Police Community Station, and many of the people who access this station do so to discuss matters which turn out to be civil issues, rather than criminal. We have found that handing out your pamphlet has been an excellent resource. Please forward as many of the pamphlets as possible. We are down to our last box !

    Kimberly Macovich, C.S.R.T.
    Community Station

    Peel Regional Police - Square One Shopping Mall

  • "I just reviewed your entire Landlord and Tenant Law section. it is very well done, and I am happy to have been able to participate in such an important endeavour. By way of information, I received my Bachelors of Social Science with Honours in Criminology from the University of Ottawa in 2007. In 2009, I received a Masters Degree in Legal Studies from Carleton University, and in 2012 I graduated from the University of Ottawa Law School and articled with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Justice, Special Prosecutions Office in St. John's, NL. Also, in 2012 I became a Qualified Mediator and member with ADR Canada.

    David J. D’Intino, M.A., J.D., Q. Med
    Lawyer & Barrister, Solicitor, Qualified Mediator and Notary Public

    D'Intino Legal Services and Dispute Resolution

  • "Please send me 100 copies of the Line Line poster for our Resource Centre. It's loaded with a lot of great information.

    Melanie Alderfer-Mowat, Employment Specialist
    Jobs Caledon

    Caledon Community Services

  • "I have six (6) centres, so is it possible to get 5 additional boxes of posters ?

    Lil Premsukh Singh
    Manager, Employment Assistance Programs

    Conestoga Career Centres

  • "I have just received a copy of the NEW Legal Line. We've had these in the past but have not taken the time to replenish them. If you can, our business would benefit from having this information available to our clientele. I would like to receive 500 copies.

    Mary Mamone
    Black Creek Probation and Parole Office

    Ministry Community Safety and Correctional Services.

  • "... a Resource Centre within our office ... send 1000 copies ... we display this information for our client's benefit.

    Patricia Ranford

    Ontario Works and Community Services Division

  • "I would like to take this opportunity to express our thankfulness for the useful information which you have provided. Due to the high demand of the Legal Line brochures at our agency, I would like to receive 250 more. It seems that we never have enough.

    Quyen Le
    Acting Executive Director

    Vietnamese Association of Toronto

  • "Kindly send guides to our Administration / Investigations Branch office. I have been at the practice of law for 46 years and find your guides a valuable resource.

    Murray P. Harrington, LL.B.

    Barrister & Solicitor / Notary Public

  • "My practice is focused on helping self-represented individuals in non-family civil matters. I also articled at an Intellectual Property firm. I am happy to become one of your volunteer 'Reviewing Lawyers' for all your intellectual property articles, as well, as the lawsuits and personal injury, wrongful dismissal (litigation) articles. I'm also going to include a link to Legal Line from my access to justice site. I am proud to be one of the Founding Members of a 'law-at-the-library' program at the Toronto Public library. I am coordinating with many lawyers who would like to speak on a number of legal topics, such as landlord tenant, small claims, family law. I love your website and I'd be happy to distribute Legal Line flyers and posters at the many branches of public library which I frequently visit.

    Heather Hui-Litwin, Ph.D. / J.D.
    Barrister & Solicitor, Litigation Coach for Self-Represented Litigants


  • "Please send me 40 Legal Line posters.

    Joanne Synnott
    Medical Department

    Brentwood Recovery Home

  • "I would like to order 50 Legal Line posters.

    Wendy Paton
    Executive Assistant

    The Mediation Centre

  • "The library (main branch) is interested in replenishing its supply of Legal Line. The library has on average 1,200 patrons a day and our brochure racks are very well used. Please send us 2 boxes of 500 each.

    Lorraine Fredin

    Waterloo Public Library

  • "I picked up your guide at my local library and hung it in the library at the West. We are now being asked by many volunteer organizations for copies of it.

    Philip Smith

    Metro West Detention Centre

  • "We have the Legal Line Guides, however, we need the new updated pamphlet for both our offices, and for the Courtroom. Our clients and staff find this service to facilitate the information and referral process.

    Michelle Brett, Information and Referral Coordinator
    The Mediation Centre

    Superior Court of Justice

  • "Volunteer Lawyers Service (VLS) was established in 1994 to provide free legal services to eligible charitable and nonprofit organizations across Canada. VLS recruits lawyers who volunteer their time to helping the nonprofit sector with their legal needs. Please add our contact info to all of your excellent services.

    Janice Wiggins
    Project Director

    Volunteer Lawyers Service (VLS)

  • "We ordered the Alberta Legal Telephone Directory. The directory came with Legal Line inserts and a variety of other government contacts. Your flyers and posters will be of great benefit to our civilian walk-ins, and our RCMP staff members.

    Cheryl Nikonchuk
    Detachment Clerk, Alberta

    RCMP Olds Detachment

  • "I was hoping to get 250 more of the Legal Line pamphlets.

    Cynthia MacDonald
    Employment Services

    Wesley Urban Ministries

  • "Can we please get 2 boxes of Legal Line posters to share between our police station, and our community centre ?

    Cory Bigplume
    Tsuu T'ina Nation Police Service

  • "Your flyers are very popular. Please mail 200 more. They are very well organized and your website is easy to use.

    Renee Yelle
    Child and Youth Worker

    Interlude House Outreach Services

  • "Your information and resources are precious.

    Laurie Egerter
    Crisis Worker

    William Osler Health Center

  • "I would like to receive more free Guides.

    Carole Lacion
    Resource Clerk

    Cochrane Community Employment Centre

  • "We provide healthcare and information to the public. I want 200 more please.

    Sheila Graney
    I&R Assistant

    Community Care Access of Peel

  • "Barrie Confidential Inc. is a full service investigation firm specializing in the location of debtors and assets for the purpose of financial recovery. We are a fully insured agency holding Investigative Body Status and licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Private Security and Investigative Services Branch. I would like to participate and support Legal Line in your valuable endeavors.

    Amber-Lynn Hutchison

    Barrie Confidential

  • "I heard about Legal Line in a presentation from Ian Levine. Most clients, especially when through the justice system for the first time, have many questions regarding the legal process and their human rights. Your website is a great resource for clients who are often not financially stable to afford a lawyer, or have been refused legal aid... for some reason or another.

    Christine Ubdegrove
    Bail Counsellor

    John Howard Society of Peel Halton Dufferin

  • "Please send me 400 flyers.

    Chantal Legault-Denneny, Area Office Administrator
    Area 09 - Kingston

    Legal Aid Ontario

  • "Please send 50 additional copies of Legal Line for our constituents. They are very popular.

    Sarkis Assadourian, M.P.
    Brampton Centre

    Member of Parliament

  • "Legal Line is a valuable public service and it promotes access to lawyers.

    Kathy Gaudreau

    Department of Nation Defence (DND)

  • "We are a professional counselling agency serving clients since the early 1980's. I am looking to get more copies of the free legal guides because we find them extremely helpful.

    Gursharan Niijar
    Group Counsellor

    Catholic Family Services of Peel-Dufferin

  • "As per our mission, we would like to assist other 'helping' organizations by distributing your Legal Line flyers.

    Cassandra Musclow

    Giving BAACK

  • "I received your Legal flyers in the mail with the Alberta Lawyers Phonebook and I wish to link www.albertahumanrights.ab.ca to your site, receive a hot link from within the body of your legal answers, and volunteering to become a 'Reviewing Lawyer'

    Arman Chak, LL.B.
    Legal Counsel

    Alberta Human Rights Commission

  • "I am the Training Officer at the Bruce 'A' Restart Project at Bruce Power in Tiverton, Ontario. We employ approximately 6,500 people on site, and a large number of them are transient tradesman. I would like to let these folks know about Legal Line and maybe alleviate some inevitable regular 'life' suffering situations down the road.

    Peter L. Kelly, Training Officer
    Restart Training Centre

    Bruce Power

  • "May I receive 60 Legal Line posters, so that everyone in my class gets their own copy ?

    Sandra Walker Martin, Adult ESL
    Overland Learning Centre

    Toronto District School Board (TDSB)

  • "I am very interested in the Legal Line map that you created, and would appreciate getting 200 ASAP. I am in the process of putting together an orientation package for new social work staff and would like to add your map to the package as it is very informative and resourceful. I will pass the extra copies over to our Guidance Office.

    Patricia Codner, MSW, RSW
    School Social Worker / Attendance Counsellor

    St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School

  • "We have found your Legal Line Guides to be well done, and distribute them to our clients. We have also found your website an interesting point of reference and referral.

    Alessandro M. Di Cecco, LL.B.
    Estate Planning, Family Law and Real Estate Lawyer

    Di Cecco, Jones / Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries Public

  • "Request for 300 copies, to start.

    Jesmin Fuad
    Resource Centre

    Humber College

  • "We operate under the Ministry of Health and we are located in EVERY provincial psychiatric hospital in Ontario. We provide information, options, advocacy and rights to in-patients, out-patients and ex-patients of the facility. We also provide information, education, and referrals to individuals and groups in the community. Another hospital recommended your website and suggested we review it. We assist clients with a number of issues relating to the MHA, HCCA, SDA legislation, criminal and civil law issues as well as any other concerns they raise. We are proud to display Legal Line in our office for our clients, and their family members, to pick up.

    Gwen Davidson, Patient Advocate
    Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office (PPAO)

    Ministry of Health

  • "I work for poweredbysearch.com and represent my client, www.galbraithfamilylaw.com and I'd like to gain exposure for Galbraith on your site.

    Neil Reeve
    Internet Marketing Manager

    Galbraith Family Law

  • "Please send some of your Legal Line posters to our organization.

    Lynda Sua, Administrative Assistant
    Settlement Integration Place & Kiosk / ISAP Program

    Catholic Crosscultural Services

  • "You sent us a box of Legal Line Guides but we are down to our last copies. We receive a lot of "pro se" litigants who find your brochures helpful. They are also helpful to our staff, who cannot and should not provide legal advice to patrons. We went through the last batch in 2 months, so please send 400 more.

    Ted Tjaden, LL.B., M.I., Coordinator of Information Services
    Faculty of Law

    University of Toronto (U of T)

  • "Presently at the Family Law Information Centre in Barrie, also in Orillia, we have Legal Line Guides. However, we need 2,000 more for both offices and for the Courtroom. Our clients and staff find this service to facilitate the information and referral process. We provide court services related to separation and divorce, custody, support and access, and restraining orders. There is also a lawyer provided by Legal Aid. The Information and Referral Coordinators provide information regarding alternative dispute measures and community services.

    Michele Brett, Information and Referral Coordinator
    Family Law Information Centre / Family Court

    Superior Court of Justice

  • "... extend their sincere gratitude and appreciation for the services offered by the Legal Line. It directs participants to necessary services in an easy to understand format, while saving valuable staff time. Due to the high demand for your brochures, please increase our request to 500. This service is a great benefit to our community.

    Kwende Kemba-Gayme
    Youth Services Coordinator

    Warden Woods Community Centre

  • "I am very interested in the Legal Line map that you created, and would appreciate getting copies ASAP. I am in the process of putting together an orientation package for new social work staff and would like to add your map to the package.

    Patricia Codner, M.S.W., R.S.W.
    School Social Worker

    St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School

  • "I learned of Legal Line through another Government Information Centre. Our office provides information to the public on a variety of government issues. The guides will be displayed in our brochure racks and made available to the public.

    Stephanie Dalrymple
    Customer Service Representative (CSR)

    Government Information Centre

  • "We are an independent agency of the Ontario Ministry of Labour and very interested in being part of your Legal Line referral list. We provide free and confidential advice, assistance and representation to non-unionized workers and their survivors, with their workplace insurance claims (formerly called workers' compensation. We can be contacted by calling our toll free lines at: 1-800-435-8980 (English) or 1-800-661-6365 (French). We also provide free and confidential advice and assistance to non-unionized workers who have experienced occupational health and safety reprisals. We can be contacted by calling our toll-free line at: 1-855-659-7744. For more information, visit www.owa.gov.on.ca

    Mary Tzaferis, Manager, Toronto and Eastern Region
    Office of the Worker Adviser

    Ministry of Labour

  • "Pre-recorded Legal Line information 24 hrs a day for all those who wish to listen, rather than read it off the internet... what a wonderful brochure. Thank you so very much for creating and sharing this information with us. There are numerous people attending our Headquarters and Districts on a daily basis seeking information and guidance with regards to their everyday lives. Legal Line is definitely a wealth of information for them. York Regional Police is devised of five (5) separate divisions throughout York Region and we would appreciate it if you could forward to us an ample supply of Legal Line to be distributed throughout our organization.

    P.C. Alice Windsor, #5153
    Constable, Records & Inquiry Bureau

    York Regional Police

  • "Legal Line is very valuable in our patient waiting areas. Humber River Hospital is one of Canada’s largest regional acute care hospitals, serving a catchment area of more than 850,000 people in the northwest GTA. The hospital currently operates on three (3) sites with a total of 549 beds, 3,000 staff, approximately 700 physicians and 400 volunteers. Please ship us the maximum amount of flyers that we are allowed.

    Vina Sandher, MSW, RSW, Social Worker
    Women's and Children's Health Program

    Humber River Regional Hospital

  • "May I please have 2 boxes of Legal Line Posters ? They are very popular.

    Jaqueline Kucera
    Science and Business Department

    Mississauga Public Library

  • "... we are establishing a "Make a Will" website. I'd like to make sure there are hot links direct to legalline.ca. As a lawyer, I practice estate planning, administration and litigation for estates, trusts and adult guardianships.

    Peggy Rintoul, LL.B.

    Co-Chair, Canadian Bar Association of Ontario

  • "Please send 1,000 copies.

    Kevin Wood
    Employment Resource Centre

    City of Windsor

  • "We wish to receive 200 to distribute to our interested clients.

    Sabrina Cheng, Referral Agent
    Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

    Canadian Forces College

  • "We are a tax lawyer firm in Québec and we wish to participate with Legal Line.

    Patrick Thiffault, LL.B.
    Director of Marketing

    Fiscalistes.com | Avocat Fiscaliste a Montréal

  • "Would you please mail me one box of Legal posters ?

    Carly Adamson

    Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

  • "Thanks for sending me all the information on free legal advice for youth. We would love to have 150 more maps and I will share them with the Guidance Department.

    Rita Di Gioacchino

    Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute

  • "Catholic Family Services is a professional counseling agency serving clients since the early 1980s. We are starting a support group for women who have been abused and we are looking to get more copies of the free legal guides.

    Gursharan Nijjar
    Group Counsellor

    Catholic Family Services of Peel-Dufferin

  • "Your website, telephone line, and free Legal posters are GREAT ideas ! Thank you for thinking of them, for thinking of public access to information about the civil laws that govern us, and for taking the initiative to make Legal Line. I didn't think people did things for the good of the public any more. I am very happy to be proven wrong by such a civic-minded and far-thinking effort as yours. Bravo !

    S. Young

  • "I heard of Legal Line from another Ombudsperson at another academic institution. She indicated that the service was very useful. Many students visit me asking for legal information; however, these issues are beyond the mandate for our office. I refer them to Legal Line.

    Ian Darling

    Fanshaw College

  • "We presently have a pamphlet which details information that is available. We would like to order 400 more.

    Mary Ponski
    Resource Co-ordinatior

    Ontario Works, Regional Municipality of Durham

  • "Please mail us 2,000 additional Legal Line flyers. Everyone who sees them, takes a few.

    Helen Minoza
    Human Resource Officer

    Government of the North West Territories (NWT)

  • "Please send me 25 Legal directory posters.

    Lori Matwychuk, Interim Assistant Director
    Women's Services

    Good Shepherd / Faith In People

  • "The Thunder Bay Public Library strengthens our community by engaging people in the pursuit of local and global information and knowledge, and promoting literacy, lifelong learning and leisure. Please send us 500 Legal Line maps.

    Helen Chorcorlan, Library Technician
    Waverley Resource Library

    Thunder Bay Public Library

  • "I have been practicing law in the Province of Ontario for over 41 years and for the past number of years I have confined my practice to the field of Family Law. I took the opportunity to review all of the material sent to lawyers, before making the decision to volunteer my time and become one of your 'Reviewing Lawyers'. Congratulations on creating such a worthy endeavor !

    Michael O. Watson, B.A. LL.B.
    Family Lawyer

    Law Office of Michael O. Watson

  • "I am requesting 200 flyers.

    Jane Smith
    Database Administrator

    The Consumer Centre / Business Information Centre

  • "Which is the fastest way to receive some brochures ?

    Teresa Neves
    Koffler Student Services Centre, Family Care Office

    University of Toronto (U of T)

  • "We have guides at our centre. It is an excellent resource because it provides information on different legal matters.

    Nancy Pacheco
    Career Counsellor

    Crossways Job Centre

  • "We are an out-patient addiction counselling agency for youth, young adults & their families who have a number of legal issues. I am requesting copies of legal line so we can post your information in a variety of our locations which include schools (Dundas, Stoney Creek, Waterdown, East & West Downtown Hamilton, & on the Mountain), other community agencies. as well as our main downtown Hamilton location. Legal Line contains valuable information in a very user friendly, very thorough manner and we would like to make it available to more people. We plan to post it in waiting rooms & counselling offices as a quick reference for clients, their families, & friends who accompany them to appointments.

    Caroline Sawesky
    Addiction Counsellor

    Alternatives For Youth

  • "I represent our Human Resources Dept. and was given one of these brochures about year ago. I find myself referring employees to this service, however, I only have one copy so I am constantly photocopying information for staff.

    Shannon Duggan
    Human Resources

    West Hill Community Services

  • "Please send our medical clinic 100 free posters.

    Stella Dantonio, Medical Secretary

    Grace Health Centre

  • "I received your brochures in the past and now they are all gone. We need as many as you will ship us.

    Marlene Gerryts
    PATH Employment Services

  • "We are an Employment Resource Centre for people in recovery from drugs and/or alcohol. Please send us 1,000 much needed flyers ASAP !

    Michael Maloney
    Career Counsellor

    Oasis Addiction Recovery Society

  • "I am an elected representative for the Power Workers Union in the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station of Ontario. We have over 15,000 members in Ontario and 2,000 in Pickering. Due to Sept. 11... security requirements have been tightened in our nuclear facilities. In dealing with this situation, we were introduced to your website. Our Stewards found that the guides are very useful. Kindly send us 4,000 copies.

    Albert Sham
    Unit Secretary, Power Workers Union

    Pickering Nuclear Generating Station of Ontario

  • "We provide information to assist people to navigate the criminal justice system. I heard about your amazing service through the National Parole Board.

    Debbie Alder
    Court Support Worker, Niagara Branch

    Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

  • "As a Lawyer, I do a lot of solicitors work... will and estates, commercial leasing, corporate and business purchases. I just looked at the estates page on your site and it is very well organized. I was an instructor at the Law Society Bar Admission Course years ago and I am happy to share my skills and participate with Legal Line.

    Howard Stern, LL.B.

    Howard Stern Law Office

  • "We have found Legal Line to be a useful resource and hand it out frequently. May we have 200 more ?

    Faith Kirk
    Assistant to Tania Cornish

    Borden Family Resource Centre

  • "We were given a copy of your guide by Peel Regional Police. Upon reviewing the content, we realized that it would be a valuable resource not only to our office staff, but also to our clients. We are responsible for individuals who come into conflict with the law and are sentenced by the Judicial System. Numerous clients come through our doors each month as part of their supervision. We feel that this guide would be extremely useful given the nature of our business.

    Ed McAndrew, Area Manager
    Probation and Parole Services / Brampton

    Ministry of Correctional Services

  • "We would like 300 of your Legal Line posters sent to our legal clinic. They are very helpful and extremely well thought out.

    Diana Wilker
    Office Manager

    Huron / Perth Community Legal Clinic

  • "Ian, your presentation was very informative. Please send 75 Legal Line pamphlets since they would be very useful for the other nurses I work with on my team. I want them each to have their own copy or I will never get my copy returned to me !

    Debbie Jones
    Publc Health Nurse

    Toronto Public Health

  • "We hand out these flyers to our clients. They find them useful. The poster is especially great.

    Tess Sheldon
    Public Legal Education

    Downtown Legal Services

  • "I saw your pamphlet posted in an office and it is informative and easy to use. I will use the guide in our sub-office, interview rooms and main areas.

    Anne Dixon, Family Support Worker
    United Counties of Leeds and Grenville

    Ministry of Community and Social Services

  • "I work at LAMP in a Community Information and Referral department, and we have always used your guides; However, the versions that we have posted up in our office are from 2012, and we would like to pin up your newest version. Based in Toronto Ontario, we strive to improve quality of life by supporting people to reach their full potential. We do this by working in partnership with our community to address new and emerging community needs, and by supporting a wide-range of health care services, community programs, and advocacy initiatives that promote the physical, emotional, social, and economic well-being of our community. Our office is a drop-in community information centre, and we often have individuals coming in looking for legal advice. We have one of your guides displayed, and a few extra copies handy, for individuals to look at or to pass along phone numbers to people who call in. We see many, many clients each day, and a number of them are often seeking legal resources, so Legal Line has been extremely helpful. I am submitting a request for 1,500 additional copies.

    Tristan Gerrie
    Community Support Worker

    LAMP Community Health Centre

  • "I'd like to request 150 of your Legal Line guides for our Employment Resource Centre. They can be sent to Kristen MacDonald.

    Camille DesLauriers
    Employment Resource Specialist

    Northern Lights Canada

  • "The Legal Line pamphlets are an excellent source of information and I feel it would be greatly beneficial to continue to have them readily available at the Probation and Parole Office.

    Barbara Collins, Probation and Parole Officer
    Probation and Parole Services / Mississauga

    Ministry of Correctional Services

  • "Please send 20 more posters for our staff.

    Kimberley L. Rogers
    Assistant Crown Attorney

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "I would like to place an order for 4,500 free Legal Line Guides. I will have them placed throughout our nine (9) Human Resource Centres located in the Regions of Peel, Halton and Dufferin.

    Gail Searle
    Public Liaison Officer

    Mississauga West HRCC

  • "Ian Levine conducted a workshop for the DND and people are very impressed with the information that is available in the guide. If you still have copies available, I can arrange to have them picked up.

    M.W. Thomas, Chief Clerk
    Land Forces Central Area Headquarters

    Department of National Defence (DND)

  • "The guides are used as hand-outs in the Law area. They are regularly used in addition to the community postings boards in that area and we are running low. Thank you for this service.

    S. Ledger
    Assistant Librarian

    Toronto Reference Centre, Main Library

  • "My colleague gave me your Legal Line pamphlet and I forwarded it to a client in need. I am hoping you send me 200 more. Thank you for your extensive, well done information.

    Carolyn Keenan
    Crime Prevention Counsellor

    Elizabeth Fry Society of Peel - Halton

  • "I passed your pamphlet around to the members of 55 Division Community Response Unit at our office meeting. The feedback was excellent. We feel that Legal Line is a valuable resource and will assist us as a method of referral to members of the community. We feel this is a very worthwhile venture and would like to obtain as many flyers as we are permitted.

    P.C. Steve Kelly, Police Constable #5826
    55 Division - Community Response Unit

    Toronto Police Service

  • "Our organization is pleased with the services that Legal Line provides. We are a Government Office and our main objective is to enforce Orders and Agreements with child support, by enforcing and making sure the funds are distributed to the person owed to. I would like to formally request 1,000 guides for distribution.

    Romano Carletti, Client Service Associate 115
    Family Responsibility Office (FRO)

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "I received a copy of your Legal Line pamphlet and I would like to obtain 50 more copies. They are very good.

    Cara Dennis

    Salvation Army Bunton Lodge

  • "Legal Line is very useful for my clients. Please provide me with 50 copies and I will display the publication in my office.

    Sophia F. Mak Acis, P. Adm, CGA
    Certified General Accountant

  • "... send 250 copies for our constituency office.

    Assistant to Sarkis Assadourian, M.P.

    Member of Parliament

  • "I would like to request 2500 pamphlets. I am a member of the Justice Team at the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres... representative to collective interests of 27 Centres throughout the province of Ontario. In addition, our Justice Team supports a number of community justice sites. I would like to supply the Courtworkers with 50 copies each (50x50=2500). Courtworkers are often seen as the first contact to any legal issue and receive a variety of requests on any legal related subject.

    Bobbi-Jo Virtue
    Criminal Courtwork Programme Trainer

    Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres

  • "Please send 100 guides to our office.

    Lindsay Stoneman
    Customer Service Agent

    ServiceOntario - Parry Sound

  • "Could we please get 200 of your free Legal Line posters ?

    Tracy Des Ormeaux
    Customer Service Agent

    ServiceOntario - North Bay

  • "Marsh brokers the insurance placements for the 1500 Roman Catholic and most other churches in Ontario. While the churches themselves stand to benefit from having access to Legal Line, we have come to understand that in many instances, particularly in rural and ethnic communities, the Church is, to a larger extent, the gatekeeper to our justice system. It is often with the cooperation of the Church that individuals develop, rightly or wrongly, a perception of their rights. It is also often through the Church that these people then seek a remedy either through the courts or by some other form of dispute resolution. The fourteen (14) Diocesan offices of the Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops were very interested when I mentioned that I would request copies of your guide for their parishes. I would be grateful to receive 14 boxes of flyers, and I assure that they will be put to good use.

    Peter Curran

    Marsh & McLennan Agency

  • "I found a copy at The Hospital For Sick Children and thought it would be very useful for clients. This will enable NCFST to encourage clients to seek legal advice where appropriate, and have a resource of numbers.

    Roberta Pike, Intake Worker
    United Way Member Agency

    Native Child and Family Services of Toronto (NCFST)

  • "The co-ordinator of our Resource Centre received these pamphlets at an Opportunities conference. We currently have one copy on our staff wall.

    Jennie Hunt
    Project Assistant

    Oakville Employment Resource Centre

  • "For more than 35 years, GSNH has helped leading businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals successfully navigate the maze of corporate & commercial law to help protect and grow their businesses. Our law firm is based in downtown Toronto and provides advice across all major practice areas. Please send Mr. David Bristow 150 copies of the free Guide.

    Joanne Birnie, Assistant to David Bristow, LL.B.
    Business Law, Corporate Law and Commercial Law

    Goldman Sloan Nash & Haber LLP

  • "Our Family Law Information Centre serves the Simcoe County region. The majority of our clients are people who are unrepresented, who do not qualify for Legal Aid but are in need of legal assistance. Your pamphlet has been an invaluable resource to these people. We would like 25 boxes as we are supporting five (5) courts in our area.

    Michele Brett, Information and Resource Coordinator
    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

    Superior Court of Justice / Family Division

  • "We will use these pamphlets in our library and in our guidance office.

    Linda Blake, Administrative Secretary
    George Lucas, B.A. B.Ed., Principal

    Eastdale Collegiate Institute

  • "Our organization is committed to community re-integration for offenders, and we offer a range of services in a non-judgmental, safe, comfortable environment. Legal Line is an invaluable resource for both our clients and our counsellors as it represents an easy, safe and confidential way of obtaining more information on a variety of topics. It also offers further guidance in finding appropriate resources and assistance in an easy and organized manner.

    Marijana Milinkovic

    John Howard Society of Toronto

  • "I learned about Legal Line from reading Norm Groot's legal articles. Norm is a highly regarded lawyer, specializing in Investigative Law, and I understand that he was one of your volunteer lawyers.

    Sandra McFadden

    Spy Planet Inc.

  • "I discovered you on the internet while searching for a lawyer. Your service is very informative. Our Spring Conference is coming up in April and we would like to make Legal Line flyers available to all our members.

    Sean Voisin
    Director of Membership

    Paralegal Society of Ontario

  • "I learned about Legal Line just now as I read through your website but the Region of Peel has been using your documents way before I was around. Legal Line flyers and guides assist the clients we interact with on a daily bases. I am looking forward to receiving your materials (as the demand is so high we are running low). The Region of Peel serves 1.3 million residents and approximately 88,000 businesses in Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga. With your assistance we continue to further assist those residents and businesses

    Kevin Alexander
    Operational Service Rep.

    Region of Peel

  • "20 years ago CSE Consulting opened its doors in Brockville as a training centre teaching computers to local businesses, unemployed individuals seeking to improve their skills, and the general public. Since then, the business has expanded to Kemptville and Prescott and includes job search support and strategies, computer training and employment preparation for injured workers, and employment supports for persons with disabilities. We have some Legal Line flyers left, but I am hoping for 3 more boxes so we don't run out.

    Beverley Gilmour
    Assistant Administrator

    CSE Consulting

  • "I discovered the Legal Line information folder a few weeks ago by accident, and was thrilled that there was such a document in existence. I was happy for me, as I intend to keep this for myself... and I was thrilled for customers who come to me on a daily basis, so thirsty for information on things, on which I have no information at all. it appears that you have done considerable research before printing this document, as every single bit of information is of value.

    Mrs. A. Hoyte
    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

    Ontario Court / Family Court Office

  • "We would like another 250 of the Legal Line posters for our Courthouse. They are extremely well done.

    Karie-Anne Nichols, Judicial Clerk
    Wetaskiwin, Alberta / Provincial Court

    Justice of the Peace

  • "Please mail 250 more posters. Our clients faces light up when they see them and they always take 2 or 3.

    Candice de Souza
    Information & Referral Services

    Job Connect / Centennial College

  • "I first heard of Legal Line as a member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario.

    Sam Seidman, CA
    Chartered Accountant

  • "This site was noticed while visiting the Ministry of Attorney General site. Lots of great information.

    Lisa Fraser
    Transitional Support Worker

    Chatham Kent Women Centre

  • "Just got our copy of the Atlantic Legal Journal in, and saw your handout. What an amazing service you offer !

    Chris Ecklund

    Canadian Process Serving Inc

  • "I wish to request 500 copies of the free Legal Line Free Answers 1,000 Legal Topics.

    Cathy Taylor
    Employment Services Elgin

    Fanshawe College

  • "Your Legal Line pamphlets are given out at our Family Law Information Centre. These pamphlets are an excellent source of information for our clients.

    Terri-Dawn Craig, Bookkeeper
    Courts Administrative Division

    Ontario Court of Justice

  • "We receive Legal Line Guides regularly, and they have always done really well with our patrons. We would like to request an additional 3 boxes of your latest edition. Please ensure that the boxes are labelled to my attention for quick processing and distribution. We need them out on the shelves ASAP!

    Joan Girot, Government Documents Librarian
    Central Library

    Richmond Hill Public Library

  • "Please send us 200 flyers for our constituents.

    Lisa Sarkhanian, Assistant to Sarkis Assadourian, M.P.
    Brampton Centre

    House of Commons, Member of Parliament

  • "Legal Line was recommended at a Legal Conference. The guides will be used as study guide and resource for our grade 11, 12 and OAC students. As a result of the dramatic budget cuts, additional resources have been difficult to obtain. As a result, the Legal Line resource will be most useful.

    History Department
    Turner Fenton Secondary School

  • "I learned about legal line from an affiliate with the Mental Health organization in Ontario. I will be happy to distribute your flyers within the community, e.g. hotels, and businesses.

    Robin Stewart

    Helping Citizen

  • "There are many people out there with all kinds of legal questions but are afraid to call a lawyer. Your service provides a potential client with insight, or food for thought, before deciding to pursue legal action. If possible, I would like more of these pamphlets to be distributed among my fellow officers at 42 Division.

    P.C. Frank Delio, #482
    Police Constable / 42 Division

    Toronto Police Service

  • "As you know, some of our staff reviewed the materials you sent us on Legal Line. We also reviewed the pre-recorded information, website, and the printed materials on Workers' Compensation. We feel that the service is useful for our staff to refer clients. It has been decided to list your service on our website as a useful link for 'workers'. The Office of the Worker Adviser is an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Labour. Our office provides free and confidential services concerning Ontario workplace insurance, or worker's compensation claims to injured workers and survivors who do not have a union to help them. We have 15 local offices in Ontario. Our office handles approximately 20,000 requests for service each year.

    Diana Clark, Legislative Interpretation and Training Officer
    Office of the Worker Adviser

    Ministry of Labour

  • "We would like to receive 500 Legal line guides to distribute at our public library reference desk. They are very much appreciated by our patrons.

    Janet Gillespie
    Information / Reference Services

    Oshawa Public Library

  • "We offer financial services, income maintenance, employment support and a wide range of community based services. Please send us 600 flyers.

    David Gellineau
    Employment Resource Centre

    City of Toronto - Downtown Social Services

  • "I run the 'Resource Area' and am requesting 450 copies of your guides.

    Yolanda Malcolm
    Employment Service Worker

    Region of Peel

  • "The OEA provides Ontario employers with expert, free and confidential advice. We need more Legal Line posters.

    Heather Mendela, Manager
    Office of the Employer Advisor (OEA)

    Ministry of Labour, Government Services

  • "I would like to submit a guest post for your blog, approved on behalf of my client Toronto Divorce Lawyer. You can check out their blog here (http://www.torontodivorcelaw.com/blog/) to see the type of content we write for lawyers. We can also submit an infographic like this one here (http://www.torontodivorcelaw.com/how-will-children-react-to-divorce-infographic/). In an effort to support Legal Line, choose one of the topics below, or send us a completely new topic and we'll get the content to you. Debts in Divorce What Child Support Covers and Doesn't Digital and Virtual Assets as Part of Marital Estate in Divorce Divorce Asset Divisions - Do's and Don'ts

    SEO Specialist

    Toronto Divorce Law

  • "... became aware of Legal Line via the Legal Clinic while inquiring about... Your website has been informative not only for our organization, but also for our members who have endless questions about Family Law.

    Bronwyn Bailey
    Single Parent Support Group

  • "We would like to order more Legal Line Guides. We are a Government of Ontario office in Iroquois Falls, Ontario. Our job includes advocating on behalf of clients and we find your guide very informative and helpful. We distribute and hand out many of these guides and we would like to receive another 400.

    Jackie Longlad
    Customer Service Assistant

    Ministry of Northern Development and Mines

  • "As a lawyer who has confined his practice to the representation of individual employees, particularly in Union / Labour issues before the Ontario and Canada Labour Boards, I wish to complement Legal Line for the great job it does. Having had an opportunity to review Legal Line in 2 ways, by telephone, which I found to be clear, concise, prompt and efficient, and also on your website, I am confident that the public will find this legal information most helpful. It is a great help to my practice to have a service like Legal Line, where employees can find the answers to their more basic legal questions and be directed to lawyers practising in the areas of their particular problem. Legal Line saves me time, by answering the simpler questions on Labour / Union issues. I am pleased to offer you my assistance in keeping your information up to date in the area of Union / Labour Issues.

    Cyril J. Abbass, LL.B.

    Barrister & Solicitor

  • "This is a 220 bed treatment centre for men who are sentenced to 'two years less a day' in jail. We have about 130 professional staff. I would like to give this information to the residents, as well as other institutes in our community.

    Jeanette Fletcher
    Ontario Correctional Institute

    Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services

  • "This will help our counsellors give accurate information to their clients.

    Linda Resond
    Design For A New Tomorrow

  • "Legal Line is very good. I am glad you are doing it.

    Clayton (Clay) C. Ruby, LL.B.
    Ruby & Edwardh, Barristers & Solicitors

    Member of the "Order of Canada"

  • "Legal Line is an important service. Our guests will benefit from your materials.

    Robyn Catarau
    Sales Assistant

    Holiday Inn Express

  • "Thank you for returning my call. Please send me posters and flyers / information.

    Naomi Bambara
    Ombudsman Ontario

  • "Is is possible to send us 2 boxes of your Legal Line Guide? We service a very wide population with many issues. Your service is very useful in helping us fulfill our mandate.

    Debbie Bedford
    Employment Counsellor

    Goodwill Employment Assessment Centre

  • "Thank you for the information brochures received today. One box will not be enough, so please ship 2 more !

    S. Southings
    Catholic Family Services of Toronto

  • "You have done a fine job with both your website and especially with the Legal Line telephone access, given that I am a lawyer in a legal clinic where our clients are low-income and may not have internet access.

    Stephen Bird, LL.B.

    Ontario Legal Aid

  • "Our mandate is to support clients who are contemplating, or who are in, the court system. The majority of our clients are in need of legal assistance. Your pamphlet has been an invaluable resource to these people. We would like 5 boxes as we are supporting five (5) courts in the area.

    Michele Brett / Cindy Hillard
    Information and Resource Coordinators

    Superior Court of Justice

  • "We have been using your brochures for at least 10 years. We have frequent requests for this type of information and resource. The Information Desk refers the public to the guides as a resource, and they are placed in our Community Information Distribution & Display Centre.

    Sandi Thomas
    Senior Information Assistant

    Orangeville Public Library

  • "We regularly refer our members to Legal Line. We would like to be able to hand out hundreds of your legal materials in our brochure racks... rather than just having one reference copy as we do now.

    Heather Maisel
    Library Director

    Castlegar & District Public Library

  • "Communications Operators play a vital role in ensuring that the right response is dispatched to whatever emergency situation arises. This challenging job is one of many performed by the more than 2,800 civilian members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). The OPP's five (5) Provincial Communications Centres (PCC) provide telecommunications services including dispatch, 9-1-1 and administrative call taking to communities throughout Ontario. These centres operate on a 24/7 basis. Please forward as many copies of your Guide as we may have.

    Sergeant Doug Bernardi #4538
    Aurora Telecommunications Unit

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "We have five (5) offices throughout Toronto and would like to distribute 200 of them to each office. May we get 1,000 ?

    Cindy Scheible, Community Office Assistant
    Scarborough Community Office

    Canadian Red Cross

  • "Please send me another 250 Legal Line brochures for our clients.

    Michelle Raposo
    Dufferin Mall Employment Resource Centre (DMERC)

  • "I browsed through the poster and found it a very useful resource for consumers of legal services. I also visited your website and found it equally impressive. I believe that the poster will be very successful in Ottawa and I would like to receive 1,000 free editions. I will attach my business card, and distribute them free of charge to members of the community.

    Bahaa I. Sunallah, B.A., LL.B

    Barrister & Solicitor

  • "The Library main branch is interested in replenishing it's supply. They are very popular. The Library has on average 1,200 patrons a day and our brochure racks are very well used.

    Loraine Fredin
    Periodicals & Local History Department

    Waterloo Public Library

  • "Thank you for attending the Annual Area ERO conference and providing a very exciting presentation. Would it be possible to have more fold-up posters prior to our next staff meeting?

    Kathy Breau
    Eligibility Review Officer (ERO)

    Prince Edward Lennox & Addington Social Services

  • "I have served 2 terms as Chair of the Canadian Bar Association, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Section... I am a former Chair of the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) ADR Section, and a member of OBA Council. Currently I am an Executive Board Member of the ADR Institute of Ontario, and I am proud to be volunteering as a reviewing lawyer for Legal Line. I have also taught the Skills and Professional Responsibility Program as well as Interviewing Skills and Negotiation for the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC), Bar Admission Course and have taught and sat on the Examination Committee for Corporate Law. I have served as an adjunct member of the teaching team for the Lawyer as Negotiator course at Osgoode Hall Law School, and have coached many mediation and negotiation students while supervising law school students participating in the Small Claims Court Mediation Program.

    Anne Gottlieb, Hons. B.A., LL.B., LL. M. (Harvard Law School)
    Business / Commercial, Construction and Real Estate Lawyer

    ADR Institute of Ontario

  • "Yesterday, we received a copy of the "Blue Book" and in it was a copy of the Legal Line Guide. We have many tenants in the building who sometimes need help with legal matters and these pamphlets would be very useful for them. ... please send us 100.

    Michelle Bagshaw
    Resident Support Counsellor

    Canrise Non-Profit Housing Inc.

  • "I would appreciate very much if you could forward copies of your excellent Legal Line Guide. This is a wonderful resource tool to have.

    Colin Gillis

    The Salvation Army / Territorial Headquarters

  • "Please ship to us about 600 copies of the latest edition of the Legal Line pamphlet for our library.

    Ruth Greenwood, Business Department
    Central Library

    Mississauga Library System

  • "I am interested in ordering 400 Guides. They are very well organized and your site is easy to use.

    Santina Ouellette
    Employment Resource Centre

    Etobicoke South Employment and Social Services

  • "We are Process Servers. We provide the service of issuing, serving, and filing of court documents in all areas of the law. I was introduced to your great legal information brochure almost a year ago, and have found it to be the best collection of services that I have ever seen. I have been giving out this brochure to all my clients and always receive great feedback.

    Jason Pelletier, Director of Operations

    Legal Document Services of Ontario

  • "We would like to provide Legal Line Guides to our staff and clients.

    Cathy Smuk, LL.B.
    McLarren Consulting Group Inc.

  • "I learned about Legal Line from my 2 son's. One of whom is a lawyer practicing with me, while the other is in law school. Corey had the pleasure of meeting with you and collecting your materials. They are extremely impressive. I specialize in Enforcement of judgments over $500,000 / Bankruptcies / Discharge hearings / Receiverships, court or private / Commercial proposals and restructurings under the BIA and CCAA / Management of collection litigation and Asset protection. By way of credentials, I am Past Head of Section and lecturer for the Ontario Bar Admission Course on Creditors' and Debtors' Rights and Remedies, Past Chair of both the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Section of the Canadian Bar Association, National and Ontario, council member of the Ontario Bar Association, former member of Advisory Committee to Industry Canada, a frequent lecturer, and author of books and articles on bankruptcy and insolvency law. For the purpose of enhancing the Legal Line services, my firm is qualified and happy to field questions in my area of expertise.

    Frank Bennett, L.S.M., LL.M.
    Bankruptcy Lawyer

    Law Office

  • "Please send us a box. Legal Line is very useful for our clients and caseworkers and i will distribute them via our general information section of our resource centre.

    Arlette Tyrell, Ontario Works Liaison
    Metro Hall Social Services

    City of Toronto

  • "We have run out of Legal Line flyers. We at City Hall, in the Clerk's Office, find them very useful since we deal with a lot of people on a daily basis. If we do not know the answer to their question, we simply hand them the Legal Line pamphlet with a smile.

    Lydia Picca, Licencing Clerk
    Clerk's Department

    The City of Niagara Falls

  • "Please send 50 copies of your brochure.

    Faduma Abukar, Coordinator
    Settlement First Contact

    Canadian Red Cross

  • "Our organization would like to order several copies of Legal Line. The topics which most closely match services we offer are as follows: addiction centres; court houses; government offices; ethnic and cultural centres; family counselling centres; police stations; legal aid offices; legal clinics; and lawyers and law offices.

    Melanie Hinton
    Manitoulin Family Resources

    Manitoulin Haven House

  • "I first came to know of the Legal Line Guide when I joined Legal Aid Ontario. The service of these guides is great - we hand them out all day long.

    Sylvie Brock, Office Manager
    Sioux Lookout

    Legal Aid Ontario

  • "As a foreign qualified lawyer and current articling student, I found the information very interesting and request free guides. We are a small sized general practice Firm in downtown Toronto.

    Cheryl D’souza

    Korman & Company, Barristers & Solicitors

  • "We have Legal Line posters pinned up on our office walls - we need more brochures which I will place in our resource area, along with other legal info. materials.

    Jaime Burford, Events and Referrals Assistant

    People's Law School

  • "York Region has earned wide recognition as one of the fastest growing Regions in the Province of Ontario. The Towns of Markham, Stouffville and Uxbridge now number close to 300,000 residents and expansion of the Hospital sites and services is required to meet the needs of this growth. Please mail me a box of brochures A.S.A.P.

    Debra Ceresne
    Social Worker

    Markham Stouffville Hospital

  • "On behalf of TitlePLUS, I am pleased to participate in the Legal Line Guides and wish you every success in achieving your goals. I would like to request 1,000 copies of the Guide for our distribution, as I can see it will be a handy reference tool for consumers.

    Marica Silverman
    Marketing Coordinator

    Lawyers' Professional Indemnity Company (LPIC)

  • "I am an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) referral agent with Customs Client Services. I would appreciate receiving 30 copies of your Legal Line brochure.

    Carol Convery, EAP and Client Services Officer
    Revenue Canada Customs, Excise and Taxation

    Revenue Canada

  • "This is a very important project to enhance 'Access to Justice', and also demonstrate the continuing contributory role of lawyers in our society.

    Larry Banack, LL.B.
    Arbitration & Mediation Lawyer

    Koskie Minsky Law Firm

  • "I am looking to obtain additional copies...

    Steve Coghill
    Region of Peel

    Ontario Works

  • "The information you have compiled would be of great interest and tremendous help to the clientele we cater to. I will pile them in our reception area.

    Mary Mamone, Area Manager
    Probation and Parole Services

    Ministry of Correctional Services

  • "I found Legal Line on the internet and I would like to know more. MHC creates solutions for over 16,000 individuals and 3,000 businesses—earning a place in the top 5% of independently owned and operated insurance brokerages in Ontario.

    Lucia Pereira
    Insurance Broker

    MHC Insurance

  • "... please send us 150 copies of Legal Line.

    Elaine Wishton
    Brant Training Services Limited

    Planning for Training Project

  • "I have been extremely impressed by the services you offer outlined in your Legal Line brochure. The information will be extremely valuable for us in providing referrals to the many parents who call into our service at the Child and Family Services Department.

    Natalie Pengelley
    Clinical Supervisor

    Kids Help Phone

  • "We are a non-profit organization and would greatly appreciate 100 more copies of Legal Line.

    Cindy Benben
    Quinte United Immigrant Services

  • "We strongly believe that the free Legal Line Guides are a very useful source of information to our organization... our clients will benefit from this.

    Jagama Gobena
    Centre Coordinator

    Ethiopian Association in Toronto, Inc.

  • "Please forward 25 free Legal Line guides...

    M. Miller
    Legal Assistant

    O'Connor & Gold, Barristers & Solicitors

  • "I am requesting 400 copies of the Guide 'Legal Line' be mailed to this agency.

    Doreen Douglas

    The John Howard Society

  • "I want to help Legal Line by receiving `Live` telephone transfers for my area of expertise. Since 2004, I have practiced almost exclusively in the area of civil litigation. My practice is primarily focused on creditors’ rights and my clients include a major international shipping company, a national equipment lessor and a major Canadian bank.

    Amanda B. Potasky, LL.B.

    Garfin Zeidenberg Law Firm

  • "I will make them available to our staff.

    Geovanna Ottero
    Executive Assistant translator English-Spanish

    Canadian NewsWire (CNW)

  • "We are a shelter for abused women and children. We offer safe, temporary housing, telephone crisis support, outreach services and public education. I've come across information about your site by way of links from other agencies. This time in particular though, it was a link from the DART group in Huron-Perth that brought me here. The service you provide is of great use to our clients. We appreciate being able to supply our clients with this much needed information. Thank you.

    Karol Osmond
    Outreach Worker

    Women's Crisis Centre

  • "Please forward 50 copies of your free Legal Line Guide.

    Karen Levesque
    Administrative Assistant to Director

    Ontario Works Division, Region of Peel

  • "I was looking to get 27 copies of your Legal Line guide in time for our upcoming Regional Office Supervisors meeting.

    Steven Chabot, Coordinator, Information & Knowledge
    Management Office of the Worker Advisor

    Ontario Ministry of Labour

  • "I am the Head of Post and Honorary Consul for the Republic of Burundi in the Province of Ontario. My law practice is focused in the areas of criminal and civil litigation before Ontario’s courts and tribunals. Please mail me 100 flyers as I am running low and I use them in my law practice waiting area.

    Howard Crosner, LL.B.

    Barrister & Solicitor / Notary Public

  • "This guide is an excellent reference for almost EVERY client who we see in our agency.

    Axel Buettgen

    Community Resource Service - Advocacy

  • "We refer our users to Legal Line with confidence. 211 is the information and referral service that provides the people of Ontario with reliable information on community and social services. When you dial the 211 hotline, you are connected with a Certified Information and Referral Specialist who has been trained to assess your needs, answer your questions accurately, and advise you about the services and programs that are best for you and your loved ones. 211Ontario.ca is your connection to information about community and social services in the province of Ontario and we offer a direct link to Legalline.ca. It is your first stop for information about child care, language classes, job searches,housing, emergency shelters, services for persons with disabilities, home support, legal assistance, financial assistance, and much more. Just like Legal Line, 211Ontario.ca provides accurate and up-to-date information about services in a consistent format. With information on more than 56,000 agencies and services, we provide answers quickly and easily. Our phone service is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and is available in more than 150 languages.

    Julie Demers, Bilingual Data Editor / Éditrice de données bilingue
    211 Ottawa

    Community Information Centre of Ottawa

  • "Please mail us about 250 Legal Line pamphlets for our staff and clients.

    Sylwia Stanczyk, Customer Service Representative
    North York Sheridan Mall

    Humber College

  • "I would like to commend you on a very impressive information pamphlet. The user friendly format, quality and content superseded our expectations. I am confident our vast client base will find this inventive tool both helpful and informative.

    Catherine Moore, Vice President
    Johnston & Daniel Division

    Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd.

  • "As a Registered Psychologist in private practice, I have occasion to suggest clients obtain legal advice. Please mail me 50 Legal Line flyers.

    Robert L. Rodensky
    Robert L. Rodensky, Ph.D., C.Psych.

  • "You have a wonderful and indispensable service available. I will be putting them to use by giving them to victims of violent crimes such as sexual assault, attempted murder, and families of homicide victims.

    Eric Hatfield
    Victims of Violence

    Canadian Centre for Missing Chidren

  • "I found the brochure at the Court office. The public has found the information very helpful. I will be distributing the guides to people going through separation and divorce.

    Cindy Hillard, Family Law Information Kiosk
    Court Services Division

    Superior Court of Justice

  • "We heard of your organization through a workshop we attended last fall. Thank you for preparing such an elaborate reference tool. Please forward 500 flyers.

    Carrie Beaucage
    Employment Consultant

    Job Connect

  • "I’ve reviewed your sections that give Human Rights answers, and although I find them to be very well done, I have made some suggestions, which you are welcome to post to your website. I have also added extra links to resources that will help people better understand how the HRLSC and OHRC can help. I used to work on the phone line at the OHRC, and while I subsequently worked in Policy, and now work on Commission Inquiries and projects, it means everything to me that people have clear, comprehensive, and correct information. I think your website is great for that reason, and I hope this work I’ve done is helpful.

    Jacquelin Pegg, Inquiry Analyst / Public Interest Inquiries
    Human Rights Legal Support Centre

    Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC)

  • "Please send me 15 copies of Legal Line.

    Connie Baxter
    Program Support Worker / Orangeville

    Centre for Career & Employment Services

  • "I heard about Legal Line in a focus group. Your information will be used to define civil law and to research related issues. Your site provides a useful service.

    Pat Coleman, Technical Support Analysis
    Provincial Office

    Legal Aid Ontario

  • "I would appreciate two (2) boxes of the Legal Line Guide map. I will display the maps on a wall with both sides showing. The clinic has a Drug Treatment Court Unit, and inquiries for legal help are always being asked of staff.

    Beverley Clarke
    Program Worker, Opiate Clinic

    Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CMHA)

  • "Our head office is in London, Ontario and we are offering legal benefit plans for families, singles, seniors, students, groups and small business owners. I just saw your brochure last week and we were delighted with the product. It is easily read and well designed. I see that a great deal of work and thought has gone into the brochure and I know lawyers and the general public will find it an asset.

    Barbara DeLorey

    Canadian Legal Benefits

  • "We have been distributing Legal Line guides to the public for some time. We put them out for general pick-up as well as offering them to people who come to the reference desk. We distribute them at our three (3) branches, and we need more.

    Elizabeth Brighton
    Information Officer

    Oshawa Public Library

  • "I attended a conference where the Speaker presented me with a Legal Line pamphlet with all applicable laws. We will be providing these pamphlets / guides to our employment counsellors so that they may direct their clients appropriately.

    Francine Martin

    Yes! Employment Services

  • "I have read your immigration answers and they are well written and comprehensive. I am offering to you my volunteer assistance and support with all Quebec application questions which you may have in French.

    Nazir Rezek
    Accredited Immigration Consultant

    Visa Canada

  • "We provide services for Career Transition (Outplacement), Talent Management, and Executive Coaching. Legal Line Guides compliment our services and we are happy to become one of your distributors.

    Allison Foskett, Hon B.A., M.Sc.
    Senior Consultant

    Carswell Partners Inc.

  • "This is a valuable Internet link. We will use your maps to assist people carrying on Business in Ontario.

    Bjorn Rutten, LL.B.
    Legal Counsel

    Canadian German Chamber of Commerce, Toronto

  • "We recently received 1 box of Legal Line brochures. I would like to request 3 more boxes.

    Esther Morgan

    Toronto Public Library

  • "Please send us Legal Line flyers. I picked up one of your guides at another community agency. I also heard of your guides through the Sheraton College Paralegal clinic.

    Family Services Worker

    The Salvation Army

  • "I first heard of Legal Line when I picked up a pamphlet at the Community Mental Health Clinic in Guelph. I have found Legal Line to be very helpful and informative when I have been trying to assist families and individuals.

    Dianne Lehman
    Case Management

    Family Counselling and Support Services Ontario

  • "I picked up a copy of your literature from Jarvis Courthouse and I am interested in participating with Legal Line. My mission is to be the number one Small Claims Court litigation service in Canada by maintaining the highest standards of service, professionalism and ethics within the legal community. Our core values are integrity, precision and confidentiality. We understand the challenges involved with business and personal litigation cases and will work tirelessly to ensure a fair judgment is obtained.

    B. France

    Action Litigation

  • "Your Legal Line help brochure is informative, easy to read and use, and a big seller.

    Charlette Vorstermans, Administrative Assistant / Borden
    Deputy Judge Advocate

    Canadian Forces Base

  • "The FNLAB is a coordinating organization for 14 First Nations (4 in Ontario). These brochures will be distributed to the membership to ensure they have access to information about general laws that affect them.

    Dr. Graham Powell
    Executive Director

    First Nations Lands Advisory Board (FNLAB)

  • "Please send 500 Legal Line Guides for our court office.

    Marie-Anne Kelly Lalonde, Manager of Court Services
    Small Claims Court - Windsor

    Superior Court of Justice

  • "I would like to commend you on the excellent brochure we received. It contains a wealth of information which is easily read and well organized. There has been a need for this type of brochure for some time. This will help our office as we can now refer clients who need information of this type to your brochure.

    Steward G. Thomson, LL.B.
    Founding Partner, Lawyer

    Thomson Mahoney Elliot Delorey Law Firm

  • "I have recently been introduced to your informative brochure. They will be available for all our constituents of Scarborough Southwest.

    A. Bowen
    Special Assistant to Dan Newman, M.P.P.

    Member of Provincial Parliament, M.P.P.

  • "I received a mailing about two years ago. It has been a useful introduction to various legal topics for my students in language that is not too 'jargon' heavy.

    David White

    West Credit Secondary School

  • "I understand the quality of this information.

    Carmelo Nanfara, Principal
    Cedarvale Community School Public School

    Toronto District School Board

  • "I would like to get a large supply of your Legal Line Guides for our clients.

    Laura Warne
    Social Services

    City of Peterborough

  • "We received the Legal Line guides at our firm. We think that your service is of benefit to the public, and to our clients. We will be providing these guides in the waiting areas of our offices for clients to take.

    Kevin P. Mara, LL.B.
    Associate Lawyer

    Kitchen, Kitchen, Simeson & McFarlane, Barristers & Solicitors

  • "Please supply our office with 100 english pamphlets of your 24-hour Legal Line free legal information.

    Claire Newton
    Customer Service Agent

    ServiceOntario - Espanola

  • "Please send me 300 Legal Line posters every 2 months.

    Gresford Blades
    Community & Labour Market Manager

    North York West Employment & Social Services

  • "Our office is wanting to order your free Legal Line pamphlets for our Family Law information Centre.

    Terri-Dawn Craig

    Court of Justice, Orillia Court

  • "I am writing to request a box of Legal Line brochures...very informative and I would like to be able to give it to ALL the families in my program.

    Miriam Granger
    Social Work Department

    Hospital for Sick Children

  • "I am contacting you on behalf of a client that specializes in the legal field. We like your website a lot and we wish to lend our expertise in any way that we can.

    Neil Perulli, Marketing Manager

    N vision solutions

  • "We are hosting the 12th annual Nova Scotia Career Development Association Conference (NSCDA). This years conference will be held at the beautiful Membertou Trade and Convention Centre in Sydney, Nova Scotia. My manager Tammy Marshe is hoping you will send us Legal Line Information for our delegate packages. We need 300 please.

    Kathleen Coady
    New Waterford Employment Centre

  • "I learned of Legal Line through our school library. I will distribute some of these guides to my law students to assist them in their research, and I will also distribute them to our guidance clients as a take-home reference for their family.

    Mary Lynn Prior
    Teacher / Guidance Counsellor

    Runnymede Collegiate Institute

  • "I am requesting 400 Guides. Our clients need assistance with Landlord & Tenant, Workers' Compensation, Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, Employment Insurance, Canada Pension, Wills and Powers of Attorney.

    Patti Ashbridge, Intake Receptionist
    Deborah Hastings, LL.B.

    Durham Community Legal Clinic.

  • "Our clients often have legal questions that we are NOT qualified to answer, and these pamphlets would guide them in the right direction. Legal Line is an excellent service to the public.

    Stephanie Johnston
    Employment Service Worker

    Region of Peel, Ontario Works

  • "We at the Provision Centre work with Holistic Practitioners supporting the development of their businesses. Please send us 500-1,000 copies.

    Kathy Wilson
    Director, Business Development

    The Provision Centre

  • "We have been using Legal Line for years. Thank you for sending us additional boxes of your most recent, most up to date, most comprehensive version of Legal Line. We have found this document to be a most useful resource. We keep a copy at each desk, as a resource for our staff and volunteers.

    Linda Vickers, Executive Director
    Victim Sevices Program of Toronto

    Toronto Police Service

  • "I searched 'Best of the Web' (search.botw.org) and found Legal Line at the top.

    Jenny Corteza

    Guest Post Articles

  • "We are a mental health clinic and serve a lot of people with many different issues. It would be beneficial if we could have Legal Line available for our clients.

    Diane Jacko, Honours B.A.
    Program Manager

    Nadmadwin Mental Health Clinic

  • "I discovered LegalLine flyers in the medical services area of our hospital. I am requesting these pamphlets to distribute to patients and families on the Skills training Treatment and Education Place. We run a Family Education Group wherein we provide information and community resources.

    Angela Marley
    Social worker

    Whitby Mental Health Centre

  • "McGuinty & McGuinty is a very busy general law office which provides legal services in the Ottawa area. We have had Legal Line brochures in the past in our waiting area, and also in our boardroom for our clients. On a daily basis, your brochures have been picked up by our clients. In our opinion, the Legal Line brochure is the most informative legal document we have ever come across. Without a doubt we would distribute a minimum of 500 copies per year. The contact is Dylan McGuinty.

    Megan Steen
    Dalton J.P. McGuinty, B.Sc., LL.B, M.P.P.

    McGuinty & McGuinty Law Offices

  • "The Scarborough Housing Help Centre provides information on housing, advocacy and income support for those who are experiencing difficulties finding appropriate and affordable housing. Legal Line Guides will be of great benefit to our clients.

    Moira Raill, Outreach Worker
    Young Parent Program

    Scarborough Housing Help Centre

  • "We are holding a conference at the Delta Chelsea Hotel in Toronto for our Chief Stewards. I would like to obtain 110 copies of your Legal Line Guide to hand out at the conference. The PWU averages more than 15,000 members. Our members work throughout Ontario and make up a large majority of the employees at Ontario Power Generation, Bruce Power, TransAlta in Ottawa, Northwind Power, Mississauga Power, Hydro One and affiliate companies at the Electrical Safety Authority. I expect that after word gets out about your service, you will detect a noticeable a spike in your website hits.

    Marianne Vinton
    Communications Department

    Power Workers' Union

  • "Legal Line provides sufficient legal information for users to know when the assistance of a lawyer is advisable, and directs them to the Ontario Bar and other appropriate resources for further assistance. Well done.

    Alan B. Dingle
    Vice President, Marketing


  • "We are a helpline in Canada that offers a multitude of services in the field of addiction. We like your website, and It will be our pleasure to guide our users to Legalline.ca.

    Marcel Gemme


  • "Every six months we have a deployment of approximately 30 personnel in Bosnia. Is it possible that pamphlets could be delivered for the wives and families of the deployed members?

    Jim McNeil
    Joint Signal Regiment

    Canadian Forces

  • "A student brought me your map and my jaw dropped when I saw it. We will be using the guides as an aid to help grade 12 and OAC law students research for essays, reports, etc.

    Ms. B. Thornton
    Law Teacher

    Milliken Mills High School

  • "Canadian Heritage is a federal government office, responsible for national policies and programs that promote Canadian content, foster cultural participation, active citizenship and participation in Canada's civic life, and strengthen connections among Canadians. Please send 12 copies of the Legal Line Guide so that we may review it.

    Wanda O’Quinn
    Canadian Identity, Ontario Region

    Canadian Heritage

  • "We would like to receive more copies of Legal Line. Since we have 14 branches, we would like to receive at least 2 cases (400 brochures) for each branch, making a total of 28 cases, or about 12,000 pieces.

    Ruth Greenwood, Senior Librarian
    Business Department

    Mississauga Central Library

  • "We need 300 more flyers.

    Amanda Ibbotson

    Northumberland Legal Services

  • "I find your pamphlet to be most useful, not only for myself, but also for our many clients. Your pamphlet provides an abundance of information that I would like to pass on to others in our office.

    Dianne Lotto

    Children's Aid Society / Region of Peel

  • "I would like to join your team of legal experts. I learned about you when i read your book (Your Guide to Canadian Law). What a great publication and service !

    Gurpreet (Rocky) Badwal, LL.B.
    Real Estate Lawyer

    Law Firm

  • "I work with 'children in care' and when they 'age out' at 18, I make each of them a package containing all kinds of pertinent information that will be of use to them. I would like to include your Legal Line Guide in these packages.

    Michelle Beaudoin
    Life Skills

    Storey Homes Ltd.

  • "We have ordered publications in the past for our office. Our clients find them very useful and we seem to go through them fast.

    Stella McEwen, Client Services Advisor
    North Bay, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Timmins & area

    Government Information Centre

  • "I conduct housing workshops throughout the GTA. We serve approximately 4,000 clients. The brochures are outstanding with excellent, clear, concise information. Could you please send me 2000 brochures as they are very high in demand.

    Viviette Howe
    Community Housing Worker

    COSTI Immigrant Services, North York Centre

  • "Thanks, Ian, for sending me the new book. It has been years since I first wrote the story entitled "Legal Line Offers A Fabulous Public Service". Your new website is very impressive, and I'm glad to see that you've kept the project going and growing for so many years.

    Ellen Roseman
    On Your Side' Columnist

    The Toronto Star

  • "We heard about Legal Line from another Agency which always provides guides, and we would like to provide them to our new immigrants.

    Yan Gao
    Settlement Counsellor

    WoodGreen Community Centre

  • "Our firm is a full service firm with offices in Barrie and Orillia. We provide services in civil litigation, family law, criminal law, real estate, wills & estates, and corporate-commercial law. The Legal Line flyer is a good idea for those individuals who call and visit our firm, who simply want general information. Please forward 200.

    Michelle L. Lavasseur, B.A., LL.B.
    Barristers & Solicitors

    Zwicker Evans Lewis, LLP

  • "I wish to become a volunteer Reviewing Lawyer for Legal Line in my area of expertise. I have been a civil and commercial litigator for over 30 years.

    Ken Wise, LL.B.
    Civil / Commercial Lawyer

    Ken Wise Wise and Associates

  • "Please accept this letter as a request for 1,000 copies of the Legal Line Guide for our Resource Centres.

    Marina Lumsdon

    The Corporation of the City of London

  • "The pamphlet is an excellent reference tool and is quite a popular item with the public !

    Carole Larche, Client Services Advisor
    Government Information Centre / Ontario

    Ontario Government Complex / South Porcupine

  • "We received Legal Line posters and made them available to our clients. They disappeared really quickly and we would like to get some more.

    Manon Leduc
    COSTI Employment Resource Centre

  • "Ian Levine has been to our site and given us a few presentations over the last 8 or 9 years. I am writing to request an additional box (200 copies) of Legal Line for use by our clients, who are federal parolees participating in our employment / job search services and programs.

    Mel De Lisa, Coordinator, Community Employment Programs
    CORCAN Work-SITE Toronto

    Correctional Service Canada (CSC)

  • "... with over 6,000 undergraduate students and more than 25,000 alumni, I see individuals at the University for a number of reasons. I have found the Legal Line Guide to be very helpful to assist students. Your website is VERY informative. Please send 3,000 flyers for mass distribution.

    Lesley Rorison, Personal Counsellor
    Erindale College, Mississauga

    University of Toronto (U of T)

  • "Legal Line is a wonderful tool in our business.

    Donna Cain, Manager
    Social Services Department

    Lambton County Social Services - Ontario Works Division

  • "CIBC Wood Gundy is a division of CIBC World Markets Inc., a subsidiary of CIBC and a Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. I'm well versed on virtually all the topics under 'Investments and Securities' and I am happy to have my office participate by helping Legal Line users.

    Lorne Cohn, LL.B., MBA
    Vice-President, Investment Advisor

    CIBC / Wood Gundy

  • "Native Employment & Training Services provides... Employment & Training Programs, Youth Programs, Community Based Programs and Counselling. Our focus is to assist adult learners with the everyday demands of reading, writing, and math and life skills. Please send us 24 Legal Line Guides.

    Ms. Sands
    London, ON

    Nokee Kwe Occupational Skill Development Inc.

  • "...quick, easy reference for common legal questions. A GREAT handout.

    Diane McKinnon
    Business Consultant

    Renfrew County Business Self-Help Office

  • "Please send 400 Legal Line Guides. They are used in our Employment Resource Centre and as a reference guide for Caseworkers. Your maps have become our most precious hand-out.

    Arlette Tyrrell, Metro Hall Social Services
    Community and Neighbourhood Services

    City of Toronto

  • "We have been a user of your Legal Line Guide for sometime. The lawyers in our office are members of the Canadian Forces and are legal advisors to the Crown. With our office located in a Defence establishment, we have many military members dropping in with questions of a personal nature. As our lawyers are not allowed to assist these individuals, I provide them with a copy of your guide.

    K. Gautreau
    Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "I found your link through Pardons Canada. I would like to be able to pass along this information to clients who need a lawyer, and your flyers will make it very convenient for me to do so.

    Sarah Graham
    Employment Coordinator

    The John Howard Society of Hamilton, Burlington & Area

  • "Like many lawyers, I have noticed the Legal Line pamphlets in courts, libraries, legal clinics and government offices. It is of great benefit to the community. Ian, when I witnessed, first hand your sincerity and commitment to this project and became aware of the enormity of this undertaking, I was at a loss for words to express my admiration for you and Antree. When I meet people like you, I am reminded of the tremendous potential people have for improving the fabric of our society, and for bringing people together to perform acts of kindness.

    Steven D. Benmor, LL.B.

    Benmor Family Law Group

  • "I consider myself an expert in Small Claims ( 40% of my practice), and also the Provincial Offences Act / Highway Traffic Act (POA, HTA) ( 60% of my practice). I do like the answers on your site. It is very informative and I am directing my own clients to legal line rather than having to repeatedly explain the whole process. I am also an employee representative at W.S.I.B. hearings and appeals. I wish to join your volunteer lawyers committee if it is open to paralegals

    Ronald Rybowski

    Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)

  • "Our Place serves 70-80 people a day, six days a week who are either homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. We provide free showers, laundry facilities, washroom, fax, photocopying and computer services. We do counseling and make referrals to housing and employment services as well as handle emergency situations. We also work closely with other agencies such as John Howard Society, YWCA and Colborne Community Services. When I was working in Toronto at the Hope Shelter, we used your Legal Line map and found it invaluable. It is a wonderful tool that every agency should have in their resources. We will be very grateful of any amount you are able to send us. Thank you for interest and willingness to help.

    Roy Ishewood

    Our Place' Support Centre

  • "Many of our clients have little knowledge on their legal rights and the various legal processes involved with problems they may regularly confront. Our office, being restricted to mainly Real Estate and Estate matters, cannot sufficiently advise them as to their rights in different areas. The Legal Line pamphlets have been an extreme success in educating this class of clientele. We have been thoroughly impressed with both the content and layout of the Legal Line brochure and phone service. It is easy to understand, easy to use, and very informative.

    Elizabeth M. Webster, LL.B.
    Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public

    R.L. & J.H. Webster Law Office

  • "It would be appreciated if you would forward 100 copies. If additional copies are required at any of our other offices, I will contact you again to make an additional request.

    Donna Madeley
    Client Liaison, Behavioural Services of Simcoe / York

    York Central Hospital

  • "There are two (2) agencies located here under the umbrella organization of the CMHA. They are MAARS (Metro Addiction Assessment Service) and the Problem Gambling Service. Legal Line Guides provide easy access to legal support for these clients. The guides are well designed, thorough, and cover a wide range of legal services. They are easy to read and easy to carry. Our clients would benefit greatly. I am requesting 1,000 flyers to start.

    Laurie Farrant, Department Secretary
    Problem Gambling Service

    Centre of Addiction and Mental Health (CMHA)

  • "We have used Legal Line before to help our business clients understand aspects of business law such as rules regarding Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Corporations. I think the service is very good; it clarifies the law in simple, easy-to-understand terms. Well done !

    Carolyn Buck

    Pickering Public Library

  • "I am an Investment Advisor with Credential Securities and would like to get 500 Legal Line posters to give to existing and prospective clients.

    Gary Bielert, M.B.A., CFP
    Investment Advisor

    Credential Securities - Investment Dealers

  • "I own an insolvency and financial restructuring practice for individuals and companies in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) facing financial crisis. I like your debt and bankruptcy section, and I would like to support your agency.

    Ira Smith

    Ira Smith Trustee & Receiver Inc.

  • "I work with people with mental health problems. They can use this resource to help them with their legal problems.

    Amy Phonz, MSW, RSW
    Grace Division

    The Scarborough Hospital

  • "We have received the issues of "Your Guide to Canadian Law", which you thoughtfully sent to several members of our staff. Thank you very much. We will certainly put them to good use. The three Founding Directors of OJEN are: The Honourable R. Roy McMurtry, Chief Justice of Ontario; The Honourable Patrick J. LeSage, Former Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Ontario; and The Honourable Brian W. Lennox, Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice.

    Nadine Demoe, Financial Administrator & Executive Assistant
    Osgoode Hall

    Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN)

  • "I would like to order 1,000 of your Legal Line brochures. We are running a program called "First Contact". It helps new immigrants and refugees to settle into their new life in Canada. We are putting together 500 information packages for them and believe that these brochures will help them deal with some of the legal issues that they might face. Also, we have 5 offices throughout Toronto and would like to distribute 100 of them to each office.

    Cindy Scheible
    Community Office Assisant

    Canadian Red Cross

  • "Our organization is registered as a Sponsoring Agreement Holder, authorized to sponsor refugees for admission to Canada. Once they are admitted in this country, we provide them basic services for their resettlement and integration into our Canadian society. We provide services to members of our Assyrian communities in the Greater Toronto areas, plus those communities in Hamilton, Windsor and London, Ontario. Please send us 3,000 flyers.

    M. Shmoil
    Chairman / Executive Director

    Welfare Committee for the Assyrian Community in Canada

  • "I found as a weblink through the Government of Canada - Attorney Generals Office website. Our shelter will include this information in a kit we are currently developing on 'child custody and access'

    Brenda Bosell Simpson
    Executive Director

    Women's Emergency Shelter

  • "Your Legal Line "roadmap" looks great. Congratulations.

    Sonia Holiad
    Canadian Bar Association Of Ontario (CBAO)

  • "We have run out of Legal Line materials. May we get more flyers ?

    Desi Angelova, CIRS, Information Counsellor
    Information Counsellor

    Centre for Education & Training

  • "It would be appreciated if you would forward 500 copies of Legal Line to my attention. When additional copies are required at any of our other office locations, I will contact you to make an additional request.

    Donna Madeley, Client Liaison
    Behavoural Services of Simcoe / York

    York Central Hospital

  • "We have been serving the community for more than 30 years. Your legal directory is helping to ease our work load, and it is very helpful for our organization to give our clients quality and professional assistance.

    Working Women Community Centre

  • "Please send me 100 copies of Legal Line. I work with people with mental health problems.

    Amy Phone, MSW, RSW
    Grace Division

    The Scarborough Hospital

  • "The information available on Legal Line will be useful as a reference for those in need of information on legal issues.

    Carole Walsh

    Toronto Employment Resource Centre (TERC)

  • "... so professionally put together. A portion of my job is to provide our Referral Agents, as part of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), with advice and to provide them with reference material... please send more.

    Dan Humphries, Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
    Area Project Officer

    Department of National Defense (DND)

  • "We are a Government Office and our main objective is to enforce Orders and Agreements with child support by enforcing and making sure the funds are distributed to the person it is owed to. Our organization is pleased with the services this line provides. I formally request guides for distribution among our colleagues.

    Romano Carletti
    Client Service Associate 115

    Ministry of the Attorney General - Family Responsibility Office

  • "I wish to become a volunteer Reviewing Lawyer for Legal LIne. Currently , I provide business and immigration advise. Previously, I was with Janes Freedman Kyle Law Corporation and I did legal research, writing, and drafting correspondence in all aspects of Aboriginal law. I have observed treaty negotiations and review panel hearings. I have experience with cases involving estate planning, duty to consult, environmental and natural resource development, and land claims.

    Michelle Bowlen, LL.B.
    Business / Immigration Lawyer

    Selkirk Law Corporation

  • " In the past we have had to consult numerous directories to find all the information that is so easily accessible in your brochures. Just a quick note to let you know how useful your Legal Line publication has been for our library patrons who need contact numbers for legal information. Your organization has done a superlative job.

    Raya Azoulay, Business Librarian
    Business and Urban Affairs Department

    North York Central Library

  • "Our Clinic provides group and individual counseling in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Legal Line will be helpful for our clients who are experiencing diverse legal issues. I understand that our clients will be able to listen to legal information over the phone or read it on the internet; also the lawyer referral service will be helpful.

    Gloria Ogston
    Community Day Clinic

    The Scarborough Hospital

  • "I am writing this letter requesting 200 Legal Line Guides to be delivered to Deborah Hastings, LL.B, Executive DIrector, or, Lavinia Inbar, LL.B, Staff Lawyer. Our clients need assistance with Landlord and Tenant, Workers' Compensation, Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, Employment Insurance, Canada Pension, and Wills and Powers of Attorney.

    Patti Ashbridge
    Support Staff

    Durham Community Legal Clinic

  • "I enjoyed our meeting very much and I am excited about the opportunity of working closely with Legal Line to expand the scope of your product. Since you will provide them for free, Quicklaw will agree to mail a Legal Line poster and personal letter to each of the 14,000 names on Quicklaw's Ontario mailing list at our expense.

    Patrick McNeill, Vice President, Sales

    Quicklaw Inc.

  • "We would appreciate copies of your guide.

    Lisa Dempster
    Head of Library

    Monarch Park Collegiate

  • "I received the Legal Line Guide in a package with Canadian Lawyer. I applaud you for an excellent information guide for my clients that have questions outside my area of practice.

    Joel Rosen, LL.B.
    Immigration and Refugee Law

    Barrister & Solicitor

  • "We share Legalline.ca guidance with thousands of our members. Thank you for providing such an easy to understand service.

    Brian McAlinden, CIS Team
    Employee Assistance Program

    City of Toronto

  • "Legal Line is used in our Employment Resource Centre as a reference guide for Caseworkers.

    Arlette Tyrrell, Ontario Works Liaison
    Metro Hall Social Services

    City of Toronto

  • "Please send us 300 flyers. We promise to make good use of them.

    Bob Price
    Drop-in Manager

    Evangel Hall Mission

  • "We are located in London, Ontario. We provide service to job seekers in receipt of Ontario Works, Employment Insurance and Ontario Disability Support Pensions benefits, just to name a few. We would like to request free Legal Line Guides to have for our Resource Centre.

    Paulette Desjardins
    Manager, Community Training Services

    The Career Centre

  • "We operate Digital Fingerprint Machines in 30 locations across Canada and we value distributing Legal Line flyers in all of our locations. Our equipment is directly linked into the RCMP. Legal Line is powerful. A one-stop shopping guide for the legal profession. Well done.

    Alan Brousseau, Executive Vice President, LL.B.
    Lawyer, International Enrollment Services

    L-1 Identity Solutions / A Safran Group Company

  • "It's an excellent service and good source of information for everyone.

    Sophia Reyes-Leger, Executive Director
    United Way Member Agency

    Cornwall and District Immigrant Services (CDISA)

  • "I obtained a pamphlet from a Job Squad ( Human Resources & Development Canada) information booth at our school...an excellent resource / reference item for our library. It will be used in Law classes for reference purposes, and in library research presentations. It will also be made available for pick up by students.

    Larry Maenpaa
    Teacher - Librarian

    Toronto District School Board (TDSB)

  • "We service approximately 4,100 clients. I deliver housing workshops throughout the GTA. Your brochures are outstanding... with clear, concise information. I hand out and display the Legal Line brochures at our organization.

    Viviette Howe, Community Housing
    North York Centre

    COSTI Immigrant Services

  • "I am a clerk at the Information Centre for Family Law in the Ontario Court of Justice, in Scarborough, Ontario. I discovered Legal Line and was thrilled that there was such a document in existence. You have done considerable research before printing this document, as every single bit of information is of great value.

    Mrs. A. Hoyte, Court Clerk
    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

    Family Court Office

  • "I just received your NEW brochure for Legal Line. I would like about 200 more.

    Dawn Baker

    Victim Services of Bruce Grey and Owen Sound Inc.

  • "I am teaching a Family Mediation course at the University of Windsor and would need about 150 copies for my class. I imagine that the university will soon contact you to order thousands for mass distribution. The University of Windsor is a comprehensive, student-centred university, with more than 16,500 students enrolled in a broad range of undergraduate and graduate programs including several professional schools such as Law, Business, Engineering, Education, Nursing, Human Kinetics and Social Work. Also, I work at Family Service Windsor and request an additional 25 copies. I would like to commend your organization for developing the Legal Line folder which offers a great deal of information clearly and concisely in an easy-to-read format. It is also a very useful poster for one's office !

    Lilian Henrikson, B.A., M.Ed.
    Family Therapist / Comprehensive Family Mediator

    University of Windsor

  • "The website address was left to me by the previous coordinator. Having reviewed your website I feel our clientele would benefit from the guides... for issues such as separation, divorce, child related issues, etc.

    Kathering Shaver
    Prevention Intervention Coordinator

    Borden Family Resource Centre

  • "I am writing on behalf of the Ottawa Estate and Trust Department at TD Canada Trust. Because of the nature of our work, we feel that the Legal Line Guides are most beneficial in assisting us in the various estate administration duties we perform, as well as ensure that our Trust Officers and Trust Administrators have access to basic legal information which may impact the administration of an estate - such as - landlord and tenant law, family law etc. In addition, the guide provides a convenient reference for access to many Government and Agency telephone numbers which are also most useful during the course of an estate administration.

    Heather Richardson
    Senior Trust Officer

    TD Canada Trust

  • "Please send 50 copies ...

    Maria Romaschin, Receptionist
    Dundas West Centre

    Pathway to Possibilities

  • "We are an agency that supports people with disabilities entering the workforce. We are funded by Employment Ontario and mandated to plan with participants to ensure they are linked to all services that they require and accommodate their disability in the work place. The Legal Line Directory has many listings that would aid our participants in being able to advocate for themselves with accurate information. We, as a team, have reviewed the Legal Line Directory and feel it is an excellent resource.

    Jackie Clayton-Powell
    Employment Coordinator

    Bridging Employment Supports (BES)

  • "I would like to request 75 copies for my two grade 11 and one grade 12 law classes. I have 2 copies posted up in the classroom ( front and back ) and EVERY student has expressed an interest in having a copy of their own.

    Julie Hooftman

    St. Mary Catholic Secondary School

  • "We are funded by the Ministry of Colleges, Training and Universities. We offer individuals access to information on careers and occupations, the local job market, training opportunities, and job search strategies... to help them successfully find and maintain employment. Please send 300.

    Jennifer Hiddleston, Information and Referral Services Coordinator
    Employment Connection / Job Connect

    Ministry of Colleges, Training and Universities

  • "Upon receiving our annual Government Blue Pages Book along with your Legal Line pamphlet, we found that your information would be invaluable to our workers and clients.

    Roberta Trechioni
    Working Women Community Centre

  • "We originally received pamphlets from another of our field offices. Although the primary role of this office is to offer legal advice to the Commander and his senior officers, we receive numerous requests from all members of the Canadian Forces on a variety of issues. These requests generally deal with requests for lawyer referral; Ombudsman's number; debt and bankruptcy; family law; criminal law, etc. Please forward 500 free Legal Line.

    Linda Letang
    Administrative Assistant

    Deputy Judge Advocate's Office

  • "I just wanted to thank you for putting together such a helpful site which helps me with my research.

    Melinda Waters
    Research Analyst

    Immigration Direct Canada

  • "I would like to request the Legal Line Guides for our clients. We had received some in the mail but they did not last very long. ... send some guides to each of our three (3) programs.

    Laurel Sharples

    On-Track Pre-Employment Program

  • "SRC was created to help stroke survivors and their family members regain their independence, find the support they need, and learn how to survive and thrive after stroke. Many stroke survivors need legal assistance to help them get the benefits they are entitled to, help them sort our their taxes, and unfortunately many need divorce information - while going from an independent contributing member of society to a disabled often unemployed and dependent person over night. SRC will distribute Legal Line to ALL our chapters across Ontario to be given to their membership, as a support tool to start helping themselves with their various issues.

    Laura Kaplonski, Past Chair, Member Toronto Central Chapter
    March of Dimes Canada

    Stroke Recovery Canada (SRC)

  • "When I was working in Toronto at the Hope Shelter at 167 College St., we used your Legal Line map and found it invaluable. I am confident that it would be very useful at this location since there are questions almost every day pertaining to legal matters. We also work closely with other agencies such as John Howard Society, YWCA and Colborne Community Services. We will be very grateful of any amount you are able to send to us.

    Roy Isherwood

    Our Place Support Centre

  • "My project aims to produce a comprehensive teachers' guide in support of secondary school instruction in the area of Canadian law. We have created a current and contemporary resource guide. Accordingly, we are writing to request your permission to link to your website because we feel it is a valuable resource for teachers and students.

    Rose Dotten
    Project Leader & Director, Library and Information Services

    University of Toronto Schools

  • "As a small office of only two legal practitioners, we are often called upon by clients who have a single legal question or seek direction on a specific issue. Often, in these situations, it would be inappropriate or impractical to bill the client, although we have consumed time and energy responding to their enquiries. "Self-Help" options, such as your guide, allow our clients to answer those immediate questions on their own.

    Jennifer L. Flynn, LL.B.
    Barrister and Solicitor

    Karl G. Melinz, Barrister & Solicitor / Notary Public

  • "Our front office is down to their last Legal Line flyer and they are panicking. We deal with people on Ontario Works and Peel Living Housing. Many of our clients find themselves in trouble. They need your legal information to better understand their predicament !

    Grace Ursini
    Operations Services Representative

    Region of Peel / Human Services

  • "We recently received a copy of Legal Line in our office and were so impressed that we are requesting additional copies.

    Katrina McHugh
    Office Manager

    Interlink Community Cancer Nurses

  • "Our organization consists of a small staff, located throughout the Province, and an army of dedicated volunteers. ALS is a degenerating neurological disease that is fatal. Life expectancy is between 2 to 5 years. The diagnosis impacts not only the client but spouse, children, extended family and reaches into the community. Legal Line provides easy and fast access to legal information which our clients and family members require in dealing with the many life challenges this disease will impose. Your legal format provides easy identification of specialized area's of information such as health, will and estate, landlord and tenant, etc. We are tremendously grateful to have Legal Line maps to hand-out.

    Eleanor Leggat

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of Ontario (ALS)

  • "Please send us 24 Legal Line Guides for our staff.

    Native Bands
    Nokee Occupational Skill Development Inc.

  • "Congratulations, your book is a hit, just like your website.

    Jodie A. Carrera
    Account Manager - Ontario Reports

    The Lawyers Weekly / LexisNexis

  • "I was referred to your website from a co-worker. Please send 200.

    Elaine van Alphen
    Team Support Clerk

    Regional Municipality of Halton

  • "We are a legal clinic funded through Legal Aid Ontario. We provide legal advice and representation. We would like to receive Legal Line Guides to distribute at our clinic.

    Ann Reynolds
    Office Manager

    Hamilton Mountain Legal & Community Services

  • "I have received flyers before. I work in a high-need priority neighbourhood where people depend on Legal Line guides for them to get the proper information and help they need.

    Sylwia Stanczyk
    CSR / Community Employment Services

    Humber College

  • "We provide information and referrals to help people get connected with the right program or service to meet their needs. Legal Line is a valuable resource to our clients. We look forward to receiving additional copies.

    Betty Martin
    Resource Assistant

    Huron Employment Resource Centre

  • "We have one of the largest adult education centres in Ontario and believe that Legal Line posters would be a valuable resource for our students.

    Harry Chamourian, Vice Principal
    Adult Education Centre South

    Peel District School Board

  • "Please accept this letter as a request for 600 copies of the Legal Line Guide for our Resources Centre.

    Martina Lumsdon
    Ontario Works

  • "I am writing from the Office of M.P.P. Brian Coburn, in Ottawa. I picked up a copy of your Legal Line pamphlet at the local library and was quite impressed. Mail us as many copies as you can, so that we may distribute this information to our constituents.

    Ariane Cloutier, Constituent Assistant
    Carleton-Gloucestor Area

    Member of Provincial Parliament (M.P.P.)

  • "I heard about Legal Line through law class, and I think it is a great website.

    Karen Gelb

    Family Law Information Centre / Legal Aid Office

  • "I received a copy of Legal Line as an enclosure with my weekly copy of my lawyers edition of Ontario Reports, and also from the Law Society's periodical publication. I am our company's HR Manager and a lawyer. In this capacity, I am frequently asked for personal legal advice from employees. In the interest of helping these individuals, I seek to refer them to your appropriate source of Legal Line.

    Brent Dykeman, LL.B.
    Lawyer / Human Resources Manager

    Canadian Plastics Industry Association

  • "I have just become aware of the LegalLine.ca resources, which are excellent. I was particularly pleased to see that there is a Human Rights section, with reference to the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), where I work. It’s great to be included in both the print and online resources. Thank you so much for creating these valuable resources. I have already told many colleagues about them.

    Jacquelin Pegg
    Inquiry Analyst / Public Interest Inquiries

    Ontario Human Rights Commission

  • "This service was found via a government site. We use the service as a reference for areas of law that we practice. This site is instrumental in helping us to prepare cases.

    Janet Purcell

    AAA Paralegal Services

  • "Two years ago, I received your book entitled "Your Guide to Canadian Law". This book has been very useful to my program as it covers all the topics that my program deals with. I facilitate a program called the Community Integration Program. This program is a knowledge based program targeting offenders that are six months to a year from release into the community. The topics covered in this program are Law and the Criminal Justice System, Law and the Family, Law and Parole, Finding Accommodations, Renting Legislation, Consumer Education, Employment laws, and Financial issues. Your Legal Line resources cover virtually ALL aspects of our training. Thank you for providing a one-stop resource.

    Carolyn Anderson, Social Program Officer
    Frontenac Institution / Pittsburgh Institution

    Correctional Service Canada

  • "Mail us 50 posters. They are very good.

    Shaida Addetia, Manager of Settlement Services
    Immigrant Services Unit

    WoodGreen Community Services

  • "As a teacher of several classes of law, I have examined your Legal Line brochure, and of course interacted with the website. I plan on my students doing a research project and presentation using your Legal Line as a valuable source for their topics and investigative reports. We have over 100 students enrolled in various law programs. Thank you for such a valuable educational reference tool.

    Steve Boom, OAC / Law Teacher
    H.B. Beal Secondary School

    Thames Valley District School Board

  • "I heard of Legal Line from a lawyer that I consult with. I find this service to be very helpful and informative.

    Alexia Watkins

    Watkins Paralegal Services

  • "I am a lawyer who offers services in criminal law and criminal related matters. I would like to be able to hand Legal Line flyers to clients......I would like to receive 200.

    Elizabeth J. Nadeau, LL.B.
    Criminal Lawyer

    Barrister & Solicitor

  • "I have a great deal of clients with many legal issues and questions, and I feel the service you provide has always served them well. Keep up the excellent work !

    Matt Simpson
    Booth Place Apartments

    The Salvation Army Centre of Hope

  • "I have reviewed the free legal information found on the Legal Line telephone service and Legalline.ca, and I have perused the reference book. The "Guide to Canadian Law" provides information that addresses both Federal and Provincial laws in an easy-to-understand yet comprehensive format. I applaud your initiative in providing such an admirable service.

    Casey Fleming
    Special Consular Services Assistant, American Citizen Services

    Consulate General of the United States of America (U.S.A.)

  • "I am a Probation and Parole Officer at the Mississauga Office and wish to request 300 Legal Line pamphlets for staff, namely other PPO's, in order to provide legal information for our clients.

    Barbara Collins
    Probation and Parole Officer

    Ministry of Correctional Services

  • "I have just been made aware of your pamphlet while visiting my Dentist's office. It is a great idea.

    Dina Moyal
    Small Business Owner

    DinaMo Services & Communications

  • "I first heard of Legal Line from another clinic. We had your pamphlets before. Now we need more. Our office manager thinks 400 should suffice.

    Leehe Lev

    Community Legal Services, East Toronto

  • "The Peel Regional Police recognize that the information contained within these pamphlets could be of significant benefit to persons seeking legal information. There are many citizens that attend the various police facilities with the region of Peel that would benefit from your service. The Peel Regional Police Service would be pleased to display the Legal Line brochures in our facilities.

    Sergeant Dennis M. Falconi
    Officer in Charge (OIC), Crime Prevention Services

    Peel Regional Police

  • "An employee enlightened us with the brochure. ... it contains a great deal of information on many subjects. I feel that our Company would benefit if we can have these brochures available for all our employees. Also, I can also affix a few on the walls of the common areas. We are a company of approximately 1,200 staff and our employees are allocated across 2 local sites.

    Devin Finlay, Employee Relations Specialist

    Customer Management Canada Inc.

  • "As one of the reviewing lawyers for 'Internet Law' which is involved with this initiative, I wish to advise you that I support the purpose of this project and believe that it will be useful in disseminating information about the legal system. I was glad to have been given the opportunity to contribute.

    Alan M. Gahtan, LL.B.
    Internet Lawyer

    Bennett Jones Law Office

  • "We received a copy of Legal Line and find it very interesting and well done.

    Louis Laskovski, LL.B, Barrister & Solicitor
    Business Law / Corporate & Commercial Lawyer

    McPherson, Shugart & Sorley

  • "Legal Line helps our clients because most them have no idea where to go for this information.

    Mary Ann Jangula
    Case Associate

    Ontario Works Resource Centre, London City Hall

  • "I will put Legal Line information in folders for my law classes.

    Liz Christie
    Law Teacher

    Holy Names High School

  • "We are working with Canadian newcomers and we need more Legal Line flyers for information and referral purposes.

    Desi Angelova
    Information Counselor

    The Centre for Education and Training

  • "... for use in our office, and for our clients - both young and adult offenders.

    Arlene, 920 Yonge Street, Toronto
    Ministry of Correctional Services

    Probation and Parole Services

  • "Congratulations on providing a free legal information line, available to the residents of Ontario by phone or internet access. Simple, straightforward and competent legal information is often difficult to come by. As the law becomes more complex and impacts every facet of modern living, ordinary residents of the province require a straightforward source of legal information and referral. Legal Line is a significant resource in helping to meet these needs and demands for reliable legal information.

    Sil Salvaterra, LL.B., Supervising Counsel
    York University, Osgoode Hall Law School

    Community and Legal Aid Services Programme (C.L.A.S.P.)

  • "As an arm of the Ontario government, SBEC's provide entrepreneurs with all the tools they need to start and grow their businesses. Presently, there are 60 locations across the province. Our location assists on average 600-700 inquiries a month regarding small business programs and services. Your brochures would certainly act as a catalyst in ensuring that the small business legal inquiries are being answered to correctly and efficiently. Based on the volume of inquiries received at the SBC, I would like to ask that you forward as many brochures as you are capable of. If you have enough, perhaps I can make arrangements to receive 60 boxes, one for each location.

    Candice Meredith, Business Advisor

    Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC)

  • "It is a pleasure to be one of your 'Reviewing Lawyers'. I was most intrigued by your high quality Legal Line Guide and the vast number of topics it covers. In particular, I was impressed to see a section on Investments and Securities. This is my area of work. I am a lawyer and annual leader at the Ontario Bar Admission Course in the area of Estate Planning and Administration. I am also a frequent speaker for Federal Government employees through Training and Development Canada. Unlike most lawyers, I am also educated, trained and licensed in the Securities and Insurance fields.

    Marshall Garnick, LL.B.
    Investments and Securities Lawyer

    Investment Planning Counsel of Canada

  • "We offer counselling and a crisis line for French speaking women. We will distribute them to our clientele.

    Vicky Lehouck

    S.O.S. Femmes

  • "We are a full range private investigation firm with ten offices located throughout Ontario...providing investigation services to the legal community since 1984. This is a valuable reference guide.

    Nino G. Calabrese

    King Reed & Associates Ltd. - Investigation Services

  • "I have 2 copies of your book titled 'Your Guide to Canadian Law' and 1,000 answers to your legal questions. One copy is for my office, and one copy is for my home. The accompanying Legal Line Guide is a must have for everyone in Canada.

    Gerold Goldlist, LL.B., Partner
    Corporate / Commercial, Gaming, Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity practices

    Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg

  • "Legal Line is ideal for my grade 12 law class. It is a great resource for the classroom.

    Allan Tobsinger

    Regina Mundi Catholic College

  • "I am writing to advise you of my strong support for your project. Providing easy to read and sensible legal advise to the public is something that I personally believe in. I am pleased to help support this process by accepting the role of 'Reviewing Lawyer' for your Wills & Estates section.

    Ian M. Hull, LL.B.
    Wills & Estates Lawyer

    Hull & Hull Law Firm

  • "Please forward to me 50 copies of your legal pamphlets

    Linda Herranz
    Funded through Legal Aid

    Family Association for Mental Health Everywhere (FAME)

  • "Congratulations. I just found out. Seems your Legal Line book hit the Globe & Mail bestseller list back in late March 2009.

    Jim Middlemiss, LL.B.
    Editor, Legal Post

    Financial Post / National Post Newspaper

  • "I have come across one of your Legal Line posters and am absolutely thrilled with it. The majority of our clients are often looking for legal advice. Surely you will understand that this will be a significant tool for the staff too. We service a diverse group of clients in our office who have different needs, and I believe that by having access to the Legal Line brochure, our clients can begin creating a path in the right direction. I thank you for sending us 500 brochures that I can share with our other office.

    Suzanne Welsh
    Community Service Worker

    Ontario Works, Niagara Region

  • "Legal Line provides an important service to Canadians. It is a useful tool to be used in conjunction with traditional legal services. Please send me 200 guides.

    Donald A. Archi, LL.B.

    Barrister Solicitor & Notary Public, Certified Mediator

  • "I have seen your legal materials at many Newcomers help centres. I enjoy your site's content and I have linked our website direct to Legalline.ca

    Amber Simmons
    Lead Content Editor


  • "... for use in my Law classes.

    Dominic Cesario
    Business Department

    Michael Power / St. Joseph High School

  • "Too often the public does not seek legal advice because of real and perceived barriers between it, and the legal profession. The legal system is often not seen as a way to resolve problems because the conventional wisdom is that it is remote, too complex and too expensive. This is not the case. Members of the public ought to be able to obtain basic legal information to determine what serves their needs best. Basic legal information helps to define issues and channels them in a way that produces results. Legal Line serves this vital interest.

    David W. Brady, LL.B.

    Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie, Barristers & Solicitors

  • "Please accept this request for 500 free guides for our staff and participants in our Ontario Works program me.

    Roxanne Nelson, Supervisor
    Social Assistance and Employment Opportunities

    Community Services / Niagara Region

  • "This Centre is funded by Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC). In our Resource Centre we provide computers with internet, photocopiers, fax machines, books and newspapers to assist our clients. We also have Employment Counselling and Employment Workshops. Please send 200 flyers.

    Harmin Cheema
    Administrative Assistant

    Malton Training & Employment Centre

  • "...heard of it online, and will display it in our reception area for clients.

    Laurie Barber
    Administrative Assistant

    Communtiy Legal Clinic, Grey-Bruce Area

  • "I would like to distribute to the social service providers at CFB Kingston and to the Military Family Resource Center... this brochure is extremely valuable on the base.

    Sandra Bloxham
    Kingston, Ontario

    National Defense, Canadian Forces Base (CFB)

  • "I have used your Guide for many years, both in private practice and public service. Many of our clients come with a myriad of legal issues and have no idea where to find answers. The feedback from your materials has always been very positive.

    Gwenne Woodward, MSW, RSW
    Primary Therapist / Social Worker

    Ontario Shores for Mental Health Sciences

  • "Kindly send 50 Brochures to my office. They are very well done.

    Grant Fedorak, LL.B.
    Barrister, Solicitor, Notary / A Member of the Bars of Ontario & Alberta

    D. Grant Fedorak Law Office

  • "I am writing to express my support for the Legal Line initiative. I am certain that the summaries provided by Legal Line are invaluable to the public.

    Peter Rizakos, LL.B.
    General Counsel

    Altamira Investment Services Inc.

  • "Our office is wanting to order your free Legal Line pamphlets for our Family Law Information Centre, which is situated in the courthouse.

    Terry Craig

    Orillia Court Office

  • "One of my lawyer friends, Mr. Richard G.J. Desrocher, gave me 8 Legal Line Guides. I think this is a great guide, and I gave them out to our staff. Please send us as many as we can have, so we can hand them out to our customers and friends.

    Rita Chetcuti
    Personal Banker

    Toronto-Dominion Bank

  • "I learned of the guide from an old copy of one that I found in the office. I think it is a wonderful resource. I see your guides as a resource for our client's immediate needs and as a reference for the future.

    Carole Milne
    Carreer Counsellor

    Scaborough Oasis Addiction Recovery Society

  • "I am writing to offer my services as a referring lawyer for Legal Line in the areas of mediation and arbitration. I lecture for several groups both in Toronto and Peel region on family law & mediation, as well as presenting at the mandatory Family Information Sessions in the Superior Court of Justice. I am very interested in the Legal Line as an adjunct service to clients. Legal Line provides information to the parties in all matters that touch on a family dispute. It is important that there is a place where people can obtain fundamental information that can assist them in solving legal problems and that can help them determine criteria when interviewing lawyers to represent them.

    Marion F. Korn, LL.B.

    Barrister & Solicitor

  • "I've only had your materials for 2 months and I already need more. Please send me the maximum amount.

    Grace Ursini, Administrative Support
    Integrated Business Support Division, Human Services

    Region of Peel

  • "We run a telephone crisis help-line in the Peel Region and we would appreciate receiving copies of your Guide.

    Elsie Murphy
    Administrative Assistant

    DIstress Centre Peel

  • "I am writing to advise that we are currently revising part of the MAG Website, namely the 'Family Justice Matters' home page. As part of our revisions, we have decided to create a link direct to Legal Line.

    James Truman, Project Coordinator
    Court Services Division

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "Know the law? Take the test. Here's a test from the authors of Your Guide to Canadian Law: 1,000 Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions. The book, by Michael Crawford, Jim Middlemiss, editor of Legal Post, and Antree Demakos and Ian Levine, co-founders of the online resource www.legalline.ca, provides consumers with the nitty-gritty on how law operates in Canada.

    Debbie Innes, Media Relations Coordinator
    National Post Newspaper

    The Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC)

  • "We have received Legal Line over the course of a few years. This is a valued form of information. Thank you for offering such a useful resource.

    Joseph Sansalone
    Reference Supervisor

    Oshawa Public Library

  • "I was searching the web for resources for my clients. I think the Legal Line service provides easy to read, understandable information for the layperson.

    Vicki McMullen
    Asst. Victim Services Manager

    MADD Canada

  • "On behalf of my client, The UPS Store, we want to promote Legal Line to our small business customers visiting our 370+ locations nationally. We want permission to reprint your flyers at each of our locations and distribute them to every single client that walks through our doors.

    Steve Tapp, VP Strategic Partnerships
    OKD Marketing Group

    The UPS Store

  • "Please forward us a large supply of Legal Line guides.

    Vivian Layne-Parkin, Office Administrator
    Legal Aid Ontario

    Northumberland County Office

  • "Ian, I would like to take 500 pamphlets off your hands.

    Randy Ayotte
    Sault Ste. Marie

    Ontario Works

  • "A while back we received Legal Line brochures. We would like to request roughly 500 more. We are an information and referral agency, and as such receive a variety of questions on a wide array of subjects. Your brochures were most helpful and now we have completely run out !

    Nancy Culver
    Administrative Assistant

    Community Centre 55

  • "I received a single copy of Legal Line from my 'Law Times' publication, and found it very useful. Further to our telephone conversation, this will confirm that I have requested 2,000 copies of Legal Line.

    Dawna M. Borg, Teaching Assistant
    Liaison, Dispute Resolution

    York University / Atkinson College

  • "Thank you for having the foresight to see the need for free legal information, and for taking the time to create such a well thought out, comprehensive, and easy-to-use phone in system and website.

    Cathy Kehoe

    Regional Municipality of Durham

  • "We have advertised through Legal Line and have been more than happy with it. Our responses have been positive and productive. Referrals that call us know what they want, and they are ready to sit down and get things started. We are interested in ordering another box of your brochures. We give them out to any and all people that drop into our office.

    Angela, Co-op Student
    Barristers & Solicitors

    Law Office of Andrew M. Pinto

  • "I have read your book, and also your related materials, and they are very well done. I will promote Legal Line to my staff.

    Jill Presser, B.A., LL.B.
    Criminal Defence Lawyer, Partner / Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto Faculty of Law

    Schreck Presser Law Office

  • "We have a sample copy of your publication. Our hospital has a large Information Centre where we provide flyers on health issues and social services available. ... a box of 200 would be appreciated.

    Ms. Carol Tullis, Volunteer Services
    c/o Health Information Centre

    Toronto East General Hospital

  • "I would like 2 boxes of the Legal Line flyers.

    Gina S. Hall
    Youth Probation Officer

    Mississauga Youth Justice Services

  • "I am interested in getting an extra box of flyers for our 3 offices (Carleton Place, Perth, and Smiths Falls).

    Louise Clermont
    Probation & Parole Officer

    Probation & Parole / Smiths Falls

  • "The Mississauga Library System is proud to be part of your group's successes, as a distribution point for your information. Over the years, requests for distribution continue to increase. Last year, the Library System distributed (through its 14 locations) about 125,000 pieces of Legal Line.

    Ingrid Dalton, Manager
    Marketing and Community Development

    Mississauga Library System

  • "In past years, Information Barrie, which is in the Barrie Public Library building, received Legal Line Guides. We are presently out of them. Please seed us at least 800 copies for distribution to our users. Our patrons have found them very useful.

    Lydia Bojesen
    Information Barrie

    Barrie Public Library

  • "Please forward 150 copies of your guide ASAP.

    Rebecca Strachan
    Office Administrator

    United Way of Greater Toronto - Tenants First Project

  • "I work with Health Canada and I am a Member in good standing with Ontario Bar since 1984. I often refer clients to Legal Line, and I would like to become one of your volunteer Reviewing Lawyers.

    Carolyn Green, B.Sc, LL.B.

    Health Canada

  • "As a province-wide organization The Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres represents 29 friendship centres. Please send us 6 boxes to share among us.

    Claudia Legarde, ABWC
    Thunder Bay Indian Friendship Centre

  • "I would like 3 boxes of posters.

    Joanne England, Administrative Assistant
    Rockwood Detachment

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "We distribute them from our reception and also send them out with our packages.

    Jackie Warren for Joseph Lombardi
    Head Office

    Dye & Durham Co. Inc.

  • "I'm a high school law teacher. The brochure will be posted in the library and in my classroom.

    Clarke Wodchis

    Martingrove Collegiate Institute

  • "A fundamental truth of life is that quality information is difficult to access. For those who need help, the Legal Line information resource is extremely well done. For the immigrant clients who call me "24-7" and often in a state of crisis, with problems outside my practice area, language is a constant obstacle to surmount. Many positive reports from referrals to Legal Line gives me total confidence that the clients appreciate the valuable information they receive. Your growth and popularity is not a surprise to me... the Canadaian public is the winner !

    Fay Fuerst, B.A., LL.B.
    Barrister & Solicitor

    Fuerst Law Office

  • "Thank you for a helpful guide. Please send 9 boxes to the above address, to my attention, and I will distribute them to our 3 detachments.

    Deirdre Way, LL.B.

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.) - Campbellford, ON

  • "I have been aware of Legal Line for about 15 years and I have always recommended your website to my clients with confidence.

    Adam Newman, LL.B.
    Criminal Lawyer

    Bernstein, Newman & Associates

  • "Please send another 300 copies.

    Jan Hayes, Support Worker
    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

    Victim / Witness Assistance Program, Courthouse

  • "Please send us 1,000 posters for distribution.

    Marjorie Cazalet
    Senior Library Technician

    Pickering Public Library

  • "I request 100 copies of Legal Line. It has proved to be most useful to our students. We have used this resource before.

    Joan Duke
    Librarian, Nipigon-Red Rock District High School

    Superior-Greenstone District School Board

  • "I have reviewed your website and publication and must say... I am quite impressed !

    Keely Anderson
    Legal Marketing Coordinator

    Haynes, Bellissimo Law Office

  • "We came across one of your brochures. We have a lot of small business owners that use our office to get help for business information. We think that your brochure will be a great resource...

    Cindy James
    Client Services Officer

    Lanark-North Leeds Enterprise Centre

  • "Please provide our law firm with additional copies of the Legal Line guides. Thank you for your assistance herein.

    Maria G. Mendes, Lawyer
    Barristers & Solicitors

    Foster, Townsend, Graham & Associates

  • "CMHA assistants clients through the criminal court, either through diversion or brief service matters. We are frequently asked questions about family court matters, etc. and we have run out of your legal brochure. Please send us 5 more boxes.

    Debbie Bigelow
    Team Leader

    Mental Health & Addiction Services of Simcoe County

  • "... useful for our library. I would like to receive 500 Legal Line Guides.

    Geoffrey E. Moyer
    Reference Technician

    Brantford Public Library

  • "I'd like one box of Legal Line posters.

    David Slack, Continuing Education
    Literacy and Basic Skills / Adult Upgrading

    Peel District School Board

  • "We serve a wide client base and Legal Line is extremely beneficial to all our clients throughout our eight (8) Bail Program offices.

    Debbie Dzamba, Secretary to Director
    Toronto Bail Program / Old City Hall Courthouse

    Ontario Provincial Court

  • "Our LINC program (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) focuses on providing ESL training to landed immigrants. As well, we provide other services that help immigrants develop job search strategies and find employment in Canada. We would like to distribute these guides to our LINC students.

    Michelle Eshleman
    ESL Educator

    MALKAM Cross-Cultural Training

  • "CLAC and its affiliated Local Unions to provide labour advice and representation to 25,000 members in virtually every sector of the workforce. This includes health care, construction service, manufacturing, transportation and education. Legal Line is a valuable resource for our union steward, members and staff.

    Andrew Regnerus
    Ontario Representative

    Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC)

  • "Please send 100 copies of your Legal Line pamphlets for use in our law firm's waiting room.

    William Mathers, Lawyer
    Barristers & Solicitors

    William E. Mathers & Associates

  • "I am a lawyer and teaching in the Law Clerk Program. My students will benefit from Legal Line as a source of valuable resources in the many different areas of law that they study, as well with issues arising in their personal lives.

    Nancy Bellantino, LL.B.
    Lawyer / Professor

    Niagara College

  • "Legal Line guides will be used by students in our Grade 12 and OAC law classes. Also, I will keep copies in our Guidance Office.

    Scott Bradford
    Assistant Head of Guidance

    Winston Churchill Collegiate Institute

  • "Can I get 1,000 of your maps ?

    Barbara Giommi, Administrative Assistant
    Sudbury Detachment

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "This unit works with women in various stages of their pregnancy. In some instances there are women who identify difficulties that could benefit from legal advice. For example, abuse situations, wrongful termination of employment, immigration issues, questions of paternity and/or support payments, surrogate issues and so on. As this is not an area in which the social workers or others in the medical profession have an expertise, it is helpful to have your brochures to pass along so that they can begin to receive sound advice and assistance. I am writing to request more pamphlets. Three (3) boxes would be appreciated.

    Marissa Amoroso, MSW, CSW
    Perinatal Social Worker

    Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre

  • "I just looked at your mass-mailed brochure and website, and spent time reviewing its contents. Both excellent pieces. Antree, you should be very proud of what you are doing. I always new you would be an important part of something monumental.

    James McPherson, LL.B.
    Corporate Lawyer

    Carson Gross McPherson Law Firm

  • "As one of your 'reviewing lawyers' and author of "Canadian Law and Private Investigations" (Irwin Law Inc.), I applaud your tremendous accomplishment in delivering such a worthwhile project.

    Norman J. Groot, B.A., LL.B.
    Director / Lawyer

    Investigation Counsel Professional Corporation (ICPC)

  • "I would like to receive 400 additional Information Guides, which are very well thought out.

    Amy Penansela
    Office Manager

    POINTTS - The Traffic Ticket Specialists

  • "We use Legal Line resources for caseworkers who provide them to their clients under Ontario Works. We have run out of the previous stock which needs to be replenished ASAP, as we have become dependent on them !

    Ovida Rodrigues
    Operational Service Representative

    Region of Peel

  • "My team services clients are used to going through many legal processes completely on their own, and often they are very afraid or overwhelmed by these daunting endeavors. Your helping phone and website service is very useful... like a breathe of fresh air !

    Joan McGirr, Resource Manager
    Region of Ottawa - Carleton

    Social Services Department

  • "Please send me 100 Legal Line posters.

    Janet Fitzsimmons
    West Hill Commnity Services

  • "Our office has five (5) satellite offices and therefore we would require at least one thousand (1000) flyers. These pamphlets are very beneficial in our type of business and I thank you for such a great directory.

    Sandra Armstrong
    Eligibility Review Officer

    Manitoulin-Sudbury District Social Services Administration Board

  • "Your Legal Line book is having overwhelming success across Canada. In addition, we have just received a an order from the News Group who handles the Walmart account. I think it is a wise idea to work on the reprint now because they are looking at 10,000 more copies. At the rate that we are moving through the stock, it is my opinion that we will deplete our stock in about 2 months.

    Sonya Gilliss
    Executive Assistant

    Fitzhenry & Whiteside / Book Publishers

  • "... a wealth of information that benefits our clients and staff.

    Carol Clarke

    Ottawa-Carleton Immigrant Service Organization

  • "I work in a Provincial Government Information Centre in Nipigon and provide clients with information at all levels of government. Your guides are popular with clients.

    Linda Robbins
    CSA, Nipigon

    Government Information Centre

  • "We will be giving these to our Outreach volunteers.

    Shirley Neville
    Office Support

    Third Age Outreach - St. Joseph's Health Centre

  • "I'd like to give one to each counsellor here at Pinewood. We would appreciate as many as you can spare.

    Nola Mitchell
    Pinewood Centre

  • "... very interested in getting more copies. Many of our clients find themselves in situations which require legal advice. A free legal service such as you are offering is of great benefit to them.

    Patti Samson
    Family Services Coordinator

    The Salvation Army, Community Services

  • "We offer individuals interested in self-employment the opportunity to promote, develop and support this entrepreneurial spirit. Your publication offers information on a number of issues / topics that directly relate to small business and entrepreneurs. It is a great resource for all Ontario residents. I would like 200 copies of the Legal Line Guide for distribution at my organization.

    Carey L. McMaster

    McMaster & Associates

  • "The London Public Library received 600 copies of Legal Line in the Fall. We want more.

    Claudette Smith, Clerk
    Community Outreach

    London Public Library

  • "I found brochures in the Crown Attorney's office in our building. We value them and will continue to provide guides to our clients.

    Juanita Parent
    Victim / Witness Assistance Program

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "I am proud to be a reviewing lawyer for Legal Line's Aboriginal Law section. I work with EAGLE LAW GROUP, owned, operated and managed by First Nations for the betterment of First Nation communities. We have offices in Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon. I specialize in Aboriginal and Treaty rights, First Nations' land claims, administrative and environmental law, and litigation.... with experience at all levels of court, including the Federal Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court of Canada... has also participated in landmark First Nations litigation and in matters before the Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board, the National Energy Board, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner and the Alberta Human Rights Commission. I am a member of the Law Societies of Alberta (2004), Saskatchewan (1997) and British Columbia (2009) and have received numerous awards for academic and professional achievements including the Civil Procedure Award (College of Law), Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships (University of Saskatchewan, College of Graduate Studies) and Research Funding/Grants. I am a member of the Canadian Bar Association, the Calgary Bar Association, the Centre for International Legal Studies and the International Bar Association and has presented or moderated at various conferences and panels including the Centre for International Legal Studies... is also proud to be a Learning Group Facilitator and Evaluator for the Bar Admission Course in Alberta.

    Donna Moore (Valladares), LL.B.

    Eagle Law Group / First Nations

  • "Brochures will be made available to clients at Foodpath's facility, Mississauga's largest food bank.

    Bruce G. Huggett, Treasurer

    Interfaith Peel Association to Tackle Hunger

  • "We are already on your mailing list. Please ship me another 2 boxes of Legal Line flyers because everyone who enters the courthouse takes one.

    Glenys Walters, Court Officer
    Placentia, Newfoundland

    Provincial Court

  • "I am writing to you from our 'Community Division'. One of our staff members attended a Seminar about your Legal Line and I would like to order two thousand (2,000) copies to keep in our office for clients to pick up.

    Dave Sherk
    Team Secretary

    The Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk

  • "Legal Line is providing an important public service -- accurate and easy-to-understand commentary on legal issues -- since the Law Society of Upper Canada vacated that field several years ago. I read Ellen Roseman's Toronto Star article, and was quite impressed with the positive slant of her column. Knowing Ellen for many years, I can honestly state she will only heap accolades on ventures she deeply believes in. Obviously, that is a compliment to you and your staff for a job well done.

    Alan G. Silverstein, B.A., LL.B.
    Law Society Certified Specialist, Real Estate Lawyer

    Law Office Of Alan G. Silverstein

  • "We provide in-home services, placement into long-term care facilities and information & referral to people of all ages. I first saw a Legal Line pamphlet in the Oshawa Public Library and then a write-up in "Socially Served". Legal Line is an excellent resource that we share with our clients

    Janice Whyte, Information and Referral Coordinator
    Scarborough Community Care Access Centre

    Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

  • "Legal Line will greatly help us in quickly referring our callers to the appropriate sources of information.

    Elana Mayers Rose, LL.B.
    Barrister & Solicitor

    East Toronto Community Legal Services

  • "We enjoy Legal Line as a necessary student resource.

    Sharon Smyth
    Department Head of Guidance

    St. Brother Andre Catholic High School

  • "Please forward more guides.

    Judy Chapman-Price
    Resources Manager

    Ontario Metis Aboriginal Association

  • "I shared some of the pamphlets that you sent me with other departments (Credit Counselling and Community Counselling) and even a bit to a local school for their law class. As a consequence, I have run out sooner than I thought, and I need 400 more.

    Laurie Reid
    Community Integration Program

    Family Service Thames Valley

  • "I recently attended an OMSSA Conference where you made a presentation regarding Legal Line. As you were speaking, I knew this was very valuable information that would benefit our clientele. I brought back to my office as many as I could get (20 copies), and immediately spoke with several workers who are very interested in having this information to provide to clients and/or place in the waiting rooms for clients to assess for themselves. I am requesting 1000 copies.

    Barbara Annas
    Resources Co-ordinator

    Region of Ottawa-Carleton Social Services

  • "CITT is a local community agency offering budgeting lessons to low income people in the Toronto / Scarborough and surrounding areas. Please send us 100 copies - to start.

    Fariba Almi
    Client Services, Manager

    Coping in Tough Times (CITT)

  • "I work in the courthouse. I have been handing out packages of information to persons involved in domestic cases since 2001 and I have always included the Legal Line handout in this program.

    Al Dionne, Detectuve Constable
    311 Jarvis Street Courthouse

    Court Services / Toronto Police Service

  • "I picked up your guide from our local community information office and I was so excited that I immediately visited your web site. It is very informative and helpful... the best way to find all this informative in one place.

    E. Iafolla
    Law Department

    Law Department at Northern Secondary School

  • "I received a guide from Pardon's Canada and went to your website for more information. Our Crisis Responders would like to have Legal Line posters with them to help on scene when assisting victim's of crime and tragedy.

    Pearl Robinson
    VCARS Program Coordinator

    Victim Services Niagara

  • "As per Shirley Hoy, Commissioner ... please forward 1,000 copies of the new Legal Line Guide.

    Gabrielle Doyle
    Supervisor, Direct Program

    City of Toronto, Community & Neighbourhood Services

  • "The YMCA of Greater Toronto is a charity offering opportunities for personal growth, community involvement and leadership. Please mail us Legal Line posters for our Resource Centre.

    Muhammad Akhtar
    Job Skills Counsellor

    YMCA of Greater Toronto

  • "We are a law firm offering legal services in many areas including family, civil, criminal, estate planning and corporate. We would like to receive another 200 free guides to be distributed to our clients.

    Pat Reid, Assistant to Ronald F. Adams, LL.B.
    Baristers and Solicitors

    Gordon, Adams, Leduc LLP

  • "We really need another 500 posters, or more if you can. They don't last long around here !

    Chris Dewsbury, Provincial Const. #6005
    Media Relations / Community Services Northumberland Detachment

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "... assisting clients who have matters before the Courts whether of a criminal or family law nature. I cannot begin to tell you how informative Legal Line is as a basic service to professionals in the social service field, the clients and, I am quite sure, to lawyers. Congratulations on creating such a badly needed service for the people of Ontario. This information is vital to individuals with questions concerning all legal facts

    Joseph Sheahan
    Executive Director

    Ontario Clean and Sober Foundation

  • "Please send 200 copies of your VERY informative guide.

    Orville Endicott

    Ontario Advocacy Coalition

  • "We received your legal guide in the mail. We would like more.

    Michael Fraser
    Legal Aid Alberta

  • "Through our work in three distinct areas - employment, health services and community social support programs, we have been able to carry out our mission statement; However, we are lacking necessary resources to provide legal services and referrals to our clients. We have just recently received several of your brochures detailing all that is offered by Legal Line, and would ask that you provide us with 1,000 additional copies.

    Patricia Rodriguez

    Davenport Perth Neighbourhood Centre

  • "We could really use about 100 of the posters, so if you could send them to us that would be great!

    Dallas Sharples
    Adult Restorative Justice Program Coordinator

    John Howard Society of the Central and South Okanagan

  • "I was at the ERO Conference last week at Muskoka Sands and heard about your great service.

    Faye Robinson
    Eligibility Review Officer (ERO)

    City of York Region

  • "I recently found out about your valuable service and would like to give our students full benefit and access to your agency. Our immediate need for your Guide is for the students in our Entrepreneurship class who are studying the possibility of starting their own business. I am confident that the information your agency can provide will be extremely useful. We will also use the guides in our Law classes. Knowledge is power !

    Tina Zappone, Business Program Leader
    Adult Day School

    Toronto District School Board (TDSB)

  • "I was recently given a copy of the Legal Line Guide and was very impressed with the voice automated pre-recorded legal messages. Woman's Community House has over 750 abused women and children stay in the shelter each year. Legal Line will be a valuable resource for these women.

    Colleen Kelly
    Residential Counsellor

    Women's Community House

  • "Looks great... Well Done !

    Eugene Meehan, Q.C.
    Former President of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA)

    Lang Michener, Barristers & Solicitors

  • "Please mail us a variety of your Legal line materials and I will display them.

    Mike Saven

    Citizens for Affordable Housing

  • "We would like to receive guides (french version if possible, if not, in English) on your institution.

    Liliane Kvarv, Director
    Employment & Settlement Services

    Centre Francophone du Toronto Metropolitain

  • "I would like to offer this valuable information to our clients. Often I get phone calls from the general public around legal issues and this looks like a tremendous product.

    Amanda Harrison
    Intake / Brief Services Worker

    Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) - Peterborough

  • "... requesting copies ... consider it to be a helpful resource in the day-to-day operations of our law firm.

    Charlene Gallagher, Office Manager
    Barristers & Solicitors

    Ulrike Zobel, Law Firm

  • "We received your package today - thank you. We would like to request 200 more.

    Eileen Gould

    Lovesick Lake Native Women's Association

  • "We would like to request 200 copies of your brochure to include in our "welcome bags". Last year we provided services for 812 families and 960 Child Care Providers.

    Kathryn Brown
    Next Door Family Resources

  • "A lawyer sent us a link to this site today. Great site whose information will enable our clients to become more informed about their legal rights and responsibilities.

    Carolyn Croft
    Rights Advisor

    Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office

  • "We provide your valuable information to the people of Hamilton.

    Caroline Moran
    Volunteer Database Coordinator

    Community Information Hamilton

  • "We are an aboriginal non-profit organization. Our clients are low income, so this website is a suitable resource for them to access. Thank you for offering this information for free.

    Ellen Blais
    Aboriginal Prenatal Coordinator

    Native Cultural Centre

  • "I would like to request 175 flyers.

    Gordon Ellison, Community and Family Services
    Great Lakes Division, Fort Erie

    The Salvation Army

  • "... your brochure is available for our senior students. In the past, I had occasion to refer students to the Legal Aid Clinic that operates out of our local library, but that service is no longer available. I heard about your service through an article in the Toronto Star.

    Irene Rothe

    Brother Andre Catholic High School

  • "I received the two boxes of legal guides this morning. I am sure that my clients will really appreciate this compact, but expansive accumulation of knowledge and references.

    Bruce G. Huggett, CGA
    Certified General Accountant

  • "The Peel Regional Police recognize that the information contained within the pamphlets is of significant benefit to persons seeking legal advice. The Peel Regional Police Service would be pleased to display the Legal Line Brochures in our facilities and would appreciate your forwarding an appropriate supply to us for distribution. We consist of five (5) Divisions and seven (7) Community Stations that would be participating. In addition, pamphlets will also be distributed to Headquarters Reception, Operations Support Services and Professional Standards.

    Sergeant Dennis M. Falcioni
    Officer in Charge (OIC)

    Crime Prevention Services / Peel Regional Police

  • "We are requesting 200 Legal Line Guides for our law firm.

    Linda Radigan, Law Clerk
    Barristers & Solicitors

    Campese & Wuebbolt Law Office

  • "A client brought in one of your posters. Would would like to hand them out at our 5 different locations throughout British Columbia. Can we have 1,000 per location (5,000 in total) ?

    Stephanie Kress
    Administrative Support / Receptionist

    East Kootenay Addiction Services

  • "I would very much appreciate you sending me more flyers. 250 would be ideal would go a long way in providing our women some 'peace-of-mind'

    Brenda Moffatt
    Women's Unit

    Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services

  • "I received the package of brochures from your agency today. Thank you.

    Debbie Fazari
    Resource Centre Administrator

    Centre for Mental Health - Guelph

  • "Our visitors value this information.

    Christine Lapointe, Administrative Assistant
    Patient Relations & Risk Management

    The Ottawa Hospital

  • "Please rush me 200 copies of Legal Line. Our service provides information to Guelph and Wellington County on a wide variety of topics from mental health, government offices, recreation, leisure, social service groups... the list goes on. We provide this information through a walk-in service as well as a phone-in line. Your information guides will be very helpful in directing individuals to the appropriate service.

    Joanne Becker

    Guelph Information Centre

  • "We can't seem to keep your flyers in stock. There are numerous people attending our Headquarters and Districts on a daily basis seeking information and guidance with regards to their everyday lives. Legal Line is definitely a wealth of information for them. York Regional Police is devised of five (5) separate divisions throughout York Region and we would appreciate it if you could forward to us an ample supply of Legal Line to be distributed throughout our organization.

    Alice Windsor, Badge #5153
    Records & Inquiry Bureau

    York Regional Police

  • "... very impressive and meaningful... please forward 300 copies of the Legal Line Guide for our employees.

    Maxine Paraboo
    Legal Assistant

    Toronto Hydro

  • "I saw your legal flyer at one of our other offices. We need as many as we can have.

    Angie Tsianos
    Office Coordinator

    Family Serives York Region

  • "We provide support and info. for students on workplace issues, human rights issues, employment standards, occupational health and safety, workplace harassment, sexual harassment, accessibility, and equity. I heard about Legal Line through a friend and think that your service is very helpful. Our University will use the guide in consultations with students. In addition, students will be able to take the guides with them to utilize at their leisure.

    Carolyn Johnson, Coordinator
    Ryerson Working Students' Centre

    Ryerson University

  • "We have just received the Legal Line posters that you kindly sent us. We would love to have more. If we must pay, then we will cobble together the money and get it to you.

    Claire Blais, Probation Officer
    Rm 115 - Courthouse

    Port Alberni Adult Community Corrections / Courthouse

  • "... a tremendous public service. I am requesting Guides for the Family Law Information Centre at the Family Court in Hamilton, Ontario

    Evelyn Vander Zaag
    Information and Referral Coordinator

    Superior Court of Justice, Family Court

  • "I would like to request 300 maps.

    Margaret Onagi, Citizen Service Officer
    Selkirk, Manitiba

    Service Canada Centre / Manitoba

  • "This would be a very good resource for both our staff and clients. We have five (5) offices and would like to have the directory available in our waiting rooms.

    Halina St. Jean
    Training Assistant

    Department of Social Services, Durham Region

  • "While training at the Windsor-Essex Business Self-Help Office, they showed me your brochure which they provide in every start-up kit. I thought this would be a marvelous service to offer in Sarnia.

    Fraser Parry
    Business Consultant

    Sarnia-Lambton Business Self-Help Office

  • "google / I WISH TO LEARN MORE ABOUT: Receiving a hot link from within the body of the legal answers Becoming a Reviewing Lawyer Appearing on the Legal Line Poster Becoming a Sponsor

    Michael Weiss
    Marketing Manager

    Samfiru Tumarkin LLP

  • "I am the FLIC Coordinator at the Newmarket Unified Family Court. Please send us as many Legal Line brochures as you can spare. It seems that everyone who passes by, takes at least 2 or 3 !

    Greg Ambrozic, Coordinator
    The Family Law Information Centre (FLIC)

    York Region Family Court Mediation Services

  • "Ian, your name was given to me by Andrew at Job Quest in Lindsay who has seen you speak before. I'm wondering what you offer in the way of workshops. I would like to invite multiple ODSP and Vocational Service Providers, as well as staff here at CMHA.

    Vickie Wilson
    Employment Support Worker

    Canadian Mental Health - Peterborough

  • "One of your free Legal Line Guides found its way to my desk. Needless to say, the information contained in the guide would be very useful to my clients, who are mostly aircraft maintenance engineers and government employees.

    Faye Nicholson
    Supervisor, Technical Library and Publications

    Transport Canada, Aircraft Services Directorate

  • "We have full-time Chaplains in six (6) correctional facilities in the Metro area, as well as in all the Provincial Courts. We also operate two half-way houses for Federal offenders (70 beds) and a (14 bed) Open Custody residence for Young Offenders. We operate a work release program for women in the West Detention Centre. We have a Community Service Order Program serving clients mandated to perform CSO hours by the courts. There are approximately 800 clients in this program on a given day. The availability of the Legal Line Guide at these work sites would be of great benefit. Please forward 6,000 flyers, which I will divide up and share amongst our many programs.

    Hugh Osler, Executive Director
    The Salvation Army

    Ontario Central Division, Correctional and Justice Services

  • "We encourage clients to exercise their 'legal rights', that's why we found that your free Legal Line information pamphlets are suitable to hand out.

    Boonnhoug Dara
    Settlement Worker

    Catholic Community Services of York Region

  • "As a lawyer, and a Detective Sergeant, I have reviewed Legal Line, and specifically, the criminal law topics that involve policing issues. I have found the information provided to be accurate and comprehensive. I have met with Police Constable Ed Heinrichs of our Community Policing Support Unit, and we have arranged for the distribution of the Legal Line pamphlets to ALL 53 locations within our Service. They will be accessible to both Service employees and members of the public. Constable Heinrichs has also undertaken to ensure the Units stay supplied with Legal Line guides. Please forward 10,000 copies, or allow me to arrange to have them picked up.

    George H. Cowley, LL.B.
    Detective Sergeant, Legal Services

    Toronto Police Service

  • "Legal Line is an excellent tool for our Resource Centre. Many people that come into our Resource Centre are in need of advise.

    Mary Ann Jangula, Case Assistant
    Ontario Works

    City of London

  • "How exciting to read about Legal Line in our local newspaper ! Temiskaming & District VCARS is a community based program that provides immediate crisis assistance to victims of crime through specially trained community volunteers who are on-call to area police and emergency services, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is imperative that we keep our volunteers educated. Please send us 4 boxes of the guides. Do you have a prearranged teaching tool (such as PowerPoint) that I could use to educate our community ?

    Judie Martin
    Executive Director

    Temiskaming & District VCARS

  • "Please forward 800 posters for our staff and clients.

    Tami Page
    Employment Support

    County of Lambton Social Services Department

  • "I am an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) referral agent with Customs Client Services. I would appreciate receiving 30 copies of your Legal Line brochure.

    Carol Convery, EAP and Trade Services Officer
    Customs Excise and Taxation, Trade Adminstrative Services

    Revenue Canada

  • "Our Family Services Office is very interested in obtaining 3,000 information pamphlets for our office. This very innovative and resourceful directory of information is certainly very beneficial to our staff, clients and their families.

    Dana Kerr
    Administrative Support

    The Regional Municipality of Durham

  • "I think this service is AMAZING. It helps my clients get the legal information that they may need in any situation.

    Shelley Gorgerat
    Family Service Worker

    The Salvation Army

  • "Through Conestoga College in Stratford, we are a volunteer based pilot project of the United Way. We are here to offer assistance for newcomers to our area find access to basic services. We have no Settlement Services or Immigration partnership here so it is very difficult for people who are new to Canada to navigate how to get the essential services they need. We are very grateful to be able to benefit from your legal materials.

    Beverly Blair, Volunteer Program Coordinator
    Conestoga College / United Way

    Multicultural Association of Perth Huron

  • "Nova House is a 24 hour shelter for abused women and children. In my position as the Legal Advocate I provide women with basic legal information and support them through the Family and/or Criminal Court systems. The free guides would certainly be useful for the clients that I service as a large portion of what I provide includes referrals. Furthermore, the legal advocacy program is largely information based as providing information and options is empowering to our clients, and integral to our mission statement.

    Jennifer Benoit, Legal Advocate
    Nova House

    Women's Place of South Niagara Inc.

  • "Kindly mail me 300 Legal Line posters for our Brantford Back-on-Track Program, Ontario's Remedial Measures Program for Impaired Drivers.

    William Stokeld

    St. Leonard's Community Services

  • "DCVS is a non-profit agency, which provides and assists seniors with different types of services, such as: Transportation, Adult Day Programs, Education, Over Night Services, and information. We are funded by the Ministry of Health, United Way and City of Toronto. It would be useful to get more guides to inform our clients and staff about your important services.

    Delia Sanchiz
    Office Coordinator

    Delivering Care & Volunteer Support (DCVS), Services for Seniors

  • "Please be kind enough to send us 800 copies of your pamphlet titled Legal Line.

    Jacques Leboeuf
    Reference Deparment

    Ottawa Public Library

  • "This is our fourth re-order. The brochures have been very popular here.

    Angele Barnett, Library Technician
    Adult Services Department

    Newmarket Public Library

  • "We have ordered Legal Line publications in the past. Our clients find them very useful and we seem to go through them fast.

    Stella McEwan
    Client Services Advisor

    Government of Ontario

  • "We have been distributing Legal Line guides to clients for quite some time. Our client database is in need of free legal information, which is why we distribute your guides to them with ease, pride and confidence. Legal Line helps us to do our job well.

    Michele Chudy
    Office Manager

    Community Addiction Services of Niagara

  • "Please forward 50 copies of your free Legal Line Guide.

    Karen Levesque, Adminstrative Assistant to Director
    Ontario Works in Peel

    Region of Peel

  • "... this is the best resource that we have to offer our clients.

    Melanie Lyjko
    Resource Co-ordinator

    John Howard Society of Peel

  • "Please forward 40 posters to Lacombe Police Service so that I may share them with my fellow officers. How many are we allowed to have for our station foyer ?

    Robert B. (Rocky) Rauckman

    Lacombe Police Service

  • "Obtained one at an inter-agency event. We make copies available to our clients.

    Darlene Van Kessel
    Administrative Services

    Region of Durham Social Services

  • "The Legal Line pamphlet is an excellent reference tool and is quite a popular item with the public !

    Carole Larche
    Client Services Advisor

    Government of Ontario

  • "The Executive Director of our agency brought us your Legal Line guide because it is a tremendously useful resource for clients I serve at the courthouse. I was amazed at the the number of topics covered in the guide. I went to your website right away and realized what a great resource it will be for self-represented clients that I assist in Criminal and Family Court. I plan to distribute copies to our other program managers (including our domestic violence treatment and criminal justice education programs). I have spent many years working in the justice system, and Legal Line is by far the BEST resource I have ever come across.

    Michele Basso
    Court Support Coordinator

    The John Howard Society of Grande Prairie

  • "Please send 50 copies of your Legal Line brochure. We work with newcomers to Canada.

    Faduma Abukar, Settlement Coordinator
    First Contact

    Canadian Red Cross

  • " We are a community organization that provides leadership, support, and resources to enhance the quality of life for individuals in Port Colborne and the surrounding region. We have two (2) different locations, plus we have a host probation agency which uses our facilities which could benefit from your flyers in their office as well.

    Evelina Namysl
    Intake & Assessment

    Port Cares - Port Colborne Community Association for Resource Extension

  • "I specialize in Family Law, and I have found your pamphlet very helpful in referring simple legal matters (questions) to this information site.

    Lisa M. Bowlin, B.A., LL.B.
    Barrister, Solicitor & Notary

    Family Lawyer

  • "I want to express my congratulations on your very impressive and comprehensive Legal Line. I have listened to the pre-recorded information, and I have also logged on to the website. The topics I chose where presented clearly, professionally and completely. This service is invaluable to the public to obtain legal information. As well, I think that your service is an indispensable tool for lawyers to have in order to service their clients more completely and quickly. The 24-hour service and Government & Agency numbers in one handy, colourful and easy to use pamphlet is a major step towards meeting the goal of 'Access to Justice' along with a convenient source of referrals. Congratulations on your hard work and efforts to produce such an excellent and all-inclusive legal portfolio.

    John G. Starzynski, Volunteer Executive Director
    Lawyers helping Lawyers since 1978'

    Ontario Bar Assistance Program (OBAP)

  • "We use your brochure and hand them out at our pamphlet booth... to clients that need ANY kind of legal help.

    Hugo Munoz
    Family Law Information Counter

    Ministry of the Attorney General - Family Court

  • "The free guides will be handed out to our clients who are in need of knowledge about laws and how they affect them. We get requests for this information frequently. We think this would be a great service to offer the public.

    Andrea Drepaul, Client Service Representative
    Peterborough, Belleville, Kingston, Cornwall & area

    Government Information Centre (GIC)

  • "I received one of your flyers in the mail. We will use your guide to help clients that are dealing with ongoing issues by providing them with your legal resources which will guide them to making change.

    Nick Crandell
    Resource and Information Specialist

    Workforce Skills Centre

  • "I recently obtained one of your Legal Line Guides and have found it invaluable. I would like to obtain more so that I can hand them out to members of the public. What would be the maximum amount that I would be allowed to get ?

    Laurel Barnett, Police Constable
    Community Support Officer

    Halton Regional Police Service

  • "Could our office please have 2 boxes of Legal Line flyers ?

    Gwen Daly
    Case Worker

    Parry Sound District Social Services Administration Board

  • "I found the exhaustive list of advice as well as Government and Agency numbers to be excellent and something that I would like to make available to my clients.

    Paul J. Crowe, LL.B.
    Wills, Estates, Business and Real Estate Lawyer

    Law Office

  • "The info you share is enlightening. Thanks so much. They are very well organized and your website is easy to use.

    Nancy Chambers, YMCA Employment Specialist
    Employment and Community Services

    Midland Employment Resource Centre

  • "I am writing to request additional copies... very popular with students.

    Bruce Mason
    Business Teacher

    Richmond Hill Adult Community Learning Centre

  • "Thank you for fulfilling our request by sending us 2 boxes of Legal Line flyers. We provide services to all members of the public. The Commission's call centre is very busy and handles approximately 200,000 calls annually. Your website is a very useful tool to refer individuals who have legal concerns, and your guide is a quick, all encompasing hand-out for our walk in group.

    Jacqueline Meyer
    Inquiry Service Representative

    Ontario Human Rights Commission

  • "A large portion of our client population have legal issues and limited financial resources. I will post up Legal Line posters in our clinic rooms and have them available to everyone that pass through our doors. Our clients families will also benefit from your website. We would also like to provide this to ALL PROGRAM STAFF for the Government and Professional resource areas. Awesome resource !

    Kimberly Lee, Clerical Support
    Community Alcohol / Drug Assessment Program

    Algoma City Public Health

  • "We provide legal services to the Department of National Defence. We make the guides available in our waiting room for clients.

    Wendy Johnson
    Adminsitrative Assistant

    Deputy Judge Advocate, Department of National Defence (DND)

  • "Congratulations on your Legal Line Initiative. Since we have the common goal of assisting the public to become more knowledgeable about the law, we are happy to contribute to this worthwhile project. The Inquiries Unit at the OSC is committed to providing service excellence to the investing public and market participants. We are developing new ways for the public to reach us, and better ways to respond to their needs. We have increased staff at our Contact Centre where knowledgeable Inquiries Officers will be available by phone or can be contacted by e-mail, in writing or in person. We will benefit from the Legal Line initiative by increasing public awareness of our role as a regulator of the capital markets in the province and of our availability to assist them with their inquiries. In the Commission's last fiscal year over 8,000 inquiries and complaints were handled by Commission staff. We expect that number to be greater in the next year with our expanded public profile. We would therefore like to request that we be provided with 1,000 copies of your guide so they may be distributed where appropriate with our responses to inquiries. The experiences of the Inquiries Unit have led to our submission of new topics based on the more common inquiries received. To enhance the Legal Line services, Our comments and suggestions for the topic headings in "Investments and Securities" are attached. Our next step will be to provide draft scripts for the new topics, which will be adapted from our "frequently asked questions" database. The Communications Branch of the Commission has approved the link of our website (www.osc.gov.on.ca) direct to Legal Line.

    Donna J. Martin Sidey, Legal Counsel, Inquiries
    Investment Dealers Association of Canada

    Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)

  • "Legal Line is an excellent publication and a valuable resource to my clients (and myself) to find the names of lawyers to refer my clients in areas of law which I do not practice. I first saw Legal Line in the Ontario Reports last year.

    Janice E. Younker, LL.B.
    Barrister and Solicitor

    Law Firm of J. E. Younker

  • "The Legal map is simply TERRIFIC, and pertinent to every walk of life. Our committee deals with many social service, criminal justice, and other community agencies. We would be very pleased to offer your map to these Service Providers, as well as to any citizens who call and need information. We are funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health, and we would appreciate receiving four boxes (800).

    Alison Jenkins
    Communtiy Coordinator

    Peel Committee on Sexual Assault

  • "It is a very beneficial service.

    Adam Steel
    Student Advocate

    Robert F. Hall High School

  • "Small Claims Court is where Pre-trials and Trials are done. We supply information on how to submit claims, and we also process claims and other legal documents. I think Legal Line is great and I would love to have your guides because I feel they are well done and they will help in educating the public.

    Susan Walker Ing
    Manager / Richmond Hill

    Small Claims Court

  • "We received a free copy of your Legalline guide along with your book on the Canadian Criminal Code that we purchased for our collection. As a library, we often get asked legal questions, about everything from "how to I apply for visitation with my kids ?" to "How do I sue the contractor who fixed my bathroom ?" We direct people to departments or Government agencies, and this guide does a wonderful job of putting all of that information in one place. Your guides would be a great help to our clients, instead of jotting down 4 or 5 phone numbers on a scrap of paper.

    Kate Davis
    Manager of Public Service

    Cobourg Public Library

  • "We offer free publications, information and government forms, answers to frequently asked questions about government services, and access to general information on-line about the government programs, services and staff through government websites. The Government Information Centre in Brockville advised me of this service. We will display the forms in the GIC. We will also advise the 2 local courthouses of this information for their use as well. Thank You.

    Laurie Fraser, Customer Service Advisor

    Ontario Government Information Centre

  • "Service Canada provides Canadians with one-stop, personalized access to Government of Canada services and benefits. We would like 500 flyers for our office. A lot of citizens will make good use of them. Do you have them in French also ?

    Barb Donovan, Citizen Service Agent

    Service Canada

  • "We would appreciate 50 Legal Line Guides.

    D. Bradley Bennett, Laywer
    Barristers and Solicitors

    Gibson, Linton, Toth, Campbell & Bennett

  • "I would like to order Legal Line for our division. What is the maximum amount that I may have?

    Irene Dubelt, Program Support
    Shelter, Support & Housing Division

    City of Toronto / Metro Hall

  • "A few years ago your organization sent us several hundred of your free brochures. Ever since that day they have become one of our most requested.

    Geoffrey Moyer
    Reference Technician

    Brantford Public Library

  • "I work for the Department of National Defence and I am writing to request... your Legal Line info guide... people are very impressed with the information that is available in the guide.

    M.W. Thomas
    Chief Clerk

    Department of National Defence (DND)

  • "A few Legal Line flyers came to us with information from Pardons Canada. Please send us an additional full box.

    Linda Carey
    Patient Advocate

    Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office

  • "More than 300 North American companies -- from beauty products, to dangerous goods providers, food services and high-tech -- all look to J.D. Smith for our award-winning, customized logistics solutions. If we qualify, I will take 240 posters for our facilities plant.

    Joe Libralesso
    J.D. Smith

  • "... very useful for our organization... we deal with The Court System though our Eligibility Review Officers and Family Support Workers. We use Legal Line at all three (3) of our offices.

    Sylvie Beauparlant, Administrator
    Administration Board

    District of Nipissing Social Services

  • "I am writing further to our conversation at the Canadian Bar Association Annual Institute in Toronto last week. We have found that the Legal Line topics, and information contained therein, are an excellent source of quick information for our clients. We find the material to be helpful, understandable, and best of all... readily accessible.

    Robert C. Edwards, B.A., LL.B.
    Labour and Employment, First Nation, Administrative and Environmental Lawyer

    Edwards & Carfagnini Law Office

  • "Legal Line will be distributed to the public.

    Jonathan Demers
    Branch Head

    Long Branch Public LIbrary

  • "Legal Line Guides are most useful to the public who use our courthouse. The categories are very extensive with much valued information.

    Marie-Anne Kelly-Lalonde, Manager of Court Services
    Small Claims Court - Windsor

    Superior Court of Justice

  • "Legal Line brochures have always been available at our office. We value them.

    Gabby Bazin
    Office Manager

    Chatham-Kent Legal Clinic

  • "With the participation and support of the community, we offer over 20 programs in the areas of justice, services for the developmentally disabled, housing, and finding and keeping employment. The agency now reaches up to 13,000 people per year and administers an annual budget of $11 million. We would like to introduce the Legal Line resources into our programs. Its a natural fit.

    Rose Allen-Gordon
    Community Service Order Counsellor

    Operation Springboard

  • "Please mail us one box of flyers.

    Sharon Lamont
    Training, Resource and Outreach Coordinator

    The Assaulted Women's Helpline (AWHL)

  • "I found out about Legal Line from the Essex County Law Association. I am finding it very helpful, and I will continue to use it.

    Wendi L. Maroon, LL.B.

    Trusts and Estates Lawyer

  • "I have reviewed all the legal answers pertaining to my area of expertise and found it extremely well done. I am certified by the Law Society of Upper Canada as a Specialist in Bankruptcy and Insolvency law. Thank you very much for all of your good work in preparing Legal Line.

    Stanley J. Kershman, LL.B.
    Specialist, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Lawyer

    Kershman & Associate

  • "I would appreciate if you would send my office 100 of the Legal Line pamphlets.

    Shonna Smith
    Probation and Parole Officer

    Ministry of Public Safety and Security

  • "Thank you for taking the time to conduct an interview with CBC Radio... We are informing our listeners about the free service you provide.

    Paul Morralee
    Announcer / Operator

    CBC Radio

  • "I run a busy restaurant right in the heart of downtown Toronto at Yonge & Bloor. Please send me 250 Legal Line flyers and I will leave them on my counter as a 'Thank You' Goodwill gesture to all of my guests.

    Bill Iuele

    Restaurant Focaccia

  • "Our programs instruct adult learners who are upgrading their English and Math skills. Legal Line would be a useful resource for our instructors.

    Wanda Rubenstein, Assessor / Learner Support Worker
    Literacy and Basic Skills Program

    Toronto District School Board

  • "I received a box Legal Line posters. The box had a bright green sticker indicating "FREE". WOW. Thank you, they are great !

    Sandra Payne
    Attendance Centre Supervisor

    Associated Youth Services of Peel

  • "... fortunately, I liaise with many agencies like yours for accurate information and support. Because we work closely with other outreach workers, we will be better able to educate those we serve, and help them identify and maximize their options.

    Sylvia Genders LeReverend

    Foodbank and Outreach Coordinators of Scarborough (FOCS)

  • "Please send me 5 extra boxes of the Legal Line posters.

    Sylvie Clarke

    Timmins Police Service

  • "Lawyer request for 100 pamphlets.

    Aswani K. Datt, LL.B.

    Barrister & Solicitor

  • "Service is a great resource for our clients, their extended families, our staff and professionals.

    Kate Terry
    Probation and Parole Officer

    Ministry of Pubic Safety and Security

  • "When my clients are ill, they become involved with the law in many different ways. Prior to finding Legal Line, I had no way to guide them with these types of issues. Thankfully, your site helps them learn some of their rights, and provides helpful options.

    Dr. Resa Shore, BA, MD, FRCP(C)
    Consultant / Psychiatrist

  • "Please send me 30 copies of the Legal Line poster.

    Mau’veen Dayrell-Johnson

    Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

  • "Please send me 40 posters.

    Florence Ashlaq
    Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Coordinator

    Atikokan Native Friendship Centre

  • "The pamphlets are available for walk-in clients to pick up and use. We are also making good use of your website.

    Debra Kingsley
    Resource Counsellor

    Information Niagara Inc.

  • "As the second largest Elizabeth Fry Society in Canada, we work with over 5,000 clients annually, not all of whom are in the GTA. We work with women, men, and youth. Our clients are Canadian citizens, landed immigrants and refugees. In all respects, the information contained in the brochure would be invaluable to them.

    Marguerite Brenton
    Director of Programmes

    Elizabeth Fry Society of Peel Halton

  • "... Government request for 600 flyers.

    Charles Gazeley
    Court House, Cornwall

    General Division Court

  • "Your Legal Line guides would assist individuals and increase their understanding when it is proper to seek legal advice.

    Walter Zaverucha
    Land Registry

    Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations

  • "I found out about Legal Line from the Essex County Law Association, which serves a current membership of over 600 lawyers in Windsor and Essex County. I also heard good things about you at the The Halton County Law Association (HCLA). Each Association continually endeavours to encourage, develop and manage programs for the professional education of its members, although the Law Library staff cannot provide legal advice or research assistance to the public. For this reason, I am finding your website very helpful, and I will continue to use it.

    Wendy L. Maroon, LL.B.
    Trusts and Estates Lawyer

  • "We are an Ottawa law firm, services include Real Estate Law, Immigration Law, Family Law, Business Law, and Patent and Trademark Law. We need Legal Line to help our clients with all other areas of law that we don't cover.

    Priya Sankarapapa LL.B.
    Arbitration and Mediation Lawyer

    Priya A. Sankarapapa Law Firm

  • "Streetlight Support Services provides an exit program for individuals wanting to leave the sex trade industry. We are a not-for-profit, charitable organization established in 1997, and developed by 14 different agencies, led by the Metropolitan Toronto Task Force on Street Prostitution. Please send me 2 boxes of flyers.

    Heidi Kalyshov
    Streetlight Support Services

  • "Your pamphlet is useful for our clients in our resource centre. We get asked many of these questions because many of our clients are new arrivals to the city and have concerns.

    Andrea Davis
    Resource Officer

    Sherbourne Employment Resource Centre

  • "Please send me 500 copies of the Legal Line flyer. I will put these in our Detachment foyer for the general public.

    Yvonne Dietz
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

  • "Our local legal centre suggested Legal Line to us. What a wonderful source of information !

    Darlene Smith-Harrison
    Outreach & Support Team Leader

    Housing Resource Centre

  • "This is an excellent service for clients who do not have the financial means to hire a lawyer for general questions.

    Colleen Ford
    Administrative Support

    Ministry of Community, Family & Children's Services

  • "I am working with men who have been charged with domestic violence related offences-providing counselling, developing safety plans and walking them through the legal system. Any supportive / information / resource services that are available to them is important to share. Of particular concern is lawyers, legal rights, court systems etc., so please mail me your flyers.

    Lisa Howe
    Domestic Violence Safety Services for Men

    Changing Ways

  • "As a registered psychologist in private practice, I have occasion to suggest clients obtain legal advice. Please mail me 50 Legal Line maps.

    Robert L. Rodensky, Ph.D., C.Psych.

  • "Wheels Group develops advanced supply chain solutions delivered through its partner network of over 5,000 truck, rail, air, and ocean carriers. Wheels Group serves consumer goods, food and beverage, manufacturing and retail clients through 20 offices throughout the U.S. and Canada. As you can tell, I am very proud that we have been named one of Canada's 50 Best Managed Companies since 1997 and Platinum since 2003 and I would like to continue to support my staff with valuable benefits like legal Line. Please mail me 500 posters to sample with my crew.

    Armand Moiny
    Wheels Logistics

  • "I picked up brochure in the Newmarket Employment Resource Centre... this would be an added service for our clients that are in need of legal assistance.

    Denise Clarida
    Case Manager & Employment Facilitator

    United Way Member Agency

  • "I was amazed on the variety of legal topics available, and I have given Legal Line flyers to co-workers and clients. We all agree that Legal Line is excellent and easy access to legal information, particularly the Mental Health Act listed under your Health Law section.

    The ENTIRE Staff
    Mental Health Law

    Family Association for Mental Health Everywhere (FAME)

  • "Our agency would benefit from displaying your brochures.

    Eric Gam
    Acting Commissioner, Community & Neighbourhood Services

    The City of Toronto

  • "I am a new staff at this organization and found one of your older maps in the files left to me. I wish to refer clients to this service.

    Deanna VandenBroek
    Health Promoter - Substance Misuse Prevention Program

    Peterborough County City Health Unit

  • "Could we have 100 maps sent out to our office, Attention: Joseph Lobardi. We distribute them from our reception and also send them out with our packages.

    Jackie Warren
    Dye & Durham Co Inc.

  • "We received our flyers today. Thank you very much. Everyone who sees it, takes one or more. They won't last long, so please send us another box immediately.

    Kris Dakos
    Eligibility Review Officer

    St. Thomas - Elgin Ontario Works

  • "We are a one-stop source of business information for entrepreneurs. This month we are celebrating our Grand Opening and would appreciate Legal Line brochures to include in our "Start a Small Business" package. I have seen the poster while visiting the Windsor Self-Help Office and it is indeed impressive. If possible, I would like 2 boxes of the brochures as we have many partners that would also be interested in having these on location.

    Vicki White
    Business Consultant, Huron Business Self-Help Office

    County of Huron

  • "Bar-eX is a lawyer's portal operated by Teranet Enterprises Inc. offering an integrated suite of professional products and services initially targeted to the legal community of Ontario. We believe that establishing a link from our site to your site would be in our mutual interests. Specifically, we would like to direct members of the public seeking a lawyer or legal information to your site. As such, please be advised that Bar-eX will establish a link to your site within 48 hours unless you inform us with 48 hours of receipt of this letter of your opposition to this course of action.

    Chris Valentine
    Managing Director

    Bar-eX / The Lawyer's Portal

  • "I am interested in receiving more copies.

    Bonnie Baker
    Program Coordinator

    Women's Community House

  • "Legal Line is an excellent resource for everyone. The categories of information listed are well organized and easy to access. Pre-recorded Information in the voice system is clear and easy to understand.

    Shawnne Soong
    Manager, Employee and Resources

    Canadian Red Cross

  • "The QUEST was developed in partnership with Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and the Thames Valley District School Board. Opened in November 1999, the Centre has become a vital part of the community by providing resources and services which meet the varying needs of the more than 10,000 residents in the communities of Glencoe, Appin, Alvinston, Bothwell, Newbury, West Lorne and Rodney as well as the surrounding rural areas. We would appreciate having 500 flyers mailed to us, as a start.

    Michelle Fletcher
    Resource Assistant

    The Quest Centre Community Initiatives

  • "I would like 100 copies of your Legal Line Guide. It will provide most useful to our students. We have used this resource before.

    Joan Duke, Librarian
    Nipigon-Red Rock District High School

    Superior-Greenstone District School Board

  • "I received your poster in the mail today and we want a lot more. What is the maximum amount that a police station can get ?

    Janice Tomlinson
    Administrative Assistant

    Smiths Falls Police Service

  • "I just received the envelope with your poster and flyer inside. Please send 25 more so I can share them with my office mates.

    Marilyn Clarke
    Office Coordinator

    Good Shepherd HOMES Project

  • "I would like to request 200 copies of Legal Line for our MPP's office.

    Anne Taylor
    Assistant to Dave Levac, MPP

    Member of Provincial Parliament

  • "We saw your pamphlet in a colleagues office. We feel this document is extremely useful. We have a pamphlet display rack in which we will make space to display the Legal Line Guide.

    Anita Pouliot
    Assistant Ombudsperson

    University of Western Ontario (UWO)

  • "Our Social Workers will use these guides in order to assist 'youth' with their questions while in custody. We will also provide our clients with the guides for their personal use upon discharge in the community. They need them.

    Suzanne Hastings
    Deputy Superintendent - Programs

    Ministry of Correctional Services

  • "I became aware of this wonderful resource at the Swansea Home Show. We are an outpatient assessment and treatment programme. Our patient visits are approximately 20,000 per year. Many of our patients experience legal problems, often related to their substance abuse. It would be advantageous therefore to be able to provide them with Legal Line flyers. Our programme is under the auspices of the Mental Health Program and the Social Work Department. I believe Legal Line would be a great addition to the information they we provide to patients, and their families, on a daily basis. I am also a therapist on a part-time basis with Warren Shepell, Employee Assistance Professionals (EAP). I am often asked for legal resources and could see your guide providing additional support to clients utilizing this service. I would like to order 5,000 flyers for the hospital and 500 for my clients at Warren Shepell.

    Gwenne Woodward, MSW, CSW
    Warren Shepell, Employee Assistance Professionals (EAP)

    The Credit Valley Hospital

  • "I would like to be able to display the maps on a wall with both sides displayed. Our clinic has a Drug Treatment Court Unit and inquiries for legal purposes is always being asked of staff. Obviously, we at the clinic feel that having the appropriate information to refer clients would be beneficial to all persons here. Thank you for providing such a much needed service, and doing it so well !

    Beverley Clarke, Program Worker
    Opiate Clinic

    Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

  • "Could you send our office 100 more posters. I only have one, and I find that it is an incredibly good resource. All of my co-workers are anxiously awaiting their OWN copies !

    Debbie Caswell
    Ontario Works Caseworker

    Grey County Social Services

  • "We just published a very flattering story on Legal Line. We operate in the cities of Harrow & Colchester and would like to receive 25 free Legal Line Guides for our staff.

    Rocco Milo / Anthony Bouland

    "This Week" Newspaper

  • "As per our conversation with Brenda Fraser, Legal Counsel to Canada Post, we have approved support of Legal Line and authorize your corporation to use our logo on your poster.

    Mike Lunski

    Canada Post

  • "I first learned of Legal Line when I volunteered at the Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT). Now I notice your flyers everywhere. Your guides will really help us !

    Yvonne Kwan
    Office Administrator

    Parks and Recreation Ontario

  • "A local 'Justice of the Peace' showed me a copy of his Legal Line Guide and I understood immediately that it was a great resource. We are constantly receiving inquiries from the public concerning acts we don't deal with on a day to day basis, and we would like to become a distribution point for your pamphlets.

    Police Constable Hal Lewis
    Court Officer

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "MCDC is a multi-service, child care and family support agency. Established in 1932 as a non-profit, charitable organization, Macaulay promotes the optimal development of children in partnership with their family and community. Please send us 150 Legal Line guides. Bless you.

    Lorraine Kirlew-Ross
    Project Coordinator

    Macaulay Child Development Centre (MCDC)

  • "I work at a Community Station within 12 Division, Peel Regional Police. The Legal Line pamphlet is a resource that we use a great deal, handing it out to members of the public with questions or problems in many legal areas that require more assistance than we can provide. I would appreciate as many copies as you can send, as I am down to my last few.

    Kimberly Malcovich
    Square One Mall - Community Police Station

    Peel Regional Police

  • "Please send us 50 FREE Legal Line posters..

    Resources Desk
    Beausoleil Employment Resource Centre

  • "Please forward one box of 200 Legal Line pamphlets. I have viewed the great information. We are in partnership with Human Resources Development Canada, Toronto Social Services, and the Centre for Education & Training.

    Angie Turner

    O'Connor Employment Resource Centre

  • "Ian Levine has been conducting seminars for Alpha House for at least 10 years. We love Legal Line. What a superior idea ! This is a very impressive and all encompassing brochure.

    Donna Westman

    Alpha House

  • "I first received a Legal Line Guide and was FASCINSTED with it. This guide is excellent and a tremendous resource. We shall distribute it with care.

    Marty Klein, LL.B.

    Klein Law Office

  • "I think that this is a great resource guide for members of the public and businesses who utilize our centre.

    Mary Ellen Cote
    Client Services Advisor

    Government of Ontario

  • "I manage an EAP with the Canada Border Services Agency and American Government. We recently had a speaker from Pardons Canada visit our work site and speak about Legal Line. We would like to post your guides at various locations for our employee's use. We have several work locations in the GTA and Niagara regions.

    David Richer, Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
    Manager, Human Resources Dept.

    Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

  • "We provide free Voicemail, Individual and Group Counseling, Advocacy, Information and Referral, free phone and internet use. We also have a fully staffed Bail Program Team who work with members of the community who are out on bail or on parole. Ian Levine delivered a highly informative and insightful session to a group of employees at the John Howard Society. During his session he talked about, displayed, and left us a box of Legal Line Guides which everyone unanimously agreed would be a highly beneficial resource for our clientele.

    Arun Dhanota
    Counsellor, Community Services

    The John Howard Society of Peel Halton Dufferin

  • "JVS Toronto has seven (7) locations. We help people succeed by providing outstanding employment, social and educational services which meet the changing needs of the diverse communities we serve, building on our experience serving the Jewish community. I would like to receive 150 Legal Line posters to share with my co-workers. If possible, please forward 2 boxes to each of our locations (14 boxes total)

    Joan Heron
    Vocational Evaluation Counsellor

    JVS Toronto

  • "Please mail us 500 guides for each of our 3 locations. Niagara College operates from: The Welland Campus, The Niagara-on-the-Lake Campus, and The Maid of the Mist Campus in Niagara Falls. Our website is niagaracollege.ca.

    Holly Anderson, Job Centre Consultant
    Maid of the Mist Campus, Job Centre

    Niagara College

  • "In times when there is an increased pressure on lawyers to undertake pro bono cases and with Public Legal Education Programs being cut, Legal Line is a valuable and greatly needed resource. As a member of the Ontario Bar, I was happy to be able to contribute to a project that can help so many people.

    Howard Levitt, LL.B.
    Senior Partner

    Levitt LLP

  • "I first became aware of your Legal Line Guide when I was a delegate to the AMES conference. I immediately understood the value of this resource tool for my clients. I took as many copies of the guide as I could carry to leave with my fellow employment workers and case managers. Our supply is now exhausted. Please send us a box of 500. In Hamilton we have 3 co-located Resource Centre locations, with a total staff of approximately 100 case managers and 45 employment workers.

    Pat Haughton
    Employment Consulant, Social & Public Health Services Division

    City of Hamilton

  • "Congratulations on your Legal Line initiative. Since we have the common goal of assisting the public to become more knowledgeable about the law, we are happy to contribute to this worthwhile project.

    Donna Martin Sidey
    Legal Counsel, Inquiries

    Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)

  • "I wish to order at least 500 of your flyers. I thought it would be a good idea to have them available in our front counter area. The Victoria Police Department was established in 1858 and is the oldest Police department west of the Great Lakes. Our 243 police officers, 106 civilian staff and 78 volunteers proudly serve the City of Victoria, BC

    Meredith Robertson, Court Administrator
    Crime Prevention Services of British Columbia

    Victoria Police Department

  • "This is a great service to the people of Canada, and I applaud all the people that are involved in making this site possible. Hydro One Brampton is a subsidiary of Hydro One Inc. and we are responsible for the safe and reliable delivery of electricity to more than 138,000 homes and businesses in the City of Brampton. I have it saved legalline.ca on my PC, and there it will remain for any future need. PLease ship me 3 boxes of flyers.

    Glenn Sampano
    Hydro One Brampton

  • "We would like receive free Legal Line posters to share with our clients.

    Tricia Wedge
    Suntrac Addiction Treatment Centre

    Mission Services of Hamilton Inc.

  • "I first became aware of the posters through a client of our agency who was in the process of looking for legal counsel. Also, one of the members of a group in the Drug and Alcohol Program had brought in some posters from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, wanting to share resources with women in the group. As our mandate is to provide support and information to women in conflict with the law, this poster would serve our clients well. To date, feedback from the women has been very positive, as the information provided has been helpful to many of our clients. Elizabeth Fry was established in 1951, with the mandate to provide support, advocacy and information for women in conflict with the law or at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system. There are currently 22 agencies across Canada. Access to legal services is imperative for our clients.

    Laurie Charlton
    Drug and Alcohol Program Worker

    Elizabeth Fry Society of Toronto

  • "Congratulations on your Legal Line initiative. The Ontario Securities Commission would like to take this opportunity to provide input for the Investments & Securities area of Legal Line. Since we have the common goal of assisting the public to become more knowledgeable about the law, we are happy to contribute to this worthwhile project. We will benefit from the Legal Line initiative by increasing public awareness of our role as regulator of the capital markets in the province, and of our availability to assist them with their inquiries. In the Commission's last fiscal year, over 8,000 inquiries and complaints were handled by Commission staff. We expect that number to be greater in the next year with our expanded public profile. We would, therefore, like to request that we be provided with 1,000 copies of the guide so they can be distributed where appropriate with our responses to inquiries. The Communications Branch of the Commission has approved the link of our website to Legal Line.

    Donna J. Martin Sidey, B.Sc., LL.B., LL.M.
    Legal Counsel, Inquiries

    Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)

  • "I saw your website address in article in an Iranian weekly magazine. Some of my clients need data for buying businesses, starting up a new business, real estate law to buy a house, etc., and i will distribute to them your flyers.

    Davoud, President
    Ace Accounting Services

  • "The YWCA of Greater Toronto serves over 33,000 individuals each year and we would like to continue to distribute these handy brochures out to more of our clients.

    Elsie Nisonen
    Manager of Executive Office and Communications

    YWCA of Greater Toronto

  • "I received the Legal Line brochure in the mail recently with the Lawyers' Professional Indemnity Company (LPIC) Practice Pro material. I have been practicing litigation for 12 years, and I also sit twice a month as a Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) judge. To say that your brochure contained a plethora of useful material would be an understatement !

    Jonathan Pitblado, LL.B., Judge
    Law Office of Pitblado & Associates

    Supreme Court of Canada (SCC)

  • " CTI has developed partnerships with a number of Colleges, Universities and related organizations: such as... GEORGE BROWN COLLEGE / HUMBER COLLEGE / MOHAWK COLLEGE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM / TRAUMATOLOGY TRAINING INSTITUTE AND PSYCH INC. / FOUNTAIN OF LIFE SCHOOL OF MINISTRY (FOLSOM) PRINCE ALBERT, SASKATCHEWAN / METIS NATION OF SASKATCHEWAN / WESTERN REGION, AND FIRST NATIONS FORUM. Please send (9) boxes of Legal Line to the undersigned, so that we can all have our own supply.

    Adele MacLean
    Administrative Assistant - Finance

    Canadian Training Institute (CTI)

  • "Could we please have 50 copies of the wonderful NEW Legal Line posters ?

    Diane Marshall
    The Registry of Marriage and Family Therapy

    Institute of Family Living

  • "Thank you for agreeing to speak at OMSSA's annual Eligibility Review Officer (ERO) Conference at Muskoka Sands. I am requesting 700 copies of the new Legal Line brochure. They will be included in the delegate packages at the ERO Conference as well as provided at OMSSA's annual Fall Training Seminar in Toronto.

    Diana Capredoni
    Director, Business Development

    Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA)

  • "I picked up a copy of your Legal Line Guide at the Canadian Criminal Justice Association Congress recently. Please add us to your mailing list and send us 1,000 flyers.

    Claudia Mann, Regional Supervisor
    Victim Services, Halifax Regional Municipality

    Nova Scotia Department of Justice

  • "Thanks so much for the Legal Line pamphlets you recently forwarded to our staff. We support approximately 400 families who have a child with a developmental delay, as well as 450 adults with a developmental delay and 500 persons with serious mental illness each year, as well as responding to approximately 900 crisis calls... so the resource information contained in the pamphlet is invaluable to our staff.

    Marie Lauzier
    Executive Director

    York Support Services Network

  • "Attached is a request for 4,000 copies. We have full time Chaplains in six (6) correctional facilities in the Metro area as well as in 'EVERY' provincial court. We also operate two half-way houses for Federal offenders (70 beds) and a 14 bed Open Custody residence for Young Offenders. We operate a work release program for women in the West Detention Centre. At 77 River Street we have a Community Service Order (CSO) Program serving clients mandated to perform CSO hours by the courts. There are approximately 800 clients in this program on a given day. We feel that the availability of Legal Line Guides at these work sites will be of great benefit to our clients.

    Hugh Osler
    Executive Director

    The Salvation Army / Court Services

  • "Please forward us an ample supply of your Guides. We have found that the community has benefited from your legal guide.

    Lakeshore Community Police Station

    Peel Regional Police

  • "I discovered the Legal Line as part of my job. Your brochures are a very useful adjunct to our Law Postings Section which I look after. Patrons find them very helpful - we run out of them very quickly. We appreciate the service.

    Stephanie Ledger
    Public Service Assistant

    Toronto Reference Library

  • "Thanks for sending us 5 posters. We we would like 250 more.

    Beverley Goodison

    Tilbury Information and Help Centre

  • "Is it possible that pamphlets could be delivered for the wives and families of the deployed members.

    Jim McNeil, Family Services
    Deployment Support NCO, 3 Squadron

    Canadian Forces Joint Signal Regiment

  • "Great website for law 'THIRSTY MINDS'. The information that is provided to people 'thirsting' for information is invaluable. The info snipets are useful, and necessary for people who want quick answers. Congratulations, and continue the good work !

    Vince Scaramuzza, B.A., LL.B., J.D.
    Barrister & Solicitor

    Law Office of Vince Scaramuzza

  • "I am requesting the guides on behalf of all our managers. Legal Line is an excellent resource for everyone. The categories of information listed is well organized and easy to access. Pre-recorded information in the voice system is clear and easy to understand.

    Shawnee Soong
    Manager, Employee and Resources

    Canadian Red Cross

  • "We are co-located with Ontario Works. Our staff and our clients at HRDC find Legal Line to be an excellent service.

    Sharon Charlebois
    Employment & Insurance Officer

    Human Resources Development Canada

  • "I find Legal Line informative and useful when dealing with the public. We receive numerous requests regarding legal information, and your Guide is an excellent resource.

    DC Dan Webber

    North Bay Police Force

  • "'Kinna-aweya' is the Ojibway word meaning 'everyone'. Our community legal clinic is an independent organization with an all-Aboriginal Board of Directors and we are funded by Legal Aid Ontario. We run a busy legal clinic. This is like homework. I was sent an information package from Pardons Canada. Your complete resources will help our office to refer to Legal Line, in order to offer more specific referrals. We will distribute your flyers to our clients, as well as the public.

    Renee Belisle

    Kinna Aweya Legal Clinic

  • "I would like 200 free Legal Line posters.

    Jeannie McLean, Clinical Therapist
    Addiction Services / Nova Scotia

    Fisherman's Memorial Hospital

  • "Please send 200 copies of your Legal Line Guide. We are located in conjunction with HRDC Walkerton Office and deal with a wide diversity of clients. We would like to have these copies for our general community board and as a handout to clients in need of these numbers.

    Patricia Boyd
    Resource Centre Manager

    Walkerton Community Employment Resource Centre (WCERC)

  • "I have tried Legal Line and the brochure, and am impressed. I would like to become a Reviewing Lawyer.

    Neil Milton, LL.B.
    Business & Technology Lawyers

    Milton, Geller LLP

  • "One of the components of our program is a free Family Law Information Session offered to residents of Peel. We would like to make your brochure available to participants.

    Shelley Stirling-Boyes, Intake & Referral Coordinator
    Peel Family Mediation and Parent Education Program

    Peel Family Mediation Services

  • "I have called in and listened, and I have also logged on to access the information offered. The topics I chose were presented clearly, professionally and completely. I feel that this service is invaluable to the public to obtain legal information.

    John Starzynski
    Volunteer Executive Director

    Ontario Bar Assistance Program (OBAP)

  • "I am teaching an OAC (grade 13) law class. My students would like to receive your brochure.

    Mark Buck

    Bayview Secondary School

  • "Thank you for sending me the package. Our legal clinic is busy. Could you send me about 10 times more ?

    Norma Patenaude, Intake Co-ordinator
    Legal Aid Ontario

    McQuesten Legal & Community Services

  • "Legal Line will be a very useful resource for our centre, and a great information piece for our clients / members.

    Waseem Ejaz, Consultant
    YMCA Scarborough Northeast

    Employment Resource Centre

  • "A Community Service Order (C.S.O.) is a community based sentencing option utilized by the courts, whereby an offender is mandated to perform a determined number of hours of community service at a non-profit organization. It allows those individuals who have committed minor offences to remain in the community rather than go to jail. They are people with an interest in paying their debt to society by working in their community. Some common offences include theft, shoplifting, break and enter and assault. Please mail me 300 Legal Line flyers.

    Cindy Ferguson, Youth CSO Coordinator
    Simcoe & Muskoka

    John Howard Society

  • "This free website and call-in service will be a helpful first step for people coming into contact with the criminal justice system. It will assist them in assessing the seriousness of charges, the nature of the offence in issue, and whether they will need a lawyer to assist them in dealing with the matter. The information provided by Legal Line should reduce some of the stress and anxiety of being involved in the court system by providing basic information to aid in understanding a difficult situation.

    Steven Skurka, B.A., LL.B. / Leslie Pringle, B.A., LL.B.
    Certified by the Law Society as a Specialist in Criminal Litigation

    Skurka & Pringle Law Office

  • "Please forward the most recent Guides.

    D’Arcy J. Hiltz, LL.B.

    Hiltz Szigeti LLP, Barristers & Solicitors

  • "We have received a copy of your Guide and think that it is an excellent publication. Legal Line resources will be most beneficial to those clients who require general information regarding legal issues, as opposed to actual legal advice.

    Deborah Lockey
    Area Office Administrator

    Legal Aid Ontario

  • "I would appreciate more guides for my office.

    Dr. L. Grover
    Family Doctor

  • "I also learned of Legal Line off a web-link from Baylis Medical Canada. Due to the issue of court matters for some of our community members, this information will be useful for us as workers, and for those we contact in our community.

    Juanita Parent
    Child Protection Worker

    The Children's Aid Society of Brant

  • "On behalf of our Chief of Police for the City of Rothesay, please ship us 500.

    Stephen N. McIntyre
    Chief of Police

    New Brunswick Regional Police Force

  • "I was fortunate enough to obtain your Legal Line brochure at the Scarborough Women's Centre when on an agency visit. Family Residence is a shelter that serves a population of over 650 people of which at any given time in their lives requires legal advice. Legal issues range from Landlord & Tenant, Immigration, Custody as well as Criminal issues. This will be an excellent resource for our clients and staff alike.

    Nicola Forde, Outreach Support Worker / Family Residence
    Community & Neighbourhood Services

    City of Toronto

  • "Malton is a very multicultural, demographically dense community that is a first home to many newcomers to Canada. We are appreciative of your new website, however, there are many more people in the community who do not have internet access, or prefer to 'listen' rather then 'read'. We, therefore, would like to request about 5,000 of your related legal posters so that our members may call in and listen to answers from any telephone.

    Ricardo Gascon
    Manager, Community Services

    Malton Neighbourhood Services

  • "It is absolutely wonderful. Please send 5,000.

    Gerardo Hernandez
    Immigration and Settlement Counsellor

    Social Development Council & Community Centre

  • "We have found Legal Line guides to be well received. The public seems to particularly like the breakdown of components of the law and find it less intimidating than the old Dial-a-Law brochures from a few years ago.

    Joan Girot
    Government Document Librarian

    Richmond Hill Public Library

  • "Our Union is the largest union in several key sectors of Canada’s economy, including forestry, energy, telecommunications and media. The union’s 110,000 members work at a wide variety of jobs in hundreds of different workplaces across the country. CEP’s main activities include negotiating better wages, benefits and working conditions, protecting jobs, achieving equality, grievance representation, union education, organizing new members, political action, strengthening national and international ties. We have 25 Stewards who represent the workers in their respective areas / departments. Because your legal pamphlet contains information that benefits these workers, it seems like a good idea to make them available to the Stewards.

    Doreen McKay, Executive Director
    Local 1701

    Communication, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada

  • "We operate a Women's Emergency Shelter and 2nd Stage Housing. We will provide these Guides to women that use our services. Often, they have witnessed crimes, or are victims themselves. Sometimes they are charged also. I learned about Legal Line when I searched Google for 'Legal advice in Ontario'. It is a wonderful service, enabling people who cannot afford a lawyer to find out about legal issues.

    Donna Kroocmo
    Executive Director

    Aitkokan Crisis Centre

  • "I would like 200 posters.

    Murray Logan

    John Howard Society, Regina SK

  • "We received the Legal Line brochure from the Employment Services Information Warehouse and we would like to display the brochure in our resources area. The YMCA Markham Business Centre opened in June, 1999 to provide individuals with the support and skills necessary to succeed in starting a small business. We offer programs and services to York Region entrepreneurs. We would like to have at least 200 brochures.

    Margaret Wong
    Customer Service Administrator


  • "We would appreciate receiving 1,000 pamphlets. I will share them with our local O.P.P. Detachment, and our Emergency Services office.

    Brenda Harper
    Police Services

    Terrace Bay Police Services

  • "I had the opportunity to meet with someone from Pardons Canada who provided us information on this service. Please send 600 guides.

    Penny Contreras
    Community Developer

    Family Services Durham

  • "I recently obtained one of your Legal Line guides and we have found it invaluable. Please send us our maximum allowable allowance of additional guides.

    P.C. Laurel Barnett
    Police Constable

    Halton Regional Police Service

  • "Could I please have 25 Legal Line Guides so that I may share them around my office ?

    Population and Public Health Branch, Ontario Region

    Health Canada

  • "I have a very old copy of a fold up Legal Line brochure and it is worn out from good use. We have two (2) offices and we help people who are in the process of becoming an entrepreneur. Please mail us a box of your newest version.

    Kim Fraser
    Program Officer

    Enterprise Renfrew County

  • "Please mail us 200 Guides for our clients.

    Judy Cargill

    Ministry of Northern Development & Mines

  • "Our family operates a funeral home in North Toronto and we serve many families who have concerns prior to and after death. Issues arise such as housing, wills & estates, landlord & tenant and of course, tax concerns. Many of the issues our families and their estate representatives must deal with are effectively sub-titled on your legal hand-outs. Immediately, I thought that we should provide them to every family we serve. We will also be including the guide in all our pre-planning kits that families request from us daily.

    Philip G. Crawford
    Vice President & Director of Pre-Planning

    Bedford Funeral Services

  • "I would like to request 3,000-5,000 access Guides for distribution within our seven (7) Human Resource Canada Centre management areas of the Greater Toronto Area.

    Elaine Stina, Programs & Services Officer
    Toronto Programs Group

    Human Resources Development Canada

  • "The Integrated Service Delivery Division of the Ontario MCBS has a mandate to provide the public with customer-focused, single window, accessible services. Under this mandate, MCBS has developed a web site that organizes information around events that occur in a person's life, which is hosted on the government of Ontario's central site. We would appreciate your assistance in keeping the link to your site relevant.

    Melanie Goldhar, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister
    Integrated Service Delivery Division

    Ministry of Consumer and Business Services (MCBS)

  • "Trillium Health Centre is a hospital serving residents of Peel Region and Etobicoke. I came across Legal Line in the Government community resource information guide (The Blue Book) while looking for legal resources for a patient. I have found this to be an excellent resource which provides basic legal information on a level understandable by a layperson.

    Richard Hundert
    Social Worker

    Trillium Health Centre

  • "One of our JAG legal officers would like 100 copies of your Guide.

    Barbara McCue
    JAG Library, Main Law Library, Constitution Building

    Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG)

  • "In all of my years, I have never witnessed such a thorough and complete list of resources that we truly benefit from having access to. I expect that the Legal Line team is receiving high accolades for producing and maintaining such a much needed service.

    Patty Gardner, Adminstrative Assistant
    The Salvation Army

    Correctional and Justice Services

  • "I am a webmaster for The Advocates' Society - a voice to the judicial system. I would like to link your site to ours.

    Eduard Matijas, Webmaster
    A voice to the Judicial System'

    The Advocates' Society

  • "I work with the Provincial Offences Act (POA) Courts. Please send me 4 boxes of posters for our busy location. They are a perfect all-in-one help guide.

    Denise Thompson, Administrative Assistant
    POA Courts / Niagara Falls

    Provincial Offences Court

  • "Our office recently received a copy of Legal Line. It is an excellent resource. They are very well organized and your website is easy to use.

    Penny McVicar
    Executive Director

    Victim Services of Brant

  • "I found out about this through 211 Toronto... after a request for information from a client.

    Adele Gould
    Social Worker

    The Arthritis Society

  • "Legal Line will be a definite asset for clients, especially low income, looking for general legal information.

    Lynne Lessard-White
    Client Services Advisor

    Ministry of Northern Development and Mines

  • "I am writing to you as a consultant on behalf of the Department of Justice Canada. The goals of this initiative are to catalogue what PLE Youth Justice material is available in Canada, and to create a central inventory that will promote public access. I would be happy to receive additional copies of Legal Line.

    Joelle Martin, B.A., LL.B.

    Public Legal Education Association of Canada (PLEAC)

  • "Congratulations to Legal Line. As an HCLA member herself, Antree has done an exemplary job. Through these free Legal Line services, Canadian residents have easy access to the laws under which they are governed, helping them to make informed decisions. I received a sample Legal Line Guide polybagged with my Ontario Reports and I was very proud to be one of her fellow Greek compatriots when I opened up the map and saw first hand how spectacular a service Antree has created.

    Penny Rounis, LL.B.

    Hellenic Canadian Lawyers Association (HCLA)

  • "Please send us FREE Guides for our busy legal clinic.

    Salome Costa

    Kensington Bellwoods Community Legal Services

  • "Legal Line was drawn to our attention by one of our fellow Government Information Centres so we decided to browse your website. Please provide us with some Guides that we can put out in our display area for client interest.

    Kathy Townsend
    Client Services Representative

    Government Information Centre

  • "Matt Stone and I are both newly called members of the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC). As such, we are planning to conduct weekly community legal seminars on various subjects that would provide the Aboriginal communities in the surrounding area with some basic legal information. We expect the attendance for each seminar to be between 50 to 100 people. Your information pamphlets would be an immensely valuable tool to use in our seminars.

    Terence Robinson, LL.B. / Matt Stone, LL.B.

    Law Office

  • "I looked up your web address and found it to be very useful.

    Denis Douaire
    Member, Family Counselling Centre

    New Beginnings at St. Timothys

  • "The feedback we have received from women using your services has been exceptionally positive. Women have stated that lawyer referrals have been helpful and the fact that your service is accessible 24 hours/day is critical to their process of gaining information and knowledge about the law. Your service reduces the barriers women face in finding appropriate legal assistance. Thank you for your invaluable efforts and support in assisting us to work with women in conflict with the law.

    Laurie Charlton, M.S.W.
    Drug and Alcohol Program Worker

    Elizabeth Fry Society

  • "I received the Legal Line brochure in the mail recently with the Lawyers' Professional Indemnity Company (LPIC) Practice Pro material. I have been practicing litigation for 12 years and I sit twice a month as a Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) judge. To say that your brochure contained a plethora of useful material would be an understatement !

    Jonathan Pitblado, LL.B., Judge
    Pitblado & Associates

    Supreme Court of Canada (SCC)

  • "Our staff speak 20 languages collectively and we serve immigrants of all age groups. The Legal Line poster is very useful and we would like to get some more. Is it possible to send us an additional 100 copies (or even more) so that we can distribute them to clients who attend our workshops ?

    Fidelia Lam, Employment Coordinator

    Centre for Information and Community Services (CICS)

  • "Please end me FREE Guides for my clients and co-workers. Legal Line is a valuable public service and it promotes access to lawyers.

    Jeanne Joly, Sr. Program Support Assistant
    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

    Public Guardian & Trustee

  • "The OSL was formed in 1913 by a group of business and community leaders in response to the increasing threats to public safety brought about by the automobile. Our mission is to reduce preventable deaths, injuries and destruction on Ontario’s roads through public education and safety awareness. Today, the League is recognized as one of North America’s leading traffic safety organizations. We provide the general public with safety information and safety-based programs, including Elmer the Safety Elephant for children, and a range of safety courses and services for the transportation industry. I request a box (large quantity) of Legal Line, so that we may distribute them in all our courses, and through our community education booths.

    Valerie Wililams
    Operations Manager

    Ontario Safety League (OSL)

  • "I have used Legal Line information to serve our clients. It is very helpful. Please send 1,000 more copies.

    Mufan Wang
    WoodGreen Community Centre of Toronto

  • "I obtained an individual guide from a friend of mine, and thought it would make a valuable addition to the small core collection of material I keep for our department.

    Salvatore Crisanti
    Research Assistant

    Legislative Research, Legislative Assembly of Ontario

  • "Congratulations to your organization on the publication of the Legal Line Guide received in our office. We were very impressed with the comprehensive categories and supporting contact numbers. Thank you for the opportunity to benefit from your publication.

    Gail Scala, Communications Manager
    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

    Province of Ontario, Special Investigations Unit (SIU)

  • "I first became aware of Legal Line via my local legal clinic. Your site has been informative not only for our organization, but also for our members who have questions regarding family law issues.

    Bronwyn Balley
    Single Family Support Group

  • "We have 12 different locations so I would like to request 12 boxes of posters.

    Janice Tuling, BA, MSW / Settlement Worker and Resources Development
    Centre for Information and Community Services (CICS)

    Immigrant Resource Centre (IRC)

  • "I think that this is an invaluable resource and that our clients would certainly benefit from this information.

    Ellen Armstrong, Eligibility Review Officer
    Ontario Works

    Department of Social Services

  • "Please send us 200 free Legal Line Guides.

    Angelina Mihaljcic
    Immigrant Adjustment Settlement Program Manager

    Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre

  • "It has been a pleasure to watch your site continue to grow in topics. Your site always looks sharp and is fast to browse. That's great. For christmas, I have mailed a copy of Legal Line out to each of my clients and I stapled my business car right to the Tax Law section. I wrote a note to "Call me if you have ant questions". They loved it !

    Kirpal S. Bhogal, C.A.
    Tax Specialist

    Chartered Accountant

  • "Please provide our office with updated legal pamphlets.

    Kathee Elder
    Legal Services Department Secretary

    Hamilton Police Service

  • "We at Victim Services have found your Legal Line documents to be a most useful resource. A copy is at each desk as a resource for staff and volunteers. We had an occasion recently whereby we were able to access a lawyer through Legal Line for a victim involved in an extremely serious domestic violence situation. We were able to use Legal Line to connect her with an experienced, knowledgeable lawyer who was able to have the court order withdrawn. It is a pleasure to work with you. Your enthusiasm for and knowledge of your product is truly inspiring.

    Lynda Vickers, Executive Director
    Victim Services Program of Toronto, Inc.

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "Please forward 5 Boxes of your legal guides to our office.

    Doug Bernardi, Sgt. # 4538
    Aurora Telecommunications Unit

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "The Law Foundation of Ontario is leading an innovative project to improve 'Access to Justice' for people who do not speak English or French, or for those who live in rural or remote communities of Ontario. The project will recommend how the Law Foundation, working in partnership with other organizations, can make a strategic investment in access to justice in these areas. We want to hear Legal Line's perspectives and ideas.

    George Thomson and Karen Cohl
    Project Leaders

    The Law Foundation of Ontario

  • "My project aims to produce a comprehensive teachers' guide in support of secondary school instruction in the area of Canadian law. We have created a current and contemporary resource guide. Accordingly, we are writing to request your permission to link to your website because we feel it is a valuable resource for teachers and students.

    Rose Dotten
    Project Leader & Director, Library and Information Services

    University of Toronto Schools

  • "Given the high cost currently of legal services and the paucity of legal information available to the general public, Legal Line is very worthwhile and should be strongly supported.

    Delee A. Fromm, LL.B.
    Barristers & Solicitors - Patent & Trade-Mark Agents

    McCarthy Tetrault Law Firm

  • "We have 2 very busy campuses. Please send more Legal Line flyers.

    Mark Grant, Support Services Officer
    St. James Campus / www.citicollege.ca

    The City College

  • "On behalf of our sales team at Royal LePage / Johnston & Daniel Division, I would like to commend you on a very impressive information pamphlet. The user-friendly format, quality and content superceded our expectations. I am confident our vast client base will find this inventive tool both helpful and informative.

    Catherine Moore

    Royal LePage Estate Services Ltd.

  • "CNW is the first place the media and financial markets look for news releases from Canadian organizations. We would like to make your guide available to our entire staff.

    Office Manager

    CNW Canada NewsWire

  • "Thank you for sending our centre information on Legal Line for us to distribute. Please provide us with 250 more at your convenience.

    Linda Robitaille, Customer Service Agent
    Minden, ON


  • "We are a privately held Ontario company which employs approximately 350 people, manufacturing and distributing steel tubing throughout Canada. We would like 400 copies.

    Barry Sonshine
    Employee Relations

    Welded Tube of Canada Limited

  • "A copy of your excellent Legal Line fold-out pamphlet was received by one of our workers at the Youth Mosaic at Emery Collegiate. What an excellent layout, easy to read / use format ! Your brochure would be a definite asset to our centre. Please send one box at your earliest convenience.

    Judy Pagliuca, Employment Resource Centre
    Office of Judy Hoy, Commissioner

    City of Toronto, Community & Neighbourhood Services

  • "I recently received a copy of the Legal Line directory and had an opportunity to listen to many of the pre-recorded information segments offered through your service. I also read a great deal on your website. I must say I was very impressed with your service for a number of reasons. The feature I liked the best is that the information was explained in simple, easy to understand terms for the average layman, yet also dealt with issues that can become complex when examined in detail. Another important factor is the accuracy of the legal information, especially when explaining complicated matters. Legal Line has very successfully balanced the dilemma of providing general information about specific legal issues, without providing information that is so specific to a particular person or group of persons that it has no significance for most people. I have no hesitation in recommending the Legal Line service to my clients, and in addition, I am offering my time to join your list of 'reviewing lawyers'.

    Paul Quance, B.A., LL.B.
    Criminal Lawyer

    Law Office of Paul Quance

  • "We operate a General Practitioner Law Firm. Your Guides are very helpful to our clients, and they always pick them up in our waiting room.

    Eric A. Fincher, LL.B.

    Troyan & Fincher, Barristers and Solicitors

  • "As Canada's premier 'business intelligence' agency, we are retained routinely to handle the most complex assignments worldwide. I feel that Legaline.ca is a tremendous tool for Canadian residents and businesses alike.

    Robert H. Woodman, CFE
    President, Certified Fraud Examiner

    Berkeley International Intelligence Inc.

  • "Please send 50 copies.

    Maria Romaschin

    Dundas West Centre

  • "Please send 20 posters.

    Shirley Clory
    Clerk of the Court

    Georgetown Provincial Court

  • "I will make your flyers available to people attending a seminar on Wills & Estates. I find that, frequently, during an initial telephone conversation, a caller is pleased to hear about Legal Line and readily takes your website so that he or she can become informed about the law in a particular area.

    Lois I. Tesluk, LL.B
    Barristers & Solicitors

    Law Chambers of Harris, Fletcher, Tesluk Associates

  • "We provide resource services, employment and job developing counselling and assistance to our clients, most of whom have legal issues and questions of some kind. We try to provide all resources possible to assist our clients, yours being one of our favourites. We have 3 offices in the Parry Sound District and I would like to order 3 boxes of the Legal Line posters (one for each office).

    Debby Roney
    Information Resource Specialist / Counsellor

    District of Parry Sound Employment Services Inc.

  • "Findhelp Information Services operates the 211 HELP LINE for Toronto, and also five (5) other 211 cities in Ontario. Our staff finds your brochure extremely useful. Please send another 60 copies for our staff.

    Andre Paradis
    Director, Community Information and Training Services

    Findhelp Information Services

  • "If I can enlighten one person as to their Rights and aid them in their search, then my job is a success. I found your web site by searching for information regarding the Highway Traffic Act. Please send 200 guides.

    Katherine MacDonald
    Provicial Government Liaison

    Bikers Rights Organization

  • "I discovered Legal Line a few weeks ago, by accident, and was thrilled that there was such a document in existence. Customers come to me on a daily basis, so thirsty for information on issues of which I have no information at all. It appears that you have done considerable research before printing this document, as every single bit of information is of value.

    A. Hoyte, Office Administrator
    Family Court

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "The Domestic Violence / Sexual Assault Treatment Program is interested in obtaining copies of your legal Guide. You have done a very complete job in simplifying an overwhelming mass of material.

    Melanie Hinton,
    H.B.A. Cert. (Med.)

    Sudbury Regional Hospital

  • "If they are still available, I'd like to request 50 Legal Line posters.

    Shannon Barraclough, Employment Specialist
    Strategic Employment Solutions

    March of Dimes Canada / York Region

  • "I have listened to the pre-recorded legal information for half an hour and find it very interesting. The speed of the message is good and the voices are clear. Your information will be good for the parents of our children, most of whom I expect might prefer to call-in and 'listen', rather than to 'read it' off the internet.

    Rebecca LI
    Lead Teacher

    The York Catholic District School Board

  • "I was fortunate enough to meet Ian Levine from your office at the 21st Century Youth Mosaic Job Fair and Jane/Finch, Weston/Finch Community Celebration. I must say that I was extremely impressed with the services you are offering. The breadth of scope and the ease of access you are providing will make your agency a very helpful - and I am sure quite popular - referral source for the clients we serve. Via our 3 separate locations, we service upwards of 2,000 clients per year, many of whom are confronting legal challenges in a variety of arenas. With this in mind, I am hoping that you can send me a box of 2,000 pamphlets.

    Rick Eckley
    Educational Coordinator

    Youth Clinical Services

  • "I am requesting 12,000 pamphlets in total, to be distributed to each of the four places listed on our letterhead (3,000 per location). Our Centre sees approximately 14,200 clients per year with addiction and/or mental health issues. I have tried Legal Line and think it is PERFECT.

    Lyn Watkin-Merek
    Service Manager

    Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

  • "Our program just received a Legal Line pamphlet via Pardons Canada and we would like more. I manage the Community Service Order Program in Peterborough, which is a program of the Community Counselling and Resource Centre.

    Joanne Fulford

    Community Counselling & Resource Centre

  • "I obtained a copy of Legal Line from a client who got it from an English as a Second Language (ESL) class he attended. The more I reviewed it, the more I am amazed at how well thought out, comprehensive and resourceful it is.

    Eva Wilkinson-Knight
    Senior Facilitator

    Centre for Foreign Trained Professionals & Tradespeople

  • "An employee enlightened us with your legal brochure... which contains a great deal of information on many subjects. I feel that we, as a company, would benefit if we can have these brochures available for all our employees. We can also affix some on the walls in our common areas. We have approximately 1,200 staff, with our employees allocated across two local sites.

    Devlin Finlay
    Employee Relations Specialist

    Convergys Customer Management Canada Inc.

  • "Would like to receive 20 of your Legal Line posters please.

    Mr. Kelly Mitchell, Employment Consultant
    Oshawa, Midtown Mall Upper Level

    Ontario Works Region of Durham Social Services

  • "We are a private marriage and family counselling centre founded in 1971. We have 15 therapists, some of whom specialize in mediation, addiction, child and adolescent issues, and so on. ... would like to order a box of your posters.

    David Copelin

    The Institute of Family Living

  • "The Integrated Service Delivery Division of the Ontario MCBS has a mandate to provide the public with customer-focused, single window, accessible services. Under this mandate, MCBS has developed a web site that organizes information around events that occur in a person's life, which is hosted on the government of Ontario's central site. We would appreciate your assistance in keeping the link to your site relevant.

    Melanie Goldhar, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister
    Integrated Service Delivery Division

    Ministry of Consumer and Business Services

  • "We very much appreciated your presentation. I am certain that Legal Line will be a very useful tool to our workers and clients alike; Therefore, we are requesting 500 copies.

    Roy Isherwood, Residential Supervisor
    Emergency Shelter

    The Salvation Army

  • "We have been distributing Legal Line flyers since before i started working here. We stock over 400 varieties of community flyers and hand them out in bulk to fellow Social Service Provider Agencies. We always seem to run out of your flyers the fastest. We are now hoping you will send us about 3,000 replenishment copies for our very busy information warehouse.

    Dave Brown
    Warehouse Outreach Worker

    Employment Services Information Warehouse

  • "I am requesting 600 free guides. I find them informative and useful when dealing with the public, as we receive numerous requests regarding legal information and your Guide is an excellent resource.

    P.C. Dan Webber
    Police Constable, Detective

    North Bay Police Service

  • "... for use in our office, and for our clients - both adult and young offenders.

    Probation and Parole Services

    Ministry of Correctional Services

  • "Please send 500 Legal Line flyers.

    Elaine Mischkot, Administrative Assistant
    Domestic Violence Court

    Victim Witness Assistance Program / Courthouse

  • "I originally learned of Legal Line when I received a guide with a copy of the Ontario Reports. My practice consists primarily of criminal defense, however I also deal in real estate transactions and Wills and Estate administration. It will be appreciated if you forward 100 copies of the Legal Line Guide.

    Richard J. Aitken, B.A., LL.B.

    Aitken Robertson, Barristers & Solicitors

  • "Norfolk County O.P.P. request as many guides as would be allowed for availability to the public and to our officers. We have 120 people working in the building and approximately 200 people through the office daily.

    Police Constable M.A. Burns (PC 4368)
    Norfolk Detachment

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "We would like 500 copies.

    Christine Warfield
    Career Counsellor

    Y.E.S. Youth Employment Service

  • "Newcomers need the most information possible about government programs and services like yours to make their life easier. Please send 200 guides.

    Danielle Proulx
    ESL Teacher

    Culture Link

  • "There are many people out there with all kinds of legal questions but are afraid to call a lawyer. Reasons may vary from costs, trust or uncertainty. Your service provides a potential client with insight, or food for thought, before deciding to pursue legal action.

    P.C. Frank Delio
    Police Constable #482

    Toronto Police Service - 42 Division

  • "Legal Line is ideal for my grade 12 law class. It is a great resource for the classroom.

    Allen Fobsinger

    Regina Mundi Catholic College

  • "We are about to have an internal Board meeting, and we would like to make certain all present are aware of your excellent service. Please send me 60 posters.

    Sandy Ubohy
    Confidential Secretary

    Algoma District Services Administration Board

  • "The information available on Legal Line will be useful as a reference tool for those in need of information on legal issues.

    Carole Walsh, Coordinator
    Toronto Employment Resource Centre

    Human Resources Development Canada

  • "I would like to receive 100 free Legal Line Guides to distribute at my organization.

    Joanne Gareau
    Employment Counsellor

    Employment Resource Centre West / Ottawa

  • "I congratulate you on this innovative idea and wish you great success. It looks and sounds really great.

    Allan Goodman, LL.B.
    Securities and Corporate Lawyer

    Goodmans, Barristers & Solicitors LLP

  • "Please send 25 of your free Legal Line Guides...

    Ruth LeBar
    The Fairlawn Neighbourhood Centre

  • "Dial 311 'Access Toronto' receives 30,000 calls every week from people looking for legal advice and assistance. We provide information for the City of Toronto and have always had your number in our database to give to people. We constantly refer people to your website so they can get the straight answers they need.

    Chris Chandler
    Information Liaison Officer

    The City of Toronto

  • "Please send us 200 Legal Line pamphlets.

    Marin Leduc

    COSTI Employment Resource Centre

  • "Ship us 4 boxes of Legal Line posters please.

    Anne-Marie C. Unwin
    Job Connect

    College Boreal

  • "I am requesting 200 flyers.

    Jane Smith, Database Administrator
    Business Information Centre

    The Consumer Centre

  • "I just received your very powerful Legal Line posters. They are very helpful to our office. Keep up the good work.

    Connie Burke, Office Administrator
    Burlington Detachment

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "I am writing on behalf of the ALAS. We think that your guides will be helpful to our clients who often have legal concerns surrounding copyright issues on their creations. We expect to need about 100 guides.

    Vandana Taxali
    Artists Legal Advice Service (ALAS)

    Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency

  • "I am a Trade Services Officer with C.C.R.A., and I am also a Referral Agent in our Employee Assistance (EAP) Program. I would appreciate 25 guides.

    Carol Convery
    Trade Services Officer, EAP Program

    Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)

  • "On a daily basis our office serves many clients that are in dire need of legal help and/or information to help them with difficult situations in their day-to-day life. The Courthouse in which we work, houses the offices of the Superior, Criminal, Civil, Family, Small Claims, and Provincial Offences and we have ALL found your poster to be very helpful to EACH of us. We are now down to our last few boxes and hope that you will be able to supply us with 4,000 more which will hopefully keep us going for the next little while.

    Sabrina R. Ellis, Senior Secretary
    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

    Crown Attorney's Office, District of Parry Sound

  • "Kindly send your legal brochures to my office so that I may distribute them.

    D. Grant Fedorak, LL.B.
    Barrister, Solicitor, Notary

    Law Office of D. Grant Fedorak

  • "Please send me over 2 more boxes ofLegal Line posters.

    Krystal Garry
    Acting Office Manager

    West Toronto Community Legal Services

  • "The Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychoses (PEPP) is a community focused mental health program which provides prompt assessment and comprehensive, phase-specific medical and psychosocial treatment for individuals experiencing their first episode of psychosis. PEPP is based at London Health Sciences Centre and affiliated with the University of Western Ontario. The program serves the city of London and Middlesex County, a predominantly urban catchment area of approximately 390,000. I picked up your pamphlets at the library. I think that it is an excellent service. As a social worker, I am asked all sorts of questions and your service allows me to access information easily. I will distribute the guides to all of the social workers, case managers and psychiatrists. I will also put some guides in the waiting room areas.

    Lori Hassall, Social Worker
    PEPP Program, University of Western Ontario

    London Health Sciences Centre

  • "I request 200 Legal Line Guides for use with the Grade 12 and OAC law students. I feel that your guide will act as an excellent introduction point for the students. I am particularly impressed with the fact that Legal Line can be accessed by voice or computer, making this information easily accessible to all my students from school or home.

    Dave Russell

    Dunbar High School

  • "Mr. Don Redekop, Chief Instructor, has had the opportunity to sample the Highway Traffic Act and Consumer Law - Insurance sections of your help line, and found it to be a very useful service. Founded in 1971, the member companies of the MMIC account for over 90 percent of all the new motorcycles and scooters sold in Canada. I would like to obtain 1,000 Legal Line Guides to give out to our rider training students.

    Robert Ramsay
    Executive Director

    Motocycle & Moped Industry Council (MMIC)

  • "Since meeting Ian several years ago, and first being introduced to your services, I have re-ordered your pamphlet many times... for the staff in the office to use with assisting their clients.

    Kathryn Breau
    Eligibility Review Officer

    Prince Edward, Lennox & Addington Social Services

  • "We are a community based non-profit organization helping people with mental health difficulties. During the course of our work it has been our experience that legal issues arise often, and your website has been found to be very helpful.

    Wayne Eric Doyle
    Community Support Worker

    Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

  • "Please forward a supply of your Legal Line Guides.

    Vivian Layne-Parkiin
    Office Administrator

    Legal Aid Ontario - Northumberland County Office

  • "Please send me 27 copies of your large fold-out Guide.

    Lesley Farrar
    Clerical Administrator

    The Co-Operators Insurance Company

  • "Thank you for filling my request for more Legal Line brochures. I find them quite handy and they are prominently displayed in my reception area. I similarly send them out in my real estate reporting letters on client sales, as well as wills and estates. When I am asked for background information on estates, wills and powers of attorney, I refer my clients to the Legal line website by providing the Legal Line brochure. Earlier this year, I sent a promotional letter to real estate agents and mortgage agents about my services and I included a Legal Line brochure. I have made further use by giving clients the brochure to make them aware of basic legal facts on a subject rather than an office interview, particularly if it is in an area I don't deal with regularly. If permissible, I will link to Legal Line.

    George W. Taylor, Lawyer
    Barrister & Solicitor

    George W. Taylor, Q.C.

  • "I have had a look at the Legal Line Guide. If I could possibly get 80 copies for my three (3) law classes. I see your service as a very useful tool in answering typical questions for high school students.

    Fran Meyers
    Business Department

    Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute

  • "The information on your website is wonderful. We linked from the University of Idaho website to yours, and have your information available to our faculty, staff and students.

    Chris Bornhoft
    Information Technology Services

    University of Idaho

  • "I attended a workshop at the OAYEC Conference back in 2004 and we have been handing out flyers ever since.

    Carmela Lanzillotti, Job Skills Specialist
    Ontario Association of Youth Employment Centres (OAYEC)

    YMCA Durham Employment Services

  • "We have a copy of your legal publication. Our hospital has a large Information Centre where publications are provided for the public on health issues and social services available. To start us off, a box of 200 of your legal flyers would be appreciated.

    Carol Tullis
    Health Information Centre (HIC)

    Toronto East General Hospital, Volunteer Services

  • "Ian, could you please send me 4 boxes of posters ?

    Rob Morris, Constable
    Nottawasaga Detachment

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "I am representing the Correctional and Justice Service Department. I am presently serving in the Old City Hall Courthouse as the Court Chaplain. I request a box of 400 Legal Line brochures.

    Henri Regamey / Major, Court Chaplain
    The Salvation Army

    Correctional and Justice Services

  • "U.T.E. is broken down into 10 regions and 56 Locals. I am a local president, representing more than 27,000 employees of Canada Revenue Agency. We exist to maintain and advance the workplace rights of our members – a big task in today’s federal public service. Legal Line was promoted in our last year's Summer newsletter, and a special 'Thank You' went to member Ruby Mitchell for providing information regarding your company and the services it provides. I would be grateful if you have any new bulletins regarding your services, which the Local can distribute to our members.

    Anna Gill, Local President
    Union of Taxation Employees (U.T.E.)

    Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)

  • "We had some of your Legal Line Guides before and we found them very useful. Your information is of vital importance to us. Please, we need 1,500 more.

    Carmelita Santos

    Mississauga Library System

  • "These will be distributed in the Ontario Provincial Court of Justice, located in Cornwall, Ontario. I would like to request 500.

    Rena Smoke, Coordinator
    Akwesasne Justice Program

    Ontario Provincial Court

  • "Please send us 250 legal information flyers. They will help us a lot.

    Claudia Legarde
    Thunder Bay Indian Friendship Centre

  • "I would like to have 300 Legal Line posters.

    Jennifer Kirk, Customer Service Agent
    Sault Ste. Marie, ON

    ServiceOntario - Government Information Centre

  • "Such a service being available to Ontario residents is long overdue, and I would like to congratulate you on recognizing such a need and responding to it. I find that the information available on Legal Line is well-rounded, easy to understand, professional and easy to access. Your services, I am sure, will prove to be indispensable to victims' of violent crime that are just beginning to understand a system that they have been forced into... through no fault of their own.

    Erin Hatfield, Research Manager
    Victims of Violence

    Canadian Centre for Missing Children

  • "Legal Line provides a service greatly needed by the Ontario population.

    Linda J. Godel, LL.B.

    Gowlings / Canada's Law Firm

  • "I am interested in being a volunteer 'reviewing lawyer' in the area of Business / Corporate / Commercial law. Enclosed please find a copy of my resume.

    Carolyn Crowe Worthington, LL.B., LL.M.

    Faithful Financial

  • "The lawyers in our office are advisors to the Crown Attorney. With our office located in a Canadian Forces Defence establishment, we have many military members dropping in with questions of a personal nature. As our lawyers are not allowed to assist these individuals, I provide them with a copy of your guide.

    Kathy Gautreau

    Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG)

  • "My team services clients who go through the legal process. We need your flyers !

    Joan McGirr
    Resource Manager

    Region of Ottawa-Carleton, Social Services Department

  • "I would like to place an order for 500 posters. I hope you still have some, and if you have run out, please add me to your list.

    Nancy Rivest
    Employment Consultant

    YMCA Employment Services

  • "Our Student 'Work Abroad' Programme of CFS offers services to approximately 3,000 foreign students per year who come to Canada. We facilitate the arrival and orientation process and act as a resource and help centre for these students. Legal Line flyers are an invaluable tool for us.

    Nami Aoki, Coordinator, www.travelcuts.com
    Student 'Work Abroad' Programme

    The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS)

  • "We have added Legalline.ca into ACJNet Canada-English and have featured your site on our homepage - www.acjnet.org.

    Amy Liu, Legal Resource Centre
    www.legalresourcecentre.ca / www.lawnow.org

    Law Central Alberta

  • "Thank you for asking me to comment on the Legal Line Project. Since I specialize in Immigration Law, I listened to the information given in a number of the Immigration Law areas. The advice was correct. If this service is to be really useful in a city like Toronto, with 52% of the population being immigrants, I think it would be very valuable to have information available in different languages, as I understand you are preparing for.

    Geraldine Sadoway, LL.B.
    Immigration Lawyer, Staff Lawyer

    Parkdale Community Legal Services

  • "We keep a legal resource library here with CLEO and similar documents. Please send 200.

    Kim Porter
    Youth Support Worker

    Youth Drop-In and Resource Centre

  • "I immediately understood the value of this resource tool for my clients. I left the presentation with as many copies of the guide as I could carry, to share them with my fellow employment workers and case managers.

    Pat Houghton
    Employment Counsellor

    City of Hamilton, Social & Public Health Services

  • "Legal Line is very well done. Please mail me free guides for my office.

    Kelly Yerxa, LL.B.
    City Solicitor

    City of Burlington Legal Department

  • "We love your posters ! Could we please have 100 more for our agency? Our motto is 'Recovery, Hope, Dignity'.

    Jodi Helps
    Community Support Worker

    WOTCH Community Mental Health Services

  • "We are funded by the Ministry of Colleges, Training, and Universities. We offer individuals access to information on careers and occupations, the local job market, training opportunities, and job search strategies to successfully find and maintain employment. Please send 300.

    Jennifer Hiddleston
    Information and Referral Services Coordinator

    Employment Connection / Job Connect

  • "Legal Line is providing an important public service -- accurate and easy-to -understand commentary on legal issues -- since the Law Society of Upper Canada vacated that field several years ago. I read Ellen Roseman's Toronto Star article, and was quite impressed with the positive slant of her column. Knowing Ellen for many years, I can honestly state she will only heap accolades on ventures she deeply believes in. Obviously, that is a compliment to you and your staff for a job well done.

    Alan G. Silverstein, B.A., LL.B.

    Law Office Of Alan G. Silverstein

  • "Please fill my request for 400 Legal Line flyers.

    Zynara B. Gaerlan
    Reference Department

    Norfolk Public Library, Simcoe Branch

  • "I attended an Ontario Trucking Association seminar. I work at our Head Office and I would like to provide our HR department with your guides to be made available to each of our 1,100 employees.

    Ailsa Pickford
    Linehaul Controller

    Purolator Courier

  • "We gave 1,000 Legal Line guides out last year and need another 700 at least ! It is a great item for EI claimants whose main purpose is to be looking for work. It is definitely a great resource.

    Helen Spielman
    Resource Centre Co-ordinator

    Human Resources Development Canada

  • "We would like to receive guides (French version, if possible, if not, in English) on your institution.

    Liliane Kvarv
    Director, Employment & Settlement Services

    Centre francophone du Toronto Metropolitan

  • "Ian, could you forward me 500 Legal Line posters if you have any left ?

    Police Constable Chrystal Jones
    Forest Detachment

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "The Centre assists persons who are 40 years of age or older to cope with career changes, and to develop and upgrade necessary skills to obtain employment in an evolving economy. This 3-week program is FREE to participants to update their computer knowledge and job search skills through facilitators assistance. Coordinated by Humber College and funded by HRSDC, we would like to distribute Legal Line to our students.

    Sylvia Stanczyk, Project Assistant
    Centre for Experienced Workers

    Humber College

  • "We visit families with numerous legal needs from 'immigration' to 'custody' and numerous others, and we could certainly benefit these families if we were able to have a stock of your guides in our resource centres in our 2 main offices (Mississauga and Brampton). Our staff consists of over 50 nurses and over 24 family visitors, so a box of 600 would be sufficient to start with. Your guide is a vital resource for us to use in helping the families within the community we serve.

    Betty Roberts, Family Visitor
    Healthy Baby / Healthy Children Program

    Region of Peel

  • "Please send me about 250 more Legal Line pamphlets.

    Norma Patenaude
    Intake Co-ordinator

    McQueston Legal & Community Services

  • "Please forward brochures of your free legal information, directory of lawyers, and Government and agency numbers.

    Sam Rad

    Sam Rad & Associates Legal Services

  • "I think it is a helpful site for small business owners seeking general legal information.

    Susan Mladenovich

    Home and Small Business Association of Durham

  • "I make them available to my clients.

    Harry W. Zahoruk, LL.B.
    Barrister, Solicitor, Notary

    Law Office of Harry W. Zahoruk

  • "Thank you for sending to our organization the free Legal Line posters. If still available, please send 150 more.

    Nancy Mak
    WoodGreen Employment Resource Centre

  • "Ian Levine conducted a presentation for us. Would it be possible to get about 500 flyers ASAP !

    Roxanne Koot
    Ontario Works Division / Norfolk County

  • "We are holding a conference at the Delta Chelsea Hotel in Toronto for our Union Chief Stewards. I would like to obtain 140 copies of your Legal Line Guide to hand out.

    Marianne Vinton
    Communications Department

    Power Workers' Union

  • "We have been handing out Legal Line flyers for years. It is our best resource. The service provides clear information for people who are seeking legal advice. They provide the first step to individuals who may not have any knowledge or access to legal advice. Legal Line guides are prominently placed in ALL of our courthouses in the Simcoe County area.

    Michele Brett, Information & Resource Co-ordinator
    Family Law Information Centre

    Superior Court of Justice

  • "I work with the Risk Management Unit and our purpose is to contribute to the achievement of the Toronto Police Service's priorities and core values. We have found that your guides are very informative and helpful.

    Lorie Santos, Legal Clerk
    Professional Standards - Legal Services

    Toronto Police Service

  • "1,000 voice recordings available 24 hrs. a day over the telephone... What a wonderful service for our seniors or immigrant clients who prefer to 'listen', rather than 'read' on the website. There are numerous people attending our Headquarters and Districts on a daily basis seeking information and guidance with regards to their everyday lives. Legal Line is definitely a wealth of information for them.

    Alice Windsor, Police Constable #5153
    Records & Inquiry Bureau

    York Regional Police

  • "Requesting Guides for our office.

    Glenn Misivrski

    City of Toronto, Fire Services Prevention

  • "We were thrilled to receive the latest Legal Line posters. Would it be possible to send us about another 100 ? These are always a great hit here in our office and last time we tried to order more we missed out as you had depleted your stock. Hopefully this time I am requesting more at the perfect time.

    Pam Vierimaa, Customer Service Agenet
    Iroquois Falls, ON


  • "We operate 8 busy campus locations. Almost half of the Waterloo Region population (47%) have participated in training and education activities at Conestoga. We currently have ... Full-time Students: 9,300 / Apprenticeship Students: 4,000 / Part-time Students: 35,000 / Alumni: 84,000. We think that Legal Line is a very well designed and comprehensive information service. We make your Guide available in our community centre and pass it along to the other community agencies we work with.

    Linda MacLeod
    Administrative Assistant

    Conestoga College

  • "Thank you for the seminar... it was well accepted and the feedback I received proved your presentation was beneficial and meaningful. The pamphlet "Legal Line" is a handy bit of information and it will be made available to those wishing to have a copy for their personal use.

    Sheri Murphy, Volunteer Co-ordinator
    Mimico Correctional Centre

    Ministry of Correctional Services, Government of Ontario

  • "Our Courthouse would like to re-order your free Legal Line pamphlet for our Information Centre. Please send 5 boxes. Our kiosk is very busy and every visitor takes (at least one) of your Legal maps.

    Terri Craig

    Orillia Court of Justice

  • "... would like to request 2000 copies. The staff at the Oshawa Public Library refer to Legal Line on a regular basis for many of our patrons. We have had these guides in previous years available free to our patrons, but in the last year we have gone through them all. Fortunately, we kept one last copy that stays at our Reference Desk and it has been copied so many times that it is now quite worn.

    Tammy Robinson

    Oshawa Public Library

  • "Legal Line masterfully takes the experience of leading professionals and brings their knowledge and experience to a practical level. It is easy to read and the information can be acted upon. A great advancement in access to Canadian law.

    Larry Banack, LL.B., Civil Litigation Specialist
    Chair, Board of Trustees of The Law Foundation

    Bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada

  • "... send copies of your Guide so we may post them around our police station. Also, send us a box of flyers and we will pile them up in our entrance area.

    Mike Taroni

    North Bay Police Association

  • "I hope you still have some posters left. Between 200-300 would be appreciated.

    Sherry L. Deschamps
    Sobriety House Inc.

  • "We have been providing Legal Line information to newcomers for many years. We have come to depend on it.

    Martha Perez
    Specialist, Quality Assurance

    YMCA Newcomer Information Centre

  • "Thank you for the Legal Line pamphlets you sent us. We found the information on them very handy and useful. UACS is a community services agency working primarily for the African-Caribbean community. We hold displays at various public places and believe that the Legal Line pamphlets would be a good source of information to hand out.

    Outreach Assistance

    United Achievers' Community Services (UACS)

  • "We have referenced Legal Line on-air. Please send me 20 more posters for my staff at the radio station.

    Jim Millard
    Chairman, Board of Directors

    FM Radio Storm 107

  • "We have just added a hot-link to your Legal Line site.

    Kris Johnson
    Network Specialist

    USA Immigration Services

  • "The majority of our clients are people who are unrepresented. They make too much income to qualify for legal aid, but are in need of legal assistance. Your pamphlet has been a valuable resource to these people.

    Michele Brett
    Information and Resource Coordinator

    Ministry of the Attorney General, Family Court Division

  • "Please send us an extra 50 copies of the large poster size 24-hour Legal Line Information brochure. My co-worker would like to hand them out at our next Networking meeting.

    Pauline St. Denis-Clancy, Customer Service Agent
    Iroquois Falls, ON


  • "This is a very informative site which will benefit the population we serve, as we are NOT lawyers and cannot answer questions we are often asked.

    Lise St. Georges, Manager
    Court House

    Victim Witness Assistance Program (VWAP)

  • "I am offering to join your impressive list of volunteer 'Reviewing Lawyers'. My Ottawa law firm services include Real Estate Law, Immigration Law, Family Law, Business Law and Patent & Trademark Law.

    Priya Sankarapapa, LL.B.

    Priya V. Sankarapapa Law Office

  • "A Legal Aid representative (invited as a guest speaker) provided us with the information re: Legal Line. The guides will be given to the adult students who need them and also kept in the LINC office as a reference. We have 6 locations.

    Iza Okuniewska, LINC Co-ordinator
    Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Program

    Toronto Catholic District School Board (TDSB)

  • "Legal Line is providing an important public service... accurate and easy-to-understand commentary on legal issues - since the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) vacated that field several years ago. I read Ellen Roseman's Toronto Star article, and was quite impressed with the positive slant of her column. Knowing Ellen for many years, I can honestly state she will only heap accolades on ventures she deeply believes in. Obviously, that is a compliment to you and your staff for a job well done.

    Alan G. Silverstein, A.A., LL.B.
    Law Society Certified Specialist, Real Estate Lawyer

    Law Office of Alan G. Silverstein

  • "We would like to order 75 copies of the Legal Line brochure.

    Marlene MacDonald
    Legal Assistant

    W. Ross Heacock Law Firm

  • "Many of our clients have legal issues for which they need advise. This guide is an excellent resource.

    Erin Baier
    Director, Employment

    YMCA Etobicoke Employment

  • "Several weeks ago, we received for distribution, the Legal Line flyer. This proved so popular that only a few staff members had a chance to even see it. Please, we need more copies immediately. Please send as many as we are allowed to have. We need them FAST.

    Callie Stacey / Rachel Pitch; Senior Librarians
    Fairview Library

    Toronto Public Library

  • "We obtained a Legal Line Guide from a government office. We plan to use the guides in the reception area of our law firm.

    Connie Cargill, LL.B.

    Cargill Kert Law Office LLP

  • "The guides are placed on our information display and are available to everyone.

    Cynthia Dillon
    Rights Advisor, Federal Government

    Psychiatric Patient Advocacy Office

  • "We are impressed with your mandate to provide concise and comprehensive free legal information to the public. Legal Line's broad exposure and easy access to information will help us meet our goal of enhancing the public's ability to understand their rights.

    Jodie Karpf
    Project Manager, Faculty of Law

    University of Ottawa

  • "I chose to attend your workshop at Cannexus, and I must say that it was extremely helpful. I also thought the posters that you brought were excellent, and I would be thrilled to pin them up in our Resource Room.

    Tonya Pomerantz, Employment Consultant
    Ottawa, ON

    Youth Employment Resource Centre

  • "We maintain a pamphlet rack in our foyer for the general public. I'm very pleased that this service is available.

    Patricia Weiler
    Manager, Volunteer and Information Services

    Information Chatham-Kent United Way

  • "I received the Legal Line brochure in the mail with LPIC practice pro material. To say that your brochure contained a plethora of useful material would be an understatement. I have been practicing litigation for 12 years, and I sit twice a month as a Supreme Court of Canada judge. Congratulations on providing a much needed service, and for doing it so well.

    Jonathan Pitblado, LL.B.

    Supreme Court of Canada

  • "We have had your Legal Line Guides for reference in our office for years, and we often run out. Please send 400 more to replenish our supply.

    Gisele Sparling
    Secretary, Algoma Health Unit

    Community Alcohol / Drug Assessment Program

  • "I received Legal Line info when I purchased copies of the Government 'Blue Book'. Please send me 200 copies.

    Marilyn C. Latzel, Program Manager
    Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

    Canada Customs & Revenue Agency (CCRA)

  • "We need more... 500 copies of your brochure will last us about 2 or 3 months.

    Suzanne Poymen

    Legal Aid Ontario - Our Children, Our Future

  • "We would like to order 200 of the Legal Line free guides.

    Melissa Jennings
    Administrative Assistant

    The Workplace County Outreach

  • "Guides are available in our pamphlet resource area, and we also include them in information packages distributed at 'Information Fairs' and public meetings.

    Margaret MacWhirter
    Enquiry Services Co-ordinator

    Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo

  • "The large fold-up poster size is helpful for staff, however, many of our clients would prefer to take a small flyer and put it in their purse or pocket.

    James P. McHugh, Registered Marriage & Family Therapist
    Clinical Supervisor

    Catholic Community Services of York Region

  • "I work in the courthouse. I have been handing out packages of information to persons involved in domestic cases since 2001 and I have always included the Legal Line handout in this program.

    Al Dionne, Detective Constable
    311 Jarvis Street Courthouse

    Court Services / Toronto Police Service

  • "I assist students with their applications for law school.

    Pam Waechter
    Career Advisor

    University of Waterloo

  • "I heard about Legalline.ca in a focus group. Your information will be used to define civil law. Your site provides a useful service.

    Pat Coleman
    Technical Support Analyst

    Legal Aid Ontario

  • "Our organization supports men, women and family. We would appreciate if you could send us more of your 24-hour Legal Line as our staff would really find it helpful for our clients. We currently have 80 staff + volunteers working for our organization and we would kindly appreciate your effort.

    Mala Mangar

    Rexdale Women's Centre

  • "A co-worker gave me your poster. It is an excellent, accessible service offered via phone and the internet. We are located in a high-needs area of Scarborough, and many of our clients have legal issues. I will make them available in our resource centre, and also orient our staff to them so that they will be acutely aware to take advantage of this tremendous resource .

    Candice de Souza, Information and Referral Services Worker
    Job Connect

    Centennial College

  • "I specialize in Criminal Law and I have just reviewed and edited topics 741, 750, 753 & 754. Thank you for allowing me to volunteer my efforts for such a worthy project.

    Nicholas Xynnis, LL.B.
    Criminal Lawyer

  • "We have patients that, due to the nature of their disease, are in the process of estate planning, divorce, and/or guardianship issues, just to name a few. Our staff have also found your flyers very useful, and hope to continue to benefit from your services.

    Kim Barrow, MSW, RSW
    Toronto-Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre

  • "Kindly forward 25 copies of the Legal Line pamphlet.

    Donald W. Upton
    Crown Attorney, Courthouse

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "This centre provides individualized educational support to adults to further their education. We have many courses on Law, Parenting, English and Business. i picked up a copy of your guide as a resource for the students. I have posted the guide in our classroom and was amazed at the overall interest and success it brought to individual and classroom discussion.

    Catharine McHugh

    Adult Education Centre - Casselman Campus

  • "Thank you for the flyers we received. We would like 400 more.

    David Slack
    Literacy and Basic Skills / Adult Upgrading

    Continuing Education / Peel District School Board

  • "I received a copy of your information guide and would like to order 400 more to use as a resource in our courthouse.

    Laura Pelster, Judicial Clerk
    Fort McMurray

    Provincial Court

  • "We would appreciate receiving approximately 100 copies for the constituency office.

    C. Duddeck
    Special Assistant to Gary Carr, M.P.P.

    Member of Provincial Parliament (M.P.P.)

  • "I manage an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) with the Canada Border Services Agency, American Government. We recently had a speaker from Pardons Canada visit our work site and speak about Legal Line. We would like to post your guides at various locations for our employees use. We have several work locations in the GTA and Niagara regions.

    David Richer, EAP Program
    Manager, Human Resources Dept.

    Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

  • "I would like to request as many copies of your legal guide as possible.

    Aleksandra Froncisz
    Stanford Probation and Parole

    Ministry of Public Safety and Security

  • "We operate under the Ministry of Health and we are located in EVERY provincial psychiatric hospital in Ontario. We provide information, options, advocacy and rights to in-patients, out-patients and ex-patients of the facility. We also provide information, education, and referrals to individuals and groups in the community. Another hospital recommended your website and suggested we review it. We assist clients with a number of issues relating to the MHA, HCCA, SDA legislation, criminal and civil law issues as well as any other concerns they raise. We are proud to display Legal Line in our office for our clients, and their family members, to pick up.

    Gwen Davidson
    Patient Advocate

    Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office

  • "Lots of our clients need a legal aid like Legal Line.

    Maria Kovac
    Team Clerk

    Thunder Bay Ontario Works

  • "I was recently at the Court House in Windsor, Ontario and picked up a Legal Line pamphlet. I went to view the site at legalline.ca and was extremely impressed with the information and outlay of the information. You can be guaranteed that I will use this resource many times. If you send me 200, I will pass them along to my clients. Many kudos to the people that developed this comprehensive information package. Very well done.

    David Lupton
    Owner / Operator

    Essex Process Service

  • "We appreciate receiving your brochure.

    R.A. Alexander, LL.B.
    Barristers & Solicitors

    Creighton, Victor, Alexander, Hayward, Morison & Hall LLP

  • "Send 30 Legal Line posters so I can distribute them to our various programs.

    Sue Taylor
    Supervisor, Case Management and Support Team

    Wesley Urban Ministries

  • "I heard about Legal Line from my trainer and she gave me your poster. If you ship me a box, they will be distributed from the Criminal Courtworker's office in the Court House. We need them !

    Charmaine Kewageshig
    Aboriginal Criminal Courtworker

    Barrie Native Friendship Centre

  • "We provide emergency food, clothing, counselling, referrals, and support groups. This office is responsible for eleven (11) of our centres in Metro Toronto. I would like some of the guides to be available for each of our offices.

    David Lameck, Captain / Assistant to the Director
    Family Services Central / North East

    The Salvation Army

  • "I would like to order 400 copies if possible to be sent to my office so we can re-stock our shelves with your Legal Line posters.

    Carole Lavergne
    Customer Service Agent

    ServiceOntario GIC - Northeast Region

  • "I found out about Legal Line through a brochure I found in a lawyer's office. The service provides excellent information on many topics. Our Corrections Office will make the brochures available to clients at court and in our Family Services office.

    Darrin Gaudreau
    Correctional Program Chaplain

    The Salvation Army

  • "Please send me 200 guides for our clients.

    Judi Cargill
    Client Services Advisor (CSA)

    Ministry of Northern Development & Mines

  • "A request to have 25 or your Legal Line pull-outs sent.

    Karen Wilford
    Data Entry / Records

    Chatham-Kent Police Headquarters

  • "We will distribute the Legal Line Guides to colleagues within our hospital, have them displayed in our waiting area, and hand them out to clients.

    Peter Schroth
    Crisis Worker

    Crisis Intervention Centre

  • "The article on Legal Line was very well received in the Lawyers Weekly. Your story is definitely worthy of a follow-up, when Legal Line goes national.

    Michael Rappaport
    Legal Business Editor, The Lawyers Weekly

    LexisNexis Canada Inc.

  • "Our office is located beside the Government Cit­i­zen­ship & Immigration Office in Scar­borough, just oppo­site to the YMCA building, and found your Legal Line pamphlets at both locations. I have read the information pertaining to 'criminal records' and I find that the topics covered by your recordings to be concise and accurate. After reviewing it, I am very impressed with its content. Your flyer will be of substantial benefit to our clients. Our office are accred­ited and cer­ti­fied by The Royal Cana­dian Mounted Police (RCMP), and I would like to order a total of 5,000 brochures. I will disseminate 1,000 to each of my 5 Ontario offices.

    John Conohan

    International Finderprinting Services Canada (IFSC)

  • "One of our lawyers picked up the free legal guide and asked that I make it available in our legal clinic pamphlet rack. The Legal Line Guides will help our clients in the areas of law we do not cover.

    Shannon Perks
    Student Worker

    Durham Community Legal Clinic

  • "I am a webmaster for The Advocates' Society, a voice to the judicial system, and we would like to link to legallline.ca direct.

    Eduard Matijas

    The Advocates' Society

  • "Please send me 10 Legal Line posters and, if any, the same quantity in French.

    Larry MacDonald, Customer Service Agent
    Hawksbury, ON


  • "We give these guides out to our ENTIRE client base as there are often a lot of issues that victims are facing. For example: landlord issues, human rights, work related, tax concerns, etc... many of our clients are domestic violence victims so it is their intimate partner that has just been arrested and removed from the home and many issues arise.

    Bonnie Johnston, Court Worker
    Victim / Witness Assistance Program (VWAP)

    Court House

  • "We service Hamilton, Burlington, Stoney Creek and area. Please forward us one box of 500 Legal Line flyers.

    Sherri Poyton / Louisa Roberge
    Customer Service Representatives

    Ontario Government Information Centre

  • "I would like to order 350 copies of the free Legal Line posters.

    Monika Skalska
    Settlement Counsellor

    Newcomer Centre of Peel

  • "Requesting 300 of your pamphlets for our community legal clinic.

    D. Booth
    Office Manager

    Chatham-Kent Legal Clinic

  • "I think that Legal Line is an invaluable resource for everyone, and that our clients certainly would benefit.

    Ellen Armstrong
    Eligibility Review Officer (ERO)

    Ontario Works, Department of Social Services

  • "I recently participated in a Cannexus Conference in which I received notification that you had Legal maps to give away. I believe your posters provide invaluable information and would like to keep a constant supply of them on hand.

    Heather M. Tucker, BBA, Career Development Specialist
    Wabush Newfoundland District Office

    Department of Human Resources, Labour & Employment

  • "We have at least 3 areas where your legal poster could be posted. Once we pin them up on the wall, we will need hundreds of your flyers every month.

    Juli Buchanan, Adult Addictions / Team Leader
    Sister Margaret Smith Centre

    St. Joseph's Care Group

  • "A copy of Legal Line was brought to my attention by one of our clients who found it very informative. As I reviewed it, I thought it would be an excellent resource for the clients we serve. ACSA provides services such as: an Emergency Food Bank, a Legal Clinic, Income Tax Clinics, and a Homeless Drop-in. We would appreciate 200 copies of the free Legal Line Guide.

    Tasleen Alani
    Office Coordinator

    Agincourt Community Services Association (ACSA)

  • "I passed the pamphlet around to the members of 55 Division Community Response Unit at our office meeting. The feedback was excellent... a valuable resource and will assist us as a method of referral to members of the community. Thank you for providing us an opportunity to be a part of your project.

    Steve Kelly
    Police Constable (5826)

    Toronto Police Service

  • "Please forward 50...

    Rosemary McSherry
    Project Coordinator

    Family & Children's Services - Niagara (FACS)

  • "I recently came across a copy of your pamphlet at our local police station and feel it would be a valuable addition to our resources. Thank you for the important information you are providing to the public.

    Dorothy Levinter
    Project Coordinator

    Caledon / Dufferin Victim Services

  • "We could use one hundred copies easily.

    Bev Royston
    Richmond Hill, ON

    Adult ESL School

  • "I first heard about Legal Line years ago as a law student / articling clerk. Legal Line is perfect for the Debtor-Creditor Law Course which covers: statutory arrangements for creditors' protection; devices for securing credit; collection conduct and handling a number of collections; enforcement of judgments under provisions in the Rules of Civil Procedures; the Bankruptcy Act, Bulk Sales Act, Personal Property Security Act, Construction Lien Act and other related legislation; and Court procedures relevant to the topics.

    Professor Susan Haslip, LL.B.
    Law Clerk Program

    Algonquin College, School of Business

  • "We are extremely happy to see this type of service available for the members of our rural community. It is a tremendous 'hit'. Of course, the telephone access is a bonus as well. We appreciate the fore-thinking approach that your organization has taken toward the delivery of an essential service and look forward to a continued association with you.

    William D. Watson, LL.B.
    Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public

    Law Office of William D. Watson

  • "We have found the Legal Line guide extremely useful and are requesting a current supply.

    Brenda Martel
    Executive Assistant

    New Leaf: Living and Learning Together

  • "I originally learned of Legal Line when I received a guide with a copy of my Ontario Reports. My practise consists primarily of criminal defence, however, I also deal in real estate transactions, and Wills and Estates administration. It will be appreciated if you forward 100 copies of the Legal Line Guide which I will use to distribute to my clients.

    Richard J. Aitken, LL.B.
    Lawyer, Barrister & Solicitor

    Aitken Roberston Law Office

  • "I just looked over a copy of your Legal Line Guide and it is very, very good. Am I eligible to request multiple copies for free due to my employment status as a government employee ? If so, please ship us 200.

    Donna Pfug, Case Manager
    Social Services, Employment & Income Support

    The Regional Municipality of Waterloo

  • "This document will be helpful for our staff.

    Elaine Donnelly
    Executive Assistant to the C.E.O.

    Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) - Halton Branch

  • "I am very impressed with your pamphlet. We are on out-patient clinic in the former Peel Memorial Hospital. We offer individual counseling to people with addictions to alcohol and/or drugs, and also to those with gambling problems. These clients often have legal issues, so your service is very welcome.

    Carol Ribner
    Addiction Counselling Services of Peel

  • "On a daily basis our office serves many clients that are in dire need of legal help and/or information to help them with difficult situations in their day-to-day life. The Courthouse in which we work, houses the offices of the Superior, Criminal, Civil, Family, Small Claims, and Provincial Offences and we have ALL found your poster to be very helpful to EACH of us. We are now down to our last few boxes and hope that you will be able to supply us with 4,000 more which will hopefully keep us going for the next little while.

    Sabrina R. Ellis, Senior Secretary, District of Parry Sound
    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

    Crown Attorney's Office

  • "We have your brochures that we give out to clients. Our stock is getting low. Please send us an additional 400 copies.

    Paul Chronowich
    Resource Centre Administrator

    Downtown Toronto Social Services

  • "... provide us with as many copies of your Legal Line brochure as you can reasonably spare. We will make them available to members of the public who use our busy law library.

    Ted Tjaden
    Co-ordinator of Information Services

    Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto

  • "Please send another 100 Legal Line Guides. We can't seem to keep them in stock.

    Heather Thomas
    Senior Resource Specialist

    Goodwill Kennedy Employment Resource Centre

  • "... a valuable public service, and it promotes access to lawyers.

    Kelly Yerxa, LL.B.
    Deputy City Solicitor and Director of Litigation at City of Brampton

    City of Brampton Legal Department

  • "I enjoyed the great article in Lawyers Weekly about Legal Line.

    Michael Crawford, LL.B.
    Lawyer & Author


  • "I am interested in being accepted as one of your volunteer 'Reviewing Lawyers' in the area of Criminal Law. I recently received your poster and tried some of the Criminal Law items, as well as one of your pre-recorded items on immigration. This project interests me and I wish to become a part of it. My practice is restricted to Criminal Law. I was called to the Bar in 1985, after graduating from the University of Toronto. I have worked as a Judge's Law Clerk, a Crown Attorney, a researcher at the Law Reform Commission of Canada and have been in private practice for the past 11 years. For the past three years I have taught at the Bar Admission Course. I also have delivered papers at a number of conferences. My resume is attached.

    Rosalind E. Conway, B.A., M.A., LL.B.
    Criminal Lawyer

    Law Office of Rosalind E. Conway

  • "I would like to receive 25 guides...

    Lucille Chartrand, Reseach Assistant
    Aborignal Affairs Portfolio

    Department of Justice Canada

  • "Tracey Brick (an employee of ours) was attending a meeting in Muskoka when she heard about the Legal Line information. She thought it was just wonderful to have this kind of information available to people. Our clients could will get a lot of use from your information... please send us 2,000 copies of the Legal Line map to our agency, or as many as we are allowed.

    Sue Fluke
    Confidential Secretary

    Algoma District Services Administration Board

  • "Hello. I am writing from Legal Aid Manitoba in Dauphin. Your Legal Line resource material is great. We received two copies and are requesting more. It is possible to send us the maximum amount that we are allowed ? Thank you very much for providing such a quality service.

    Nola Kosteinyk
    Legal Aid Manitoba

  • "We offer work related services in the United Counties of Prescott-Russell. The strength of the Centre is that it offers services to both employers and job seekers. Please send 200.

    Isabelle Landry
    Needs Determination Officer

    Employment Services Centre

  • "I am a member of the CTEA with Bell Canada with a regional membership base of approximately 1,200 in Toronto, and 6,000 members in Quebec/Ottawa. I would like to make this wonderful resource available to them.

    G. Crompton
    Customer Service Representative

    Canadian Telephone Employee's Association (CTEA) / Bell Canada

  • "Please send me some Legal Line posters. 50 would be great.

    Michelle Nogueira, RSSW, CAC II, CPGC
    Addictions Counsellor / Problem Gambling Counsellor

    Homewood Community Addiction Services

  • "I have visited your site and feel that the content is valuable. I have already placed a link to your site along with a description at www.canadavisa.com

    Jerry Li
    Campbell, Cohen - Attorneys at Law


  • "We have Legal Line Guides. Our clients and staff use your service to facilitate the information and referral process. Information and Referral Coordinators provide information regarding alternative dispute measures and community services. Please send 4,000 copies to the attention of Michelle Brett or myself.

    Karen J. McLeod
    Information and Referral Coordinator

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "We would appreciate receiving a supply of guides for our two (2) offices in Haldimand & Norfolk County as we feel they would be a great benefit to the users of our services.

    Sandra Ucci
    Victim Services of Haldimand, Norfolk & New Credit

  • "Our mission is to support immigrant, newcomer and refugee women and their family members of all generations to become fully participating members of Canadian society, who are self-sufficient, financially secure, safe, happy, healthy and socially active.

    Guadalupe Herrera
    Program Manager

    Rexdale Women's Centre

  • "The Mission of Retail Council of Canada is to be the Voice of Retail in Canada by providing advocacy, research, education and services that enhance opportunities for retail success, and increase awareness of retail's contribution to the communities and customers it serves. Retail Council of Canada is in the process of redesigning its website. As such, we would like to make a direct link from our site to Legalline.ca, for the benefit of our members.

    Pamela Addo
    Manager, Communications & Public Relations

    Retail Council of Canada

  • "I have practised Family Law for twenty-two years. I have also hosted a year long show with radio station CKEY, which was a call-in 'question and answer' show. I have also participated in some 'question & answer' work for Tom Cherrington at CHCH Channel 11 Hamilton. Now I am offering my services to Legal Line as a reviewing lawyer... or to do anything else that I can to help such a worthy cause !

    Judith Holzman, LL.B.
    Family Lawyer

    Judith Holzman Law Offices / Notary

  • "Your web site is a great source of information.

    Lisa Chase, Assistant Coordinator
    Victim / Witness Assistance Program

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "I recently attended an OMSSA Conference where Ian Levine conducted an intriguing presentation about Legal Line. As he was speaking I knew this was very valuable information that would benefit our clientele. I have spoken with several workers in my office and each-and-every single one of us is excited to have this information to provide our clients, and also to place in our lobby waiting room.

    Barbara Annas, Resources Coordinator
    Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA)

    Region of Ottawa-Carleton

  • "Our supply has run out and I hope you can refill it ! We use these brochures as very useful handouts in the Law section, Main Reference Deppartment of the Toronto Reference Library.

    Stephanie Ledger, Public Service Assistant
    Main Reference Department

    Toronto Reference Library

  • "I am a Real Estate, as well as Wills & Estate Lawyer. I make Legal Line available to my clients.

    Harry W. Zahoruk, B.Comm., LL.B.
    Barrister, Solicitor and Notary

    Harry W. Zahoruk Law Office

  • "You did an excellent presentation. The brochures you gave us regarding Legal Line have been very popular with our clients. We presently have approximately 4,500 clients in our area on an ongoing basis so it would be appreciated if you could provide us with 1,500 more brcchures.

    Paula Bell
    Supervisor, Social Services Department

    County of Simcoe

  • "We operate LawHelpOntario.org. I heard about Legal Line through the Volunteer Lawyers Service (VLS) through The Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC). I think it is a great service. Our projects serve people who are suing or being sued in civil (non-family) court, children and youth, and charitable organizations. PBLO does NOT provide assistance with family or criminal law matters. We use Legal Line to help individuals who require legal advice and guidance with their legal matters.

    Mahreen Raza, Project Director
    LawHelpOntario.org (LHO)

    Pro Bono Law Ontario (PBLO)

  • "I found an older poster in some material passed on to me by another teacher and would like more for my students.

    Michael Sevenpifer
    Law Teacher

    Oakridge Secondary School

  • "We operate a law firm offering legal services in many areas including family, civil, criminal, estate planning, and corporate. We would like to receive another 200 free guides to be distributed to our clients.

    Pat Reid
    Assistant to Ronald F. Adams, LL.B.

    Gordon, Adams, Leduc, Barristers & Solicitors

  • "I'd like to order 250 free Legal Line flyers for our Resource Room.

    John Josko
    Intake Clerk

    Goodwill, The Amity Group

  • "Great information for the people in our community.

    Lise Lepage
    Client Services Coordinator

    Community Living Iroquois Falls

  • "Please forward a box for our office.

    B. Armstrong
    Investigation & Control Officer

    Human Resources Development Canada

  • "I tested your system and was extremely pleased to discover how up-to-date it is and how user-friendly it is. I will be handing out your Guide to clients and staff. This type of information is extremely vital to individuals with Impaired Driving offences or victims of assault... such vital information to the community.

    Jeffrey L. Stein, B.A., LL.B.
    Executive Director

    Just for Today - Alcohol and Drug Awareness Centre

  • "Your guide is very important to our clients. We have always used the guides and our clients are eager to have them.

    Joy Whitely
    Access Worker

    Sherbourne Employment Resource Centre

  • "We are requesting additional copies of Legal Line. We consider it to be a helpful resource in the day-to-day operations of our law firm.

    Ulrike Zobel, LL.B.
    Barrister & Solicitor

    Law Office of Ulrike Zobel

  • "I am hoping we can get 1,000 Legal Line pamphlets for our office to give to people who come to our counter with enquiries.

    Tanya Swan-Fox
    Clerk / Registrar

    Belleville Superior Court of Justice

  • "We promote and enhance the mental and emotional well-being of the residents of Durham Region. Please mail us 200.

    Pam Chapman

    Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) - Durham

  • "The Foundation's vision is to be a catalyst for advancing the ideal of a truly accessible justice system. Information about legal rights and obligations is a fundamental first step in obtaining access to justice. The Foundation has asked George Thomson and Karen Cohl to lead this project. They have extensive justice and public policy experience, and as such, will prepare a report with recommendations for strategic investment into community partnerships. For our Linguistic and Rural Access to Justice Project, we would like Legal Line to provide input.

    Barb Stewart

    The Law Foundation of Ontario (LFO)

  • "We are a community resource centre and I would like to make available your service to our clients.

    Suji David
    Community Resource Specialist

    East Scarborough Storefront

  • "We received one of your pamphlets from a lawyer friend of ours and found it very useful. The service is great and has helped us assist many people with their issues. Our organization will utilize the guides by distributing them to our clients and to various organizations we visit. Keep up the good work !

    Ibrahim Downey
    Executive Director

    M.E.C.C.A. Inc.

  • "Our visitors value your information.

    Christine Lapointe
    Administrative Assistant

    The Ottawa Hospital

  • "Thank you for sending Legal Line to our three (3) sites. Would you kindly send 250 copies to 42 Charles Street, because they didn't get any yet. We offer opportunities for personal growth, community involvement and leadership. We focus on making connections with youth, and connecting with the community.

    Helen Wong, Information & Referral Specialist
    North York Newcomer Information Centre

    YMCA of Greater Toronto

  • "Communications Operators play a vital role in ensuring that the right response is dispatched to whatever emergency situation arises. This challenging job is one of many performed by the more than 2,800 civilian members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). The OPP's five (5) Provincial Communications Centres (PCC) provide telecommunications services including dispatch, 9-1-1 and administrative call taking to communities throughout Ontario. These centres operate on a 24/7 basis. Please forward as many copies of your Guide as we may have.

    Sergeant Doug Bernardi #4538
    Aurora Telecommunications Unit

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "I saw the guide in the Guelph Public Library. Many of our clients (infants - seniors) have legal issues and we believe your Guide would be extremely helpful to many of our youth, adults, seniors and/or families, as well as to our staff members. We serve all of Guelph, Wellington and Dufferin counties. We are funded by Ministries of Health/Long Term Care and MCSS.

    David C. Phelps, MSW, RSW,
    Manager, Volunteer Services and Student Placements

    Community Mental Health Clinic

  • "You spoke with my colleague at the Muslim Lawyers Association (MLA) - Yusra Siddiquee. I am writing to confirm the numbers and locations to which we will distribute the Legal Line brochures by our volunteers. We can distribute up to 10,000 at many Mosques and Community Centres including: Islamic Foundation of Toronto; Scarborough Muslim Association; Salahuddin Mosque; Sunnatul Jamat; Medina Masjid; Fatih Camii Toronto; Taric Islamic Centre; Jame Mosque; Talim-ul-Islam; and Rexdale Mosque.

    Naseer Syed, LL.B.

    Stikeman, Graham & Keeley, Barristers & Solicitors

  • "We are a free legal clinic... we offer information and referral services to professionals and social service organizations, workshops, support groups, a library and a resource centre. I have a very old, tattered brochure from Fall 2000..please send 200 more.

    Barbara Kilbourn
    Executive Director

    New Directions Legal Clinic

  • "Please forward 800 posters for our staff and clients.

    T. Page
    Social Services Department

    Ontario Works, County of Lambton

  • "Our program would LOVE some of your Legal Line Posters for my office in the courthouse. I saw one at our local probation office and thought it was an amazing resource.

    Lynn McIsaac, Mental Health Counsellor
    Simcoe County Addiction and Mental Health Services

    Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Orilia Courthouse

  • "We assist clients who are dealing with poverty issues including homelessness. We operate a food bank, soup kitchen, housing help and a 24 hour emergency hostel. I first heard about Legal Line through another agency I worked for. It is incredibly helpful. We will distribute the guides in our community centre.

    Leanne Johnson
    Office Manager

    The Hope Centre

  • "We received the Legal Line brochure with a membership package from the Peel Committee Against Woman Abuse. Having accessed the service on a number of occasions, it was found to be easy to use, the language accessible, and the information was accurate. We would like to make an initial order of 400 copies.

    Katie Tonetti
    Legal Support Counsellor

    Family Transition Place

  • "I was surfing on the net and found your great web page. I was so impressed with the contents that I linked your page to the U of T Police website. Then, while at 40 College Street, Toronto Police Headquarters I picked up one of your pamphlets. It looks great. As a result, I would like to order 10,000, because we currently have over 70,000 students.

    Sam D’Angelo
    Acting Manager of Police Services

    University of Toronto Police

  • "I was looking through some documents and found this pamphlet. Please send 200 more.

    Charlene Ninham
    Liaison Officer

    Vanier Centre for Women

  • "... Legal Line is the BEST resource that we have to offer our clients.

    Melanie Lysko
    Resource Coordinator

    John Howard Society of Peel

  • "I would appreciate receiving 25 Legal Line Posters.

    Margaret MacWhirter, BA, CIRS, CRS
    Enquiry Service Coordinator

    Community Information Centre, Waterloo Region

  • "We provide information and guidance to the public that are involved in a legal trap / trouble with the law. Especially with regards to motor vehicles, insurance and traffic violations and criminal offences as well as other legal matters that involve consumer protection, health and safety, identity theft and fraud. Legal Line will be helpful to educate people who are unfortunate, uneducated, and those who lack of knowledge of the justice system. We are willing and happy to hand-out your flyers so please send us as many as you can.

    T. Sivaloganathan
    Managing Director

    Millennium Foundation of Canada

  • "Diverse and vibrant, we provide over 10 programs in Flemington Park for all segments of the community. We answer questions on everything from tenant rights to youth activities and maintain links to other services, agencies and the government. We offer these services in Urdu, Somali, Spanish, French, Croatian, Serbian, Russian, Tamil, Swahili, Pidgin, Farsi and Arabic. FNS is funded through the United Way, City of Toronto, Ministry of Community and Social Services, Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, the Children's Aid Foundation, and donations. We would like 800 Legal Line Guides.

    Tracey Gregoire
    Settlement Assistant

    Flemington Neighbourhood Services (FNS)

  • "Our firm is interested in supporting Legal Line by acting as volunteer Reviewing Lawyers. I believe that it is a very necessary service in Ontario. The reality is that many people in this province have legal problems and do not know where to begin to resolve them.

    Igor Ellyn, LL.B, Q.C.
    Certified Specialist, Business Law

    Ellyn Law- Litigation Counsel, Mediators and Arbitrators

  • "We have been in receipt of this information through our Keswick office for some time now. We are presently offering resources and support to small business operators. We would like to continue to receive this information.

    Anne Hart
    Business Associate

    Job Skills Business Resource Centre

  • "I specialize in Family Law. I have found your pamphlet very helpful resource in referring my clients to your site for legal matters (questions) that are out of my field of practice.

    Lisa Bowlin, LL.B.
    Family Lawyer, Barrister, Solicitor & Notary

    Law Office of Lisa M. Bowlin

  • "Legal Line answers all of our most frequently asked questions. I'd like to order 600 flyers for distribution to our First Nations communities.

    Police Constable Allan Giba, Community Initiatives Coordinator
    Thunder Bay, Ontario

    Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service Headquarters

  • "These will be posted at 5 of our locations.

    Marilyn Clarke, Office Coordinator
    HOMES Program

    Good Shepherd / Faith in People

  • "A lawyer by training, I have worked for over a decade as an advisor on communications, marketing and management issues to businesses, including financial services companies, professional services firms, high technology companies, retailers and manufacturers. I have also had a long career as a legal affairs journalist, working in television and for a wide range of print publications... James Middlemiss is a lawyer and veteran journalist with extensive experience writing for a wide variety of news and other publications, specializing in legal issues. Currently, Jim is the National Legal Editor for The National Post Newspaper. We support Legal Line and congratulate you on your service to the public.

    Michael G. Crawford, LL.B.
    President , Lawyer & Senior Editor

    WebNews Management Corp. / The National Post Newspaper

  • "Recently, I discovered your Legal Line website and have learned to appreciate it very quickly. It is wonderful to be able to have legal information and contacts at your fingertips and I particularly appreciate the organization of your website; it is very user-friendly. I am requesting 400 Guides to distribute to staff and clients accordingly.

    Suzanne Dias
    Victim Assistance Officer

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "McMaster currently has over 17,000 full and part-time students. The Ombuds office does not give legal advice but is routinely approached by students who need legal advice. The students are pleased to have access to an on-line resource and also appreciate the listing of relevant government numbers. I send copies of the brochure to offices all over campus and routinely receive requests for more. The University has an Information Desk where the brochure is prominently displayed. I would appreciate receiving 5,000 copies.

    Shelley Lancaster
    University Ombudsman

    McMaster University

  • "I found your exhaustive list of information, as well as Government and Agency contact numbers to be excellent, and something that I would like to make available to my clients.

    Paul J. Crowe, LL.B.
    Barrister & Solicitor

    Law Office of Paul J. Crowe

  • "May I get 500 more Legal Line Information Resources sent to us ?

    Nichole Morris, Program Assistant, Job Connect
    Robbert Hartog Midland Campus

    Georgian College

  • "This email is to request 500 English pamphlets and 250 in French.

    Deborah Childs, Employment Specialist
    Employment and Financial Assistance Centre South

    City of Ottawa

  • "What an incredibly valuable resource. This pamphlet has been distributed throughout the entire Toronto Police Service and has become a vital tool for our community officers. I continue to get the most impressive comments from officers and community representatives. They all go on and on-and-on about the value of this pamphlet and they cannot believe how much information is available to them. I will continue to showcase this resource pamphlet at ALL of our community displays and I will encourage our divisions to do likewise. I must say I have never seen such a complete and informative pamphlet in my 25 years of policing. Congratulations on such a successful program.

    P.C. Ed Heinrichs, Community Outreach
    Police Constable, Crime Prevention

    Toronto Police Service

  • "I heard of Legal Line when I started work here. I think that it's great how you put together a guide for legal clinics in Toronto. Staff also use these as a resource list for themselves and clients.

    Athena Adamides
    Housing Worker

    Flemingdon Neighbourhood Services

  • "We appreciate Legal Line. Your guides are very well done.

    D. Bradley Bennett, LL.B.

    Gibson, Linton, Toth, Campbell & Bennett, Barristers & Solicitors

  • "How many Legal Line posters can get for this busy court office ?

    Mikhe’al Ben-Moodie, Community Justice Worker
    John Howard Society of Toronto / Adult Diversion Office

    Metro West Provincial Court

  • "I would like to have a a large quantity of your pamphlets. What is the maximum amount that I am allowed ?

    Julie Squires
    Young Parent Outreach

    Barrie Community Health Centre

  • "I discovered your pamphlet in our local Chamber and was very impressed. Please send free guides to me so that I many distribute them to: Boards of Trade; Chambers of Commerce; Business Associations; and Real Estate Associations.

    Ann Rowley
    Chamber of Commerce, Whitby

  • "This is a useful resource for consumers and lawyers alike.

    Donna Hart, Business Support Manager
    TitlePLUS Home Insurance

    Lawyers' Professional Indemnity Company (LPIC)

  • "I was involved in a meeting where there was a presentation made about Legal Line... the website appears to be very user friendly. We will be using the guides to give to staff, and also to hand out to ratepayers who have legal issues.

    John S. Rogers
    Chief Administrative Officer, City Hall

    Town of East Gwillimbury

  • "Very useful for our organization... We deal with the courts through our Eligibility Review Officers and Family Support Workers. We use Legal Line at all three (3) of our offices.

    Sylvie Beauparlant

    District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board

  • "Legal Line was first brought to our attention by one of our patrons. The guides would provide the public with access to legal information. It would also give the public an idea of the legal resources that are provided by the government.

    Jane Mac

    Don Mills District Branch Library

  • "I work as a licensed Financial Advisor for Primerica Financial Services. I am licensed to sell both Securities and Life Insurance. Would it be possible for you to send me about 600 flyers for the representatives in our office? We could carry Legal Line with us in our briefcases and refer our clients to your website when we make home visits.

    Lisa Carr
    Financial Advisor

    Primerica Financial Services

  • "Our company works for a variety of lawyers, one of whom gave me a copy of your free poster. I must say it is one of the best, most professionally presented public service pieces I have ever seen. You have captured the essence of topics which the average person frequently wonders or asks about in their daily lives but doesn't know where to turn for an answer. Following this guide will allow absolutely anyone and everyone to have a basic understanding of many topics, while at the same time not feeling embarrassed about needing to know such information. Your product, in my view, will serve to create a far more informed consumer which in turn should assist in not only resolving disputes, but actually avoid problems in the first place. Congratulations for this outstanding presentation. You even have the same telephone number with and without the toll free index. Well done.

    John Potter
    Director of Operations

    A & A Investigations

  • "On behalf of TitlePLUS, I am pleased to participate. I would like to request 1,000 copies of the Guide for our distribution, as I can see it will be a handy reference tool for consumers.

    Marcia Silverman, Marketing Coordinator

    Lawyers' Professional Indemnity Company (LPIC)

  • "We are updating our brochures for our Intake Coordinators and was hoping to get more brochures.

    Linda Martella
    Support Worker

    Etobicoke Children Centre

  • "We give weekly seminars on educational topics. The idea is to make the public more self-reliant and more aware of the possible options they have when seeking help for their problems. Legal Line Guides provide another tool in this process.

    Constable Alex Fraser
    Community Policing - Public Education

    Peel Regional Police

  • "Our Legion provides assistance to active troops and veterans and seniors. We are the largest of the many veterans Organizations in Canada with over 330,000 members and Member categories—Ordinary, Associate, Affiliate; open to all Canadian citizens and Commonwealth subjects; and approx. 40,000 members of Ladies Auxiliary. If you would provide them, we would like to offer everyone your Legal Line flyer as a thoughtful gesture.

    Jackie Currie, 2nd Vice President, Membership Chair, Branch #66

    The Royal Canadian Legion

  • "We provide job search support and counselling for new Canadians. I learned of your services through the Ministry of Immigration website. Please send 200.

    Joy Boatswain
    Project Administrator

    Real Canada Practice Firm

  • "I am the Chair of the Lanark Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committee to whom I plan to circulate the posters. A contact for our 2nd office is Mike Boire. Please ship 3 boxes.

    Dave Hart
    Court Division, Court Support Worker

    Justice Committee

  • "Congratulations. It is important for non-lawyers to have ready access to clear information that will help guide their decisions. Legal Line can help people with problems such as: recognize and identify legal issues that require research or attention; understand their legal rights in situations of potential conflict; recognize when they should call a lawyer; receive guidance to help them avoid increasing their exposure to liability when they have not retained legal counsel; receive guidance on governmental, agency or other resources that can assist in problem resolution if they do not have counsel; and, provide a path to legal resources. I am pleased to be a participant in this worthy program.

    Donna S.K. Shier, LL.B.
    Environmental Law

    Willms & Shier Law firm

  • "I got your guide and then visited your website. it is really very useful to all people, particularly new immigrants.

    A.T. Thiruchelvam, Leader
    University of Moratuwa

    Tamil Alumni Association - Canada

  • "As author of "Canadian Law and Private Investigations", I am honoured to be one of your reviewing lawyers.

    Norman Groot, LL.B.
    Director / Lawyer

    Investigation Counsel Professional Corporation (ICPC)

  • "We run a public library in shared facility with a high school and community centre. I keep myself aware of public legal information services as part of regular duties and I have included Legal Line in the training courses that I deliver. You provide an exceptional service and we will continue to distribute your guides to the public.

    Jennifer Chaplin

    Mississauga Library System

  • "A client brought the guide to me. I think the collection of services is unbelievable. I was spell-bound when I first saw it. I deal with clients who have barriers to employment, including legal issues, and I will use the guide to empower clients to find out information. The guides will be displayed in the main office.

    Janet Hainsworth
    Employment Counsellor

    Parry Sound Employment Service

  • "Your combination of internet and telephone service is a remarkable achievement. We ran some stories on Legal Line this week. Please send an additional 30 information packages for members of our newsroom, and other station staff members.

    Tim Symons
    Radio Broadcaster

    CKPC Radio News

  • "I am a social worker who works with a great many clients in the process of separating and divorcing. I have found your information most helpful. Please send me 200 flyers to start, so I may distribute it to my clients.

    Hilary Freeman
    Social Worker

    Industrial Social Workers, Inc.

  • "We are a government supported organization and are requesting 60 copies of Legal Line.

    Denise Girvan

    Sandgate Women's Shelter

  • "The London Public Library received 600 copies of Legal Line in July. We want more.

    Claudette Smith
    Clerk, Community Outreach

    London Public Library

  • "I received your information years ago and feel the information has been very useful to our clients. Many are new to Canada and benefit from legal help.

    Jamie Malkin
    Recreational Therapist

    Community Progress

  • "We would like to distribute them to our service users.

    Yukari Hayakawa
    NSP Assiistant

    Parkdale Intercultural Association

  • "In association with Ontario and International lawyers, we provide all legal and immigration services. We would like more flyers for our customers.

    Barbara A. Lewis

    Melo, Lewis Legal & Immigration Services

  • "The Mission of Retail Council of Canada is to be the Voice of Retail in Canada by providing advocacy, research, education and services that enhance opportunities for retail success, and increase awareness of retail's contribution to the communities and customers it serves. Retail Council of Canada is in the process of redesigning its website. As such, we would like to make a direct link from our site to Legalline.ca, for the benefit of our members.

    Pamela Addo
    Manager, Communications & Public Relations

    Retail Council of Canada

  • "The Health Centre at Evergreen Centre for Street Youth would like to order 200.

    Donna Carter-Jackson
    Acting Administrator

    Yonge Street Mission

  • "I have been handing out packages of information to persons involved in domestic cases since the year 2001. I have always included the Legal Line handout in my program.

    Detective Constable Al Dionne
    Court Services, 311 Jarvis Street

    Toronto Police Service

  • "We are a Food Bank that serves the South Grenville area. I heard about your guide from another agency I worked with a few years ago. I know this guide would be very helpful for our clients. A great tool to have around.

    Bonnie Gommert
    Office Manager

    Food For All Food Bank

  • "I found out about Legal Line Guides from looking at our In-House Information Binder.

    Eileen Grace Dalusong, Coordinator
    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

    Ontario Victim Services Secretariat

  • "This project fills a much needed void of where to find legal resources. You already have some highly regarded colleagues involved in other practice areas and I would like to be part of your project, with a particular focus on the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) practice area. I am the current National Chair - (ADR) Section of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA), Vice-Chair Associates Committee, Dispute Resolution Section American Bar Association (AMA), and co-author of the first Canadian text on mediation - 'Mediation: Principles, Process, Practice'.

    Kathleen J. Kelly, LL.B.
    Barrister, Arbitrator, and Mediator

    Kathleen J. Kelly Law Firm

  • "PARC assists young people by providing access to practical resources which are necessary for a successful transition to independence. Legal Line will help the workers in assisting youth in finding the connection to their numerous problem enquiries.

    Pearl Payne
    Administrative Secretary

    Pape Adolescent Resource Centre

  • "The Peel Regional Police recognize that the information contained within your pamphlets is of significant benefit to persons seeking legal advice. The Peel Regional Police Service would be pleased to display the Legal Line brochures in our facilities and would appreciate you forwarding an appropriate supply to us for distribution. We consist of five (5) Divisions and seven (7) Community Stations that would be participating. In addition, pamphlets would also be distributed to Headquarters Reception, Operations Support Services and Professional Standards.

    Sergeant Dennis M. Falconi, Officer in Charge (OIC)
    Crime Prevention Services

    Peel Regional Police

  • "We run a Food Bank and Community Resource Centre with an Information and Referral Program. The NYHFB is the primary food bank in northern Toronto, distributing 1.8 million pounds of food in 2012 through 60 community programs. Last year, families and individuals in northern Toronto received 170,000 food hampers through our network of neighbourhood food banks, community kitchens, perinatal programs for expecting mothers and new parents, shelters for women and youth, and drop-in meal programs. Our member agencies include social service agencies, community health centres, faith-based institutions, and volunteer-run organizations. How many of your legal flyers may we have ?

    Joanne Weitzman
    Agency Relations Assistant

    North York Harvest Food Bank (NYHFB)

  • "We have just added Legal Line to our reference list as a resource for the thousands of people that call us in need of simple, straight forward legal answers.

    Karlee Haugrud
    Program Assistant

    Legal Resource Centre of Alberta

  • "Legal Line Guides have become an invaluable resource for both staff and clients. Please keep up the good work !

    Diane Yip
    Vocational Counsellor

    Goodwill Industries

  • "Thank you for putting out a superior product.

    Dylan McGinty, LL.B.
    Managing Partner

    McGinty & McGinty Law Offices

  • "I would like to request 500 Legal Line guides for our division

    Police Constable D’Amico (#2404)
    21 Division

    Peel Regional Police

  • "There are numerous people attending our Headquarters and Districts on a daily basis seeking information and guidance with regard to their everyday lives. Legal Line is definitely a wealth of information for them. York Regional Police is devised of five (5) separate divisions throughout York Region, and we would appreciate it if you could forward to us an ample supply of Legal Line to be distributed throughout our entire organization.

    Alice Windsor (#5153)
    Records & Inquiry Bureau

    York Regional Police

  • "Your Legal Line info. brochure which has been very useful for me as a resource for clients. I request more for the clients in our Community, Day & Residential Programs, who all have legal issues. Any amount you can spare would be appreciated.

    Diane Rubinaccio
    Women's Own Withdrawal Management Centre

    Toronto Western Hospital

  • "I attended a workshop at one of our Probation Officer's Association (POAO) Conferences a couple of years back and these guides were made available to us. We often have first time offenders who are unfamiliar with the Criminal Justice system, and having the Legal Line resource is of assistance to them in understanding the Canadian legal system. Also, a lot of our clients have Family Court matters or other personal issues and they benefit greatly from your map.

    L. Clermont
    Probation and Parole Officer

    Probation and Parole Services

  • "I want to talk to you about Legal Line and get the message out to our listeners in Algoma Manitoulin. I know from personal experience that lawyers fees may not always be in the budget. I think once people hear about your service, just knowing that this option exists will be a big help for many.

    David Chisholm
    Radio Broadcaster / FM 94.1

    North Channel Broadcasters

  • "I have referred clients to the Legal Line service and they have found it very useful. Having used your service, our clients will be better informed before seeking us out to help them deal with the specifics. I trust that is project will engender goodwill towards the Legal profession.

    Barry D. Reese, LL.B.
    Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries

    Brian Chan & Associates / Trade Mark Agent - Avocats

  • "We heard about your services through our local Member of Parliament MPP office. This is excellent for any person to have. We will use this free guide for our client base as we deal a lot with family, divorce etc.

    Jim Harkins
    Executive Director

    Family Adolescent Straight Talk

  • "Legal Line is brilliant... a great public service. As you have provided 4,000 copies to me in May, would you deliver to me the same? I regularly distribute mailings to my client area, not only for promotional work, but mainly to provide information that I believe to be unique and practical for day-to-day. As you are aware, I will be distributing these mailings directly to residences in the Greater Toronto area at my cost. Our RE/MAX logo looks great.

    Wendel J. Bonair, B. Tech, C.S.T., A. Sc.T. C.N.E.
    Real Estate Advisor


  • "Our in-house Community Information Guide has your Legal Line number and website prominently listed, and in researching for a resident, I found your excellent website.

    Marianne Pacifico
    Citizen Service Representative

    City of Vaughan

  • "Our students are classified as "at-risk" and have had numerous legal encounters. Part of the law course I teach is to acquaint them with their Rights, and to engage them in discussion about their Rights and Responsibilities with respect to the laws of Ontario and Canada. Students are "street wise" but unskilled in understanding legal concepts and how they apply to them. This map is a perfect overview. They respect its appearance and its contents. Students range in age form 13 to 20. Thank you for producing such a powerful and meaningful portfolio of services. It is instrumental in helping me to transform these young lives.

    Robin Mautner

    Huntsville Adult Education and Training Centre

  • "We value Legal line and as such, just added a web-link direct to Legalline.ca.

    Sharron Mitchell, Administrator

    Canadian Directory Services

  • "We would be very obliged if you could provide us with as many guides as possible. We will pass them on to our clients and social service agencies we work with. We believe that Legal Line is the best information service to hit. We have had a great deal of interaction with other legal services and none compare to the professional level and expertise of Legal Line.

    Bert Johnston
    Executive Director

    Family Enrichment Services

  • "Please send 600... they will be useful.

    Susan Lieberman

    Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

  • "The OEA provides Ontario employers with expert, free and confidential advice. We need more Legal Line posters.

    Heather Mendela
    Office of the Employer Advisor (OEA)

    Ministry of Labour, Government Services

  • "I am writing to request 500 copies of the Legal Line guide. Your informative guide was introduced to us by Ian Levine who conducted an information session to our staff. We offer a continuum of community services. Our many programs would benefit from having these guides available to distribute to our community members, many who inquire about legal issues affecting their lives.

    Enza Trentadue
    Community Development Coordinator

    Fred Victor Centre

  • "Sample guides were distributed by one of our colleagues. Our students often have legal inquiries, or have run into a variety of issues or problems related to the legal system. Distributing your guide to them will help them access appropriate information in a timely fashion. Please send 800.

    Ms. Sahri Woods Baum, Counsellor
    Student Development and Counselling

    Ryerson University

  • "Please send me 25 free Legal Line Guides for my staff.

    Hans W. Marela, Team Leader
    Employment Services Centre, Hamilton

    Human Resources Development Canada

  • "Please forward this office 600 guides. With six (6) legal offices located at the various Canadian Forces Bases in Central Ontario Region, we feel this guide will greatly assist our soldiers.

    Ms. Vallee Guilderson, Secretary
    Deputy Judge Advocate Office

    Department of National Defence (DND)

  • "The Victim Witness Assistance Program (V/WAP) services are available in all 54 court jurisdictions in Ontario. V/WAP staff provide support and service to over 24,000 clients per year and have more than 100,000 direct contacts with victims and witnesses. Client satisfaction rates are higher than 90%. We only have one Legal Line box left in our office. Your services have been very beneficial to our clients and we would hate to ever run out !

    Julie Lachance / Karen Mullin
    Court Administrative Assistants

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "Thank you for the most recent, most up-to-date, most comprehensive copy of Legal Line. We have your materials to be extremely useful resources. We keep a copy at each desk in our support centre as an important resource for staff and volunteers. We have used Legal Line to connect with experienced and knowledgeable lawyers who we have hired to help our clients.

    Lynda Vickers
    Executive Director

    Victim Services Program of Toronto / Toronto Police Services

  • "The parole officers and staff in the office have asked that I contact you to request additional copies of the poster/guide.

    Tammy Schmidt, Administrator
    London Area Parole Office

    Correctional Service of Canada

  • "I heard about Legal Line from a workshop given by Ian Levine and we are very excited to use it, and introduce it to our clients.

    Krysti Roehler
    Clerical Support / Reception

    South Essex Community Council - Employment Edge

  • "We would like permission to Link our website to Legal Line. The Legal Line site is an excellent idea and should prove to be a valuable resource.

    Paul McCulloch, LL.B. for CELA
    The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA)

    Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO)

  • "I learned of Legal Line through Seneca College. I would like to include the guides with my client information intake form, to help them better understand the particular area of law and procedure that they are needing service in.

    Minda Bowman
    Paralegal, Court & Tribunal Agent, Certified Mediator

    Affordable Legal Services

  • "I find your pamphlet to be most useful, not only for myself, but also for our many clients. Your pamphlet provides an abundance of information and I would like to share it with everyone who works in my office.

    Dianne Lotto, Administrator
    Region of Peel

    Children's Aid Society

  • "As a crisis service we often get legal questions that vary in severity, and Legal Line helps a great deal.

    Brent Campbell
    Crisis Worker

    St. Leonards Community Services

  • "We provide court support services for youths and families, case management, and brief counselling to youth and parents. While visiting the website of The Ministry of Attorney General (MAG), I found the information on Legal Line and considered it would be helpful for my job, especially when I am providing advocacy services to the public.

    Miranda Cheung
    Youth Justice and Mental Health Social Worker

    Griffin Centre / Court Support

  • "The CMHP provides mental health counseling and case management services to adults with a psychiatric disability in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties. We would appreciate 175 copies of Legal Line, free of charge, to distribute to clients.

    Donna Joyce

    Community Mental Health Program (CMHP)

  • "I have called into your pre-recorded telephone service, and logged on the website to review a couple of the summaries in the area in which I practice, Wills and Estates. Both services were professional and easy to follow, accurate and presented in a simple language. I would be pleased to volunteer my effort and be involved with Legal Line as a 'reviewing lawyer' in the area of Wills and Estates law.

    Laura Kerr, LL.B.
    Wills & Estates Lawyer

    Fraser Milner, Barristers & Solicitors

  • "Legal Line is saved in my co-worker's website favourite's list. We love Legal Line guides and we make them available in our office and our resource centre.

    Karen Bucys
    Housing Outreach Worker

    Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) - Toronto

  • "Legal line is ideal for individuals who call or visit our firm who want general information. Our firm is a full service firm with offices in Barrie and Orillia. We provide services in civil litigation, family law, criminal law, real estate, corporate-commercial law, and wills and estates. Please forward 200 Legal Line Guides to my attention.

    Michelle L. Lavasseur, BA, LL.B.

    Law Office of Zwicker Evans Lewis, LLP

  • "I work in the Prenatal Clinic and I often have clients who are looking for the following legal help: child custody & support, divorce and surrogacy. I learned of your service through the Government Blue Book.

    Vina Sandher
    Social Worker

    Humber River Regional Hospital

  • "The Legal Line material has been presented in our centre for numerous years. It has been a helpful tool to clients, and informs them of their rights and possible avenues of action.

    Kurk Roberts
    Employment Resources Consultant

    YMCA of Greater Toronto

  • "We were made aware of this service by a consultant. We will be able to provide clients with the details of your service as we have no training in legal matters.

    Connie Broderick
    Public Intormation Officer

    Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration

  • "I am interested in volunteering as a 'Reviewing Lawyer' for the Legal Line Immigration section. I have just listened to, and read some of the information provided in the Immigration area, and the capsules appear to provide an excellent starting point.

    Isak Grushka, B.A., LL.B.
    Immigration Lawyer

    Law Office of Isak Grushka

  • "Our library patrons have found your service extremely useful and I would like to continue this public service.

    Lily M. Leung
    Librarian, Main Street Branch

    Toronto Public Library

  • "Like many lawyers, I have noticed the Legal Line pamphlets in courts, libraries, clinics and government offices. It is of great benefit to the community. When I witnessed, firsthand, your sincerity and commitment to this project and came to understand the enormity of this undertaking, I was at a loss for words to express my admiration for you and Antree. When I meet people like you, I am reminded of the tremendous potential people have for improving the fabric of our society, and for bringing people together to perform acts of kindness.

    Steven Benmor, LL.B.
    Barrister & Solicitor

    Benmor Family Law Group

  • "Judges can function much more effectively in the courtroom when all the parties to a case have a greater understanding of the law and process. Legal Line, in my opinion, has taken the initiative to prepare easily accessible legal information to the public. Legal Line is not only providing invaluable information to those who presently need information, but also providing a service to those who may need it in the future. I commend your efforts.

    The Honourable Mr. Justice Marvin Zuker
    Family Court Judge (22 yrs.), Small Claims Court Judge (12 yrs.), Criminal Court Judge (current)

    Ontario Court of Justice

  • "We have Legal Line Guides available at our front counter. I kept hearing about how great it was and we hand-out your flyers, so I took it upon myself and researched your online site. We refer our clients who do not qualify for Legal Aid to call your service. Now I know why.

    Kristine Dakos
    Eligibility Review Officer

    St. Thomas Elgin Ontario Works

  • "We are a consumer / survivor run non-profit organization that provides education, peer support, information, and system advocacy for individuals who have a serious mental illness. Please send 400 flyers.

    Laurie Albertini

    People Advocating for Change through Empowerment Inc.

  • "In my role as Coordinator of Public Internet Access in Haliburton County, the decision has been made to have Legal Line bookmarked on all our sites. I tried looking up information about a traffic offence problem that a friend has, and both he and I found it very helpful. As for copies of the published directory, I would like to start with 500, which I will distribute to the libraries, agencies, organizations and municipal offices. This is a very important public resource.

    Eric Lilius
    Coordinator of Public Internet Access

    Haliburton County Community Internet Access Program

  • "I picked up one at the local library and felt that this was a very useful service. Most or our clients deal with work, marriage and family problems which involves a lot of legal issues. The guides would be distributed to these clients and also to therapists-in-training.

    Dr. T.Y. Wong
    Marriage and Family Therapist

    Grace Health Centre

  • "Further to our conversation, this is just a note to tell you what a great resource your Legal Line is. I am an Investment Advisor with Credential Securities and would like to get 250 of these posters to give to my existing and prospective clients.

    Gary Bielert
    Investment Advisor

    Credential Securities

  • "McGuinty & McGuinty is an established law firm with over 20 years experience. We have represented thousands of homebuyers and sellers in the Ottawa area. Based on our solid record of service and our integrity, Lawyer's Mortgage Network has chosen us to act as a registered mortgage agent. I am interested in receiving Legal Line Guides. I believe they will be very useful for our clientele.

    Dylan C. McGuinty, LL.B

    McGuinty & McGuinty Law Offices

  • "A plethora of useful information; A much needed service, and they do it well.

    The Honourable Jonathan Pitblado, Judge
    The Supreme Court of Canada

  • "I commend all those involved in the preparation of this excellent guide. It is very useful to clients who may wish information in areas of law in which I cannot advise them. My compliments on what I believe to be a very worthwhile public service.

    Jackson L. Chercover, LL.B.
    Barrister & Solicitor

    Law Office of Jackson L. Chercover, Q.C.

  • "I use them to hand out to people / residents who request legal information. Your brochures have been a wonderful tool.

    Michele Brymer
    Legal Services Department

    Town of Newmarket

  • "Our organization is pleased with the services that Legal Line provides. We are a Government Office and our main objective is to enforce Orders and Agreements with child support by enforcing and making sure funds are distributed to the person owed to. I formally request guides for distribution among our colleagues.

    Romano Carletti, Client Service Associate (#115)
    Family Responsibility Office

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "APOC is a bargaining unit accredited by the Canada Industrial Relations Board. We are dedicated to representing employees who supervise the processing and delivery of mail with 3,400 members from 28 branches across the country. Please send us 1,200 Legal Line brochures for us to distribute to our members in Ontario.

    Ron Goodwin

    Association of Postal Officials of Canada (APOC)

  • "Air Canada is the 15th largest commercial airline in the world and employs approximately 26,000 people. This Guide will be used as an integral component of our EAP information, education and counselling services to our employees in the Toronto area. I also wish to acknowledge the valuable role this guide can play in our efforts to create a healthier and safer work environment. Getting 'straight answers' gives everyone the Peace-of-Mind they need. Thank you kindly.

    Frank Fallon, Ed.D.
    Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Counsellor

    Air Canada

  • "I admire the effort and quality of your Legal Line project.

    Edward L. Greenspan, Q.C., LSM, LLD
    Criminal Lawyer

    Edward L. Greenspan, Q.C., LSM, LLD

  • "We are funded by the Ontario Legal Aid Plan. We provide a resource and pamphlet centre for our clients and the general public and we are extremely interested in obtaining a large supply of Legal Line.

    Donna Mappin
    Administrative Assistant

    West Scarborough Community Legal Services

  • "I used your web page to investigate Garnishment of Wages, and found it to be very well laid out and presented, and highly informative. I had done many web searches before finally finding your site and yours is the most clear and easily understood of them all. Not only does it give me information about the subject itself, but it covers the step-by-step process and all the variances that could happen.

    Jacklynn Winmill

    Canadian Mental Health Association, Niagara

  • "Please forward 250 copies of your most excellent legal guide.

    Rebecca Strachan, Office Administrator
    Tenant's First Project

    United Way of Greater Toronto

  • "... 500 copies of your brochure.

    Suzanne Payner, Administrator
    Legal Aid Ontario

    Our children, Our Future

  • "Please send 600 FREE Legal Line Guides to distribute through our busy legal clinic.

    Maria Rodrigues
    Support Staff

    Downsview Community Legal Services

  • "We offer alcohol, drug and gambling treatment for youth, adults and family members by: Assessment/Treatment Planning; Referral; Individual/Group Counselling; Family Counselling; Ongoing Support; Educational Groups; Senior Services; and Community Education. Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health,we service clients in St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Welland, Fort Erie, Beamsville/Grimsby, and Port Colborne. Legal Line is very helpful and well organized for our clients.

    Cindy Jennings
    Program Counsellor

    Niagara Alcohol and Drug Assessment Service

  • "We are extremely happy to see this type of service available for the members of our rural community. It is a tremendous 'hit'. Of course, the telephone access is a bonus as well. We appreciate the fore-thinking approach that your organization has taken toward the delivery of an essential service and look forward to a continued association with you.

    William D. Watson, LL.B.
    Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public

    Law Office of William D. Watson

  • "I saw these brochures on a hospital display. I felt that having them in our Outpatient Unit will assist clients. Frequently, they are a complete loss as to where to begin to locate assistance.

    Carol Brennan, MSW, RSW
    Outpatient Mental Health Social Worker

    Rouge Valley Centenary Health Centre

  • "I know i am asking for a lot. Please send 20 BOXES to my attention and I will distribute them to three (3) detachments.

    Duido Way
    Campbellford, ON

    Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)

  • "I saw these resources at PAD (Parents Against Drugs) Drug Education and Support Services, and thought they would be very useful to the Drug Awareness Committees (DAC) across Ontario. The ODAP supports about 150 DAC groups in Ontario. We also have a newsletter which goes out to 400 stakeholders including public health, treatment centers, police, teachers, community health centers and many others. We would like to include your flyers with our next newsletter.

    Pat Sanagan, Co-ordinator
    Ontario Drug Awareness Partnership

    Public Health Ontario

  • "...requesting additional 'Legal Line' brochures for our organization.

    Debra Dineen
    Community Succession Project

    Regent Park Community Health Centre

  • "Volunteer Lawyers Service (VLS) was established in 1994 to provide free legal services to eligible charitable and nonprofit organizations across Canada. VLS recruits lawyers who volunteer their time to helping the nonprofit sector with their legal needs. Please add our contact info to all of your excellent services.

    Janice Wiggins
    Project Director

    Volunteer Lawyers Service (VLS)

  • "... a valuable resource for many members of the public picking up your publication.

    Michael Orr
    Policy Advisor

    Ombudsman Ontario

  • "We have been relying on Legal Line for years. We are running out. Please send us another 1,000.

    Donald Cabard
    Probation & Parole Officer

    Ministry of Community & Correctional Services

  • "Please provide the writer with additional copies of Legal Line Guides. Thank you for your assistance.

    Maria G. Mendes, LL.B.
    Collaborative Family Lawyer

    Foster, Townsend, Graham & Associates, Lawyers

  • "We were given a copy of your guide by Peel Regional Police. Upon reviewing its contents, we realized that it would be a valuable resource not only to our office, but also to our clients. This guide is extremely useful.

    Ed McAndrew
    Area Manager

    Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

  • "Please provide us with as many copies of your Legal Line brochures as you can reasonably spare. We make them available to members of the public who use our law library.

    Ted Tjaden, Coordinator of Information Services
    Bora Laskin Law Library

    University of Toronto (U of T)

  • "We are a downtown church and have people frequently dropping by looking for help in a variety of issues. We service Stratford, Woodstock, Brantford, Kitchener and area and we would appreciate 200 flyers.

    Rev. Tim Graham
    Minister of Religion

    Zion United Church

  • "Some of our staff reviewed the materials you sent us on Legal Line. We also reviewed the website, the pre-recorded telephone information messages, and the printed materials on Workers' Compensation. Overall, we felt that the information was helpful. Furthermore, we felt that the service would be useful for our staff for referring clients who wish assistance in areas in addition to Workers' Compensation and workplace insurance claims.

    Diana Clark
    Legislative Interpretation and Training Officer

    Ministry of Labour

  • "I saw this guide at the Social Services Department. Your Legal Line guides will be most beneficial to the citizens of the City of Brockville.

    C.M. Laroque
    Director of Finance

    Corporation of the City of Brockville

  • "Please send 100 copies of your Legal Line info pamphlets which we will display in our waiting room.

    William E. Mathers, LL.B.
    Barristers & Solicitors

    William E. Mathers & Associates Law Office

  • "I learned about Legal Line through our internal government newsletter, where each GIC shares information with one another to better serve our community needs. Because legal information encompasses everything we do in life, even the thought of searching for help can be overwhelming. Your site gives people a direction to go in. We display many brochures and this is by far the best !

    Diane Racher
    Customer Service Representative

    Stratford Government Information Centre

  • "Our Branch is responsible for the supervision of offenders in the community who are on a Court ordered Probation, Parole or Conditional Sentences. The guides are of great benefit to these people, as they are trying hard to turn their lives around and have to cope with a myriad of issues.

    Darrell Dodds
    Probation & Parole Officer

    Ministry of Correctional Services

  • "I run a Citizenship and Immigration Canada funded curriculum resource. Legal Line will be distributed free to all Ontario programs offering LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) classes.

    Anne-Marie Kaskens, Project Manager
    Adult Education Program

    Toronto Catholic District School Board

  • "... impressed with your initiative... I'm happy to assist you.

    Andrew M. Pinto, LL.B.
    Ontario Human Rights Lawyer

    Law Office of Andrew M. Pinto

  • "I stumbled upon your website while looking for legal information, and it is very well thought out.

    Louise Tarini
    Supervisor of Court Operations

    Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG)

  • "I found Legal Line brochures my Crown Attorney's office. We will continue to provide them to the public.

    Juanita Parent, Coordinator
    Court House, Thunder Bay

    Ministry Attorney General (MAG)

  • "I learned of Legal Line through another Government Information Centre. Our office provides information to the public on a variety of government issues. The guides will be displayed in our brochure racks and made available to the public.

    Stephanie Dairymple
    Customer Service Representative (CSR)

    Government Information Centre

  • "We would like to receive 2,000 additional copies of the Legal Line Guide. They are perfect, for so many reasons.

    Patti Knight
    Area Manager

    The Regional Municipality of Durham

  • "We are a Municipal Government office operating under the Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program. I have opened the box of guides sent to us. Our nursing team is quite excited about this resource, and feel it will be very helpful out in the community when doing home visits to families in crisis.

    Karen Sims
    Child Health Program Support

    Halton Region Children's Services.

  • "It was a pleasure working with you on this project. While I have only reviewed this particular area, the reference material gives solid, basic advice which, in many cases, would not be economic for the public to access directly from lawyers. By creating a more informed consumer, Legal Line will actually help to generate business for lawyers. Often times, the public is hesitant to go see a lawyer when they are uncertain as to whether they really need one. Individuals who access Legal Line will have taken an anonymous and inexpensive first step towards determining that they in fact have a legal problem and need to get legal assistance. // *** Dan is recognized as a leader in all insolvency, bankruptcy and restructuring matters including creditors’ remedies, debtors’ relief, bankruptcy, receivership, general insolvency matters, corporate restructuring and bank and insolvency related litigation. He has lectured and written extensively in his area of practice.

    Daniel R. Dowdall, LL.B.
    Business Lawyer

    Fraser Milner, Barristers & Solicitors

  • "Please send us 100 posters and the book.

    Miryam Zeballos
    Financial Advocacy & Problem Solving Program

    St. Christopher House

  • "I picked up your guide from our local community information office and I was so excited that I immediately visited your web site. It is very informative and helpful... the best way to find all this informative in one place.

    E. Lafolla
    Law Department

    Law Department at Northern Secondary School

  • "Please send 200 Legal Line posters to my attention.

    Nathan Friedman
    Coordinator, Programs & Services


  • "The contacts and the phone numbers listed on your pamphlet will be beneficial... both to our workers and our clients.

    Tanya Frost

    District of Cochrane Social Services Administration Board